prod.graphql 230 KB

  1. schema
  2. @link(url: "")
  3. @link(url: "", for: EXECUTION)
  4. {
  5. query: Query
  6. mutation: Mutation
  7. }
  8. directive @join__field(graph: join__Graph!, requires: join__FieldSet, provides: join__FieldSet, type: String, external: Boolean, override: String, usedOverridden: Boolean) repeatable on FIELD_DEFINITION | INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION
  9. directive @join__graph(name: String!, url: String!) on ENUM_VALUE
  10. directive @join__implements(graph: join__Graph!, interface: String!) repeatable on OBJECT | INTERFACE
  11. directive @join__type(graph: join__Graph!, key: join__FieldSet, extension: Boolean! = false, resolvable: Boolean! = true) repeatable on OBJECT | INTERFACE | UNION | ENUM | INPUT_OBJECT | SCALAR
  12. directive @link(url: String, as: String, for: link__Purpose, import: [link__Import]) repeatable on SCHEMA
  13. type AccessScope
  14. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  15. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  16. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  17. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  18. {
  19. description: String!
  20. handle: String!
  21. }
  22. type App implements Node
  23. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  24. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER, key: "id")
  25. @join__type(graph: ORDER, key: "id")
  26. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT, key: "id")
  27. @join__type(graph: SHOP, key: "id")
  28. {
  29. id: ID!
  30. apiKey: String! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  31. appStoreAppUrl: URL @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  32. appStoreDeveloperUrl: URL @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  33. availableAccessScopes: [AccessScope!]! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  34. banner: Image! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  35. description: String @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  36. developerName: String @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  37. developerType: AppDeveloperType! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  38. embedded: Boolean! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  39. failedRequirements: [FailedRequirement!]! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  40. features: [String!]! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  41. feedback: AppFeedback @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  42. handle: String @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  43. icon: Image! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  44. installUrl: URL @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  45. installation: AppInstallation @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  46. isPostPurchaseAppInUse: Boolean! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  47. previouslyInstalled: Boolean! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  48. pricingDetails: String @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  49. pricingDetailsSummary: String! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  50. privacyPolicyUrl: URL @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  51. publicCategory: AppPublicCategory! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  52. published: Boolean! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  53. requestedAccessScopes: [AccessScope!]! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  54. screenshots: [Image!]! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  55. shopifyDeveloped: Boolean! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  56. title: String! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  57. uninstallMessage: String! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  58. webhookApiVersion: String! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  59. }
  60. type AppConnection
  61. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  62. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  63. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  64. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  65. {
  66. edges: [AppEdge!]!
  67. nodes: [App!]!
  68. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  69. }
  70. type AppCredit implements Node
  71. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  72. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  73. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  74. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  75. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  76. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  77. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  78. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  79. {
  80. amount: MoneyV2!
  81. createdAt: DateTime!
  82. description: String!
  83. id: ID!
  84. test: Boolean!
  85. }
  86. type AppCreditConnection
  87. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  88. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  89. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  90. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  91. {
  92. edges: [AppCreditEdge!]!
  93. nodes: [AppCredit!]!
  94. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  95. }
  96. type AppCreditEdge
  97. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  98. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  99. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  100. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  101. {
  102. cursor: String!
  103. node: AppCredit!
  104. }
  105. enum AppDeveloperType
  106. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  107. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  108. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  109. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  110. {
  111. SHOPIFY
  112. PARTNER
  114. UNKNOWN
  115. }
  116. type AppEdge
  117. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  118. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  119. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  120. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  121. {
  122. cursor: String!
  123. node: App!
  124. }
  125. type AppFeedback
  126. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  127. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  128. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  129. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  130. {
  131. app: App!
  132. link: Link
  133. messages: [UserError!]!
  134. }
  135. type AppInstallation implements HasMetafields & Node
  136. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "HasMetafields")
  137. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  138. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "HasMetafields")
  139. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  140. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "HasMetafields")
  141. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  142. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "HasMetafields")
  143. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  144. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  145. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  146. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  147. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  148. {
  149. accessScopes: [AccessScope!]!
  150. activeSubscriptions: [AppSubscription!]!
  151. allSubscriptions(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: AppSubscriptionSortKeys = CREATED_AT): AppSubscriptionConnection!
  152. app: App!
  153. credits(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: AppTransactionSortKeys = CREATED_AT): AppCreditConnection!
  154. id: ID!
  155. launchUrl: URL!
  156. metafield(namespace: String!, key: String!): Metafield
  157. metafields(namespace: String, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): MetafieldConnection!
  158. oneTimePurchases(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: AppTransactionSortKeys = CREATED_AT): AppPurchaseOneTimeConnection!
  159. privateMetafield(namespace: String!, key: String!): PrivateMetafield
  160. privateMetafields(namespace: String, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): PrivateMetafieldConnection!
  161. publication: Publication
  162. revenueAttributionRecords(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: AppRevenueAttributionRecordSortKeys = CREATED_AT): AppRevenueAttributionRecordConnection!
  163. uninstallUrl: URL
  164. }
  165. type AppPlanV2
  166. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  167. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  168. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  169. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  170. {
  171. pricingDetails: AppPricingDetails!
  172. }
  173. union AppPricingDetails
  174. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  175. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  176. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  177. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  178. = AppRecurringPricing | AppUsagePricing
  179. enum AppPricingInterval
  180. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  181. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  182. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  183. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  184. {
  185. ANNUAL
  186. EVERY_30_DAYS
  187. }
  188. enum AppPublicCategory
  189. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  190. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  191. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  192. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  193. {
  194. PRIVATE
  195. PUBLIC
  196. CUSTOM
  197. OTHER
  198. }
  199. interface AppPurchase
  200. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  201. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  202. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  203. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  204. {
  205. createdAt: DateTime!
  206. name: String!
  207. price: MoneyV2!
  208. status: AppPurchaseStatus!
  209. test: Boolean!
  210. }
  211. type AppPurchaseOneTime implements AppPurchase & Node
  212. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "AppPurchase")
  213. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  214. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "AppPurchase")
  215. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  216. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "AppPurchase")
  217. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  218. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "AppPurchase")
  219. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  220. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  221. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  222. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  223. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  224. {
  225. createdAt: DateTime!
  226. id: ID!
  227. name: String!
  228. price: MoneyV2!
  229. status: AppPurchaseStatus!
  230. test: Boolean!
  231. }
  232. type AppPurchaseOneTimeConnection
  233. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  234. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  235. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  236. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  237. {
  238. edges: [AppPurchaseOneTimeEdge!]!
  239. nodes: [AppPurchaseOneTime!]!
  240. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  241. }
  242. type AppPurchaseOneTimeEdge
  243. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  244. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  245. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  246. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  247. {
  248. cursor: String!
  249. node: AppPurchaseOneTime!
  250. }
  251. enum AppPurchaseStatus
  252. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  253. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  254. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  255. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  256. {
  257. ACTIVE
  259. EXPIRED
  260. PENDING
  261. }
  262. type AppRecurringPricing
  263. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  264. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  265. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  266. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  267. {
  268. discount: AppSubscriptionDiscount
  269. interval: AppPricingInterval!
  270. price: MoneyV2!
  271. }
  272. type AppRevenueAttributionRecord implements Node
  273. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  274. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  275. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  276. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  277. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  278. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  279. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  280. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  281. {
  282. amount: MoneyV2!
  283. capturedAt: DateTime!
  284. createdAt: DateTime!
  285. id: ID!
  286. idempotencyKey: String!
  287. test: Boolean!
  288. type: AppRevenueAttributionType!
  289. }
  290. type AppRevenueAttributionRecordConnection
  291. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  292. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  293. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  294. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  295. {
  296. edges: [AppRevenueAttributionRecordEdge!]!
  297. nodes: [AppRevenueAttributionRecord!]!
  298. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  299. }
  300. type AppRevenueAttributionRecordEdge
  301. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  302. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  303. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  304. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  305. {
  306. cursor: String!
  307. node: AppRevenueAttributionRecord!
  308. }
  309. enum AppRevenueAttributionRecordSortKeys
  310. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  311. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  312. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  313. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  314. {
  316. ID
  318. }
  319. enum AppRevenueAttributionType
  320. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  321. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  322. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  323. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  324. {
  328. OTHER
  329. }
  330. type AppSubscription implements Node
  331. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  332. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  333. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  334. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  335. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  336. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  337. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  338. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  339. {
  340. createdAt: DateTime!
  341. currentPeriodEnd: DateTime
  342. id: ID!
  343. lineItems: [AppSubscriptionLineItem!]!
  344. name: String!
  345. returnUrl: URL!
  346. status: AppSubscriptionStatus!
  347. test: Boolean!
  348. trialDays: Int!
  349. }
  350. type AppSubscriptionConnection
  351. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  352. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  353. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  354. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  355. {
  356. edges: [AppSubscriptionEdge!]!
  357. nodes: [AppSubscription!]!
  358. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  359. }
  360. type AppSubscriptionDiscount
  361. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  362. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  363. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  364. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  365. {
  366. durationLimitInIntervals: Int
  367. priceAfterDiscount: MoneyV2!
  368. remainingDurationInIntervals: Int
  369. value: AppSubscriptionDiscountValue!
  370. }
  371. type AppSubscriptionDiscountAmount
  372. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  373. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  374. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  375. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  376. {
  377. amount: MoneyV2!
  378. }
  379. type AppSubscriptionDiscountPercentage
  380. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  381. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  382. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  383. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  384. {
  385. percentage: Float!
  386. }
  387. union AppSubscriptionDiscountValue
  388. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  389. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  390. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  391. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  392. = AppSubscriptionDiscountAmount | AppSubscriptionDiscountPercentage
  393. type AppSubscriptionEdge
  394. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  395. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  396. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  397. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  398. {
  399. cursor: String!
  400. node: AppSubscription!
  401. }
  402. type AppSubscriptionLineItem
  403. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  404. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  405. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  406. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  407. {
  408. id: ID!
  409. plan: AppPlanV2!
  410. usageRecords(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: AppUsageRecordSortKeys = CREATED_AT): AppUsageRecordConnection!
  411. }
  412. enum AppSubscriptionSortKeys
  413. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  414. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  415. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  416. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  417. {
  419. ID
  421. }
  422. enum AppSubscriptionStatus
  423. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  424. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  425. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  426. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  427. {
  428. PENDING
  429. ACTIVE
  431. EXPIRED
  432. FROZEN
  434. }
  435. enum AppTransactionSortKeys
  436. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  437. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  438. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  439. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  440. {
  442. ID
  444. }
  445. type AppUsagePricing
  446. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  447. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  448. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  449. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  450. {
  451. balanceUsed: MoneyV2!
  452. cappedAmount: MoneyV2!
  453. interval: AppPricingInterval!
  454. terms: String!
  455. }
  456. type AppUsageRecord implements Node
  457. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  458. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  459. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  460. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  461. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  462. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  463. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  464. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  465. {
  466. createdAt: DateTime!
  467. description: String!
  468. id: ID!
  469. price: MoneyV2!
  470. subscriptionLineItem: AppSubscriptionLineItem!
  471. }
  472. type AppUsageRecordConnection
  473. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  474. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  475. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  476. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  477. {
  478. edges: [AppUsageRecordEdge!]!
  479. nodes: [AppUsageRecord!]!
  480. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  481. }
  482. type AppUsageRecordEdge
  483. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  484. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  485. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  486. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  487. {
  488. cursor: String!
  489. node: AppUsageRecord!
  490. }
  491. enum AppUsageRecordSortKeys
  492. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  493. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  494. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  495. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  496. {
  498. ID
  500. }
  501. type Attribute
  502. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  503. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  504. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  505. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  506. {
  507. key: String!
  508. value: String
  509. }
  510. type AutomaticDiscountApplication implements DiscountApplication
  511. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "DiscountApplication")
  512. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "DiscountApplication")
  513. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "DiscountApplication")
  514. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "DiscountApplication")
  515. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  516. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  517. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  518. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  519. {
  520. allocationMethod: DiscountApplicationAllocationMethod!
  521. index: Int!
  522. targetSelection: DiscountApplicationTargetSelection!
  523. targetType: DiscountApplicationTargetType!
  524. title: String!
  525. value: PricingValue!
  526. }
  527. type AvailableChannelDefinitionsByChannel
  528. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  529. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  530. {
  531. channelDefinitions: [ChannelDefinition!]!
  532. channelName: String!
  533. }
  534. type BasicEvent implements Event & Node
  535. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Event")
  536. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  537. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Event")
  538. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  539. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Event")
  540. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  541. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Event")
  542. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  543. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  544. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  545. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  546. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  547. {
  548. appTitle: String
  549. attributeToApp: Boolean!
  550. attributeToUser: Boolean!
  551. createdAt: DateTime!
  552. criticalAlert: Boolean!
  553. id: ID!
  554. message: FormattedString!
  555. }
  556. type BuyerExperienceConfiguration
  557. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  558. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  559. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  560. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  561. {
  562. checkoutToDraft: Boolean!
  563. payNowOnly: Boolean!
  564. paymentTermsTemplate: PaymentTermsTemplate
  565. }
  566. type ChannelDefinition implements Node
  567. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  568. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  569. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  570. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  571. {
  572. channelName: String!
  573. handle: String!
  574. id: ID!
  575. subChannelName: String!
  576. svgIcon: String
  577. }
  578. type ChannelInformation implements Node
  579. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  580. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  581. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  582. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  583. {
  584. app: App!
  585. channelDefinition: ChannelDefinition
  586. channelId: ID!
  587. id: ID!
  588. }
  589. type Collection implements HasMetafieldDefinitions & HasMetafields & HasPublishedTranslations & Node & Publishable
  590. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "HasMetafieldDefinitions")
  591. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "HasMetafields")
  592. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "HasPublishedTranslations")
  593. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  594. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Publishable")
  595. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER, key: "id")
  596. @join__type(graph: ORDER, key: "id")
  597. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT, key: "id")
  598. @join__type(graph: SHOP, key: "id")
  599. {
  600. id: ID!
  601. availablePublicationCount: Int! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  602. description(truncateAt: Int): String! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  603. descriptionHtml: HTML! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  604. feedback: ResourceFeedback @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  605. handle: String! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  606. hasProduct(id: ID!): Boolean! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  607. image: Image @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  608. legacyResourceId: UnsignedInt64! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  609. metafield(namespace: String!, key: String!): Metafield @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  610. metafieldDefinitions(namespace: String, pinnedStatus: MetafieldDefinitionPinnedStatus = ANY, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: MetafieldDefinitionSortKeys = ID, query: String): MetafieldDefinitionConnection! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  611. metafields(namespace: String, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): MetafieldConnection! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  612. privateMetafield(namespace: String!, key: String!): PrivateMetafield @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  613. privateMetafields(namespace: String, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): PrivateMetafieldConnection! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  614. products(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: ProductCollectionSortKeys = COLLECTION_DEFAULT): ProductConnection! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  615. productsCount: Int! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  616. publicationCount(onlyPublished: Boolean = true): Int! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  617. publishedOnCurrentPublication: Boolean! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  618. publishedOnPublication(publicationId: ID!): Boolean! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  619. resourcePublications(onlyPublished: Boolean = true, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): ResourcePublicationConnection! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  620. resourcePublicationsV2(onlyPublished: Boolean = true, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): ResourcePublicationV2Connection! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  621. ruleSet: CollectionRuleSet @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  622. seo: SEO! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  623. sortOrder: CollectionSortOrder! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  624. templateSuffix: String @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  625. title: String! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  626. translations(locale: String!, marketId: ID): [PublishedTranslation!]! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  627. unpublishedPublications(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): PublicationConnection! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  628. updatedAt: DateTime! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  629. }
  630. type CollectionConnection
  631. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  632. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  633. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  634. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  635. {
  636. edges: [CollectionEdge!]!
  637. nodes: [Collection!]!
  638. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  639. }
  640. type CollectionEdge
  641. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  642. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  643. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  644. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  645. {
  646. cursor: String!
  647. node: Collection!
  648. }
  649. type CollectionRule
  650. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  651. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  652. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  653. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  654. {
  655. appliedDisjunctively: Boolean!
  656. rules: [CollectionRule!]!
  657. }
  658. type CollectionRuleSet
  659. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  660. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  661. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  662. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  663. {
  664. appliedDisjunctively: Boolean!
  665. rules: [CollectionRule!]!
  666. }
  667. enum CollectionSortKeys
  668. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  669. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  670. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  671. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  672. {
  673. TITLE
  675. ID
  677. }
  678. enum CollectionSortOrder
  679. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  680. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  681. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  682. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  683. {
  684. ALPHA_ASC
  687. CREATED
  689. MANUAL
  690. PRICE_ASC
  692. }
  693. union CommentEventEmbed
  694. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  695. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  696. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  697. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  698. = Customer | DraftOrder | Order | Product | ProductVariant
  699. interface CommentEventSubject
  700. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  701. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  702. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  703. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  704. {
  705. id: ID!
  706. hasTimelineComment: Boolean!
  707. }
  708. type Company implements CommentEventSubject & HasEvents & Navigable & Node
  709. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "CommentEventSubject")
  710. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "HasEvents")
  711. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Navigable")
  712. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  713. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "CommentEventSubject")
  714. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "HasEvents")
  715. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Navigable")
  716. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  717. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "CommentEventSubject")
  718. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "HasEvents")
  719. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Navigable")
  720. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  721. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "CommentEventSubject")
  722. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "HasEvents")
  723. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Navigable")
  724. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  725. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  726. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  727. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  728. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  729. {
  730. contactCount: Int!
  731. contactRoles(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: CompanyContactRoleSortKeys = ID): CompanyContactRoleConnection!
  732. contacts(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: CompanyContactSortKeys = ID, query: String): CompanyContactConnection!
  733. createdAt: DateTime!
  734. customerSince: DateTime!
  735. defaultCursor: String!
  736. defaultRole: CompanyContactRole
  737. draftOrders(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: DraftOrderSortKeys = ID, query: String): DraftOrderConnection!
  738. events(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: EventSortKeys = ID, query: String): EventConnection!
  739. externalId: String
  740. hasTimelineComment: Boolean!
  741. id: ID!
  742. lifetimeDuration: String!
  743. locationCount: Int!
  744. locations(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: CompanyLocationSortKeys = ID, query: String): CompanyLocationConnection!
  745. mainContact: CompanyContact
  746. name: String!
  747. note: String
  748. orderCount: Int!
  749. orders(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: OrderSortKeys = ID): OrderConnection!
  750. totalSpent: MoneyV2!
  751. updatedAt: DateTime!
  752. }
  753. type CompanyAddress implements Node
  754. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  755. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  756. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  757. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  758. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  759. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  760. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  761. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  762. {
  763. address1: String!
  764. address2: String
  765. city: String
  766. companyName: String!
  767. country: String
  768. countryCode: CountryCode!
  769. createdAt: DateTime!
  770. formattedArea: String
  771. id: ID!
  772. phone: String
  773. province: String
  774. recipient: String
  775. updatedAt: DateTime!
  776. zip: String
  777. zoneCode: String
  778. }
  779. type CompanyContact implements Node
  780. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  781. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  782. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  783. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  784. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  785. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  786. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  787. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  788. {
  789. company: Company!
  790. createdAt: DateTime!
  791. customer: Customer!
  792. draftOrders(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: DraftOrderSortKeys = ID, query: String): DraftOrderConnection!
  793. id: ID!
  794. isMainContact: Boolean!
  795. lifetimeDuration: String!
  796. locale: String
  797. orders(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: OrderSortKeys = ID): OrderConnection!
  798. roleAssignments(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: CompanyContactRoleAssignmentSortKeys = ID, query: String): CompanyContactRoleAssignmentConnection!
  799. title: String
  800. updatedAt: DateTime!
  801. }
  802. type CompanyContactConnection
  803. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  804. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  805. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  806. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  807. {
  808. edges: [CompanyContactEdge!]!
  809. nodes: [CompanyContact!]!
  810. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  811. }
  812. type CompanyContactEdge
  813. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  814. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  815. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  816. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  817. {
  818. cursor: String!
  819. node: CompanyContact!
  820. }
  821. type CompanyContactRole implements Node
  822. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  823. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  824. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  825. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  826. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  827. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  828. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  829. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  830. {
  831. id: ID!
  832. name: String!
  833. note: String
  834. }
  835. type CompanyContactRoleAssignment implements Node
  836. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  837. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  838. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  839. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  840. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  841. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  842. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  843. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  844. {
  845. company: Company!
  846. companyContact: CompanyContact!
  847. companyLocation: CompanyLocation!
  848. createdAt: DateTime!
  849. id: ID!
  850. role: CompanyContactRole!
  851. updatedAt: DateTime!
  852. }
  853. type CompanyContactRoleAssignmentConnection
  854. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  855. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  856. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  857. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  858. {
  859. edges: [CompanyContactRoleAssignmentEdge!]!
  860. nodes: [CompanyContactRoleAssignment!]!
  861. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  862. }
  863. type CompanyContactRoleAssignmentEdge
  864. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  865. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  866. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  867. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  868. {
  869. cursor: String!
  870. node: CompanyContactRoleAssignment!
  871. }
  872. enum CompanyContactRoleAssignmentSortKeys
  873. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  874. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  875. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  876. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  877. {
  881. ID
  883. }
  884. type CompanyContactRoleConnection
  885. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  886. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  887. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  888. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  889. {
  890. edges: [CompanyContactRoleEdge!]!
  891. nodes: [CompanyContactRole!]!
  892. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  893. }
  894. type CompanyContactRoleEdge
  895. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  896. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  897. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  898. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  899. {
  900. cursor: String!
  901. node: CompanyContactRole!
  902. }
  903. enum CompanyContactRoleSortKeys
  904. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  905. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  906. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  907. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  908. {
  911. ID
  913. }
  914. enum CompanyContactSortKeys
  915. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  916. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  917. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  918. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  919. {
  922. TITLE
  924. NAME
  925. EMAIL
  927. ID
  929. }
  930. type CompanyLocation implements CommentEventSubject & HasEvents & Navigable & Node
  931. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "CommentEventSubject")
  932. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "HasEvents")
  933. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Navigable")
  934. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  935. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "CommentEventSubject")
  936. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "HasEvents")
  937. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Navigable")
  938. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  939. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "CommentEventSubject")
  940. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "HasEvents")
  941. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Navigable")
  942. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  943. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "CommentEventSubject")
  944. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "HasEvents")
  945. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Navigable")
  946. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  947. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  948. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  949. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  950. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  951. {
  952. billingAddress: CompanyAddress
  953. buyerExperienceConfiguration: BuyerExperienceConfiguration
  954. company: Company!
  955. createdAt: DateTime!
  956. currency: CurrencyCode!
  957. defaultCursor: String!
  958. draftOrders(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: DraftOrderSortKeys = ID, query: String): DraftOrderConnection!
  959. events(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: EventSortKeys = ID, query: String): EventConnection!
  960. externalId: String
  961. hasTimelineComment: Boolean!
  962. id: ID!
  963. locale: String
  964. market: Market!
  965. name: String!
  966. note: String
  967. orderCount: Int!
  968. orders(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: OrderSortKeys = ID): OrderConnection!
  969. phone: String
  970. roleAssignments(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: CompanyContactRoleAssignmentSortKeys = ID, query: String): CompanyContactRoleAssignmentConnection!
  971. shippingAddress: CompanyAddress
  972. taxExemptions: [TaxExemption!]!
  973. taxRegistrationId: String
  974. totalSpent: MoneyV2!
  975. updatedAt: DateTime!
  976. }
  977. type CompanyLocationConnection
  978. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  979. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  980. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  981. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  982. {
  983. edges: [CompanyLocationEdge!]!
  984. nodes: [CompanyLocation!]!
  985. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  986. }
  987. type CompanyLocationEdge
  988. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  989. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  990. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  991. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  992. {
  993. cursor: String!
  994. node: CompanyLocation!
  995. }
  996. enum CompanyLocationSortKeys
  997. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  998. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  999. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1000. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1001. {
  1002. CREATED_AT
  1003. UPDATED_AT
  1004. NAME
  1005. COMPANY_ID
  1007. ID
  1009. }
  1010. input ContextualPricingContext
  1011. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1012. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1013. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1014. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1015. {
  1016. country: CountryCode
  1017. companyLocationId: ID
  1018. }
  1019. type CountriesInShippingZones
  1020. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1021. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1022. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1023. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1024. {
  1025. countryCodes: [CountryCode!]!
  1026. includeRestOfWorld: Boolean!
