order.go 715 B

  1. package sentio
  2. import "time"
  3. type Order interface {
  4. Market() string
  5. AccountId() string
  6. GetId() string
  7. GetCreatedAt() time.Time
  8. GetUpdatedAt() time.Time
  9. // HasReplacedBy The order ID that this order was replaced by
  10. HasReplacedBy() *string
  11. // HasReplaced The order ID that this order replaces
  12. HasReplaced() *string
  13. // GetLegs an array of Order entities associated with this order
  14. GetLegs() []Order
  15. GetStopLoss() Order
  16. GetTakeProfit() Order
  17. GetSymbol() string
  18. GetAction() OrderAction
  19. GetTimeInForce() TimeInForce
  20. GetSize() float64
  21. GetEntryPrice() float64
  22. GetExitPrice() float64
  23. GetLimitPrice() float64
  24. GetStopPrice() float64
  25. GetPnL() float64
  26. GetCurrency() string
  27. GetStatus() string
  28. }