location.graphql 6.9 KB

  1. # Represents the location where the physical good resides.
  2. type Location implements HasMetafieldDefinitions&HasMetafields&LegacyInteroperability&Node {
  3. # Whether this location can be reactivated.
  4. activatable: Boolean!
  5. # The address of this location.
  6. address: LocationAddress!
  7. # Whether the location address has been verified.
  8. addressVerified: Boolean!
  9. # Whether this location can be deactivated.
  10. deactivatable: Boolean!
  11. # The date and time (ISO 8601 format) that the location was deactivated at.
  12. # For example, 3:30 pm on September 7, 2019 in the time zone of UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) is represented as "2019-09-07T15:50:00Z".
  13. deactivatedAt: String
  14. # Whether this location can be deleted.
  15. deletable: Boolean!
  16. # Name of the service provider that fulfills from this location.
  17. fulfillmentService: FulfillmentService
  18. # Whether this location can fulfill online orders.
  19. fulfillsOnlineOrders: Boolean!
  20. # Whether this location has active inventory.
  21. hasActiveInventory: Boolean!
  22. # Whether this location has orders that need to be fulfilled.
  23. hasUnfulfilledOrders: Boolean!
  24. # A globally-unique identifier.
  25. id: ID!
  26. # The quantities of an inventory item at this location.
  27. inventoryLevel(inventoryItemId: ID!): InventoryLevel
  28. # A list of the quantities of the inventory items that can be stocked at this location.
  29. inventoryLevels(
  30. first: Int
  31. after: String
  32. last: Int
  33. before: String
  34. reverse: Boolean = false
  35. query: String
  36. ): InventoryLevelConnection!
  37. # Whether the location is active.
  38. isActive: Boolean!
  39. # The ID of the corresponding resource in the REST Admin API.
  40. legacyResourceId: UnsignedInt64!
  41. # Returns a metafield by namespace and key that belongs to the resource.
  42. metafield(namespace: String!key: String!): Metafield
  43. # List of metafield definitions.
  44. metafieldDefinitions(
  45. namespace: String
  46. pinnedStatus: MetafieldDefinitionPinnedStatus = ANY
  47. first: Int
  48. after: String
  49. last: Int
  50. before: String
  51. reverse: Boolean = false
  52. sortKey: MetafieldDefinitionSortKeys = ID
  53. query: String
  54. ): MetafieldDefinitionConnection!
  55. # List of metafields that belong to the resource.
  56. metafields(
  57. namespace: String
  58. first: Int
  59. after: String
  60. last: Int
  61. before: String
  62. reverse: Boolean = false
  63. ): MetafieldConnection!
  64. # The name of the location.
  65. name: String!
  66. # Returns a private metafield by namespace and key that belongs to the resource.
  67. privateMetafield(namespace: String!key: String!): PrivateMetafield
  68. # List of private metafields that belong to the resource.
  69. privateMetafields(
  70. namespace: String
  71. first: Int
  72. after: String
  73. last: Int
  74. before: String
  75. reverse: Boolean = false
  76. ): PrivateMetafieldConnection!
  77. # Whether this location is used for calculating shipping rates. In multi-origin shipping mode, this flag is ignored.
  78. shipsInventory: Boolean!
  79. # List of suggested addresses for this location (empty if none).
  80. suggestedAddresses: [LocationSuggestedAddress!]!
  81. }
  82. # Represents a suggested address for a location.
  83. type LocationSuggestedAddress {
  84. # The first line of the suggested address.
  85. address1: String
  86. # The second line of the suggested address.
  87. address2: String
  88. # The city of the suggested address.
  89. city: String
  90. # The country of the suggested address.
  91. country: String
  92. # The country code of the suggested address.
  93. countryCode: CountryCode
  94. # A formatted version of the suggested address.
  95. formatted: [String!]!
  96. # The province of the suggested address.
  97. province: String
  98. # The code for the province, state, or district of the suggested address.
  99. provinceCode: String
  100. # The ZIP code of the suggested address.
  101. zip: String
  102. }
  103. # Represents the address of a location.
  104. type LocationAddress {
  105. # The first line of the address for the location.
  106. address1: String
  107. # The second line of the address for the location.
  108. address2: String
  109. # The city of the location.
  110. city: String
  111. # The country of the location.
  112. country: String
  113. # The country code of the location.
  114. countryCode: String
  115. # A formatted version of the address for the location.
  116. formatted: [String!]!
  117. # The latitude coordinates of the location.
  118. latitude: Float
  119. # The longitude coordinates of the location.
  120. longitude: Float
  121. # The phone number of the location.
  122. phone: String
  123. # The province of the location.
  124. province: String
  125. # The code for the province, state, or district of the address of the location.
  126. provinceCode: String
  127. # The ZIP code of the location.
  128. zip: String
  129. }
  130. # The country-specific harmonized system code and ISO country code for an inventory item.
  131. type CountryHarmonizedSystemCode {
  132. # The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code for the country that issued the specified harmonized system code.
  133. countryCode: CountryCode!
  134. # The country-specific harmonized system code. These are usually longer than 6 digits.
  135. harmonizedSystemCode: String!
  136. }
  137. # An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Locations.
  138. type LocationConnection {
  139. # A list of edges.
  140. edges: [LocationEdge!]!
  141. # A list of the nodes contained in LocationEdge.
  142. nodes: [Location!]!
  143. # Information to aid in pagination.
  144. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  145. }
  146. # An auto-generated type which holds one Location and a cursor during pagination.
  147. type LocationEdge {
  148. # A cursor for use in pagination.
  149. cursor: String!
  150. # The item at the end of LocationEdge.
  151. node: Location!
  152. }
  153. # An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple CountryHarmonizedSystemCodes.
  154. type CountryHarmonizedSystemCodeConnection {
  155. # A list of edges.
  156. edges: [CountryHarmonizedSystemCodeEdge!]!
  157. # A list of the nodes contained in CountryHarmonizedSystemCodeEdge.
  158. nodes: [CountryHarmonizedSystemCode!]!
  159. # Information to aid in pagination.
  160. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  161. }
  162. # An auto-generated type which holds one CountryHarmonizedSystemCode and a cursor during pagination.
  163. type CountryHarmonizedSystemCodeEdge {
  164. # A cursor for use in pagination.
  165. cursor: String!
  166. # The item at the end of CountryHarmonizedSystemCodeEdge.
  167. node: CountryHarmonizedSystemCode!
  168. }
  169. # An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple MarketRegions.
  170. type MarketRegionConnection {
  171. # A list of edges.
  172. edges: [MarketRegionEdge!]!
  173. # A list of the nodes contained in MarketRegionEdge.
  174. nodes: [MarketRegion!]!
  175. # Information to aid in pagination.
  176. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  177. }
  178. # An auto-generated type which holds one MarketRegion and a cursor during pagination.
  179. type MarketRegionEdge {
  180. # A cursor for use in pagination.
  181. cursor: String!
  182. # The item at the end of MarketRegionEdge.
  183. node: MarketRegion!
  184. }