  1027. }
  1028. enum CountryCode
  1029. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1030. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1031. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1032. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1033. {
  1034. AF
  1035. AX
  1036. AL
  1037. DZ
  1038. AD
  1039. AO
  1040. AI
  1041. AG
  1042. AR
  1043. AM
  1044. AW
  1045. AC
  1046. AU
  1047. AT
  1048. AZ
  1049. BS
  1050. BH
  1051. BD
  1052. BB
  1053. BY
  1054. BE
  1055. BZ
  1056. BJ
  1057. BM
  1058. BT
  1059. BO
  1060. BA
  1061. BW
  1062. BV
  1063. BR
  1064. IO
  1065. BN
  1066. BG
  1067. BF
  1068. BI
  1069. KH
  1070. CA
  1071. CV
  1072. BQ
  1073. KY
  1074. CF
  1075. TD
  1076. CL
  1077. CN
  1078. CX
  1079. CC
  1080. CO
  1081. KM
  1082. CG
  1083. CD
  1084. CK
  1085. CR
  1086. HR
  1087. CU
  1088. CW
  1089. CY
  1090. CZ
  1091. CI
  1092. DK
  1093. DJ
  1094. DM
  1095. DO
  1096. EC
  1097. EG
  1098. SV
  1099. GQ
  1100. ER
  1101. EE
  1102. SZ
  1103. ET
  1104. FK
  1105. FO
  1106. FJ
  1107. FI
  1108. FR
  1109. GF
  1110. PF
  1111. TF
  1112. GA
  1113. GM
  1114. GE
  1115. DE
  1116. GH
  1117. GI
  1118. GR
  1119. GL
  1120. GD
  1121. GP
  1122. GT
  1123. GG
  1124. GN
  1125. GW
  1126. GY
  1127. HT
  1128. HM
  1129. VA
  1130. HN
  1131. HK
  1132. HU
  1133. IS
  1134. IN
  1135. ID
  1136. IR
  1137. IQ
  1138. IE
  1139. IM
  1140. IL
  1141. IT
  1142. JM
  1143. JP
  1144. JE
  1145. JO
  1146. KZ
  1147. KE
  1148. KI
  1149. KP
  1150. XK
  1151. KW
  1152. KG
  1153. LA
  1154. LV
  1155. LB
  1156. LS
  1157. LR
  1158. LY
  1159. LI
  1160. LT
  1161. LU
  1162. MO
  1163. MG
  1164. MW
  1165. MY
  1166. MV
  1167. ML
  1168. MT
  1169. MQ
  1170. MR
  1171. MU
  1172. YT
  1173. MX
  1174. MD
  1175. MC
  1176. MN
  1177. ME
  1178. MS
  1179. MA
  1180. MZ
  1181. MM
  1182. NA
  1183. NR
  1184. NP
  1185. NL
  1186. AN
  1187. NC
  1188. NZ
  1189. NI
  1190. NE
  1191. NG
  1192. NU
  1193. NF
  1194. MK
  1195. NO
  1196. OM
  1197. PK
  1198. PS
  1199. PA
  1200. PG
  1201. PY
  1202. PE
  1203. PH
  1204. PN
  1205. PL
  1206. PT
  1207. QA
  1208. CM
  1209. RE
  1210. RO
  1211. RU
  1212. RW
  1213. BL
  1214. SH
  1215. KN
  1216. LC
  1217. MF
  1218. PM
  1219. WS
  1220. SM
  1221. ST
  1222. SA
  1223. SN
  1224. RS
  1225. SC
  1226. SL
  1227. SG
  1228. SX
  1229. SK
  1230. SI
  1231. SB
  1232. SO
  1233. ZA
  1234. GS
  1235. KR
  1236. SS
  1237. ES
  1238. LK
  1239. VC
  1240. SD
  1241. SR
  1242. SJ
  1243. SE
  1244. CH
  1245. SY
  1246. TW
  1247. TJ
  1248. TZ
  1249. TH
  1250. TL
  1251. TG
  1252. TK
  1253. TO
  1254. TT
  1255. TA
  1256. TN
  1257. TR
  1258. TM
  1259. TC
  1260. TV
  1261. UG
  1262. UA
  1263. AE
  1264. GB
  1265. US
  1266. UM
  1267. UY
  1268. UZ
  1269. VU
  1270. VE
  1271. VN
  1272. VG
  1273. WF
  1274. EH
  1275. YE
  1276. ZM
  1277. ZW
  1278. ZZ
  1279. }
  1280. type CountryHarmonizedSystemCode
  1281. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1282. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1283. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1284. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1285. {
  1286. countryCode: CountryCode!
  1287. harmonizedSystemCode: String!
  1288. }
  1289. type CountryHarmonizedSystemCodeConnection
  1290. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1291. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1292. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1293. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1294. {
  1295. edges: [CountryHarmonizedSystemCodeEdge!]!
  1296. nodes: [CountryHarmonizedSystemCode!]!
  1297. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  1298. }
  1299. type CountryHarmonizedSystemCodeEdge
  1300. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1301. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1302. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1303. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1304. {
  1305. cursor: String!
  1306. node: CountryHarmonizedSystemCode!
  1307. }
  1308. input CreateMediaInput
  1309. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1310. {
  1311. originalSource: String!
  1312. alt: String
  1313. mediaContentType: MediaContentType!
  1314. }
  1315. enum CropRegion
  1316. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1317. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1318. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1319. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1320. {
  1321. CENTER
  1322. TOP
  1323. BOTTOM
  1324. LEFT
  1325. RIGHT
  1326. }
  1327. enum CurrencyCode
  1328. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1329. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1330. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1331. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1332. {
  1333. AED
  1334. AFN
  1335. ALL
  1336. AMD
  1337. ANG
  1338. AOA
  1339. ARS
  1340. AUD
  1341. AWG
  1342. AZN
  1343. BAM
  1344. BBD
  1345. BDT
  1346. BGN
  1347. BHD
  1348. BIF
  1349. BMD
  1350. BND
  1351. BOB
  1352. BRL
  1353. BSD
  1354. BTN
  1355. BWP
  1356. BYN
  1357. BZD
  1358. CAD
  1359. CDF
  1360. CHF
  1361. CLP
  1362. CNY
  1363. COP
  1364. CRC
  1365. CVE
  1366. CZK
  1367. DJF
  1368. DKK
  1369. DOP
  1370. DZD
  1371. EGP
  1372. ERN
  1373. ETB
  1374. EUR
  1375. FJD
  1376. FKP
  1377. GBP
  1378. GEL
  1379. GHS
  1380. GIP
  1381. GMD
  1382. GNF
  1383. GTQ
  1384. GYD
  1385. HKD
  1386. HNL
  1387. HRK
  1388. HTG
  1389. HUF
  1390. IDR
  1391. ILS
  1392. INR
  1393. IQD
  1394. IRR
  1395. ISK
  1396. JEP
  1397. JMD
  1398. JOD
  1399. JPY
  1400. KES
  1401. KGS
  1402. KHR
  1403. KID
  1404. KMF
  1405. KRW
  1406. KWD
  1407. KYD
  1408. KZT
  1409. LAK
  1410. LBP
  1411. LKR
  1412. LRD
  1413. LSL
  1414. LTL
  1415. LVL
  1416. LYD
  1417. MAD
  1418. MDL
  1419. MGA
  1420. MKD
  1421. MMK
  1422. MNT
  1423. MOP
  1424. MRU
  1425. MUR
  1426. MVR
  1427. MWK
  1428. MXN
  1429. MYR
  1430. MZN
  1431. NAD
  1432. NGN
  1433. NIO
  1434. NOK
  1435. NPR
  1436. NZD
  1437. OMR
  1438. PAB
  1439. PEN
  1440. PGK
  1441. PHP
  1442. PKR
  1443. PLN
  1444. PYG
  1445. QAR
  1446. RON
  1447. RSD
  1448. RUB
  1449. RWF
  1450. SAR
  1451. SBD
  1452. SCR
  1453. SDG
  1454. SEK
  1455. SGD
  1456. SHP
  1457. SLL
  1458. SOS
  1459. SRD
  1460. SSP
  1461. STN
  1462. SYP
  1463. SZL
  1464. THB
  1465. TJS
  1466. TMT
  1467. TND
  1468. TOP
  1469. TRY
  1470. TTD
  1471. TWD
  1472. TZS
  1473. UAH
  1474. UGX
  1475. USD
  1476. UYU
  1477. UZS
  1478. VED
  1479. VES
  1480. VND
  1481. VUV
  1482. WST
  1483. XAF
  1484. XCD
  1485. XOF
  1486. XPF
  1487. XXX
  1488. YER
  1489. ZAR
  1490. ZMW
  1491. BYR @deprecated
  1492. }
  1493. type CurrencyFormats
  1494. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1495. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1496. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1497. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1498. {
  1499. moneyFormat: FormattedString!
  1500. moneyInEmailsFormat: String!
  1501. moneyWithCurrencyFormat: FormattedString!
  1502. moneyWithCurrencyInEmailsFormat: String!
  1503. }
  1504. type CurrencySetting
  1505. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1506. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1507. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1508. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1509. {
  1510. currencyCode: CurrencyCode!
  1511. currencyName: String!
  1512. enabled: Boolean!
  1513. rateUpdatedAt: DateTime
  1514. }
  1515. type CurrencySettingConnection
  1516. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1517. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1518. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1519. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1520. {
  1521. edges: [CurrencySettingEdge!]!
  1522. nodes: [CurrencySetting!]!
  1523. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  1524. }
  1525. type CurrencySettingEdge
  1526. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1527. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1528. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1529. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1530. {
  1531. cursor: String!
  1532. node: CurrencySetting!
  1533. }
  1534. type Customer implements CommentEventSubject & HasEvents & HasMetafieldDefinitions & HasMetafields & LegacyInteroperability & Node
  1535. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "CommentEventSubject")
  1536. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "HasEvents")
  1537. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "HasMetafieldDefinitions")
  1538. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "HasMetafields")
  1539. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "LegacyInteroperability")
  1540. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  1541. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER, key: "id")
  1542. @join__type(graph: ORDER, key: "id")
  1543. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT, key: "id")
  1544. @join__type(graph: SHOP, key: "id")
  1545. {
  1546. addresses(first: Int): [MailingAddress!]! @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1547. amountSpent: MoneyV2! @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1548. averageOrderAmountV2: MoneyV2 @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1549. canDelete: Boolean! @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1550. companyContactProfiles: [CompanyContact!]! @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1551. createdAt: DateTime! @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1552. defaultAddress: MailingAddress @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1553. displayName: String! @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1554. email: String @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1555. emailMarketingConsent: CustomerEmailMarketingConsentState @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1556. events(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: EventSortKeys = ID, query: String): EventConnection! @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1557. firstName: String @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1558. hasTimelineComment: Boolean! @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1559. id: ID!
  1560. image: Image! @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1561. lastName: String @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1562. lastOrder: Order @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1563. legacyResourceId: UnsignedInt64! @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1564. lifetimeDuration: String! @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1565. locale: String! @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1566. market: Market @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1567. metafield(namespace: String!, key: String!): Metafield @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1568. metafieldDefinitions(namespace: String, pinnedStatus: MetafieldDefinitionPinnedStatus = ANY, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: MetafieldDefinitionSortKeys = ID, query: String): MetafieldDefinitionConnection! @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1569. metafields(namespace: String, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): MetafieldConnection! @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1570. multipassIdentifier: String @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1571. note: String @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1572. numberOfOrders: UnsignedInt64! @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1573. orders(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: OrderSortKeys = ID, query: String): OrderConnection! @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1574. paymentMethods(showRevoked: Boolean = false, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): CustomerPaymentMethodConnection! @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1575. phone: String @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1576. privateMetafield(namespace: String!, key: String!): PrivateMetafield @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1577. privateMetafields(namespace: String, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): PrivateMetafieldConnection! @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1578. productSubscriberStatus: CustomerProductSubscriberStatus! @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1579. smsMarketingConsent: CustomerSmsMarketingConsentState @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1580. state: CustomerState! @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1581. statistics: CustomerStatistics! @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1582. subscriptionContracts(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): SubscriptionContractConnection! @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1583. tags: [String!]! @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1584. taxExempt: Boolean! @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1585. taxExemptions: [TaxExemption!]! @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1586. unsubscribeUrl: URL! @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1587. updatedAt: DateTime! @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1588. validEmailAddress: Boolean! @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1589. verifiedEmail: Boolean! @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1590. }
  1591. enum CustomerConsentCollectedFrom
  1592. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1593. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1594. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1595. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1596. {
  1597. SHOPIFY
  1598. OTHER
  1599. }
  1600. type CustomerCreatePayload
  1601. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1602. {
  1603. customer: Customer
  1604. userErrors: [UserError!]!
  1605. }
  1606. type CustomerCreditCard
  1607. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1608. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1609. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1610. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1611. {
  1612. billingAddress: CustomerCreditCardBillingAddress
  1613. brand: String!
  1614. expiresSoon: Boolean!
  1615. expiryMonth: Int!
  1616. expiryYear: Int!
  1617. firstDigits: String
  1618. isRevocable: Boolean!
  1619. lastDigits: String!
  1620. maskedNumber: String!
  1621. name: String!
  1622. source: String
  1623. virtualLastDigits: String
  1624. }
  1625. type CustomerCreditCardBillingAddress
  1626. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1627. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1628. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1629. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1630. {
  1631. address1: String
  1632. city: String
  1633. country: String
  1634. countryCode: CountryCode
  1635. province: String
  1636. provinceCode: String
  1637. zip: String
  1638. }
  1639. type CustomerEmailMarketingConsentState
  1640. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1641. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1642. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1643. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1644. {
  1645. consentUpdatedAt: DateTime
  1646. marketingOptInLevel: CustomerMarketingOptInLevel
  1647. marketingState: CustomerEmailMarketingState!
  1648. }
  1649. enum CustomerEmailMarketingState
  1650. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1651. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1652. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1653. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1654. {
  1656. PENDING
  1659. REDACTED
  1660. INVALID
  1661. }
  1662. input CustomerInput
  1663. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1664. {
  1665. addresses: [MailingAddressInput!]
  1666. email: String
  1667. firstName: String
  1668. id: ID
  1669. lastName: String
  1670. locale: String
  1671. metafields: [MetafieldInput!]
  1672. note: String
  1673. phone: String
  1674. privateMetafields: [PrivateMetafieldInput!]
  1675. tags: [String!]
  1676. }
  1677. type CustomerJourneySummary
  1678. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1679. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1680. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1681. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1682. {
  1683. customerOrderIndex: Int
  1684. daysToConversion: Int
  1685. firstVisit: CustomerVisit
  1686. lastVisit: CustomerVisit
  1687. moments(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): CustomerMomentConnection
  1688. momentsCount: Int
  1689. ready: Boolean!
  1690. }
  1691. enum CustomerMarketingOptInLevel
  1692. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1693. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1694. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1695. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1696. {
  1699. UNKNOWN
  1700. }
  1701. interface CustomerMoment
  1702. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1703. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1704. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1705. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1706. {
  1707. occurredAt: DateTime!
  1708. }
  1709. type CustomerMomentConnection
  1710. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1711. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1712. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1713. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1714. {
  1715. edges: [CustomerMomentEdge!]!
  1716. nodes: [CustomerMoment!]!
  1717. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  1718. }
  1719. type CustomerMomentEdge
  1720. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1721. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1722. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1723. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1724. {
  1725. cursor: String!
  1726. node: CustomerMoment!
  1727. }
  1728. union CustomerPaymentInstrument
  1729. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1730. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1731. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1732. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1733. = CustomerCreditCard | CustomerPaypalBillingAgreement | CustomerShopPayAgreement
  1734. type CustomerPaymentInstrumentBillingAddress
  1735. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1736. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1737. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1738. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1739. {
  1740. address1: String
  1741. city: String
  1742. country: String
  1743. countryCode: CountryCode
  1744. name: String
  1745. province: String
  1746. provinceCode: String
  1747. zip: String
  1748. }
  1749. type CustomerPaymentMethod implements Node
  1750. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  1751. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  1752. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  1753. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  1754. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1755. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1756. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1757. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1758. {
  1759. customer: Customer
  1760. id: ID!
  1761. instrument: CustomerPaymentInstrument
  1762. revokedAt: DateTime
  1763. revokedReason: CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReason
  1764. subscriptionContracts(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): SubscriptionContractConnection!
  1765. }
  1766. type CustomerPaymentMethodConnection
  1767. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1768. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1769. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1770. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1771. {
  1772. edges: [CustomerPaymentMethodEdge!]!
  1773. nodes: [CustomerPaymentMethod!]!
  1774. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  1775. }
  1776. type CustomerPaymentMethodEdge
  1777. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1778. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1779. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1780. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1781. {
  1782. cursor: String!
  1783. node: CustomerPaymentMethod!
  1784. }
  1785. enum CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReason
  1786. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1787. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1788. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1789. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1790. {
  1804. MERGED
  1805. }
  1806. type CustomerPaypalBillingAgreement
  1807. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1808. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1809. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1810. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1811. {
  1812. billingAddress: CustomerPaymentInstrumentBillingAddress
  1813. inactive: Boolean!
  1814. isRevocable: Boolean!
  1815. paypalAccountEmail: String
  1816. }
  1817. enum CustomerPredictedSpendTier
  1818. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1819. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1820. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1821. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1822. {
  1823. HIGH
  1824. MEDIUM
  1825. LOW
  1826. }
  1827. enum CustomerProductSubscriberStatus
  1828. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1829. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1830. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1831. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1832. {
  1833. ACTIVE
  1835. EXPIRED
  1836. FAILED
  1838. PAUSED
  1839. }
  1840. type CustomerShopPayAgreement
  1841. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1842. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1843. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1844. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1845. {
  1846. expiresSoon: Boolean!
  1847. expiryMonth: Int!
  1848. expiryYear: Int!
  1849. inactive: Boolean!
  1850. isRevocable: Boolean!
  1851. lastDigits: String!
  1852. maskedNumber: String!
  1853. name: String!
  1854. }
  1855. type CustomerSmsMarketingConsentState
  1856. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1857. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1858. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1859. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1860. {
  1861. consentCollectedFrom: CustomerConsentCollectedFrom
  1862. consentUpdatedAt: DateTime
  1863. marketingOptInLevel: CustomerMarketingOptInLevel!
  1864. marketingState: CustomerSmsMarketingState!
  1865. }
  1866. enum CustomerSmsMarketingState
  1867. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1868. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1869. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1870. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1871. {
  1873. PENDING
  1876. REDACTED
  1877. }
  1878. enum CustomerState
  1879. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1880. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1881. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1882. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1883. {
  1884. DECLINED
  1885. DISABLED
  1886. ENABLED
  1887. INVITED
  1888. }
  1889. type CustomerStatistics
  1890. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1891. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1892. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1893. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1894. {
  1895. predictedSpendTier: CustomerPredictedSpendTier
  1896. }
  1897. type CustomerVisit implements CustomerMoment & Node
  1898. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "CustomerMoment")
  1899. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  1900. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "CustomerMoment")
  1901. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  1902. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "CustomerMoment")
  1903. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  1904. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "CustomerMoment")
  1905. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  1906. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1907. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1908. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1909. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1910. {
  1911. id: ID!
  1912. landingPage: URL
  1913. landingPageHtml: HTML
  1914. marketingEvent: MarketingEvent
  1915. occurredAt: DateTime!
  1916. referralCode: String
  1917. referralInfoHtml: FormattedString!
  1918. referrerUrl: URL
  1919. source: String!
  1920. sourceDescription: String
  1921. sourceType: MarketingTactic
  1922. utmParameters: UTMParameters
  1923. }
  1924. scalar DateTime
  1925. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1926. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1927. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1928. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1929. scalar Decimal
  1930. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1931. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1932. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1933. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1934. type DeliveryAvailableService
  1935. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1936. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1937. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1938. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1939. {
  1940. countries: DeliveryCountryCodesOrRestOfWorld!
  1941. name: String!
  1942. }
  1943. type DeliveryCarrierService implements Node
  1944. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  1945. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  1946. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  1947. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  1948. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1949. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1950. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1951. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1952. {
  1953. availableServicesForCountries(origins: [ID!], countryCodes: [CountryCode!], restOfWorld: Boolean!): [DeliveryAvailableService!]!
  1954. formattedName: String
  1955. icon: Image!
  1956. id: ID!
  1957. name: String
  1958. }
  1959. type DeliveryCondition implements Node
  1960. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  1961. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  1962. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  1963. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  1964. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1965. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1966. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1967. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1968. {
  1969. conditionCriteria: DeliveryConditionCriteria!
  1970. field: DeliveryConditionField!
  1971. id: ID!
  1972. operator: DeliveryConditionOperator!
  1973. }
  1974. union DeliveryConditionCriteria
  1975. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1976. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1977. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1978. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1979. = MoneyV2 | Weight
  1980. enum DeliveryConditionField
  1981. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1982. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1983. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1984. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1985. {
  1988. }
  1989. enum DeliveryConditionOperator
  1990. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  1991. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  1992. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  1993. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  1994. {
  1997. }
  1998. type DeliveryCountry implements Node
  1999. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  2000. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  2001. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  2002. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  2003. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2004. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2005. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2006. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2007. {
  2008. code: DeliveryCountryCodeOrRestOfWorld!
  2009. id: ID!
  2010. name: String!
  2011. provinces: [DeliveryProvince!]!
  2012. translatedName: String!
  2013. }
  2014. type DeliveryCountryAndZone
  2015. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2016. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2017. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2018. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2019. {
  2020. country: DeliveryCountry!
  2021. zone: String!
  2022. }
  2023. type DeliveryCountryCodeOrRestOfWorld
  2024. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2025. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2026. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2027. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2028. {
  2029. countryCode: CountryCode
  2030. restOfWorld: Boolean!
  2031. }
  2032. type DeliveryCountryCodesOrRestOfWorld
  2033. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2034. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2035. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2036. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2037. {
  2038. countryCodes: [CountryCode!]!
  2039. restOfWorld: Boolean!
  2040. }
  2041. type DeliveryLocationGroup implements Node
  2042. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  2043. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  2044. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  2045. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  2046. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2047. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2048. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2049. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2050. {
  2051. id: ID!
  2052. locations(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: LocationSortKeys = NAME, query: String, includeLegacy: Boolean = false, includeInactive: Boolean = false): LocationConnection!
  2053. }
  2054. type DeliveryLocationGroupZone
  2055. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2056. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2057. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2058. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2059. {
  2060. methodDefinitionCounts: DeliveryMethodDefinitionCounts!
  2061. methodDefinitions(eligible: Boolean, type: DeliveryMethodDefinitionType, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: MethodDefinitionSortKeys = ID): DeliveryMethodDefinitionConnection!
  2062. zone: DeliveryZone!
  2063. }
  2064. type DeliveryLocationGroupZoneConnection
  2065. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2066. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2067. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2068. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2069. {
  2070. edges: [DeliveryLocationGroupZoneEdge!]!
  2071. nodes: [DeliveryLocationGroupZone!]!
  2072. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  2073. }
  2074. type DeliveryLocationGroupZoneEdge
  2075. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2076. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2077. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2078. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2079. {
  2080. cursor: String!
  2081. node: DeliveryLocationGroupZone!
  2082. }
  2083. type DeliveryMethod implements Node
  2084. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  2085. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  2086. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  2087. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  2088. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2089. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2090. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2091. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2092. {
  2093. id: ID!
  2094. maxDeliveryDateTime: DateTime
  2095. methodType: DeliveryMethodType!
  2096. minDeliveryDateTime: DateTime
  2097. }
  2098. type DeliveryMethodDefinition implements Node
  2099. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  2100. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  2101. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  2102. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  2103. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2104. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2105. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2106. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2107. {
  2108. active: Boolean!
  2109. description: String
  2110. id: ID!
  2111. methodConditions: [DeliveryCondition!]!
  2112. name: String!
  2113. rateProvider: DeliveryRateProvider!
  2114. }
  2115. type DeliveryMethodDefinitionConnection
  2116. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2117. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2118. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2119. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2120. {
  2121. edges: [DeliveryMethodDefinitionEdge!]!
  2122. nodes: [DeliveryMethodDefinition!]!
  2123. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  2124. }
  2125. type DeliveryMethodDefinitionCounts
  2126. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2127. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2128. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2129. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2130. {
  2131. participantDefinitionsCount: Int!
  2132. rateDefinitionsCount: Int!
  2133. }
  2134. type DeliveryMethodDefinitionEdge
  2135. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2136. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2137. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2138. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2139. {
  2140. cursor: String!
  2141. node: DeliveryMethodDefinition!
  2142. }
  2143. enum DeliveryMethodDefinitionType
  2144. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2145. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2146. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2147. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2148. {
  2149. MERCHANT
  2151. }
  2152. enum DeliveryMethodType
  2153. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2154. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2155. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2156. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2157. {
  2158. SHIPPING
  2159. PICK_UP
  2160. NONE
  2161. RETAIL
  2162. LOCAL
  2163. }
  2164. type DeliveryParticipant implements Node
  2165. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  2166. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  2167. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  2168. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  2169. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2170. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2171. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2172. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2173. {
  2174. adaptToNewServicesFlag: Boolean!
  2175. carrierService: DeliveryCarrierService!
  2176. fixedFee: MoneyV2
  2177. id: ID!
  2178. participantServices: [DeliveryParticipantService!]!
  2179. percentageOfRateFee: Float!
  2180. }
  2181. type DeliveryParticipantService
  2182. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2183. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2184. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2185. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2186. {
  2187. active: Boolean!
  2188. name: String!
  2189. }
  2190. type DeliveryProductVariantsCount
  2191. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2192. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2193. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2194. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2195. {
  2196. capped: Boolean!
  2197. count: Int!
  2198. }
  2199. type DeliveryProfile implements Node
  2200. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  2201. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  2202. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  2203. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  2204. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2205. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2206. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2207. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2208. {
  2209. activeMethodDefinitionsCount: Int!
  2210. default: Boolean!
  2211. id: ID!
  2212. legacyMode: Boolean!
  2213. locationsWithoutRatesCount: Int!
  2214. name: String!
  2215. originLocationCount: Int!
  2216. productVariantsCountV2: DeliveryProductVariantsCount!
  2217. profileItems(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): DeliveryProfileItemConnection!
  2218. profileLocationGroups: [DeliveryProfileLocationGroup!]!
  2219. sellingPlanGroups(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): SellingPlanGroupConnection!
  2220. unassignedLocations: [Location!]!
  2221. zoneCountryCount: Int!
  2222. }
  2223. type DeliveryProfileItem implements Node
  2224. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  2225. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  2226. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  2227. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  2228. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2229. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2230. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2231. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2232. {
  2233. id: ID!
  2234. product: Product!
  2235. variants(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): ProductVariantConnection!
  2236. }
  2237. type DeliveryProfileItemConnection
  2238. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2239. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2240. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2241. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2242. {
  2243. edges: [DeliveryProfileItemEdge!]!
  2244. nodes: [DeliveryProfileItem!]!
  2245. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  2246. }
  2247. type DeliveryProfileItemEdge
  2248. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2249. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2250. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2251. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2252. {
  2253. cursor: String!
  2254. node: DeliveryProfileItem!
  2255. }
  2256. type DeliveryProfileLocationGroup
  2257. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2258. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2259. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2260. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2261. {
  2262. countriesInAnyZone: [DeliveryCountryAndZone!]!
  2263. locationGroup: DeliveryLocationGroup!
  2264. locationGroupZones(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): DeliveryLocationGroupZoneConnection!
  2265. }
  2266. type DeliveryProvince implements Node
  2267. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  2268. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  2269. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  2270. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  2271. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2272. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2273. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2274. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2275. {
  2276. code: String!
  2277. id: ID!
  2278. name: String!
  2279. translatedName: String!
  2280. }
  2281. type DeliveryRateDefinition implements Node
  2282. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  2283. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  2284. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  2285. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  2286. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2287. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2288. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2289. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2290. {
  2291. id: ID!
  2292. price: MoneyV2!
  2293. }
  2294. union DeliveryRateProvider
  2295. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2296. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2297. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2298. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2299. = DeliveryParticipant | DeliveryRateDefinition
  2300. type DeliveryZone implements Node
  2301. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  2302. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  2303. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  2304. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  2305. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2306. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2307. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2308. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2309. {
  2310. countries: [DeliveryCountry!]!
  2311. id: ID!
  2312. name: String!
  2313. }
  2314. enum DigitalWallet
  2315. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2316. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2317. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2318. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2319. {
  2320. APPLE_PAY
  2322. GOOGLE_PAY
  2324. }
  2325. type DiscountAllocation
  2326. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2327. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2328. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2329. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2330. {
  2331. allocatedAmountSet: MoneyBag!
  2332. discountApplication: DiscountApplication!
  2333. }
  2334. interface DiscountApplication
  2335. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2336. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2337. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2338. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2339. {
  2340. allocationMethod: DiscountApplicationAllocationMethod!
  2341. index: Int!
  2342. targetSelection: DiscountApplicationTargetSelection!
  2343. targetType: DiscountApplicationTargetType!
  2344. value: PricingValue!
  2345. }
  2346. enum DiscountApplicationAllocationMethod
  2347. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2348. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2349. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2350. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2351. {
  2352. ACROSS
  2353. EACH
  2354. }
  2355. type DiscountApplicationConnection
  2356. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2357. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2358. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2359. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2360. {
  2361. edges: [DiscountApplicationEdge!]!
  2362. nodes: [DiscountApplication!]!
  2363. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  2364. }
  2365. type DiscountApplicationEdge
  2366. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2367. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2368. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2369. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2370. {
  2371. cursor: String!
  2372. node: DiscountApplication!
  2373. }
  2374. enum DiscountApplicationTargetSelection
  2375. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2376. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2377. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2378. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2379. {
  2380. ALL
  2381. ENTITLED
  2382. EXPLICIT
  2383. }
  2384. enum DiscountApplicationTargetType
  2385. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2386. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2387. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2388. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2389. {
  2390. LINE_ITEM
  2392. }
  2393. type DiscountCodeApplication implements DiscountApplication
  2394. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "DiscountApplication")
  2395. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "DiscountApplication")
  2396. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "DiscountApplication")
  2397. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "DiscountApplication")
  2398. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2399. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2400. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2401. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2402. {
  2403. allocationMethod: DiscountApplicationAllocationMethod!
  2404. code: String!
  2405. index: Int!
  2406. targetSelection: DiscountApplicationTargetSelection!
  2407. targetType: DiscountApplicationTargetType!
  2408. value: PricingValue!
  2409. }
  2410. enum DiscountTargetType
  2411. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2412. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2413. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2414. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2415. {
  2416. LINE_ITEM
  2418. }
  2419. enum DiscountType
  2420. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2421. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2422. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2423. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2424. {
  2425. MANUAL
  2427. }
  2428. interface DisplayableError
  2429. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2430. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2431. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2432. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2433. {
  2434. field: [String!]
  2435. message: String!
  2436. }
  2437. enum DisputeStatus
  2438. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2439. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2440. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2441. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2442. {
  2446. ACCEPTED
  2447. WON
  2448. LOST
  2449. }
  2450. enum DisputeType
  2451. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2452. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2453. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2454. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2455. {
  2457. INQUIRY
  2458. }
  2459. type Domain implements Node
  2460. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  2461. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  2462. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  2463. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  2464. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2465. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2466. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2467. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2468. {
  2469. host: String!
  2470. id: ID!
  2471. localization: DomainLocalization
  2472. marketWebPresence: MarketWebPresence
  2473. sslEnabled: Boolean!
  2474. url: URL!
  2475. }
  2476. type DomainLocalization
  2477. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2478. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2479. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2480. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2481. {
  2482. alternateLocales: [String!]!
  2483. country: String
  2484. defaultLocale: String!
  2485. }
  2486. type DraftOrder implements CommentEventSubject & HasEvents & HasLocalizationExtensions & HasMetafields & LegacyInteroperability & Navigable & Node
  2487. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "CommentEventSubject")
  2488. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "HasEvents")
  2489. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "HasLocalizationExtensions")
  2490. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "HasMetafields")
  2491. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "LegacyInteroperability")
  2492. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Navigable")
  2493. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  2494. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER, key: "id")
  2495. @join__type(graph: ORDER, key: "id")
  2496. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT, key: "id")
  2497. @join__type(graph: SHOP, key: "id")
  2498. {
  2499. id: ID!
  2500. appliedDiscount: DraftOrderAppliedDiscount @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2501. billingAddress: MailingAddress @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2502. billingAddressMatchesShippingAddress: Boolean! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2503. completedAt: DateTime @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2504. createdAt: DateTime! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2505. currencyCode: CurrencyCode! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2506. customAttributes: [Attribute!]! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2507. customer: Customer @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2508. defaultCursor: String! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2509. email: String @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2510. events(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: EventSortKeys = ID, query: String): EventConnection! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2511. hasTimelineComment: Boolean! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2512. invoiceEmailTemplateSubject: String! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2513. invoiceSentAt: DateTime @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2514. invoiceUrl: URL @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2515. legacyResourceId: UnsignedInt64! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2516. lineItems(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): DraftOrderLineItemConnection! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2517. lineItemsSubtotalPrice: MoneyBag! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2518. localizationExtensions(countryCodes: [CountryCode!], purposes: [LocalizationExtensionPurpose!], first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): LocalizationExtensionConnection! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2519. marketName: String! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2520. marketRegionCountryCode: CountryCode! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2521. metafield(namespace: String!, key: String!): Metafield @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2522. metafields(namespace: String, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): MetafieldConnection! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2523. name: String! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2524. note2: String @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2525. order: Order @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2526. paymentTerms: PaymentTerms @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2527. phone: String @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2528. presentmentCurrencyCode: CurrencyCode! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2529. privateMetafield(namespace: String!, key: String!): PrivateMetafield @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2530. privateMetafields(namespace: String, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): PrivateMetafieldConnection! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2531. purchasingEntity: PurchasingEntity @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2532. ready: Boolean! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2533. reserveInventoryUntil: DateTime @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2534. shippingAddress: MailingAddress @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2535. shippingLine: ShippingLine @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2536. status: DraftOrderStatus! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2537. subtotalPrice: Money! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2538. subtotalPriceSet: MoneyBag! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2539. tags: [String!]! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2540. taxExempt: Boolean! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2541. taxLines: [TaxLine!]! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2542. taxesIncluded: Boolean! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2543. totalDiscountsSet: MoneyBag! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2544. totalLineItemsPriceSet: MoneyBag! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2545. totalPrice: Money! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2546. totalPriceSet: MoneyBag! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2547. totalShippingPrice: Money! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2548. totalShippingPriceSet: MoneyBag! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2549. totalTax: Money! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2550. totalTaxSet: MoneyBag! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2551. totalWeight: UnsignedInt64! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2552. updatedAt: DateTime! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2553. visibleToCustomer: Boolean! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  2554. }
  2555. type DraftOrderAppliedDiscount
  2556. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2557. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2558. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2559. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2560. {
  2561. amountSet: MoneyBag!
  2562. amountV2: MoneyV2!
  2563. description: String!
  2564. title: String
  2565. value: Float!
  2566. valueType: DraftOrderAppliedDiscountType!
  2567. }
  2568. enum DraftOrderAppliedDiscountType
  2569. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2570. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2571. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2572. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2573. {
  2576. }
  2577. type DraftOrderConnection
  2578. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2579. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2580. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2581. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2582. {
  2583. edges: [DraftOrderEdge!]!
  2584. nodes: [DraftOrder!]!
  2585. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  2586. }
  2587. type DraftOrderEdge
  2588. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2589. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2590. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2591. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2592. {
  2593. cursor: String!
  2594. node: DraftOrder!
  2595. }
  2596. type DraftOrderLineItem implements Node
  2597. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  2598. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  2599. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  2600. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  2601. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2602. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2603. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2604. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2605. {
  2606. appliedDiscount: DraftOrderAppliedDiscount
  2607. custom: Boolean!
  2608. customAttributes: [Attribute!]!
  2609. customAttributesV2: [TypedAttribute!]!
  2610. discountedTotal: Money!
  2611. discountedTotalSet: MoneyBag!
  2612. discountedUnitPrice: Money!
  2613. discountedUnitPriceSet: MoneyBag!
  2614. fulfillmentService: FulfillmentService
  2615. id: ID!
  2616. image: Image
  2617. isGiftCard: Boolean!
  2618. name: String!
  2619. originalTotal: Money!
  2620. originalTotalSet: MoneyBag!
  2621. originalUnitPrice: Money!
  2622. originalUnitPriceSet: MoneyBag!
  2623. product: Product
  2624. quantity: Int!
  2625. requiresShipping: Boolean!
  2626. sku: String
  2627. taxLines: [TaxLine!]!
  2628. taxable: Boolean!
  2629. title: String!
  2630. totalDiscount: Money!
  2631. totalDiscountSet: MoneyBag!
  2632. variant: ProductVariant
  2633. variantTitle: String
  2634. vendor: String
  2635. weight: Weight
  2636. }
  2637. type DraftOrderLineItemConnection
  2638. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2639. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2640. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2641. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2642. {
  2643. edges: [DraftOrderLineItemEdge!]!
  2644. nodes: [DraftOrderLineItem!]!
  2645. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  2646. }
  2647. type DraftOrderLineItemEdge
  2648. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2649. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2650. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2651. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2652. {
  2653. cursor: String!
  2654. node: DraftOrderLineItem!
  2655. }
  2656. enum DraftOrderSortKeys
  2657. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2658. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2659. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2660. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2661. {
  2662. NUMBER
  2663. UPDATED_AT
  2664. STATUS
  2667. ID
  2669. }
  2670. enum DraftOrderStatus
  2671. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2672. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2673. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2674. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2675. {
  2678. OPEN
  2679. }
  2680. type Duty implements Node
  2681. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  2682. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  2683. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  2684. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  2685. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2686. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2687. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2688. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2689. {
  2690. countryCodeOfOrigin: CountryCode
  2691. harmonizedSystemCode: String
  2692. id: ID!
  2693. price: MoneyBag!
  2694. taxLines: [TaxLine!]!
  2695. }
  2696. type EditableProperty
  2697. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2698. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2699. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2700. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2701. {
  2702. locked: Boolean!
  2703. reason: FormattedString
  2704. }
  2705. interface Event
  2706. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2707. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2708. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2709. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2710. {
  2711. appTitle: String
  2712. attributeToApp: Boolean!
  2713. attributeToUser: Boolean!
  2714. createdAt: DateTime!
  2715. criticalAlert: Boolean!
  2716. id: ID!
  2717. message: FormattedString!
  2718. }
  2719. type EventConnection
  2720. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2721. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2722. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2723. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2724. {
  2725. edges: [EventEdge!]!
  2726. nodes: [Event!]!
  2727. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  2728. }
  2729. type EventEdge
  2730. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2731. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2732. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2733. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2734. {
  2735. cursor: String!
  2736. node: Event!
  2737. }
  2738. enum EventSortKeys
  2739. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2740. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2741. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2742. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2743. {
  2744. CREATED_AT
  2745. ID
  2747. }
  2748. type FailedRequirement
  2749. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2750. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2751. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2752. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2753. {
  2754. action: NavigationItem
  2755. message: String!
  2756. }
  2757. interface File
  2758. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2759. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2760. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2761. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2762. {
  2763. alt: String
  2764. createdAt: DateTime!
  2765. fileErrors: [FileError!]!
  2766. fileStatus: FileStatus!
  2767. preview: MediaPreviewImage
  2768. }
  2769. type FileError
  2770. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2771. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2772. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2773. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2774. {
  2775. code: FileErrorCode!
  2776. details: String
  2777. message: String!
  2778. }
  2779. enum FileErrorCode
  2780. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2781. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2782. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2783. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2784. {
  2785. UNKNOWN
  2816. }
  2817. enum FileStatus
  2818. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2819. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2820. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2821. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2822. {
  2823. UPLOADED
  2825. READY
  2826. FAILED
  2827. }
  2828. type FilterOption
  2829. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2830. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2831. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2832. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2833. {
  2834. label: String!
  2835. value: String!
  2836. }
  2837. scalar FormattedString
  2838. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2839. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2840. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2841. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2842. type Fulfillment implements LegacyInteroperability & Node
  2843. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "LegacyInteroperability")
  2844. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  2845. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "LegacyInteroperability")
  2846. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  2847. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "LegacyInteroperability")
  2848. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  2849. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2850. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2851. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2852. {
  2853. createdAt: DateTime!
  2854. deliveredAt: DateTime
  2855. displayStatus: FulfillmentDisplayStatus
  2856. estimatedDeliveryAt: DateTime
  2857. events(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: FulfillmentEventSortKeys = HAPPENED_AT): FulfillmentEventConnection!
  2858. fulfillmentLineItems(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): FulfillmentLineItemConnection!
  2859. fulfillmentOrders(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): FulfillmentOrderConnection!
  2860. id: ID!
  2861. inTransitAt: DateTime
  2862. legacyResourceId: UnsignedInt64!
  2863. location: Location
  2864. name: String!
  2865. order: Order!
  2866. originAddress: FulfillmentOriginAddress
  2867. requiresShipping: Boolean!
  2868. service: FulfillmentService
  2869. status: FulfillmentStatus!
  2870. totalQuantity: Int!
  2871. trackingInfo(first: Int): [FulfillmentTrackingInfo!]!
  2872. updatedAt: DateTime!
  2873. }
  2874. type FulfillmentConnection
  2875. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2876. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2877. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2878. {
  2879. edges: [FulfillmentEdge!]!
  2880. nodes: [Fulfillment!]!
  2881. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  2882. }
  2883. enum FulfillmentDisplayStatus
  2884. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2885. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2886. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2887. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2888. {
  2890. CANCELED
  2893. FAILURE
  2895. IN_TRANSIT
  2903. PICKED_UP
  2905. }
  2906. type FulfillmentEdge
  2907. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2908. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2909. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2910. {
  2911. cursor: String!
  2912. node: Fulfillment!
  2913. }
  2914. type FulfillmentEvent implements Node
  2915. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  2916. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  2917. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  2918. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2919. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2920. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2921. {
  2922. happenedAt: DateTime!
  2923. id: ID!
  2924. status: FulfillmentEventStatus!
  2925. }
  2926. type FulfillmentEventConnection
  2927. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2928. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2929. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2930. {
  2931. edges: [FulfillmentEventEdge!]!
  2932. nodes: [FulfillmentEvent!]!
  2933. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  2934. }
  2935. type FulfillmentEventEdge
  2936. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2937. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2938. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2939. {
  2940. cursor: String!
  2941. node: FulfillmentEvent!
  2942. }
  2943. enum FulfillmentEventSortKeys
  2944. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2945. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2946. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2947. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2948. {
  2950. ID
  2952. }
  2953. enum FulfillmentEventStatus
  2954. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2955. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2956. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2957. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2958. {
  2963. IN_TRANSIT
  2967. FAILURE
  2968. }
  2969. type FulfillmentHold
  2970. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2971. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2972. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2973. {
  2974. reason: FulfillmentHoldReason!
  2975. reasonNotes: String
  2976. }
  2977. enum FulfillmentHoldReason
  2978. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  2979. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2980. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2981. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2982. {
  2988. OTHER
  2989. }
  2990. type FulfillmentLineItem implements Node
  2991. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  2992. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  2993. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  2994. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  2995. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  2996. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  2997. {
  2998. discountedTotalSet: MoneyBag!
  2999. id: ID!
  3000. lineItem: LineItem!
  3001. originalTotalSet: MoneyBag!
  3002. quantity: Int
  3003. }
  3004. type FulfillmentLineItemConnection
  3005. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3006. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3007. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3008. {
  3009. edges: [FulfillmentLineItemEdge!]!
  3010. nodes: [FulfillmentLineItem!]!
  3011. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  3012. }
  3013. type FulfillmentLineItemEdge
  3014. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3015. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3016. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3017. {
  3018. cursor: String!
  3019. node: FulfillmentLineItem!
  3020. }
  3021. type FulfillmentOrder implements Node
  3022. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  3023. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  3024. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  3025. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3026. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3027. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3028. {
  3029. assignedLocation: FulfillmentOrderAssignedLocation!
  3030. deliveryMethod: DeliveryMethod
  3031. destination: FulfillmentOrderDestination
  3032. fulfillAt: DateTime
  3033. fulfillBy: DateTime
  3034. fulfillmentHolds: [FulfillmentHold!]!
  3035. fulfillments(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): FulfillmentConnection!
  3036. id: ID!
  3037. internationalDuties: FulfillmentOrderInternationalDuties
  3038. lineItems(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): FulfillmentOrderLineItemConnection!
  3039. locationsForMove(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): FulfillmentOrderLocationForMoveConnection!
  3040. merchantRequests(kind: FulfillmentOrderMerchantRequestKind, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): FulfillmentOrderMerchantRequestConnection!
  3041. order: Order!
  3042. requestStatus: FulfillmentOrderRequestStatus!
  3043. status: FulfillmentOrderStatus!
  3044. supportedActions: [FulfillmentOrderSupportedAction!]!
  3045. }
  3046. enum FulfillmentOrderAction
  3047. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3048. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3049. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3050. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3051. {
  3055. MOVE
  3057. MARK_AS_OPEN
  3059. HOLD
  3060. EXTERNAL
  3061. }
  3062. type FulfillmentOrderAssignedLocation
  3063. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3064. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3065. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3066. {
  3067. address1: String
  3068. address2: String
  3069. city: String
  3070. countryCode: CountryCode!
  3071. location: Location
  3072. name: String!
  3073. phone: String
  3074. province: String
  3075. zip: String
  3076. }
  3077. enum FulfillmentOrderAssignmentStatus
  3078. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3079. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3080. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3081. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3082. {
  3086. }
  3087. type FulfillmentOrderConnection
  3088. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3089. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3090. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3091. {
  3092. edges: [FulfillmentOrderEdge!]!
  3093. nodes: [FulfillmentOrder!]!
  3094. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  3095. }
  3096. type FulfillmentOrderDestination implements Node
  3097. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  3098. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  3099. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  3100. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3101. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3102. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3103. {
  3104. address1: String
  3105. address2: String
  3106. city: String
  3107. company: String
  3108. countryCode: CountryCode
  3109. email: String
  3110. firstName: String
  3111. id: ID!
  3112. lastName: String
  3113. phone: String
  3114. province: String
  3115. zip: String
  3116. }
  3117. type FulfillmentOrderEdge
  3118. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3119. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3120. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3121. {
  3122. cursor: String!
  3123. node: FulfillmentOrder!
  3124. }
  3125. type FulfillmentOrderInternationalDuties
  3126. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3127. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3128. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3129. {
  3130. incoterm: String!
  3131. }
  3132. type FulfillmentOrderLineItem implements Node
  3133. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  3134. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  3135. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  3136. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3137. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3138. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3139. {
  3140. id: ID!
  3141. lineItem: LineItem!
  3142. remainingQuantity: Int!
  3143. totalQuantity: Int!
  3144. warnings: [FulfillmentOrderLineItemWarning!]!
  3145. }
  3146. type FulfillmentOrderLineItemConnection
  3147. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3148. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3149. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3150. {
  3151. edges: [FulfillmentOrderLineItemEdge!]!
  3152. nodes: [FulfillmentOrderLineItem!]!
  3153. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  3154. }
  3155. type FulfillmentOrderLineItemEdge
  3156. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3157. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3158. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3159. {
  3160. cursor: String!
  3161. node: FulfillmentOrderLineItem!
  3162. }
  3163. type FulfillmentOrderLineItemWarning
  3164. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3165. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3166. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3167. {
  3168. description: String
  3169. title: String
  3170. }
  3171. type FulfillmentOrderLocationForMove
  3172. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3173. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3174. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3175. {
  3176. location: Location!
  3177. message: String
  3178. movable: Boolean!
  3179. }
  3180. type FulfillmentOrderLocationForMoveConnection
  3181. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3182. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3183. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3184. {
  3185. edges: [FulfillmentOrderLocationForMoveEdge!]!
  3186. nodes: [FulfillmentOrderLocationForMove!]!
  3187. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  3188. }
  3189. type FulfillmentOrderLocationForMoveEdge
  3190. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3191. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3192. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3193. {
  3194. cursor: String!
  3195. node: FulfillmentOrderLocationForMove!
  3196. }
  3197. type FulfillmentOrderMerchantRequest implements Node
  3198. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  3199. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  3200. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  3201. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3202. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3203. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3204. {
  3205. id: ID!
  3206. kind: FulfillmentOrderMerchantRequestKind!
  3207. message: String
  3208. requestOptions: JSON
  3209. responseData: JSON
  3210. sentAt: DateTime!
  3211. }
  3212. type FulfillmentOrderMerchantRequestConnection
  3213. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3214. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3215. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3216. {
  3217. edges: [FulfillmentOrderMerchantRequestEdge!]!
  3218. nodes: [FulfillmentOrderMerchantRequest!]!
  3219. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  3220. }
  3221. type FulfillmentOrderMerchantRequestEdge
  3222. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3223. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3224. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3225. {
  3226. cursor: String!
  3227. node: FulfillmentOrderMerchantRequest!
  3228. }
  3229. enum FulfillmentOrderMerchantRequestKind
  3230. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3231. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3232. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3233. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3234. {
  3237. }
  3238. enum FulfillmentOrderRequestStatus
  3239. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3240. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3241. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3242. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3243. {
  3246. ACCEPTED
  3247. REJECTED
  3251. CLOSED
  3252. }
  3253. enum FulfillmentOrderSortKeys
  3254. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3255. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3256. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3257. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3258. {
  3259. ID
  3261. }
  3262. enum FulfillmentOrderStatus
  3263. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3264. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3265. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3266. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3267. {
  3268. OPEN
  3272. CLOSED
  3274. ON_HOLD
  3275. }
  3276. type FulfillmentOrderSupportedAction
  3277. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3278. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3279. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3280. {
  3281. action: FulfillmentOrderAction!
  3282. externalUrl: URL
  3283. }
  3284. type FulfillmentOriginAddress
  3285. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3286. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3287. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3288. {
  3289. address1: String
  3290. address2: String
  3291. city: String
  3292. countryCode: String!
  3293. provinceCode: String
  3294. zip: String
  3295. }
  3296. type FulfillmentService
  3297. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER, key: "id")
  3298. @join__type(graph: ORDER, key: "id")
  3299. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT, key: "id")
  3300. @join__type(graph: SHOP, key: "id")
  3301. {
  3302. id: ID!
  3303. callbackUrl: URL @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  3304. fulfillmentOrdersOptIn: Boolean! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  3305. handle: String! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  3306. inventoryManagement: Boolean! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  3307. location: Location @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  3308. permitsSkuSharing: Boolean! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  3309. productBased: Boolean! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  3310. serviceName: String! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  3311. type: FulfillmentServiceType! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  3312. }
  3313. enum FulfillmentServiceType
  3314. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3315. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3316. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3317. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3318. {
  3319. GIFT_CARD
  3320. MANUAL
  3322. }
  3323. enum FulfillmentStatus
  3324. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3325. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3326. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3327. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3328. {
  3329. SUCCESS
  3331. ERROR
  3332. FAILURE
  3333. }
  3334. type FulfillmentTrackingInfo
  3335. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3336. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3337. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3338. {
  3339. company: String
  3340. number: String
  3341. url: URL
  3342. }
  3343. type GenericFile implements File & Node
  3344. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "File")
  3345. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  3346. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "File")
  3347. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  3348. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "File")
  3349. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  3350. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "File")
  3351. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  3352. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3353. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3354. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3355. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3356. {
  3357. alt: String
  3358. createdAt: DateTime!
  3359. fileErrors: [FileError!]!
  3360. fileStatus: FileStatus!
  3361. id: ID!
  3362. mimeType: String
  3363. originalFileSize: Int
  3364. preview: MediaPreviewImage
  3365. url: URL
  3366. }
  3367. interface HasEvents
  3368. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3369. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3370. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3371. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3372. {
  3373. events(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: EventSortKeys = ID, query: String): EventConnection!
  3374. }
  3375. interface HasLocalizationExtensions
  3376. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3377. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3378. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3379. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3380. {
  3381. localizationExtensions(countryCodes: [CountryCode!], purposes: [LocalizationExtensionPurpose!], first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): LocalizationExtensionConnection!
  3382. }
  3383. interface HasMetafieldDefinitions
  3384. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3385. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3386. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3387. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3388. {
  3389. metafieldDefinitions(namespace: String, pinnedStatus: MetafieldDefinitionPinnedStatus = ANY, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: MetafieldDefinitionSortKeys = ID, query: String): MetafieldDefinitionConnection!
  3390. }
  3391. interface HasMetafields
  3392. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3393. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3394. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3395. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3396. {
  3397. metafield(namespace: String!, key: String!): Metafield
  3398. metafields(namespace: String, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): MetafieldConnection!
  3399. privateMetafield(namespace: String!, key: String!): PrivateMetafield
  3400. privateMetafields(namespace: String, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): PrivateMetafieldConnection!
  3401. }
  3402. interface HasPublishedTranslations
  3403. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3404. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3405. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3406. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3407. {
  3408. translations(locale: String!, marketId: ID): [PublishedTranslation!]!
  3409. }
  3410. scalar HTML
  3411. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3412. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3413. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3414. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3415. type Image implements HasMetafields
  3416. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "HasMetafields")
  3417. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "HasMetafields")
  3418. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "HasMetafields")
  3419. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "HasMetafields")
  3420. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3421. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3422. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3423. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3424. {
  3425. altText: String
  3426. height: Int
  3427. id: ID
  3428. metafield(namespace: String!, key: String!): Metafield
  3429. metafields(namespace: String, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): MetafieldConnection!
  3430. privateMetafield(namespace: String!, key: String!): PrivateMetafield
  3431. privateMetafields(namespace: String, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): PrivateMetafieldConnection!
  3432. url(transform: ImageTransformInput): URL!
  3433. width: Int
  3434. }
  3435. type ImageConnection
  3436. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3437. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3438. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3439. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3440. {
  3441. edges: [ImageEdge!]!
  3442. nodes: [Image!]!
  3443. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  3444. }
  3445. enum ImageContentType
  3446. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3447. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3448. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3449. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3450. {
  3451. PNG
  3452. JPG
  3453. WEBP
  3454. }
  3455. type ImageEdge
  3456. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3457. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3458. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3459. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3460. {
  3461. cursor: String!
  3462. node: Image!
  3463. }
  3464. input ImageInput
  3465. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3466. {
  3467. id: ID
  3468. altText: String
  3469. src: String
  3470. }
  3471. input ImageTransformInput
  3472. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3473. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3474. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3475. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3476. {
  3477. crop: CropRegion
  3478. maxWidth: Int
  3479. maxHeight: Int
  3480. scale: Int = 1
  3481. preferredContentType: ImageContentType
  3482. }
  3483. type InventoryItem implements LegacyInteroperability & Node
  3484. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "LegacyInteroperability")
  3485. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  3486. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "LegacyInteroperability")
  3487. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  3488. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "LegacyInteroperability")
  3489. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  3490. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3491. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3492. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3493. {
  3494. countryCodeOfOrigin: CountryCode
  3495. countryHarmonizedSystemCodes(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): CountryHarmonizedSystemCodeConnection!
  3496. createdAt: DateTime!
  3497. duplicateSkuCount: Int!
  3498. harmonizedSystemCode: String
  3499. id: ID!
  3500. inventoryHistoryUrl: URL
  3501. inventoryLevel(locationId: ID!): InventoryLevel
  3502. inventoryLevels(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, query: String): InventoryLevelConnection!
  3503. legacyResourceId: UnsignedInt64!
  3504. locationsCount: Int!
  3505. provinceCodeOfOrigin: String
  3506. requiresShipping: Boolean!
  3507. sku: String
  3508. tracked: Boolean!
  3509. trackedEditable: EditableProperty!
  3510. unitCost: MoneyV2
  3511. updatedAt: DateTime!
  3512. variant: ProductVariant!
  3513. }
  3514. input InventoryItemInput
  3515. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3516. {
  3517. cost: Decimal
  3518. tracked: Boolean
  3519. }
  3520. type InventoryLevel implements Node
  3521. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  3522. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER, key: "id")
  3523. @join__type(graph: ORDER, key: "id")
  3524. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT, key: "id")
  3525. @join__type(graph: SHOP, key: "id")
  3526. {
  3527. id: ID!
  3528. available: Int! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  3529. canDeactivate: Boolean! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  3530. createdAt: DateTime! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  3531. deactivationAlert: String @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  3532. deactivationAlertHtml: FormattedString @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  3533. incoming: Int! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  3534. item: InventoryItem! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  3535. location: Location! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  3536. updatedAt: DateTime! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  3537. }
  3538. type InventoryLevelConnection
  3539. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3540. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3541. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3542. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3543. {
  3544. edges: [InventoryLevelEdge!]!
  3545. nodes: [InventoryLevel!]!
  3546. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  3547. }
  3548. type InventoryLevelEdge
  3549. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3550. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3551. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3552. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3553. {
  3554. cursor: String!
  3555. node: InventoryLevel!
  3556. }
  3557. input InventoryLevelInput
  3558. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3559. {
  3560. availableQuantity: Int!
  3561. locationId: ID!
  3562. }
  3563. type Job
  3564. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT, key: "id")
  3565. @join__type(graph: SHOP, key: "id")
  3566. {
  3567. id: ID!
  3568. done: Boolean! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  3569. }
  3570. scalar join__FieldSet
  3571. enum join__Graph {
  3572. CUSTOMER @join__graph(name: "customer", url: "")
  3573. ORDER @join__graph(name: "order", url: "")
  3574. PRODUCT @join__graph(name: "product", url: "")
  3575. SHOP @join__graph(name: "shop", url: "")
  3576. }
  3577. scalar JSON
  3578. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3579. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3580. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3581. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3582. enum LanguageCode
  3583. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3584. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3585. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3586. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3587. {
  3588. AF
  3589. AK
  3590. AM
  3591. AR
  3592. AS
  3593. AZ
  3594. BE
  3595. BG
  3596. BM
  3597. BN
  3598. BO
  3599. BR
  3600. BS
  3601. CA
  3602. CE
  3603. CS
  3604. CU
  3605. CY
  3606. DA
  3607. DE
  3608. DZ
  3609. EE
  3610. EL
  3611. EN
  3612. EO
  3613. ES
  3614. ET
  3615. EU
  3616. FA
  3617. FF
  3618. FI
  3619. FO
  3620. FR
  3621. FY
  3622. GA
  3623. GD
  3624. GL
  3625. GU
  3626. GV
  3627. HA
  3628. HE
  3629. HI
  3630. HR
  3631. HU
  3632. HY
  3633. IA
  3634. ID
  3635. IG
  3636. II
  3637. IS
  3638. IT
  3639. JA
  3640. JV
  3641. KA
  3642. KI
  3643. KK
  3644. KL
  3645. KM
  3646. KN
  3647. KO
  3648. KS
  3649. KU
  3650. KW
  3651. KY
  3652. LB
  3653. LG
  3654. LN
  3655. LO
  3656. LT
  3657. LU
  3658. LV
  3659. MG
  3660. MI
  3661. MK
  3662. ML
  3663. MN
  3664. MR
  3665. MS
  3666. MT
  3667. MY
  3668. NB
  3669. ND
  3670. NE
  3671. NL
  3672. NN
  3673. NO
  3674. OM
  3675. OR
  3676. OS
  3677. PA
  3678. PL
  3679. PS
  3680. PT_BR
  3681. PT_PT
  3682. QU
  3683. RM
  3684. RN
  3685. RO
  3686. RU
  3687. RW
  3688. SD
  3689. SE
  3690. SG
  3691. SI
  3692. SK
  3693. SL
  3694. SN
  3695. SO
  3696. SQ
  3697. SR
  3698. SU
  3699. SV
  3700. SW
  3701. TA
  3702. TE
  3703. TG
  3704. TH
  3705. TI
  3706. TK
  3707. TO
  3708. TR
  3709. TT
  3710. UG
  3711. UK
  3712. UR
  3713. UZ
  3714. VI
  3715. WO
  3716. XH
  3717. YI
  3718. YO
  3719. ZH_CN
  3720. ZH_TW
  3721. ZU
  3722. ZH
  3723. PT
  3724. VO
  3725. }
  3726. interface LegacyInteroperability
  3727. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3728. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3729. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3730. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3731. {
  3732. legacyResourceId: UnsignedInt64!
  3733. }
  3734. type LimitedPendingOrderCount
  3735. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3736. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3737. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3738. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3739. {
  3740. atMax: Boolean!
  3741. count: Int!
  3742. }
  3743. type LineItem implements Node
  3744. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  3745. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  3746. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  3747. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  3748. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3749. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3750. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3751. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3752. {
  3753. contract: SubscriptionContract
  3754. currentQuantity: Int!
  3755. customAttributes: [Attribute!]!
  3756. discountAllocations: [DiscountAllocation!]!
  3757. discountedTotalSet: MoneyBag!
  3758. discountedUnitPriceSet: MoneyBag!
  3759. duties: [Duty!]!
  3760. id: ID!
  3761. image: Image
  3762. merchantEditable: Boolean!
  3763. name: String!
  3764. nonFulfillableQuantity: Int!
  3765. originalTotalSet: MoneyBag!
  3766. originalUnitPriceSet: MoneyBag!
  3767. product: Product
  3768. quantity: Int!
  3769. refundableQuantity: Int!
  3770. requiresShipping: Boolean!
  3771. restockable: Boolean!
  3772. sellingPlan: LineItemSellingPlan
  3773. sku: String
  3774. staffMember: StaffMember
  3775. taxLines(first: Int): [TaxLine!]!
  3776. taxable: Boolean!
  3777. title: String!
  3778. totalDiscountSet: MoneyBag!
  3779. unfulfilledDiscountedTotalSet: MoneyBag!
  3780. unfulfilledOriginalTotalSet: MoneyBag!
  3781. unfulfilledQuantity: Int!
  3782. variant: ProductVariant
  3783. variantTitle: String
  3784. vendor: String
  3785. }
  3786. type LineItemConnection
  3787. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3788. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3789. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3790. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3791. {
  3792. edges: [LineItemEdge!]!
  3793. nodes: [LineItem!]!
  3794. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  3795. }
  3796. type LineItemEdge
  3797. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3798. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3799. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3800. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3801. {
  3802. cursor: String!
  3803. node: LineItem!
  3804. }
  3805. type LineItemSellingPlan
  3806. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3807. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3808. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3809. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3810. {
  3811. name: String!
  3812. sellingPlanId: ID
  3813. }
  3814. type Link implements HasPublishedTranslations
  3815. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "HasPublishedTranslations")
  3816. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "HasPublishedTranslations")
  3817. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "HasPublishedTranslations")
  3818. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "HasPublishedTranslations")
  3819. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3820. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3821. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3822. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3823. {
  3824. label: String!
  3825. translations(locale: String!, marketId: ID): [PublishedTranslation!]!
  3826. url: URL!
  3827. }
  3828. scalar link__Import
  3829. enum link__Purpose {
  3830. """
  3831. `SECURITY` features provide metadata necessary to securely resolve fields.
  3832. """
  3833. SECURITY
  3834. """
  3835. `EXECUTION` features provide metadata necessary for operation execution.
  3836. """
  3838. }
  3839. type LocalizationExtension
  3840. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3841. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3842. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3843. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3844. {
  3845. countryCode: CountryCode!
  3846. key: LocalizationExtensionKey!
  3847. purpose: LocalizationExtensionPurpose!
  3848. title: String!
  3849. value: String!
  3850. }
  3851. type LocalizationExtensionConnection
  3852. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3853. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3854. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3855. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3856. {
  3857. edges: [LocalizationExtensionEdge!]!
  3858. nodes: [LocalizationExtension!]!
  3859. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  3860. }
  3861. type LocalizationExtensionEdge
  3862. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3863. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3864. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3865. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3866. {
  3867. cursor: String!
  3868. node: LocalizationExtension!
  3869. }
  3870. enum LocalizationExtensionKey
  3871. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3872. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3873. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3874. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3875. {
  3880. TAX_EMAIL_IT
  3882. }
  3883. enum LocalizationExtensionPurpose
  3884. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3885. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3886. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3887. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3888. {
  3889. SHIPPING
  3890. TAX
  3891. }
  3892. type Location implements HasMetafieldDefinitions & HasMetafields & LegacyInteroperability & Node
  3893. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "HasMetafieldDefinitions")
  3894. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "HasMetafields")
  3895. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "LegacyInteroperability")
  3896. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  3897. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "HasMetafieldDefinitions")
  3898. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "HasMetafields")
  3899. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "LegacyInteroperability")
  3900. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  3901. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "HasMetafieldDefinitions")
  3902. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "HasMetafields")
  3903. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "LegacyInteroperability")
  3904. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  3905. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "HasMetafieldDefinitions")
  3906. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "HasMetafields")
  3907. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "LegacyInteroperability")
  3908. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  3909. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3910. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3911. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3912. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3913. {
  3914. activatable: Boolean!
  3915. address: LocationAddress!
  3916. addressVerified: Boolean!
  3917. deactivatable: Boolean!
  3918. deactivatedAt: String
  3919. deletable: Boolean!
  3920. fulfillmentService: FulfillmentService
  3921. fulfillsOnlineOrders: Boolean!
  3922. hasActiveInventory: Boolean!
  3923. hasUnfulfilledOrders: Boolean!
  3924. id: ID!
  3925. inventoryLevel(inventoryItemId: ID!): InventoryLevel
  3926. inventoryLevels(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, query: String): InventoryLevelConnection!
  3927. isActive: Boolean!
  3928. legacyResourceId: UnsignedInt64!
  3929. metafield(namespace: String!, key: String!): Metafield
  3930. metafieldDefinitions(namespace: String, pinnedStatus: MetafieldDefinitionPinnedStatus = ANY, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: MetafieldDefinitionSortKeys = ID, query: String): MetafieldDefinitionConnection!
  3931. metafields(namespace: String, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): MetafieldConnection!
  3932. name: String!
  3933. privateMetafield(namespace: String!, key: String!): PrivateMetafield
  3934. privateMetafields(namespace: String, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): PrivateMetafieldConnection!
  3935. shipsInventory: Boolean!
  3936. suggestedAddresses: [LocationSuggestedAddress!]!
  3937. }
  3938. type LocationAddress
  3939. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3940. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3941. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3942. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3943. {
  3944. address1: String
  3945. address2: String
  3946. city: String
  3947. country: String
  3948. countryCode: String
  3949. formatted: [String!]!
  3950. latitude: Float
  3951. longitude: Float
  3952. phone: String
  3953. province: String
  3954. provinceCode: String
  3955. zip: String
  3956. }
  3957. type LocationConnection
  3958. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3959. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3960. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3961. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3962. {
  3963. edges: [LocationEdge!]!
  3964. nodes: [Location!]!
  3965. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  3966. }
  3967. type LocationEdge
  3968. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3969. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3970. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3971. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3972. {
  3973. cursor: String!
  3974. node: Location!
  3975. }
  3976. enum LocationSortKeys
  3977. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3978. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3979. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3980. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3981. {
  3982. NAME
  3983. ID
  3985. }
  3986. type LocationSuggestedAddress
  3987. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  3988. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  3989. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  3990. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  3991. {
  3992. address1: String
  3993. address2: String
  3994. city: String
  3995. country: String
  3996. countryCode: CountryCode
  3997. formatted: [String!]!
  3998. province: String
  3999. provinceCode: String
  4000. zip: String
  4001. }
  4002. type MailingAddress implements Node
  4003. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  4004. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  4005. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  4006. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4007. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4008. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4009. {
  4010. address1: String
  4011. address2: String
  4012. city: String
  4013. company: String
  4014. coordinatesValidated: Boolean!
  4015. country: String
  4016. countryCodeV2: CountryCode
  4017. firstName: String
  4018. formattedArea: String
  4019. id: ID!
  4020. lastName: String
  4021. latitude: Float
  4022. longitude: Float
  4023. name: String
  4024. phone: String
  4025. province: String
  4026. provinceCode: String
  4027. zip: String
  4028. }
  4029. input MailingAddressInput
  4030. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4031. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4032. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4033. {
  4034. address1: String
  4035. address2: String
  4036. city: String
  4037. company: String
  4038. countryCode: CountryCode
  4039. firstName: String
  4040. lastName: String
  4041. phone: String
  4042. provinceCode: String
  4043. zip: String
  4044. }
  4045. type ManualDiscountApplication implements DiscountApplication
  4046. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "DiscountApplication")
  4047. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "DiscountApplication")
  4048. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "DiscountApplication")
  4049. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "DiscountApplication")
  4050. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4051. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4052. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4053. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4054. {
  4055. allocationMethod: DiscountApplicationAllocationMethod!
  4056. description: String
  4057. index: Int!
  4058. targetSelection: DiscountApplicationTargetSelection!
  4059. targetType: DiscountApplicationTargetType!
  4060. title: String!
  4061. value: PricingValue!
  4062. }
  4063. type Market implements Node
  4064. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  4065. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER, key: "id")
  4066. @join__type(graph: ORDER, key: "id")
  4067. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT, key: "id")
  4068. @join__type(graph: SHOP, key: "id")
  4069. {
  4070. id: ID!
  4071. currencySettings: MarketCurrencySettings! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  4072. enabled: Boolean! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  4073. name: String! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  4074. priceList: PriceList @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  4075. primary: Boolean! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  4076. regions(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): MarketRegionConnection! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  4077. webPresence: MarketWebPresence @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  4078. }
  4079. type MarketCurrencySettings
  4080. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4081. {
  4082. baseCurrency: CurrencySetting!
  4083. localCurrencies: Boolean!
  4084. }
  4085. enum MarketingChannel
  4086. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4087. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4088. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4089. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4090. {
  4091. SEARCH
  4092. DISPLAY
  4093. SOCIAL
  4094. EMAIL
  4095. REFERRAL
  4096. }
  4097. type MarketingEvent implements LegacyInteroperability & Node
  4098. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "LegacyInteroperability")
  4099. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  4100. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "LegacyInteroperability")
  4101. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  4102. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "LegacyInteroperability")
  4103. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  4104. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "LegacyInteroperability")
  4105. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  4106. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4107. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4108. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4109. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4110. {
  4111. app: App!
  4112. channel: MarketingChannel
  4113. description: String
  4114. endedAt: DateTime
  4115. id: ID!
  4116. legacyResourceId: UnsignedInt64!
  4117. manageUrl: URL
  4118. previewUrl: URL
  4119. remoteId: String
  4120. scheduledToEndAt: DateTime
  4121. sourceAndMedium: String!
  4122. startedAt: DateTime!
  4123. type: MarketingTactic!
  4124. utmCampaign: String
  4125. utmMedium: String
  4126. utmSource: String
  4127. }
  4128. enum MarketingTactic
  4129. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4130. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4131. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4132. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4133. {
  4135. AD
  4137. LINK
  4138. LOYALTY
  4139. MESSAGE
  4142. POST
  4145. SEO
  4146. DIRECT
  4148. }
  4149. interface MarketRegion
  4150. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4151. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4152. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4153. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4154. {
  4155. id: ID!
  4156. name: String!
  4157. }
  4158. type MarketRegionConnection
  4159. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4160. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4161. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4162. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4163. {
  4164. edges: [MarketRegionEdge!]!
  4165. nodes: [MarketRegion!]!
  4166. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  4167. }
  4168. type MarketRegionEdge
  4169. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4170. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4171. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4172. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4173. {
  4174. cursor: String!
  4175. node: MarketRegion!
  4176. }
  4177. type MarketWebPresence implements Node
  4178. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  4179. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER, key: "id")
  4180. @join__type(graph: ORDER, key: "id")
  4181. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT, key: "id")
  4182. @join__type(graph: SHOP, key: "id")
  4183. {
  4184. id: ID!
  4185. alternateLocales: [String!]! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  4186. defaultLocale: String! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  4187. domain: Domain @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  4188. market: Market! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  4189. rootUrls: [MarketWebPresenceRootUrl!]! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  4190. subfolderSuffix: String @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  4191. }
  4192. type MarketWebPresenceRootUrl
  4193. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4194. {
  4195. locale: String!
  4196. url: URL!
  4197. }
  4198. interface Media
  4199. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4200. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4201. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4202. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4203. {
  4204. alt: String
  4205. mediaContentType: MediaContentType!
  4206. mediaErrors: [MediaError!]!
  4207. mediaWarnings: [MediaWarning!]!
  4208. preview: MediaPreviewImage
  4209. status: MediaStatus!
  4210. }
  4211. type MediaConnection
  4212. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4213. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4214. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4215. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4216. {
  4217. edges: [MediaEdge!]!
  4218. nodes: [Media!]!
  4219. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  4220. }
  4221. enum MediaContentType
  4222. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4223. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4224. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4225. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4226. {
  4227. VIDEO
  4229. MODEL_3D
  4230. IMAGE
  4231. }
  4232. type MediaEdge
  4233. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4234. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4235. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4236. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4237. {
  4238. cursor: String!
  4239. node: Media!
  4240. }
  4241. type MediaError
  4242. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4243. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4244. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4245. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4246. {
  4247. code: MediaErrorCode!
  4248. details: String
  4249. message: String!
  4250. }
  4251. enum MediaErrorCode
  4252. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4253. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4254. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4255. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4256. {
  4257. UNKNOWN
  4288. }
  4289. type MediaImage implements File & Media & Node
  4290. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "File")
  4291. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Media")
  4292. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  4293. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "File")
  4294. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Media")
  4295. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  4296. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "File")
  4297. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Media")
  4298. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  4299. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "File")
  4300. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Media")
  4301. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  4302. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4303. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4304. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4305. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4306. {
  4307. alt: String
  4308. createdAt: DateTime!
  4309. fileErrors: [FileError!]!
  4310. fileStatus: FileStatus!
  4311. id: ID!
  4312. image: Image
  4313. mediaContentType: MediaContentType!
  4314. mediaErrors: [MediaError!]!
  4315. mediaWarnings: [MediaWarning!]!
  4316. mimeType: String
  4317. originalSource: MediaImageOriginalSource
  4318. preview: MediaPreviewImage
  4319. status: MediaStatus!
  4320. }
  4321. type MediaImageOriginalSource
  4322. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4323. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4324. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4325. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4326. {
  4327. fileSize: Int
  4328. }
  4329. type MediaPreviewImage
  4330. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4331. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4332. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4333. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4334. {
  4335. image: Image
  4336. status: MediaPreviewImageStatus!
  4337. }
  4338. enum MediaPreviewImageStatus
  4339. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4340. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4341. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4342. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4343. {
  4344. UPLOADED
  4346. READY
  4347. FAILED
  4348. }
  4349. enum MediaStatus
  4350. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4351. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4352. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4353. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4354. {
  4355. UPLOADED
  4357. READY
  4358. FAILED
  4359. }
  4360. type MediaUserError implements DisplayableError
  4361. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "DisplayableError")
  4362. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "DisplayableError")
  4363. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "DisplayableError")
  4364. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "DisplayableError")
  4365. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4366. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4367. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4368. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4369. {
  4370. code: MediaUserErrorCode
  4371. field: [String!]
  4372. message: String!
  4373. }
  4374. enum MediaUserErrorCode
  4375. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4376. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4377. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4378. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4379. {
  4380. INVALID
  4381. BLANK
  4400. }
  4401. type MediaWarning
  4402. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4403. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4404. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4405. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4406. {
  4407. code: MediaWarningCode!
  4408. message: String
  4409. }
  4410. enum MediaWarningCode
  4411. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4412. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4413. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4414. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4415. {
  4418. }
  4419. type MerchantApprovalSignals
  4420. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4421. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4422. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4423. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4424. {
  4425. identityVerified: Boolean!
  4426. verifiedByShopify: Boolean!
  4427. }
  4428. type Metafield implements LegacyInteroperability & Node
  4429. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "LegacyInteroperability")
  4430. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  4431. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "LegacyInteroperability")
  4432. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  4433. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "LegacyInteroperability")
  4434. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  4435. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "LegacyInteroperability")
  4436. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  4437. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4438. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4439. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4440. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4441. {
  4442. createdAt: DateTime!
  4443. definition: MetafieldDefinition
  4444. description: String
  4445. id: ID!
  4446. key: String!
  4447. legacyResourceId: UnsignedInt64!
  4448. namespace: String!
  4449. owner: HasMetafields!
  4450. ownerType: MetafieldOwnerType!
  4451. reference: MetafieldReference
  4452. references(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): MetafieldReferenceConnection
  4453. type: String!
  4454. updatedAt: DateTime!
  4455. value: String!
  4456. }
  4457. type MetafieldConnection
  4458. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4459. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4460. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4461. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4462. {
  4463. edges: [MetafieldEdge!]!
  4464. nodes: [Metafield!]!
  4465. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  4466. }
  4467. type MetafieldDefinition implements Node
  4468. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  4469. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  4470. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  4471. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  4472. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4473. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4474. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4475. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4476. {
  4477. description: String
  4478. id: ID!
  4479. key: String!
  4480. metafields(validationStatus: MetafieldValidationStatus = ANY, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): MetafieldConnection!
  4481. metafieldsCount(validationStatus: MetafieldValidationStatus): Int!
  4482. name: String!
  4483. namespace: String!
  4484. ownerType: MetafieldOwnerType!
  4485. pinnedPosition: Int
  4486. standardTemplate: StandardMetafieldDefinitionTemplate
  4487. type: MetafieldDefinitionType!
  4488. validationStatus: MetafieldDefinitionValidationStatus!
  4489. validations: [MetafieldDefinitionValidation!]!
  4490. visibleToStorefrontApi: Boolean!
  4491. }
  4492. type MetafieldDefinitionConnection
  4493. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4494. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4495. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4496. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4497. {
  4498. edges: [MetafieldDefinitionEdge!]!
  4499. nodes: [MetafieldDefinition!]!
  4500. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  4501. }
  4502. type MetafieldDefinitionEdge
  4503. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4504. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4505. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4506. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4507. {
  4508. cursor: String!
  4509. node: MetafieldDefinition!
  4510. }
  4511. enum MetafieldDefinitionPinnedStatus
  4512. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4513. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4514. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4515. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4516. {
  4517. ANY
  4518. PINNED
  4519. UNPINNED
  4520. }
  4521. enum MetafieldDefinitionSortKeys
  4522. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4523. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4524. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4525. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4526. {
  4527. ID
  4528. NAME
  4531. }
  4532. type MetafieldDefinitionSupportedValidation
  4533. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4534. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4535. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4536. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4537. {
  4538. name: String!
  4539. type: String!
  4540. }
  4541. type MetafieldDefinitionType
  4542. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4543. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4544. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4545. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4546. {
  4547. category: String!
  4548. name: String!
  4549. supportedValidations: [MetafieldDefinitionSupportedValidation!]!
  4550. supportsDefinitionMigrations: Boolean!
  4551. }
  4552. type MetafieldDefinitionValidation
  4553. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4554. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4555. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4556. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4557. {
  4558. name: String!
  4559. type: String!
  4560. value: String
  4561. }
  4562. enum MetafieldDefinitionValidationStatus
  4563. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4564. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4565. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4566. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4567. {
  4568. ALL_VALID
  4571. }
  4572. type MetafieldEdge
  4573. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4574. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4575. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4576. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4577. {
  4578. cursor: String!
  4579. node: Metafield!
  4580. }
  4581. input MetafieldInput
  4582. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4583. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4584. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4585. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4586. {
  4587. description: String
  4588. id: ID
  4589. namespace: String
  4590. key: String
  4591. value: String
  4592. type: String
  4593. }
  4594. enum MetafieldOwnerType
  4595. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4596. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4597. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4598. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4599. {
  4601. ARTICLE
  4602. BLOG
  4604. CUSTOMER
  4605. DISCOUNT
  4607. LOCATION
  4608. ORDER
  4609. PAGE
  4610. PRODUCT
  4613. SHOP
  4614. }
  4615. union MetafieldReference
  4616. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4617. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4618. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4619. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4620. = Collection | GenericFile | MediaImage | OnlineStorePage | Product | ProductVariant | Video
  4621. type MetafieldReferenceConnection
  4622. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4623. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4624. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4625. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4626. {
  4627. edges: [MetafieldReferenceEdge!]!
  4628. nodes: [MetafieldReference]!
  4629. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  4630. }
  4631. type MetafieldReferenceEdge
  4632. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4633. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4634. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4635. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4636. {
  4637. cursor: String!
  4638. node: MetafieldReference
  4639. }
  4640. enum MetafieldValidationStatus
  4641. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4642. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4643. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4644. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4645. {
  4646. ANY
  4647. VALID
  4648. INVALID
  4649. }
  4650. enum MethodDefinitionSortKeys
  4651. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4652. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4653. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4654. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4655. {
  4657. ID
  4659. }
  4660. scalar Money
  4661. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4662. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4663. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4664. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4665. type MoneyBag
  4666. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4667. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4668. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4669. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4670. {
  4671. presentmentMoney: MoneyV2!
  4672. shopMoney: MoneyV2!
  4673. }
  4674. type MoneyV2
  4675. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4676. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4677. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4678. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4679. {
  4680. amount: Decimal!
  4681. currencyCode: CurrencyCode!
  4682. }
  4683. input MoveInput
  4684. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4685. {
  4686. id: ID!
  4687. newPosition: UnsignedInt64!
  4688. }
  4689. type Mutation
  4690. @inContext
  4691. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4692. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4693. {
  4694. customerCreate(input: CustomerInput!): CustomerCreatePayload @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4695. productAppendImages(input: ProductAppendImagesInput!): ProductAppendImagesPayload @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  4696. productChangeStatus(productId: ID!, status: ProductStatus!): ProductChangeStatusPayload @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  4697. productCreate(input: ProductInput!, media: [CreateMediaInput!]): ProductCreatePayload @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  4698. productCreateMedia(productId: ID!, media: [CreateMediaInput!]!): ProductCreateMediaPayload @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  4699. productDelete(input: ProductDeleteInput!): ProductDeletePayload @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  4700. productDeleteImages(id: ID!, imageIds: [ID!]!): ProductDeleteImagesPayload @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  4701. productDeleteMedia(productId: ID!, mediaIds: [ID!]!): ProductDeleteMediaPayload @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  4702. productDuplicate(productId: ID!, newTitle: String!, newStatus: ProductStatus, includeImages: Boolean = false): ProductDuplicatePayload @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  4703. productImageUpdate(productId: ID!, image: ImageInput!): ProductImageUpdatePayload @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  4704. productJoinSellingPlanGroups(id: ID!, sellingPlanGroupIds: [ID!]!): ProductJoinSellingPlanGroupsPayload @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  4705. productLeaveSellingPlanGroups(id: ID!, sellingPlanGroupIds: [ID!]!): ProductLeaveSellingPlanGroupsPayload @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  4706. productReorderImages(id: ID!, moves: [MoveInput!]!): ProductReorderImagesPayload @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  4707. productReorderMedia(id: ID!, moves: [MoveInput!]!): ProductReorderMediaPayload @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  4708. productUpdate(input: ProductInput!): ProductUpdatePayload @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  4709. productUpdateMedia(productId: ID!, media: [UpdateMediaInput!]!): ProductUpdateMediaPayload @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  4710. productVariantAppendMedia(productId: ID!, variantMedia: [ProductVariantAppendMediaInput!]!): ProductVariantAppendMediaPayload @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  4711. productVariantCreate(input: ProductVariantInput!): ProductVariantCreatePayload @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  4712. productVariantDelete(id: ID!): ProductVariantDeletePayload @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  4713. productVariantDetachMedia(productId: ID!, variantMedia: [ProductVariantDetachMediaInput!]!): ProductVariantDetachMediaPayload @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  4714. productVariantJoinSellingPlanGroups(id: ID!, sellingPlanGroupIds: [ID!]!): ProductVariantJoinSellingPlanGroupsPayload @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  4715. productVariantLeaveSellingPlanGroups(id: ID!, sellingPlanGroupIds: [ID!]!): ProductVariantLeaveSellingPlanGroupsPayload @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  4716. productVariantUpdate(input: ProductVariantInput!): ProductVariantUpdatePayload @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  4717. productVariantsBulkCreate(variants: [ProductVariantsBulkInput!]!, productId: ID!): ProductVariantsBulkCreatePayload @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  4718. productVariantsBulkDelete(variantsIds: [ID!]!, productId: ID!): ProductVariantsBulkDeletePayload @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  4719. productVariantsBulkReorder(productId: ID!, positions: [ProductVariantPositionInput!]!): ProductVariantsBulkReorderPayload @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  4720. productVariantsBulkUpdate(variants: [ProductVariantsBulkInput!]!, productId: ID!): ProductVariantsBulkUpdatePayload @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  4721. }
  4722. interface Navigable
  4723. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4724. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4725. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4726. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4727. {
  4728. defaultCursor: String!
  4729. }
  4730. type NavigationItem
  4731. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4732. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4733. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4734. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4735. {
  4736. id: String!
  4737. title: String!
  4738. url: URL!
  4739. }
  4740. interface Node
  4741. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4742. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4743. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4744. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4745. {
  4746. id: ID!
  4747. }
  4748. type OnlineStorePage implements HasPublishedTranslations & Navigable & Node
  4749. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "HasPublishedTranslations")
  4750. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Navigable")
  4751. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  4752. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "HasPublishedTranslations")
  4753. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Navigable")
  4754. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  4755. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "HasPublishedTranslations")
  4756. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Navigable")
  4757. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  4758. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "HasPublishedTranslations")
  4759. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Navigable")
  4760. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  4761. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4762. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4763. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4764. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4765. {
  4766. defaultCursor: String!
  4767. id: ID!
  4768. translations(locale: String!, marketId: ID): [PublishedTranslation!]!
  4769. }
  4770. interface OnlineStorePreviewable
  4771. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4772. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4773. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4774. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4775. {
  4776. onlineStorePreviewUrl: URL
  4777. }
  4778. type Order implements CommentEventSubject & HasEvents & HasLocalizationExtensions & HasMetafieldDefinitions & HasMetafields & LegacyInteroperability & Node
  4779. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "CommentEventSubject")
  4780. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "HasEvents")
  4781. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "HasLocalizationExtensions")
  4782. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "HasMetafieldDefinitions")
  4783. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "HasMetafields")
  4784. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "LegacyInteroperability")
  4785. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  4786. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER, key: "id")
  4787. @join__type(graph: ORDER, key: "id")
  4788. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT, key: "id")
  4789. @join__type(graph: SHOP, key: "id")
  4790. {
  4791. id: ID!
  4792. agreements(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, query: String): SalesAgreementConnection! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4793. alerts: [ResourceAlert!]! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4794. app: OrderApp @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4795. billingAddress: MailingAddress @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4796. billingAddressMatchesShippingAddress: Boolean! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4797. canMarkAsPaid: Boolean! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4798. canNotifyCustomer: Boolean! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4799. cancelReason: OrderCancelReason @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4800. cancelledAt: DateTime @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4801. capturable: Boolean! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4802. cartDiscountAmountSet: MoneyBag @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4803. channelInformation: ChannelInformation @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4804. clientIp: String @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4805. closed: Boolean! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4806. closedAt: DateTime @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4807. confirmed: Boolean! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4808. createdAt: DateTime! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4809. currencyCode: CurrencyCode! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4810. currentCartDiscountAmountSet: MoneyBag! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4811. currentSubtotalLineItemsQuantity: Int! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4812. currentSubtotalPriceSet: MoneyBag! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4813. currentTaxLines: [TaxLine!]! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4814. currentTotalDiscountsSet: MoneyBag! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4815. currentTotalDutiesSet: MoneyBag @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4816. currentTotalPriceSet: MoneyBag! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4817. currentTotalTaxSet: MoneyBag! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4818. currentTotalWeight: UnsignedInt64! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4819. customAttributes: [Attribute!]! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4820. customer: Customer @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4821. customerAcceptsMarketing: Boolean! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4822. customerJourneySummary: CustomerJourneySummary @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4823. customerLocale: String @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4824. discountApplications(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): DiscountApplicationConnection! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4825. discountCode: String @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4826. discountCodes: [String!]! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4827. displayAddress: MailingAddress @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4828. displayFinancialStatus: OrderDisplayFinancialStatus @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4829. displayFulfillmentStatus: OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatus! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4830. disputes: [OrderDisputeSummary!]! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4831. edited: Boolean! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4832. email: String @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4833. estimatedTaxes: Boolean! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4834. events(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: EventSortKeys = ID, query: String): EventConnection! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4835. fulfillable: Boolean! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4836. fulfillmentOrders(displayable: Boolean = false, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, query: String): FulfillmentOrderConnection! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4837. fulfillments(first: Int): [Fulfillment!]! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4838. fullyPaid: Boolean! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4839. hasTimelineComment: Boolean! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4840. legacyResourceId: UnsignedInt64! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4841. lineItems(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): LineItemConnection! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4842. localizationExtensions(countryCodes: [CountryCode!], purposes: [LocalizationExtensionPurpose!], first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): LocalizationExtensionConnection! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4843. merchantEditable: Boolean! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4844. merchantEditableErrors: [String!]! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4845. merchantOfRecordApp: OrderApp @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4846. metafield(namespace: String!, key: String!): Metafield @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4847. metafieldDefinitions(namespace: String, pinnedStatus: MetafieldDefinitionPinnedStatus = ANY, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: MetafieldDefinitionSortKeys = ID, query: String): MetafieldDefinitionConnection! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4848. metafields(namespace: String, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): MetafieldConnection! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4849. name: String! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4850. netPaymentSet: MoneyBag! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4851. nonFulfillableLineItems(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): LineItemConnection! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4852. note: String @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4853. originalTotalDutiesSet: MoneyBag @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4854. originalTotalPriceSet: MoneyBag! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4855. paymentCollectionDetails: OrderPaymentCollectionDetails! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4856. paymentGatewayNames: [String!]! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4857. paymentTerms: PaymentTerms @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4858. phone: String @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4859. physicalLocation: Location @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4860. presentmentCurrencyCode: CurrencyCode! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4861. privateMetafield(namespace: String!, key: String!): PrivateMetafield @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4862. privateMetafields(namespace: String, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): PrivateMetafieldConnection! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4863. processedAt: DateTime! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4864. publication: Publication @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4865. purchasingEntity: PurchasingEntity @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4866. refundDiscrepancySet: MoneyBag! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4867. refundable: Boolean! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4868. refunds(first: Int): [Refund!]! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4869. registeredSourceUrl: URL @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4870. requiresShipping: Boolean! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4871. restockable: Boolean! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4872. riskLevel: OrderRiskLevel! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4873. risks(first: Int): [OrderRisk!]! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4874. shippingAddress: MailingAddress @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4875. shippingLine: ShippingLine @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4876. shippingLines(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): ShippingLineConnection! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4877. sourceIdentifier: String @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4878. subtotalLineItemsQuantity: Int! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4879. subtotalPriceSet: MoneyBag @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4880. suggestedRefund(shippingAmount: Money, refundShipping: Boolean, refundLineItems: [RefundLineItemInput!], refundDuties: [RefundDutyInput!], suggestFullRefund: Boolean = false): SuggestedRefund @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4881. tags: [String!]! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4882. taxLines: [TaxLine!]! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4883. taxesIncluded: Boolean! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4884. test: Boolean! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4885. totalCapturableSet: MoneyBag! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4886. totalDiscountsSet: MoneyBag @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4887. totalOutstandingSet: MoneyBag! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4888. totalPriceSet: MoneyBag! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4889. totalReceivedSet: MoneyBag! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4890. totalRefundedSet: MoneyBag! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4891. totalRefundedShippingSet: MoneyBag! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4892. totalShippingPriceSet: MoneyBag! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4893. totalTaxSet: MoneyBag @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4894. totalTipReceivedSet: MoneyBag! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4895. totalWeight: UnsignedInt64 @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4896. transactions(first: Int, capturable: Boolean, manuallyResolvable: Boolean): [OrderTransaction!]! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4897. unpaid: Boolean! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4898. updatedAt: DateTime! @join__field(graph: ORDER)
  4899. }
  4900. enum OrderActionType
  4901. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4902. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4903. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4904. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4905. {
  4906. ORDER
  4907. ORDER_EDIT
  4908. REFUND
  4909. UNKNOWN
  4910. }
  4911. type OrderApp
  4912. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4913. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4914. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4915. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4916. {
  4917. icon: Image!
  4918. id: ID!
  4919. name: String!
  4920. }
  4921. enum OrderCancelReason
  4922. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4923. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4924. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4925. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4926. {
  4927. CUSTOMER
  4928. FRAUD
  4930. DECLINED
  4931. OTHER
  4932. }
  4933. type OrderConnection
  4934. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4935. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4936. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4937. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4938. {
  4939. edges: [OrderEdge!]!
  4940. nodes: [Order!]!
  4941. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  4942. }
  4943. enum OrderDisplayFinancialStatus
  4944. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4945. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4946. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4947. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4948. {
  4949. PENDING
  4953. VOIDED
  4954. PAID
  4955. REFUNDED
  4956. EXPIRED
  4957. }
  4958. enum OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatus
  4959. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4960. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4961. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4962. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4963. {
  4969. OPEN
  4971. ON_HOLD
  4973. }
  4974. type OrderDisputeSummary implements Node
  4975. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  4976. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  4977. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  4978. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  4979. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4980. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4981. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4982. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4983. {
  4984. id: ID!
  4985. initiatedAs: DisputeType!
  4986. status: DisputeStatus!
  4987. }
  4988. type OrderEdge
  4989. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4990. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  4991. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  4992. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  4993. {
  4994. cursor: String!
  4995. node: Order!
  4996. }
  4997. type OrderPaymentCollectionDetails
  4998. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  4999. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5000. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5001. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5002. {
  5003. additionalPaymentCollectionUrl: URL
  5004. vaultedPaymentMethods: [PaymentMandate!]
  5005. }
  5006. type OrderRisk
  5007. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5008. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5009. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5010. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5011. {
  5012. display: Boolean!
  5013. level: OrderRiskLevel
  5014. message: String
  5015. }
  5016. enum OrderRiskLevel
  5017. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5018. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5019. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5020. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5021. {
  5022. LOW
  5023. MEDIUM
  5024. HIGH
  5025. }
  5026. enum OrderSortKeys
  5027. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5028. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5029. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5030. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5031. {
  5032. CREATED_AT
  5039. UPDATED_AT
  5040. ID
  5042. }
  5043. type OrderTransaction implements Node
  5044. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  5045. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  5046. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  5047. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  5048. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5049. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5050. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5051. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5052. {
  5053. accountNumber: String
  5054. amountSet: MoneyBag!
  5055. authorizationCode: String
  5056. authorizationExpiresAt: DateTime
  5057. createdAt: DateTime!
  5058. errorCode: OrderTransactionErrorCode
  5059. fees: [TransactionFee!]!
  5060. formattedGateway: String
  5061. gateway: String
  5062. id: ID!
  5063. kind: OrderTransactionKind!
  5064. manuallyCapturable: Boolean!
  5065. maximumRefundableV2: MoneyV2
  5066. order: Order
  5067. parentTransaction: OrderTransaction
  5068. paymentIcon: Image
  5069. processedAt: DateTime
  5070. receiptJson: JSON
  5071. settlementCurrency: CurrencyCode
  5072. settlementCurrencyRate: Decimal
  5073. shopifyPaymentsSet: ShopifyPaymentsTransactionSet
  5074. status: OrderTransactionStatus!
  5075. test: Boolean!
  5076. totalUnsettledSet: MoneyBag
  5077. user: StaffMember
  5078. }
  5079. type OrderTransactionConnection
  5080. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5081. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5082. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5083. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5084. {
  5085. edges: [OrderTransactionEdge!]!
  5086. nodes: [OrderTransaction!]!
  5087. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  5088. }
  5089. type OrderTransactionEdge
  5090. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5091. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5092. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5093. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5094. {
  5095. cursor: String!
  5096. node: OrderTransaction!
  5097. }
  5098. enum OrderTransactionErrorCode
  5099. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5100. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5101. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5102. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5103. {
  5116. PICK_UP_CARD
  5131. }
  5132. enum OrderTransactionKind
  5133. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5134. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5135. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5136. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5137. {
  5138. SALE
  5139. CAPTURE
  5141. VOID
  5142. REFUND
  5143. CHANGE
  5146. }
  5147. enum OrderTransactionStatus
  5148. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5149. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5150. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5151. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5152. {
  5153. SUCCESS
  5154. FAILURE
  5155. PENDING
  5156. ERROR
  5158. UNKNOWN
  5159. }
  5160. type PageInfo
  5161. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5162. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5163. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5164. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5165. {
  5166. endCursor: String
  5167. hasNextPage: Boolean!
  5168. hasPreviousPage: Boolean!
  5169. startCursor: String
  5170. }
  5171. union PaymentInstrument
  5172. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5173. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5174. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5175. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5176. = VaultCreditCard | VaultPaypalBillingAgreement
  5177. type PaymentMandate implements Node
  5178. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  5179. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  5180. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  5181. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  5182. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5183. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5184. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5185. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5186. {
  5187. id: ID!
  5188. paymentInstrument: PaymentInstrument!
  5189. }
  5190. type PaymentSchedule implements Node
  5191. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  5192. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  5193. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  5194. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  5195. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5196. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5197. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5198. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5199. {
  5200. amount: MoneyV2!
  5201. completedAt: DateTime
  5202. dueAt: DateTime
  5203. id: ID!
  5204. issuedAt: DateTime
  5205. }
  5206. type PaymentScheduleConnection
  5207. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5208. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5209. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5210. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5211. {
  5212. edges: [PaymentScheduleEdge!]!
  5213. nodes: [PaymentSchedule!]!
  5214. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  5215. }
  5216. type PaymentScheduleEdge
  5217. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5218. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5219. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5220. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5221. {
  5222. cursor: String!
  5223. node: PaymentSchedule!
  5224. }
  5225. type PaymentSettings
  5226. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5227. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5228. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5229. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5230. {
  5231. supportedDigitalWallets: [DigitalWallet!]!
  5232. }
  5233. type PaymentTerms implements Node
  5234. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  5235. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  5236. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  5237. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  5238. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5239. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5240. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5241. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5242. {
  5243. dueInDays: Int
  5244. id: ID!
  5245. overdue: Boolean!
  5246. paymentSchedules(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): PaymentScheduleConnection!
  5247. paymentTermsName: String!
  5248. paymentTermsType: PaymentTermsType!
  5249. translatedName: String!
  5250. }
  5251. type PaymentTermsTemplate implements Node
  5252. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  5253. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  5254. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  5255. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  5256. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5257. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5258. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5259. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5260. {
  5261. description: String!
  5262. dueInDays: Int
  5263. id: ID!
  5264. name: String!
  5265. paymentTermsType: PaymentTermsType!
  5266. translatedName: String!
  5267. }
  5268. enum PaymentTermsType
  5269. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5270. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5271. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5272. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5273. {
  5274. RECEIPT
  5275. NET
  5276. FIXED
  5277. UNKNOWN
  5278. }
  5279. enum PaypalExpressSubscriptionsGatewayStatus
  5280. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5281. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5282. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5283. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5284. {
  5285. ENABLED
  5286. DISABLED
  5287. PENDING
  5288. }
  5289. type PriceList implements Node
  5290. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  5291. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  5292. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  5293. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  5294. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5295. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5296. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5297. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5298. {
  5299. contextRule: PriceListContextRule
  5300. currency: CurrencyCode!
  5301. id: ID!
  5302. name: String!
  5303. parent: PriceListParent
  5304. prices(originType: PriceListPriceOriginType, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): PriceListPriceConnection!
  5305. }
  5306. type PriceListAdjustment
  5307. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5308. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5309. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5310. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5311. {
  5312. type: PriceListAdjustmentType!
  5313. value: Float!
  5314. }
  5315. enum PriceListAdjustmentType
  5316. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5317. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5318. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5319. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5320. {
  5323. }
  5324. type PriceListContextRule
  5325. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5326. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5327. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5328. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5329. {
  5330. countries: [CountryCode!]!
  5331. market: Market
  5332. }
  5333. type PriceListParent
  5334. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5335. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5336. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5337. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5338. {
  5339. adjustment: PriceListAdjustment!
  5340. }
  5341. type PriceListPrice
  5342. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5343. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5344. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5345. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5346. {
  5347. compareAtPrice: MoneyV2
  5348. originType: PriceListPriceOriginType!
  5349. price: MoneyV2!
  5350. variant: ProductVariant!
  5351. }
  5352. type PriceListPriceConnection
  5353. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5354. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5355. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5356. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5357. {
  5358. edges: [PriceListPriceEdge!]!
  5359. nodes: [PriceListPrice!]!
  5360. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  5361. }
  5362. type PriceListPriceEdge
  5363. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5364. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5365. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5366. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5367. {
  5368. cursor: String!
  5369. node: PriceListPrice!
  5370. }
  5371. enum PriceListPriceOriginType
  5372. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5373. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5374. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5375. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5376. {
  5377. FIXED
  5378. RELATIVE
  5379. }
  5380. type PricingPercentageValue
  5381. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5382. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5383. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5384. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5385. {
  5386. percentage: Float!
  5387. }
  5388. union PricingValue
  5389. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5390. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5391. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5392. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5393. = MoneyV2 | PricingPercentageValue
  5394. type PrivateMetafield implements Node
  5395. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  5396. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  5397. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  5398. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  5399. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5400. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5401. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5402. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5403. {
  5404. createdAt: DateTime!
  5405. id: ID!
  5406. key: String!
  5407. namespace: String!
  5408. updatedAt: DateTime!
  5409. value: String!
  5410. valueType: PrivateMetafieldValueType!
  5411. }
  5412. type PrivateMetafieldConnection
  5413. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5414. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5415. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5416. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5417. {
  5418. edges: [PrivateMetafieldEdge!]!
  5419. nodes: [PrivateMetafield!]!
  5420. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  5421. }
  5422. type PrivateMetafieldEdge
  5423. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5424. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5425. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5426. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5427. {
  5428. cursor: String!
  5429. node: PrivateMetafield!
  5430. }
  5431. input PrivateMetafieldInput
  5432. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5433. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5434. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5435. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5436. {
  5437. owner: ID
  5438. namespace: String!
  5439. key: String!
  5440. valueInput: PrivateMetafieldValueInput!
  5441. }
  5442. input PrivateMetafieldValueInput
  5443. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5444. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5445. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5446. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5447. {
  5448. value: String!
  5449. valueType: PrivateMetafieldValueType!
  5450. }
  5451. enum PrivateMetafieldValueType
  5452. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5453. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5454. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5455. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5456. {
  5457. STRING
  5458. INTEGER
  5460. }
  5461. type Product implements HasMetafieldDefinitions & HasMetafields & HasPublishedTranslations & LegacyInteroperability & Navigable & Node & OnlineStorePreviewable & Publishable
  5462. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "HasMetafieldDefinitions")
  5463. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "HasMetafields")
  5464. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "HasPublishedTranslations")
  5465. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "LegacyInteroperability")
  5466. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Navigable")
  5467. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  5468. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "OnlineStorePreviewable")
  5469. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Publishable")
  5470. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER, key: "id")
  5471. @join__type(graph: ORDER, key: "id")
  5472. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT, key: "id")
  5473. @join__type(graph: SHOP, key: "id")
  5474. {
  5475. id: ID!
  5476. availablePublicationCount: Int! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5477. collections(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: CollectionSortKeys = ID, query: String): CollectionConnection! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5478. contextualPricing(context: ContextualPricingContext!): ProductContextualPricing! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5479. createdAt: DateTime! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5480. defaultCursor: String! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5481. description(truncateAt: Int): String! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5482. descriptionHtml: HTML! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5483. featuredImage: Image @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5484. featuredMedia: Media @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5485. feedback: ResourceFeedback @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5486. giftCardTemplateSuffix: String @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5487. handle: String! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5488. hasOnlyDefaultVariant: Boolean! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5489. hasOutOfStockVariants: Boolean! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5490. images(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: ProductImageSortKeys = POSITION): ImageConnection! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5491. inCollection(id: ID!): Boolean! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5492. isGiftCard: Boolean! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5493. legacyResourceId: UnsignedInt64! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5494. media(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: ProductMediaSortKeys = POSITION): MediaConnection! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5495. mediaCount: Int! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5496. metafield(namespace: String!, key: String!): Metafield @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5497. metafieldDefinitions(namespace: String, pinnedStatus: MetafieldDefinitionPinnedStatus = ANY, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: MetafieldDefinitionSortKeys = ID, query: String): MetafieldDefinitionConnection! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5498. metafields(namespace: String, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): MetafieldConnection! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5499. onlineStorePreviewUrl: URL @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5500. onlineStoreUrl: URL @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5501. options(first: Int): [ProductOption!]! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5502. priceRangeV2: ProductPriceRangeV2! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5503. privateMetafield(namespace: String!, key: String!): PrivateMetafield @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5504. privateMetafields(namespace: String, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): PrivateMetafieldConnection! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5505. productCategory: ProductCategory @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5506. productType: String! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5507. publicationCount(onlyPublished: Boolean = true): Int! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5508. publishedAt: DateTime @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5509. publishedOnCurrentPublication: Boolean! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5510. publishedOnPublication(publicationId: ID!): Boolean! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5511. requiresSellingPlan: Boolean! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5512. resourcePublicationOnCurrentPublication: ResourcePublicationV2 @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5513. resourcePublications(onlyPublished: Boolean = true, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): ResourcePublicationConnection! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5514. resourcePublicationsV2(onlyPublished: Boolean = true, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): ResourcePublicationV2Connection! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5515. sellingPlanGroupCount: Int! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5516. sellingPlanGroups(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): SellingPlanGroupConnection! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5517. seo: SEO! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5518. status: ProductStatus! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5519. tags: [String!]! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5520. templateSuffix: String @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5521. title: String! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5522. totalInventory: Int! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5523. totalVariants: Int! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5524. tracksInventory: Boolean! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5525. translations(locale: String!, marketId: ID): [PublishedTranslation!]! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5526. unpublishedPublications(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): PublicationConnection! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5527. updatedAt: DateTime! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5528. variants(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: ProductVariantSortKeys = POSITION): ProductVariantConnection! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5529. vendor: String! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5530. }
  5531. input ProductAppendImagesInput
  5532. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5533. {
  5534. id: ID!
  5535. images: [ImageInput!]!
  5536. }
  5537. type ProductAppendImagesPayload
  5538. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5539. {
  5540. newImages: [Image!]
  5541. product: Product
  5542. userErrors: [UserError!]!
  5543. }
  5544. type ProductCategory
  5545. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5546. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5547. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5548. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5549. {
  5550. productTaxonomyNode: ProductTaxonomyNode
  5551. }
  5552. input ProductCategoryInput
  5553. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5554. {
  5555. productTaxonomyNodeId: ID!
  5556. }
  5557. type ProductChangeStatusPayload
  5558. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5559. {
  5560. product: Product
  5561. userErrors: [ProductChangeStatusUserError!]!
  5562. }
  5563. type ProductChangeStatusUserError implements DisplayableError
  5564. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "DisplayableError")
  5565. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "DisplayableError")
  5566. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "DisplayableError")
  5567. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "DisplayableError")
  5568. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5569. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5570. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5571. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5572. {
  5573. code: ProductChangeStatusUserErrorCode
  5574. field: [String!]
  5575. message: String!
  5576. }
  5577. enum ProductChangeStatusUserErrorCode
  5578. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5579. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5580. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5581. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5582. {
  5584. }
  5585. enum ProductCollectionSortKeys
  5586. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5587. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5588. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5589. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5590. {
  5591. TITLE
  5592. PRICE
  5594. CREATED
  5595. ID
  5596. MANUAL
  5599. }
  5600. type ProductConnection
  5601. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5602. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5603. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5604. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5605. {
  5606. edges: [ProductEdge!]!
  5607. nodes: [Product!]!
  5608. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  5609. }
  5610. type ProductContextualPricing
  5611. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5612. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5613. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5614. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5615. {
  5616. maxVariantPricing: ProductVariantContextualPricing
  5617. minVariantPricing: ProductVariantContextualPricing
  5618. priceRange: ProductPriceRangeV2!
  5619. }
  5620. type ProductCreateMediaPayload
  5621. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5622. {
  5623. media: [Media!]
  5624. mediaUserErrors: [MediaUserError!]!
  5625. product: Product
  5626. }
  5627. type ProductCreatePayload
  5628. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5629. {
  5630. product: Product
  5631. shop: Shop!
  5632. userErrors: [UserError!]!
  5633. }
  5634. type ProductDeleteImagesPayload
  5635. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5636. {
  5637. deletedImageIds: [ID!]!
  5638. product: Product
  5639. userErrors: [UserError!]!
  5640. }
  5641. input ProductDeleteInput
  5642. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5643. {
  5644. id: ID!
  5645. }
  5646. type ProductDeleteMediaPayload
  5647. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5648. {
  5649. deletedMediaIds: [ID!]
  5650. deletedProductImageIds: [ID!]
  5651. mediaUserErrors: [MediaUserError!]!
  5652. product: Product
  5653. }
  5654. type ProductDeletePayload
  5655. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5656. {
  5657. deletedProductId: ID
  5658. shop: Shop!
  5659. userErrors: [UserError!]!
  5660. }
  5661. type ProductDuplicatePayload
  5662. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5663. {
  5664. imageJob: Job
  5665. newProduct: Product
  5666. shop: Shop!
  5667. userErrors: [UserError!]!
  5668. }
  5669. type ProductEdge
  5670. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5671. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5672. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5673. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5674. {
  5675. cursor: String!
  5676. node: Product!
  5677. }
  5678. enum ProductImageSortKeys
  5679. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5680. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5681. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5682. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5683. {
  5684. CREATED_AT
  5685. POSITION
  5686. ID
  5688. }
  5689. type ProductImageUpdatePayload
  5690. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5691. {
  5692. image: Image
  5693. userErrors: [UserError!]!
  5694. }
  5695. input ProductInput
  5696. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5697. {
  5698. descriptionHtml: String
  5699. redirectNewHandle: Boolean
  5700. handle: String
  5701. seo: SEOInput
  5702. productType: String
  5703. standardizedProductType: StandardizedProductTypeInput
  5704. productCategory: ProductCategoryInput
  5705. customProductType: String
  5706. tags: [String!]
  5707. templateSuffix: String
  5708. giftCard: Boolean
  5709. giftCardTemplateSuffix: String
  5710. title: String
  5711. vendor: String
  5712. collectionsToJoin: [ID!]
  5713. collectionsToLeave: [ID!]
  5714. id: ID
  5715. images: [ImageInput!]
  5716. metafields: [MetafieldInput!]
  5717. privateMetafields: [PrivateMetafieldInput!]
  5718. options: [String!]
  5719. variants: [ProductVariantInput!]
  5720. status: ProductStatus
  5721. requiresSellingPlan: Boolean
  5722. }
  5723. type ProductJoinSellingPlanGroupsPayload
  5724. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5725. {
  5726. product: Product
  5727. userErrors: [SellingPlanGroupUserError!]!
  5728. }
  5729. type ProductLeaveSellingPlanGroupsPayload
  5730. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5731. {
  5732. product: Product
  5733. userErrors: [SellingPlanGroupUserError!]!
  5734. }
  5735. enum ProductMediaSortKeys
  5736. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5737. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5738. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5739. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5740. {
  5741. POSITION
  5742. ID
  5744. }
  5745. type ProductOption implements HasPublishedTranslations & Node
  5746. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "HasPublishedTranslations")
  5747. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  5748. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT, key: "id")
  5749. {
  5750. id: ID!
  5751. name: String!
  5752. position: Int!
  5753. translations(locale: String!, marketId: ID): [PublishedTranslation!]!
  5754. values: [String!]!
  5755. }
  5756. type ProductPriceRangeV2
  5757. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5758. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5759. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5760. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5761. {
  5762. maxVariantPrice: MoneyV2!
  5763. minVariantPrice: MoneyV2!
  5764. }
  5765. type ProductReorderImagesPayload
  5766. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5767. {
  5768. job: Job
  5769. userErrors: [UserError!]!
  5770. }
  5771. type ProductReorderMediaPayload
  5772. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5773. {
  5774. job: Job
  5775. mediaUserErrors: [MediaUserError!]!
  5776. }
  5777. type ProductResourceFeedback
  5778. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5779. {
  5780. feedbackGeneratedAt: DateTime!
  5781. messages: [String!]!
  5782. productId: ID!
  5783. productUpdatedAt: DateTime!
  5784. state: ResourceFeedbackState!
  5785. }
  5786. enum ProductSortKeys
  5787. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5788. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5789. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5790. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5791. {
  5792. TITLE
  5794. VENDOR
  5796. UPDATED_AT
  5797. CREATED_AT
  5799. ID
  5801. }
  5802. enum ProductStatus
  5803. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5804. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5805. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5806. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5807. {
  5808. ACTIVE
  5809. ARCHIVED
  5810. DRAFT
  5811. }
  5812. type ProductTaxonomyNode implements Node
  5813. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  5814. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  5815. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  5816. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  5817. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5818. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5819. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5820. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5821. {
  5822. fullName: String!
  5823. id: ID!
  5824. isLeaf: Boolean!
  5825. isRoot: Boolean!
  5826. name: String!
  5827. }
  5828. type ProductUpdateMediaPayload
  5829. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5830. {
  5831. media: [Media!]
  5832. mediaUserErrors: [MediaUserError!]!
  5833. product: Product
  5834. }
  5835. type ProductUpdatePayload
  5836. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5837. {
  5838. product: Product
  5839. userErrors: [UserError!]!
  5840. }
  5841. type ProductVariant implements HasMetafieldDefinitions & HasMetafields & HasPublishedTranslations & LegacyInteroperability & Navigable & Node
  5842. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "HasMetafieldDefinitions")
  5843. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "HasMetafields")
  5844. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "HasPublishedTranslations")
  5845. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "LegacyInteroperability")
  5846. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Navigable")
  5847. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  5848. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER, key: "id")
  5849. @join__type(graph: ORDER, key: "id")
  5850. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT, key: "id")
  5851. @join__type(graph: SHOP, key: "id")
  5852. {
  5853. id: ID!
  5854. availableForSale: Boolean! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5855. barcode: String @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5856. compareAtPrice: Money @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5857. contextualPricing(context: ContextualPricingContext!): ProductVariantContextualPricing! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5858. createdAt: DateTime! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5859. defaultCursor: String! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5860. deliveryProfile: DeliveryProfile @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5861. displayName: String! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5862. fulfillmentServiceEditable: EditableProperty! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5863. image: Image @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5864. inventoryItem: InventoryItem! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5865. inventoryPolicy: ProductVariantInventoryPolicy! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5866. inventoryQuantity: Int @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5867. legacyResourceId: UnsignedInt64! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5868. media(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): MediaConnection! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5869. metafield(namespace: String!, key: String!): Metafield @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5870. metafieldDefinitions(namespace: String, pinnedStatus: MetafieldDefinitionPinnedStatus = ANY, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: MetafieldDefinitionSortKeys = ID, query: String): MetafieldDefinitionConnection! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5871. metafields(namespace: String, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): MetafieldConnection! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5872. position: Int! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5873. price: Money! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5874. privateMetafield(namespace: String!, key: String!): PrivateMetafield @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5875. privateMetafields(namespace: String, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): PrivateMetafieldConnection! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5876. product: Product! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5877. selectedOptions: [SelectedOption!]! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5878. sellableOnlineQuantity: Int! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5879. sellingPlanGroupCount: Int! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5880. sellingPlanGroups(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): SellingPlanGroupConnection! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5881. sku: String @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5882. taxCode: String @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5883. taxable: Boolean! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5884. title: String! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5885. translations(locale: String!, marketId: ID): [PublishedTranslation!]! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5886. updatedAt: DateTime! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5887. weight: Float @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5888. weightUnit: WeightUnit! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  5889. }
  5890. input ProductVariantAppendMediaInput
  5891. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5892. {
  5893. variantId: ID!
  5894. mediaIds: [ID!]!
  5895. }
  5896. type ProductVariantAppendMediaPayload
  5897. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5898. {
  5899. product: Product
  5900. productVariants: [ProductVariant!]
  5901. userErrors: [MediaUserError!]!
  5902. }
  5903. type ProductVariantConnection
  5904. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5905. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5906. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5907. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5908. {
  5909. edges: [ProductVariantEdge!]!
  5910. nodes: [ProductVariant!]!
  5911. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  5912. }
  5913. type ProductVariantContextualPricing
  5914. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5915. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5916. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5917. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5918. {
  5919. compareAtPrice: MoneyV2
  5920. price: MoneyV2!
  5921. }
  5922. type ProductVariantCreatePayload
  5923. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5924. {
  5925. product: Product
  5926. productVariant: ProductVariant
  5927. userErrors: [UserError!]!
  5928. }
  5929. type ProductVariantDeletePayload
  5930. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5931. {
  5932. deletedProductVariantId: ID
  5933. product: Product
  5934. userErrors: [UserError!]!
  5935. }
  5936. input ProductVariantDetachMediaInput
  5937. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5938. {
  5939. variantId: ID!
  5940. mediaIds: [ID!]!
  5941. }
  5942. type ProductVariantDetachMediaPayload
  5943. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5944. {
  5945. product: Product
  5946. productVariants: [ProductVariant!]
  5947. userErrors: [MediaUserError!]!
  5948. }
  5949. type ProductVariantEdge
  5950. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5951. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5952. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5953. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5954. {
  5955. cursor: String!
  5956. node: ProductVariant!
  5957. }
  5958. input ProductVariantInput
  5959. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5960. {
  5961. barcode: String
  5962. compareAtPrice: Money
  5963. harmonizedSystemCode: String
  5964. id: ID
  5965. imageId: ID
  5966. imageSrc: String
  5967. mediaSrc: [String!]
  5968. inventoryPolicy: ProductVariantInventoryPolicy
  5969. inventoryQuantities: [InventoryLevelInput!]
  5970. inventoryItem: InventoryItemInput
  5971. metafields: [MetafieldInput!]
  5972. privateMetafields: [PrivateMetafieldInput!]
  5973. options: [String!]
  5974. position: Int
  5975. price: Money
  5976. productId: ID
  5977. requiresShipping: Boolean
  5978. sku: String
  5979. taxable: Boolean
  5980. taxCode: String
  5981. weight: Float
  5982. weightUnit: WeightUnit
  5983. }
  5984. enum ProductVariantInventoryPolicy
  5985. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  5986. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  5987. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5988. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  5989. {
  5990. DENY
  5991. CONTINUE
  5992. }
  5993. type ProductVariantJoinSellingPlanGroupsPayload
  5994. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  5995. {
  5996. productVariant: ProductVariant
  5997. userErrors: [SellingPlanGroupUserError!]!
  5998. }
  5999. type ProductVariantLeaveSellingPlanGroupsPayload
  6000. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6001. {
  6002. productVariant: ProductVariant
  6003. userErrors: [SellingPlanGroupUserError!]!
  6004. }
  6005. input ProductVariantPositionInput
  6006. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6007. {
  6008. id: ID!
  6009. position: Int!
  6010. }
  6011. type ProductVariantsBulkCreatePayload
  6012. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6013. {
  6014. product: Product
  6015. productVariants: [ProductVariant!]
  6016. userErrors: [ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserError!]!
  6017. }
  6018. type ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserError implements DisplayableError
  6019. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "DisplayableError")
  6020. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "DisplayableError")
  6021. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "DisplayableError")
  6022. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "DisplayableError")
  6023. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6024. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6025. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6026. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6027. {
  6028. code: ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCode
  6029. field: [String!]
  6030. message: String!
  6031. }
  6032. enum ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCode
  6033. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6034. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6035. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6036. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6037. {
  6050. INVALID
  6052. }
  6053. type ProductVariantsBulkDeletePayload
  6054. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6055. {
  6056. product: Product
  6057. userErrors: [ProductVariantsBulkDeleteUserError!]!
  6058. }
  6059. type ProductVariantsBulkDeleteUserError implements DisplayableError
  6060. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "DisplayableError")
  6061. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "DisplayableError")
  6062. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "DisplayableError")
  6063. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "DisplayableError")
  6064. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6065. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6066. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6067. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6068. {
  6069. code: ProductVariantsBulkDeleteUserErrorCode
  6070. field: [String!]
  6071. message: String!
  6072. }
  6073. enum ProductVariantsBulkDeleteUserErrorCode
  6074. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6075. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6076. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6077. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6078. {
  6082. }
  6083. input ProductVariantsBulkInput
  6084. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6085. {
  6086. barcode: String
  6087. compareAtPrice: Money
  6088. harmonizedSystemCode: String
  6089. id: ID
  6090. imageId: ID
  6091. imageSrc: String
  6092. mediaSrc: [String!]
  6093. inventoryPolicy: ProductVariantInventoryPolicy
  6094. inventoryQuantities: [InventoryLevelInput!]
  6095. inventoryItem: InventoryItemInput
  6096. metafields: [MetafieldInput!]
  6097. privateMetafields: [PrivateMetafieldInput!]
  6098. options: [String!]
  6099. price: Money
  6100. requiresShipping: Boolean
  6101. sku: String
  6102. taxable: Boolean
  6103. taxCode: String
  6104. weight: Float
  6105. weightUnit: WeightUnit
  6106. }
  6107. type ProductVariantsBulkReorderPayload
  6108. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6109. {
  6110. product: Product
  6111. userErrors: [ProductVariantsBulkReorderUserError!]!
  6112. }
  6113. type ProductVariantsBulkReorderUserError implements DisplayableError
  6114. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "DisplayableError")
  6115. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "DisplayableError")
  6116. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "DisplayableError")
  6117. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "DisplayableError")
  6118. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6119. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6120. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6121. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6122. {
  6123. code: ProductVariantsBulkReorderUserErrorCode
  6124. field: [String!]
  6125. message: String!
  6126. }
  6127. enum ProductVariantsBulkReorderUserErrorCode
  6128. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6129. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6130. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6131. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6132. {
  6137. }
  6138. type ProductVariantsBulkUpdatePayload
  6139. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6140. {
  6141. product: Product
  6142. productVariants: [ProductVariant!]
  6143. userErrors: [ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserError!]!
  6144. }
  6145. type ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserError implements DisplayableError
  6146. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "DisplayableError")
  6147. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "DisplayableError")
  6148. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "DisplayableError")
  6149. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "DisplayableError")
  6150. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6151. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6152. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6153. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6154. {
  6155. code: ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCode
  6156. field: [String!]
  6157. message: String!
  6158. }
  6159. enum ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCode
  6160. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6161. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6162. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6163. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6164. {
  6176. }
  6177. enum ProductVariantSortKeys
  6178. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6179. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6180. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6181. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6182. {
  6183. TITLE
  6184. NAME
  6185. SKU
  6190. FULL_TITLE
  6191. POPULAR
  6192. POSITION
  6193. ID
  6195. }
  6196. type ProductVariantUpdatePayload
  6197. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6198. {
  6199. product: Product
  6200. productVariant: ProductVariant
  6201. userErrors: [UserError!]!
  6202. }
  6203. type Publication implements Node
  6204. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  6205. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  6206. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  6207. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  6208. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6209. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6210. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6211. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6212. {
  6213. app: App!
  6214. collectionPublicationsV3(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): ResourcePublicationConnection!
  6215. collections(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): CollectionConnection!
  6216. hasCollection(id: ID!): Boolean!
  6217. id: ID!
  6218. name: String!
  6219. productPublicationsV3(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): ResourcePublicationConnection!
  6220. products(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): ProductConnection!
  6221. supportsFuturePublishing: Boolean!
  6222. }
  6223. type PublicationConnection
  6224. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6225. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6226. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6227. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6228. {
  6229. edges: [PublicationEdge!]!
  6230. nodes: [Publication!]!
  6231. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  6232. }
  6233. type PublicationEdge
  6234. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6235. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6236. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6237. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6238. {
  6239. cursor: String!
  6240. node: Publication!
  6241. }
  6242. interface Publishable
  6243. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6244. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6245. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6246. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6247. {
  6248. availablePublicationCount: Int!
  6249. publicationCount(onlyPublished: Boolean = true): Int!
  6250. publishedOnCurrentPublication: Boolean!
  6251. publishedOnPublication(publicationId: ID!): Boolean!
  6252. resourcePublications(onlyPublished: Boolean = true, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): ResourcePublicationConnection!
  6253. resourcePublicationsV2(onlyPublished: Boolean = true, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): ResourcePublicationV2Connection!
  6254. unpublishedPublications(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): PublicationConnection!
  6255. }
  6256. type PublishedTranslation
  6257. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6258. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6259. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6260. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6261. {
  6262. key: String!
  6263. locale: String!
  6264. marketId: ID
  6265. value: String
  6266. }
  6267. type PurchasingCompany
  6268. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6269. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6270. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6271. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6272. {
  6273. company: Company!
  6274. contact: CompanyContact
  6275. location: CompanyLocation!
  6276. }
  6277. union PurchasingEntity
  6278. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6279. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6280. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6281. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6282. = Customer | PurchasingCompany
  6283. type Query
  6284. @inContext
  6285. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6286. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6287. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6288. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6289. {
  6290. customer(id: ID!): Customer @join__field(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6291. product(id: ID!): Product @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  6292. productByHandle(handle: String!): Product @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  6293. productResourceFeedback(id: ID!): ProductResourceFeedback @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  6294. productSavedSearches(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, reverse: Boolean = false): SavedSearchConnection! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  6295. productVariant(id: ID!): ProductVariant @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  6296. productVariants(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, query: String, reverse: Boolean = false, savedSearchId: ID, sortKey: ProductVariantSortKeys = ID): ProductVariantConnection! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  6297. products(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, query: String, reverse: Boolean = false, savedSearchId: ID, sortKey: ProductSortKeys = ID): ProductConnection! @join__field(graph: PRODUCT)
  6298. }
  6299. type Refund implements LegacyInteroperability & Node
  6300. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "LegacyInteroperability")
  6301. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  6302. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "LegacyInteroperability")
  6303. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  6304. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "LegacyInteroperability")
  6305. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  6306. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "LegacyInteroperability")
  6307. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  6308. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6309. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6310. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6311. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6312. {
  6313. createdAt: DateTime
  6314. duties: [RefundDuty!]
  6315. id: ID!
  6316. legacyResourceId: UnsignedInt64!
  6317. note: String
  6318. order: Order!
  6319. refundLineItems(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): RefundLineItemConnection!
  6320. staffMember: StaffMember
  6321. totalRefundedSet: MoneyBag!
  6322. transactions(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): OrderTransactionConnection!
  6323. updatedAt: DateTime!
  6324. }
  6325. type RefundDuty
  6326. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6327. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6328. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6329. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6330. {
  6331. amountSet: MoneyBag!
  6332. originalDuty: Duty
  6333. }
  6334. input RefundDutyInput
  6335. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6336. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6337. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6338. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6339. {
  6340. dutyId: ID!
  6341. refundType: RefundDutyRefundType
  6342. }
  6343. enum RefundDutyRefundType
  6344. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6345. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6346. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6347. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6348. {
  6350. FULL
  6351. }
  6352. type RefundLineItem
  6353. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6354. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6355. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6356. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6357. {
  6358. lineItem: LineItem!
  6359. location: Location
  6360. priceSet: MoneyBag!
  6361. quantity: Int!
  6362. restockType: RefundLineItemRestockType!
  6363. restocked: Boolean!
  6364. subtotalSet: MoneyBag!
  6365. totalTaxSet: MoneyBag!
  6366. }
  6367. type RefundLineItemConnection
  6368. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6369. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6370. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6371. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6372. {
  6373. edges: [RefundLineItemEdge!]!
  6374. nodes: [RefundLineItem!]!
  6375. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  6376. }
  6377. type RefundLineItemEdge
  6378. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6379. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6380. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6381. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6382. {
  6383. cursor: String!
  6384. node: RefundLineItem!
  6385. }
  6386. input RefundLineItemInput
  6387. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6388. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6389. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6390. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6391. {
  6392. lineItemId: ID!
  6393. quantity: Int!
  6394. restockType: RefundLineItemRestockType
  6395. locationId: ID
  6396. }
  6397. enum RefundLineItemRestockType
  6398. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6399. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6400. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6401. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6402. {
  6403. RETURN
  6404. CANCEL
  6406. NO_RESTOCK
  6407. }
  6408. type ResourceAlert
  6409. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6410. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6411. {
  6412. actions: [ResourceAlertAction!]!
  6413. content: HTML!
  6414. dismissibleHandle: String
  6415. icon: ResourceAlertIcon
  6416. severity: ResourceAlertSeverity!
  6417. title: String!
  6418. }
  6419. type ResourceAlertAction
  6420. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6421. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6422. {
  6423. primary: Boolean!
  6424. show: String
  6425. title: String!
  6426. url: URL!
  6427. }
  6428. enum ResourceAlertIcon
  6429. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6430. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6431. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6432. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6433. {
  6436. }
  6437. enum ResourceAlertSeverity
  6438. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6439. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6440. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6441. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6442. {
  6443. DEFAULT
  6444. INFO
  6445. WARNING
  6446. SUCCESS
  6447. CRITICAL
  6448. }
  6449. type ResourceFeedback
  6450. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6451. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6452. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6453. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6454. {
  6455. details: [AppFeedback!]!
  6456. summary: String!
  6457. }
  6458. enum ResourceFeedbackState
  6459. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6460. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6461. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6462. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6463. {
  6464. ACCEPTED
  6466. }
  6467. type ResourceLimit
  6468. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6469. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6470. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6471. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6472. {
  6473. available: Boolean!
  6474. quantityAvailable: Int
  6475. quantityLimit: Int
  6476. quantityUsed: Int
  6477. }
  6478. type ResourcePublication
  6479. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6480. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6481. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6482. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6483. {
  6484. isPublished: Boolean!
  6485. publication: Publication!
  6486. publishDate: DateTime!
  6487. publishable: Publishable!
  6488. }
  6489. type ResourcePublicationConnection
  6490. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6491. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6492. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6493. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6494. {
  6495. edges: [ResourcePublicationEdge!]!
  6496. nodes: [ResourcePublication!]!
  6497. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  6498. }
  6499. type ResourcePublicationEdge
  6500. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6501. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6502. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6503. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6504. {
  6505. cursor: String!
  6506. node: ResourcePublication!
  6507. }
  6508. type ResourcePublicationV2
  6509. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6510. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6511. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6512. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6513. {
  6514. isPublished: Boolean!
  6515. publication: Publication!
  6516. publishDate: DateTime
  6517. publishable: Publishable!
  6518. }
  6519. type ResourcePublicationV2Connection
  6520. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6521. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6522. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6523. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6524. {
  6525. edges: [ResourcePublicationV2Edge!]!
  6526. nodes: [ResourcePublicationV2!]!
  6527. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  6528. }
  6529. type ResourcePublicationV2Edge
  6530. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6531. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6532. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6533. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6534. {
  6535. cursor: String!
  6536. node: ResourcePublicationV2!
  6537. }
  6538. interface Sale
  6539. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6540. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6541. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6542. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6543. {
  6544. actionType: SaleActionType!
  6545. id: ID!
  6546. lineType: SaleLineType!
  6547. quantity: Int
  6548. taxes: [SaleTax!]!
  6549. totalAmount: MoneyBag!
  6550. totalDiscountAmountAfterTaxes: MoneyBag!
  6551. totalDiscountAmountBeforeTaxes: MoneyBag!
  6552. totalTaxAmount: MoneyBag!
  6553. }
  6554. enum SaleActionType
  6555. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6556. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6557. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6558. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6559. {
  6560. ORDER
  6561. RETURN
  6562. UPDATE
  6563. UNKNOWN
  6564. }
  6565. type SaleConnection
  6566. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6567. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6568. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6569. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6570. {
  6571. edges: [SaleEdge!]!
  6572. nodes: [Sale!]!
  6573. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  6574. }
  6575. type SaleEdge
  6576. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6577. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6578. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6579. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6580. {
  6581. cursor: String!
  6582. node: Sale!
  6583. }
  6584. enum SaleLineType
  6585. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6586. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6587. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6588. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6589. {
  6590. PRODUCT
  6591. TIP
  6592. GIFT_CARD
  6593. SHIPPING
  6594. DUTY
  6595. UNKNOWN
  6597. }
  6598. interface SalesAgreement
  6599. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6600. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6601. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6602. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6603. {
  6604. app: App
  6605. happenedAt: DateTime!
  6606. id: ID!
  6607. reason: OrderActionType!
  6608. sales(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): SaleConnection!
  6609. user: StaffMember
  6610. }
  6611. type SalesAgreementConnection
  6612. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6613. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6614. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6615. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6616. {
  6617. edges: [SalesAgreementEdge!]!
  6618. nodes: [SalesAgreement!]!
  6619. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  6620. }
  6621. type SalesAgreementEdge
  6622. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6623. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6624. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6625. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6626. {
  6627. cursor: String!
  6628. node: SalesAgreement!
  6629. }
  6630. type SaleTax
  6631. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6632. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6633. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6634. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6635. {
  6636. amount: MoneyBag!
  6637. id: ID!
  6638. taxLine: TaxLine!
  6639. }
  6640. type SavedSearch implements LegacyInteroperability & Node
  6641. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "LegacyInteroperability")
  6642. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  6643. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "LegacyInteroperability")
  6644. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  6645. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "LegacyInteroperability")
  6646. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  6647. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "LegacyInteroperability")
  6648. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  6649. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6650. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6651. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6652. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6653. {
  6654. filters: [SearchFilter!]!
  6655. id: ID!
  6656. legacyResourceId: UnsignedInt64!
  6657. name: String!
  6658. query: String!
  6659. resourceType: SearchResultType!
  6660. searchTerms: String!
  6661. }
  6662. type SavedSearchConnection
  6663. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6664. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6665. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6666. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6667. {
  6668. edges: [SavedSearchEdge!]!
  6669. nodes: [SavedSearch!]!
  6670. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  6671. }
  6672. type SavedSearchEdge
  6673. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6674. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6675. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6676. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6677. {
  6678. cursor: String!
  6679. node: SavedSearch!
  6680. }
  6681. type ScriptDiscountApplication implements DiscountApplication
  6682. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "DiscountApplication")
  6683. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "DiscountApplication")
  6684. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "DiscountApplication")
  6685. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "DiscountApplication")
  6686. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6687. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6688. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6689. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6690. {
  6691. allocationMethod: DiscountApplicationAllocationMethod!
  6692. index: Int!
  6693. targetSelection: DiscountApplicationTargetSelection!
  6694. targetType: DiscountApplicationTargetType!
  6695. title: String!
  6696. value: PricingValue!
  6697. }
  6698. type SearchFilter
  6699. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6700. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6701. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6702. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6703. {
  6704. key: String!
  6705. value: String!
  6706. }
  6707. type SearchFilterOptions
  6708. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6709. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6710. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6711. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6712. {
  6713. productAvailability: [FilterOption!]!
  6714. }
  6715. type SearchResult
  6716. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6717. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6718. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6719. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6720. {
  6721. description: String
  6722. image: Image
  6723. reference: Node!
  6724. title: String!
  6725. url: URL!
  6726. }
  6727. type SearchResultConnection
  6728. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6729. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6730. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6731. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6732. {
  6733. edges: [SearchResultEdge!]!
  6734. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  6735. }
  6736. type SearchResultEdge
  6737. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6738. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6739. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6740. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6741. {
  6742. cursor: String!
  6743. node: SearchResult!
  6744. }
  6745. enum SearchResultType
  6746. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6747. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6748. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6749. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6750. {
  6751. CUSTOMER
  6753. PRODUCT
  6755. FILE
  6760. PRICE_RULE
  6762. ORDER
  6763. }
  6764. type SelectedOption
  6765. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6766. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6767. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6768. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6769. {
  6770. name: String!
  6771. value: String!
  6772. }
  6773. type SellingPlan implements Node
  6774. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  6775. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  6776. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  6777. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  6778. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6779. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6780. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6781. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6782. {
  6783. billingPolicy: SellingPlanBillingPolicy!
  6784. category: SellingPlanCategory
  6785. createdAt: DateTime!
  6786. deliveryPolicy: SellingPlanDeliveryPolicy!
  6787. description: String
  6788. id: ID!
  6789. inventoryPolicy: SellingPlanInventoryPolicy
  6790. name: String!
  6791. options: [String!]!
  6792. position: Int
  6793. pricingPolicies: [SellingPlanPricingPolicy!]!
  6794. }
  6795. type SellingPlanAnchor
  6796. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6797. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6798. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6799. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6800. {
  6801. cutoffDay: Int
  6802. day: Int!
  6803. month: Int
  6804. type: SellingPlanAnchorType!
  6805. }
  6806. enum SellingPlanAnchorType
  6807. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6808. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6809. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6810. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6811. {
  6812. WEEKDAY
  6813. MONTHDAY
  6814. YEARDAY
  6815. }
  6816. union SellingPlanBillingPolicy
  6817. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6818. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6819. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6820. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6821. = SellingPlanFixedBillingPolicy | SellingPlanRecurringBillingPolicy
  6822. enum SellingPlanCategory
  6823. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6824. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6825. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6826. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6827. {
  6828. OTHER
  6829. PRE_ORDER
  6832. }
  6833. type SellingPlanCheckoutCharge
  6834. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6835. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6836. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6837. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6838. {
  6839. type: SellingPlanCheckoutChargeType!
  6840. value: SellingPlanCheckoutChargeValue!
  6841. }
  6842. type SellingPlanCheckoutChargePercentageValue
  6843. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6844. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6845. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6846. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6847. {
  6848. percentage: Float!
  6849. }
  6850. enum SellingPlanCheckoutChargeType
  6851. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6852. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6853. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6854. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6855. {
  6857. PRICE
  6858. }
  6859. union SellingPlanCheckoutChargeValue
  6860. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6861. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6862. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6863. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6864. = MoneyV2 | SellingPlanCheckoutChargePercentageValue
  6865. type SellingPlanConnection
  6866. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6867. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6868. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6869. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6870. {
  6871. edges: [SellingPlanEdge!]!
  6872. nodes: [SellingPlan!]!
  6873. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  6874. }
  6875. union SellingPlanDeliveryPolicy
  6876. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6877. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6878. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6879. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6880. = SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicy | SellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicy
  6881. type SellingPlanEdge
  6882. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6883. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6884. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6885. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6886. {
  6887. cursor: String!
  6888. node: SellingPlan!
  6889. }
  6890. type SellingPlanFixedBillingPolicy
  6891. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6892. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6893. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6894. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6895. {
  6896. checkoutCharge: SellingPlanCheckoutCharge!
  6897. remainingBalanceChargeExactTime: DateTime
  6898. remainingBalanceChargeTimeAfterCheckout: String
  6899. remainingBalanceChargeTrigger: SellingPlanRemainingBalanceChargeTrigger!
  6900. }
  6901. type SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicy
  6902. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6903. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6904. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6905. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6906. {
  6907. anchors: [SellingPlanAnchor!]!
  6908. cutoff: Int
  6909. fulfillmentExactTime: DateTime
  6910. fulfillmentTrigger: SellingPlanFulfillmentTrigger!
  6911. intent: SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicyIntent!
  6912. preAnchorBehavior: SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehavior!
  6913. }
  6914. enum SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicyIntent
  6915. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6916. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6917. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6918. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6919. {
  6921. }
  6922. enum SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehavior
  6923. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6924. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6925. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6926. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6927. {
  6928. ASAP
  6929. NEXT
  6930. }
  6931. type SellingPlanFixedPricingPolicy implements SellingPlanPricingPolicyBase
  6932. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "SellingPlanPricingPolicyBase")
  6933. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "SellingPlanPricingPolicyBase")
  6934. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "SellingPlanPricingPolicyBase")
  6935. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "SellingPlanPricingPolicyBase")
  6936. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6937. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6938. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6939. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6940. {
  6941. adjustmentType: SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentType!
  6942. adjustmentValue: SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentValue!
  6943. createdAt: DateTime!
  6944. }
  6945. enum SellingPlanFulfillmentTrigger
  6946. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6947. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6948. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6949. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6950. {
  6951. ANCHOR
  6952. ASAP
  6953. EXACT_TIME
  6954. UNKNOWN
  6955. }
  6956. type SellingPlanGroup implements Node
  6957. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  6958. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  6959. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  6960. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  6961. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6962. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6963. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6964. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6965. {
  6966. appId: String
  6967. appliesToProduct(productId: ID!): Boolean!
  6968. appliesToProductVariant(productVariantId: ID!): Boolean!
  6969. appliesToProductVariants(productId: ID!): Boolean!
  6970. createdAt: DateTime!
  6971. description: String
  6972. id: ID!
  6973. merchantCode: String!
  6974. name: String!
  6975. options: [String!]!
  6976. position: Int
  6977. productCount: Int!
  6978. productVariantCount(productId: ID): Int!
  6979. productVariants(productId: ID, first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): ProductVariantConnection!
  6980. products(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): ProductConnection!
  6981. sellingPlans(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): SellingPlanConnection!
  6982. summary: String
  6983. }
  6984. type SellingPlanGroupConnection
  6985. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6986. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6987. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6988. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6989. {
  6990. edges: [SellingPlanGroupEdge!]!
  6991. nodes: [SellingPlanGroup!]!
  6992. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  6993. }
  6994. type SellingPlanGroupEdge
  6995. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  6996. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  6997. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  6998. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  6999. {
  7000. cursor: String!
  7001. node: SellingPlanGroup!
  7002. }
  7003. type SellingPlanGroupUserError implements DisplayableError
  7004. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "DisplayableError")
  7005. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "DisplayableError")
  7006. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "DisplayableError")
  7007. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "DisplayableError")
  7008. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7009. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7010. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7011. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7012. {
  7013. code: SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode
  7014. field: [String!]
  7015. message: String!
  7016. }
  7017. enum SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode
  7018. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7019. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7020. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7021. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7022. {
  7023. BLANK
  7024. EQUAL_TO
  7028. INVALID
  7029. LESS_THAN
  7031. NOT_A_NUMBER
  7032. NOT_FOUND
  7033. PRESENT
  7034. TAKEN
  7035. TOO_BIG
  7036. TOO_LONG
  7037. TOO_SHORT
  7083. }
  7084. enum SellingPlanInterval
  7085. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7086. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7087. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7088. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7089. {
  7090. DAY
  7091. WEEK
  7092. MONTH
  7093. YEAR
  7094. }
  7095. type SellingPlanInventoryPolicy
  7096. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7097. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7098. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7099. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7100. {
  7101. reserve: SellingPlanReserve!
  7102. }
  7103. union SellingPlanPricingPolicy
  7104. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7105. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7106. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7107. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7108. = SellingPlanFixedPricingPolicy | SellingPlanRecurringPricingPolicy
  7109. enum SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentType
  7110. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7111. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7112. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7113. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7114. {
  7117. PRICE
  7118. }
  7119. union SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentValue
  7120. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7121. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7122. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7123. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7124. = MoneyV2 | SellingPlanPricingPolicyPercentageValue
  7125. interface SellingPlanPricingPolicyBase
  7126. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7127. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7128. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7129. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7130. {
  7131. adjustmentType: SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentType!
  7132. adjustmentValue: SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentValue!
  7133. }
  7134. type SellingPlanPricingPolicyPercentageValue
  7135. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7136. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7137. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7138. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7139. {
  7140. percentage: Float!
  7141. }
  7142. type SellingPlanRecurringBillingPolicy
  7143. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7144. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7145. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7146. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7147. {
  7148. anchors: [SellingPlanAnchor!]!
  7149. createdAt: DateTime!
  7150. interval: SellingPlanInterval!
  7151. intervalCount: Int!
  7152. maxCycles: Int
  7153. minCycles: Int
  7154. }
  7155. type SellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicy
  7156. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7157. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7158. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7159. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7160. {
  7161. anchors: [SellingPlanAnchor!]!
  7162. createdAt: DateTime!
  7163. cutoff: Int
  7164. intent: SellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicyIntent!
  7165. interval: SellingPlanInterval!
  7166. intervalCount: Int!
  7167. preAnchorBehavior: SellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehavior!
  7168. }
  7169. enum SellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicyIntent
  7170. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7171. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7172. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7173. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7174. {
  7176. }
  7177. enum SellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehavior
  7178. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7179. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7180. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7181. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7182. {
  7183. ASAP
  7184. NEXT
  7185. }
  7186. type SellingPlanRecurringPricingPolicy implements SellingPlanPricingPolicyBase
  7187. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "SellingPlanPricingPolicyBase")
  7188. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "SellingPlanPricingPolicyBase")
  7189. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "SellingPlanPricingPolicyBase")
  7190. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "SellingPlanPricingPolicyBase")
  7191. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7192. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7193. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7194. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7195. {
  7196. adjustmentType: SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentType!
  7197. adjustmentValue: SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentValue!
  7198. afterCycle: Int
  7199. createdAt: DateTime!
  7200. }
  7201. enum SellingPlanRemainingBalanceChargeTrigger
  7202. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7203. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7204. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7205. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7206. {
  7208. EXACT_TIME
  7210. }
  7211. enum SellingPlanReserve
  7212. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7213. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7214. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7215. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7216. {
  7218. ON_SALE
  7219. }
  7220. type SEO
  7221. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7222. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7223. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7224. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7225. {
  7226. description: String
  7227. title: String
  7228. }
  7229. input SEOInput
  7230. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7231. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7232. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7233. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7234. {
  7235. title: String
  7236. description: String
  7237. }
  7238. type ShippingLine
  7239. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7240. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7241. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7242. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7243. {
  7244. carrierIdentifier: String
  7245. code: String
  7246. custom: Boolean!
  7247. deliveryCategory: String
  7248. discountAllocations: [DiscountAllocation!]!
  7249. discountedPriceSet: MoneyBag!
  7250. id: ID
  7251. originalPriceSet: MoneyBag!
  7252. phone: String
  7253. requestedFulfillmentService: FulfillmentService
  7254. shippingRateHandle: String
  7255. source: String
  7256. taxLines: [TaxLine!]!
  7257. title: String!
  7258. }
  7259. type ShippingLineConnection
  7260. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7261. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7262. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7263. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7264. {
  7265. edges: [ShippingLineEdge!]!
  7266. nodes: [ShippingLine!]!
  7267. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  7268. }
  7269. type ShippingLineEdge
  7270. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7271. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7272. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7273. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7274. {
  7275. cursor: String!
  7276. node: ShippingLine!
  7277. }
  7278. type ShippingRefund
  7279. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7280. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7281. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7282. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7283. {
  7284. amountSet: MoneyBag!
  7285. maximumRefundableSet: MoneyBag!
  7286. taxSet: MoneyBag!
  7287. }
  7288. type Shop implements HasMetafields & HasPublishedTranslations & Node
  7289. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "HasMetafields")
  7290. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "HasPublishedTranslations")
  7291. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  7292. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT, key: "id")
  7293. @join__type(graph: SHOP, key: "id")
  7294. {
  7295. id: ID!
  7296. alerts: [ShopAlert!]! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7297. allProductCategories: [ProductCategory!]! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7298. assignedFulfillmentOrders(after: String, assignmentStatus: FulfillmentOrderAssignmentStatus, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, locationIds: [ID!], reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: FulfillmentOrderSortKeys = ID): FulfillmentOrderConnection! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7299. availableChannelApps(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, reverse: Boolean = false): AppConnection! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7300. billingAddress: MailingAddress! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7301. channelDefinitionsForInstalledChannels: [AvailableChannelDefinitionsByChannel!]! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7302. checkoutApiSupported: Boolean! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7303. contactEmail: String! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7304. countriesInShippingZones: CountriesInShippingZones! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7305. currencyCode: CurrencyCode! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7306. currencyFormats: CurrencyFormats! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7307. currencySettings(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, reverse: Boolean = false): CurrencySettingConnection! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7308. customerAccounts: ShopCustomerAccountsSetting! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7309. customerTags(first: Int!): StringConnection! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7310. description: String @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7311. draftOrderTags(first: Int!): StringConnection! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7312. email: String! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7313. enabledPresentmentCurrencies: [CurrencyCode!]! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7314. features: ShopFeatures! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7315. fulfillmentServices: [FulfillmentService!]! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7316. ianaTimezone: String! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7317. limitedPendingOrderCount: LimitedPendingOrderCount! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7318. merchantApprovalSignals: MerchantApprovalSignals @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7319. metafield(key: String!, namespace: String!): Metafield @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7320. metafields(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, namespace: String, reverse: Boolean = false): MetafieldConnection! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7321. myshopifyDomain: String! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7322. name: String! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7323. navigationSettings: [NavigationItem!]! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7324. orderNumberFormatPrefix: String! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7325. orderNumberFormatSuffix: String! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7326. orderTags(first: Int!, sort: ShopTagSort = ALPHABETICAL): StringConnection! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7327. paymentSettings: PaymentSettings! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7328. plan: ShopPlan! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7329. primaryDomain: Domain! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7330. privateMetafield(key: String!, namespace: String!): PrivateMetafield @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7331. privateMetafields(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, namespace: String, reverse: Boolean = false): PrivateMetafieldConnection! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7332. productImages(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, reverse: Boolean = false, sortKey: ProductImageSortKeys = CREATED_AT): ImageConnection! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7333. productTags(first: Int!): StringConnection! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7334. productTypes(first: Int!): StringConnection! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7335. productVendors(first: Int!): StringConnection! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7336. publicationCount: Int! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7337. resourceLimits: ShopResourceLimits! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7338. richTextEditorUrl: URL! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7339. search(after: String, first: Int!, query: String!, types: [SearchResultType!]): SearchResultConnection! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7340. searchFilters: SearchFilterOptions! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7341. setupRequired: Boolean! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7342. shipsToCountries: [CountryCode!]! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7343. shopPolicies: [ShopPolicy!]! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7344. staffMembers(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, reverse: Boolean = false): StaffMemberConnection! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7345. storefrontAccessTokens(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, reverse: Boolean = false): StorefrontAccessTokenConnection! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7346. taxShipping: Boolean! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7347. taxesIncluded: Boolean! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7348. timezoneAbbreviation: String! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7349. timezoneOffset: String! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7350. timezoneOffsetMinutes: Int! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7351. transactionalSmsDisabled: Boolean! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7352. translations(locale: String!, marketId: ID): [PublishedTranslation!]! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7353. unitSystem: UnitSystem! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7354. uploadedImagesByIds(imageIds: [ID!]!): [Image!]! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7355. url: URL! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7356. weightUnit: WeightUnit! @join__field(graph: SHOP)
  7357. }
  7358. type ShopAlert
  7359. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7360. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7361. {
  7362. action: ShopAlertAction!
  7363. description: String!
  7364. }
  7365. type ShopAlertAction
  7366. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7367. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7368. {
  7369. title: String!
  7370. url: URL!
  7371. }
  7372. enum ShopBranding
  7373. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7374. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7375. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7376. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7377. {
  7380. ROGERS
  7381. SHOPIFY
  7382. }
  7383. enum ShopCustomerAccountsSetting
  7384. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7385. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7386. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7387. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7388. {
  7389. REQUIRED
  7390. OPTIONAL
  7391. DISABLED
  7392. }
  7393. type ShopFeatures
  7394. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7395. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7396. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7397. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7398. {
  7399. avalaraAvatax: Boolean!
  7400. branding: ShopBranding!
  7401. captcha: Boolean!
  7402. captchaExternalDomains: Boolean!
  7403. dynamicRemarketing: Boolean!
  7404. eligibleForSubscriptionMigration: Boolean!
  7405. eligibleForSubscriptions: Boolean!
  7406. giftCards: Boolean!
  7407. harmonizedSystemCode: Boolean!
  7408. internationalDomains: Boolean!
  7409. internationalPriceOverrides: Boolean!
  7410. internationalPriceRules: Boolean!
  7411. legacySubscriptionGatewayEnabled: Boolean!
  7412. liveView: Boolean!
  7413. onboardingVisual: Boolean!
  7414. paypalExpressSubscriptionGatewayStatus: PaypalExpressSubscriptionsGatewayStatus!
  7415. reports: Boolean!
  7416. sellsSubscriptions: Boolean!
  7417. showMetrics: Boolean!
  7418. storefront: Boolean!
  7419. usingShopifyBalance: Boolean!
  7420. }
  7421. type ShopifyPaymentsExtendedAuthorization
  7422. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7423. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7424. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7425. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7426. {
  7427. extendedAuthorizationExpiresAt: DateTime!
  7428. standardAuthorizationExpiresAt: DateTime!
  7429. }
  7430. type ShopifyPaymentsRefundSet
  7431. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7432. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7433. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7434. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7435. {
  7436. acquirerReferenceNumber: String
  7437. }
  7438. type ShopifyPaymentsTransactionSet
  7439. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7440. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7441. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7442. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7443. {
  7444. extendedAuthorizationSet: ShopifyPaymentsExtendedAuthorization
  7445. refundSet: ShopifyPaymentsRefundSet
  7446. }
  7447. type ShopPlan
  7448. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7449. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7450. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7451. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7452. {
  7453. displayName: String!
  7454. partnerDevelopment: Boolean!
  7455. shopifyPlus: Boolean!
  7456. }
  7457. type ShopPolicy implements HasPublishedTranslations & Node
  7458. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "HasPublishedTranslations")
  7459. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  7460. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "HasPublishedTranslations")
  7461. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  7462. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "HasPublishedTranslations")
  7463. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  7464. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "HasPublishedTranslations")
  7465. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  7466. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7467. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7468. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7469. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7470. {
  7471. body: HTML!
  7472. id: ID!
  7473. translations(locale: String!, marketId: ID): [PublishedTranslation!]!
  7474. type: ShopPolicyType!
  7475. url: URL!
  7476. }
  7477. enum ShopPolicyType
  7478. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7479. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7480. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7481. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7482. {
  7490. }
  7491. type ShopResourceLimits
  7492. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7493. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7494. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7495. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7496. {
  7497. locationLimit: Int!
  7498. maxProductOptions: Int!
  7499. maxProductVariants: Int!
  7500. redirectLimitReached: Boolean!
  7501. skuResourceLimits: ResourceLimit!
  7502. }
  7503. enum ShopTagSort
  7504. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7505. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7506. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7507. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7508. {
  7510. POPULAR
  7511. }
  7512. type StaffMember implements Node
  7513. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  7514. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  7515. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  7516. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  7517. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7518. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7519. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7520. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7521. {
  7522. active: Boolean!
  7523. avatar(fallback: StaffMemberDefaultImage = DEFAULT): Image!
  7524. email: String!
  7525. exists: Boolean!
  7526. firstName: String
  7527. id: ID!
  7528. initials: [String!]
  7529. isShopOwner: Boolean!
  7530. lastName: String
  7531. locale: String!
  7532. name: String!
  7533. phone: String
  7534. privateData: StaffMemberPrivateData!
  7535. }
  7536. type StaffMemberConnection
  7537. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7538. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7539. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7540. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7541. {
  7542. edges: [StaffMemberEdge!]!
  7543. nodes: [StaffMember!]!
  7544. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  7545. }
  7546. enum StaffMemberDefaultImage
  7547. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7548. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7549. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7550. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7551. {
  7552. DEFAULT
  7554. NOT_FOUND
  7555. }
  7556. type StaffMemberEdge
  7557. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7558. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7559. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7560. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7561. {
  7562. cursor: String!
  7563. node: StaffMember!
  7564. }
  7565. type StaffMemberPrivateData
  7566. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7567. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7568. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7569. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7570. {
  7571. accountSettingsUrl: URL!
  7572. createdAt: DateTime!
  7573. }
  7574. input StandardizedProductTypeInput
  7575. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7576. {
  7577. productTaxonomyNodeId: ID!
  7578. }
  7579. type StandardMetafieldDefinitionTemplate implements Node
  7580. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  7581. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  7582. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  7583. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  7584. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7585. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7586. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7587. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7588. {
  7589. description: String
  7590. id: ID!
  7591. key: String!
  7592. name: String!
  7593. namespace: String!
  7594. ownerTypes: [MetafieldOwnerType!]!
  7595. type: MetafieldDefinitionType!
  7596. validations: [MetafieldDefinitionValidation!]!
  7597. visibleToStorefrontApi: Boolean!
  7598. }
  7599. type StorefrontAccessToken implements Node
  7600. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  7601. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  7602. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  7603. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  7604. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7605. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7606. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7607. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7608. {
  7609. accessScopes: [AccessScope!]!
  7610. accessToken: String!
  7611. createdAt: DateTime!
  7612. id: ID!
  7613. title: String!
  7614. updatedAt: DateTime!
  7615. }
  7616. type StorefrontAccessTokenConnection
  7617. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7618. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7619. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7620. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7621. {
  7622. edges: [StorefrontAccessTokenEdge!]!
  7623. nodes: [StorefrontAccessToken!]!
  7624. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  7625. }
  7626. type StorefrontAccessTokenEdge
  7627. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7628. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7629. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7630. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7631. {
  7632. cursor: String!
  7633. node: StorefrontAccessToken!
  7634. }
  7635. type StringConnection
  7636. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7637. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7638. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7639. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7640. {
  7641. edges: [StringEdge!]!
  7642. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  7643. }
  7644. type StringEdge
  7645. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7646. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7647. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7648. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7649. {
  7650. cursor: String!
  7651. node: String!
  7652. }
  7653. type SubscriptionAppliedCodeDiscount
  7654. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7655. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7656. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7657. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7658. {
  7659. id: ID!
  7660. redeemCode: String!
  7661. rejectionReason: SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReason
  7662. }
  7663. type SubscriptionBillingAttempt implements Node
  7664. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  7665. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  7666. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  7667. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  7668. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7669. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7670. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7671. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7672. {
  7673. completedAt: DateTime
  7674. createdAt: DateTime!
  7675. errorCode: SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCode
  7676. errorMessage: String
  7677. id: ID!
  7678. idempotencyKey: String!
  7679. nextActionUrl: URL
  7680. order: Order
  7681. originTime: DateTime
  7682. ready: Boolean!
  7683. subscriptionContract: SubscriptionContract!
  7684. }
  7685. type SubscriptionBillingAttemptConnection
  7686. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7687. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7688. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7689. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7690. {
  7691. edges: [SubscriptionBillingAttemptEdge!]!
  7692. nodes: [SubscriptionBillingAttempt!]!
  7693. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  7694. }
  7695. type SubscriptionBillingAttemptEdge
  7696. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7697. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7698. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7699. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7700. {
  7701. cursor: String!
  7702. node: SubscriptionBillingAttempt!
  7703. }
  7704. enum SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCode
  7705. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7706. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7707. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7708. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7709. {
  7717. TEST_MODE
  7726. }
  7727. type SubscriptionBillingPolicy
  7728. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7729. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7730. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7731. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7732. {
  7733. anchors: [SellingPlanAnchor!]!
  7734. interval: SellingPlanInterval!
  7735. intervalCount: Int!
  7736. maxCycles: Int
  7737. minCycles: Int
  7738. }
  7739. type SubscriptionContract implements Node & SubscriptionContractBase
  7740. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  7741. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "SubscriptionContractBase")
  7742. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  7743. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "SubscriptionContractBase")
  7744. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  7745. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "SubscriptionContractBase")
  7746. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  7747. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "SubscriptionContractBase")
  7748. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7749. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7750. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7751. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7752. {
  7753. app: App
  7754. appAdminUrl: URL
  7755. billingAttempts(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): SubscriptionBillingAttemptConnection!
  7756. billingPolicy: SubscriptionBillingPolicy!
  7757. createdAt: DateTime!
  7758. currencyCode: CurrencyCode!
  7759. customAttributes: [Attribute!]!
  7760. customer: Customer
  7761. customerPaymentMethod(showRevoked: Boolean = false): CustomerPaymentMethod
  7762. deliveryMethod: SubscriptionDeliveryMethod
  7763. deliveryPolicy: SubscriptionDeliveryPolicy!
  7764. deliveryPrice: MoneyV2!
  7765. discounts(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): SubscriptionManualDiscountConnection!
  7766. id: ID!
  7767. lastPaymentStatus: SubscriptionContractLastPaymentStatus
  7768. lineCount: Int!
  7769. lines(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): SubscriptionLineConnection!
  7770. nextBillingDate: DateTime
  7771. note: String
  7772. orders(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): OrderConnection!
  7773. originOrder: Order
  7774. status: SubscriptionContractSubscriptionStatus!
  7775. updatedAt: DateTime!
  7776. }
  7777. interface SubscriptionContractBase
  7778. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7779. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7780. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7781. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7782. {
  7783. app: App
  7784. appAdminUrl: URL
  7785. currencyCode: CurrencyCode!
  7786. customAttributes: [Attribute!]!
  7787. customer: Customer
  7788. customerPaymentMethod(showRevoked: Boolean = false): CustomerPaymentMethod
  7789. deliveryMethod: SubscriptionDeliveryMethod
  7790. deliveryPrice: MoneyV2!
  7791. discounts(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): SubscriptionManualDiscountConnection!
  7792. lineCount: Int!
  7793. lines(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): SubscriptionLineConnection!
  7794. note: String
  7795. orders(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): OrderConnection!
  7796. updatedAt: DateTime!
  7797. }
  7798. type SubscriptionContractConnection
  7799. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7800. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7801. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7802. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7803. {
  7804. edges: [SubscriptionContractEdge!]!
  7805. nodes: [SubscriptionContract!]!
  7806. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  7807. }
  7808. type SubscriptionContractEdge
  7809. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7810. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7811. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7812. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7813. {
  7814. cursor: String!
  7815. node: SubscriptionContract!
  7816. }
  7817. enum SubscriptionContractLastPaymentStatus
  7818. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7819. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7820. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7821. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7822. {
  7824. FAILED
  7825. }
  7826. enum SubscriptionContractSubscriptionStatus
  7827. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7828. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7829. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7830. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7831. {
  7832. ACTIVE
  7833. PAUSED
  7835. EXPIRED
  7836. FAILED
  7837. }
  7838. type SubscriptionCyclePriceAdjustment
  7839. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7840. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7841. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7842. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7843. {
  7844. adjustmentType: SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentType!
  7845. adjustmentValue: SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentValue!
  7846. afterCycle: Int!
  7847. computedPrice: MoneyV2!
  7848. }
  7849. union SubscriptionDeliveryMethod
  7850. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7851. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7852. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7853. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7854. = SubscriptionDeliveryMethodLocalDelivery | SubscriptionDeliveryMethodPickup | SubscriptionDeliveryMethodShipping
  7855. type SubscriptionDeliveryMethodLocalDelivery
  7856. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7857. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7858. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7859. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7860. {
  7861. address: SubscriptionMailingAddress!
  7862. localDeliveryOption: SubscriptionDeliveryMethodLocalDeliveryOption!
  7863. }
  7864. type SubscriptionDeliveryMethodLocalDeliveryOption
  7865. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7866. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7867. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7868. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7869. {
  7870. code: String
  7871. description: String
  7872. instructions: String
  7873. phone: String!
  7874. presentmentTitle: String
  7875. title: String
  7876. }
  7877. type SubscriptionDeliveryMethodPickup
  7878. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7879. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7880. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7881. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7882. {
  7883. pickupOption: SubscriptionDeliveryMethodPickupOption!
  7884. }
  7885. type SubscriptionDeliveryMethodPickupOption
  7886. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7887. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7888. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7889. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7890. {
  7891. code: String
  7892. description: String
  7893. location: Location!
  7894. presentmentTitle: String
  7895. title: String
  7896. }
  7897. type SubscriptionDeliveryMethodShipping
  7898. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7899. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7900. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7901. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7902. {
  7903. address: SubscriptionMailingAddress!
  7904. shippingOption: SubscriptionDeliveryMethodShippingOption!
  7905. }
  7906. type SubscriptionDeliveryMethodShippingOption
  7907. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7908. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7909. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7910. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7911. {
  7912. carrierService: DeliveryCarrierService
  7913. code: String
  7914. description: String
  7915. presentmentTitle: String
  7916. title: String
  7917. }
  7918. type SubscriptionDeliveryPolicy
  7919. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7920. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7921. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7922. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7923. {
  7924. anchors: [SellingPlanAnchor!]!
  7925. interval: SellingPlanInterval!
  7926. intervalCount: Int!
  7927. }
  7928. union SubscriptionDiscount
  7929. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7930. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7931. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7932. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7933. = SubscriptionAppliedCodeDiscount | SubscriptionManualDiscount
  7934. type SubscriptionDiscountAllocation
  7935. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7936. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7937. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7938. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7939. {
  7940. amount: MoneyV2!
  7941. discount: SubscriptionDiscount!
  7942. }
  7943. type SubscriptionDiscountEntitledLines
  7944. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7945. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7946. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7947. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7948. {
  7949. all: Boolean!
  7950. lines(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, reverse: Boolean = false): SubscriptionLineConnection!
  7951. }
  7952. type SubscriptionDiscountFixedAmountValue
  7953. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7954. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7955. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7956. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7957. {
  7958. amount: MoneyV2!
  7959. appliesOnEachItem: Boolean!
  7960. }
  7961. type SubscriptionDiscountPercentageValue
  7962. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7963. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7964. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7965. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7966. {
  7967. percentage: Int!
  7968. }
  7969. enum SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReason
  7970. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7971. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7972. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7973. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7974. {
  7975. NOT_FOUND
  7986. }
  7987. union SubscriptionDiscountValue
  7988. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7989. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7990. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7991. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7992. = SubscriptionDiscountFixedAmountValue | SubscriptionDiscountPercentageValue
  7993. type SubscriptionLine
  7994. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  7995. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  7996. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  7997. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  7998. {
  7999. currentPrice: MoneyV2!
  8000. customAttributes: [Attribute!]!
  8001. discountAllocations: [SubscriptionDiscountAllocation!]!
  8002. id: ID!
  8003. lineDiscountedPrice: MoneyV2!
  8004. pricingPolicy: SubscriptionPricingPolicy
  8005. productId: ID
  8006. quantity: Int!
  8007. requiresShipping: Boolean!
  8008. sellingPlanId: ID
  8009. sellingPlanName: String
  8010. sku: String
  8011. taxable: Boolean!
  8012. title: String!
  8013. variantId: ID
  8014. variantImage: Image
  8015. variantTitle: String
  8016. }
  8017. type SubscriptionLineConnection
  8018. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  8019. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  8020. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  8021. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  8022. {
  8023. edges: [SubscriptionLineEdge!]!
  8024. nodes: [SubscriptionLine!]!
  8025. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  8026. }
  8027. type SubscriptionLineEdge
  8028. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  8029. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  8030. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  8031. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  8032. {
  8033. cursor: String!
  8034. node: SubscriptionLine!
  8035. }
  8036. type SubscriptionMailingAddress
  8037. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  8038. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  8039. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  8040. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  8041. {
  8042. address1: String
  8043. address2: String
  8044. city: String
  8045. company: String
  8046. country: String
  8047. countryCode: CountryCode
  8048. firstName: String
  8049. lastName: String
  8050. name: String
  8051. phone: String
  8052. province: String
  8053. provinceCode: String
  8054. zip: String
  8055. }
  8056. type SubscriptionManualDiscount
  8057. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  8058. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  8059. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  8060. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  8061. {
  8062. entitledLines: SubscriptionDiscountEntitledLines!
  8063. id: ID!
  8064. recurringCycleLimit: Int
  8065. rejectionReason: SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReason
  8066. targetType: DiscountTargetType!
  8067. title: String
  8068. type: DiscountType!
  8069. usageCount: Int!
  8070. value: SubscriptionDiscountValue!
  8071. }
  8072. type SubscriptionManualDiscountConnection
  8073. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  8074. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  8075. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  8076. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  8077. {
  8078. edges: [SubscriptionManualDiscountEdge!]!
  8079. nodes: [SubscriptionManualDiscount!]!
  8080. pageInfo: PageInfo!
  8081. }
  8082. type SubscriptionManualDiscountEdge
  8083. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  8084. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  8085. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  8086. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  8087. {
  8088. cursor: String!
  8089. node: SubscriptionManualDiscount!
  8090. }
  8091. type SubscriptionPricingPolicy
  8092. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  8093. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  8094. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  8095. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  8096. {
  8097. basePrice: MoneyV2!
  8098. cycleDiscounts: [SubscriptionCyclePriceAdjustment!]!
  8099. }
  8100. type SuggestedOrderTransaction
  8101. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  8102. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  8103. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  8104. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  8105. {
  8106. accountNumber: String
  8107. amountSet: MoneyBag!
  8108. formattedGateway: String
  8109. gateway: String
  8110. kind: SuggestedOrderTransactionKind!
  8111. maximumRefundableSet: MoneyBag
  8112. parentTransaction: OrderTransaction
  8113. }
  8114. enum SuggestedOrderTransactionKind
  8115. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  8116. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  8117. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  8118. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  8119. {
  8121. }
  8122. type SuggestedRefund
  8123. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  8124. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  8125. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  8126. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  8127. {
  8128. amountSet: MoneyBag!
  8129. discountedSubtotalSet: MoneyBag!
  8130. maximumRefundableSet: MoneyBag!
  8131. refundDuties: [RefundDuty!]!
  8132. refundLineItems: [RefundLineItem!]!
  8133. shipping: ShippingRefund!
  8134. subtotalSet: MoneyBag!
  8135. suggestedTransactions: [SuggestedOrderTransaction!]!
  8136. totalCartDiscountAmountSet: MoneyBag!
  8137. totalDutiesSet: MoneyBag!
  8138. totalTaxSet: MoneyBag!
  8139. }
  8140. enum TaxExemption
  8141. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  8142. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  8143. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  8144. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  8145. {
  8218. }
  8219. type TaxLine
  8220. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  8221. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  8222. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  8223. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  8224. {
  8225. channelLiable: Boolean
  8226. priceSet: MoneyBag!
  8227. rate: Float
  8228. ratePercentage: Float
  8229. title: String!
  8230. }
  8231. type TransactionFee implements Node
  8232. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  8233. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  8234. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  8235. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  8236. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  8237. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  8238. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  8239. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  8240. {
  8241. amount: MoneyV2!
  8242. flatFee: MoneyV2!
  8243. flatFeeName: String
  8244. id: ID!
  8245. rate: Decimal!
  8246. rateName: String
  8247. taxAmount: MoneyV2!
  8248. type: String!
  8249. }
  8250. type TypedAttribute
  8251. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  8252. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  8253. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  8254. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  8255. {
  8256. key: String!
  8257. value: String!
  8258. }
  8259. enum UnitSystem
  8260. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  8261. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  8262. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  8263. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  8264. {
  8267. }
  8268. scalar UnsignedInt64
  8269. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  8270. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  8271. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  8272. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  8273. input UpdateMediaInput
  8274. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  8275. {
  8276. id: ID!
  8277. previewImageSource: String
  8278. alt: String
  8279. }
  8280. scalar URL
  8281. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  8282. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  8283. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  8284. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  8285. type UserError implements DisplayableError
  8286. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "DisplayableError")
  8287. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "DisplayableError")
  8288. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "DisplayableError")
  8289. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "DisplayableError")
  8290. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  8291. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  8292. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  8293. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  8294. {
  8295. field: [String!]
  8296. message: String!
  8297. }
  8298. type UTMParameters
  8299. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  8300. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  8301. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  8302. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  8303. {
  8304. campaign: String
  8305. content: String
  8306. medium: String
  8307. source: String
  8308. term: String
  8309. }
  8310. type VaultCreditCard
  8311. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  8312. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  8313. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  8314. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  8315. {
  8316. billingAddress: CustomerCreditCardBillingAddress
  8317. brand: String!
  8318. expired: Boolean!
  8319. expiryMonth: Int!
  8320. expiryYear: Int!
  8321. lastDigits: String!
  8322. name: String!
  8323. }
  8324. type VaultPaypalBillingAgreement
  8325. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  8326. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  8327. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  8328. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  8329. {
  8330. inactive: Boolean!
  8331. name: String!
  8332. paypalAccountEmail: String!
  8333. }
  8334. type Video implements File & Media & Node
  8335. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "File")
  8336. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Media")
  8337. @join__implements(graph: CUSTOMER, interface: "Node")
  8338. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "File")
  8339. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Media")
  8340. @join__implements(graph: ORDER, interface: "Node")
  8341. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "File")
  8342. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Media")
  8343. @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT, interface: "Node")
  8344. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "File")
  8345. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Media")
  8346. @join__implements(graph: SHOP, interface: "Node")
  8347. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  8348. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  8349. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  8350. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  8351. {
  8352. alt: String
  8353. createdAt: DateTime!
  8354. duration: Int
  8355. fileErrors: [FileError!]!
  8356. fileStatus: FileStatus!
  8357. filename: String!
  8358. id: ID!
  8359. mediaContentType: MediaContentType!
  8360. mediaErrors: [MediaError!]!
  8361. mediaWarnings: [MediaWarning!]!
  8362. originalSource: VideoSource
  8363. preview: MediaPreviewImage
  8364. sources: [VideoSource!]!
  8365. status: MediaStatus!
  8366. }
  8367. type VideoSource
  8368. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  8369. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  8370. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  8371. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  8372. {
  8373. fileSize: Int
  8374. format: String!
  8375. height: Int!
  8376. mimeType: String!
  8377. url: String!
  8378. width: Int!
  8379. }
  8380. type Weight
  8381. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  8382. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  8383. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  8384. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  8385. {
  8386. unit: WeightUnit!
  8387. value: Float!
  8388. }
  8389. enum WeightUnit
  8390. @join__type(graph: CUSTOMER)
  8391. @join__type(graph: ORDER)
  8392. @join__type(graph: PRODUCT)
  8393. @join__type(graph: SHOP)
  8394. {
  8396. GRAMS
  8397. POUNDS
  8398. OUNCES
  8399. }
  8400. directive @inContext(
  8401. language: LanguageCode,
  8402. country: CountryCode
  8403. ) on QUERY | MUTATION | OBJECT