models.go 422 KB

  1. // Code generated by, DO NOT EDIT.
  2. package generated
  3. import (
  4. "fmt"
  5. "io"
  6. "strconv"
  7. )
  8. type AppPricingDetails interface {
  9. IsAppPricingDetails()
  10. }
  11. type AppPurchase interface {
  12. IsAppPurchase()
  13. GetCreatedAt() string
  14. GetName() string
  15. GetPrice() *MoneyV2
  16. GetStatus() AppPurchaseStatus
  17. GetTest() bool
  18. }
  19. type AppSubscriptionDiscountValue interface {
  20. IsAppSubscriptionDiscountValue()
  21. }
  22. type CommentEventEmbed interface {
  23. IsCommentEventEmbed()
  24. }
  25. type CommentEventSubject interface {
  26. IsCommentEventSubject()
  27. GetID() string
  28. GetHasTimelineComment() bool
  29. }
  30. type CustomerMoment interface {
  31. IsCustomerMoment()
  32. GetOccurredAt() string
  33. }
  34. type CustomerPaymentInstrument interface {
  35. IsCustomerPaymentInstrument()
  36. }
  37. type DeliveryConditionCriteria interface {
  38. IsDeliveryConditionCriteria()
  39. }
  40. type DeliveryRateProvider interface {
  41. IsDeliveryRateProvider()
  42. }
  43. type DiscountApplication interface {
  44. IsDiscountApplication()
  45. GetAllocationMethod() DiscountApplicationAllocationMethod
  46. GetIndex() int
  47. GetTargetSelection() DiscountApplicationTargetSelection
  48. GetTargetType() DiscountApplicationTargetType
  49. GetValue() PricingValue
  50. }
  51. type DisplayableError interface {
  52. IsDisplayableError()
  53. GetField() []string
  54. GetMessage() string
  55. }
  56. type Event interface {
  57. IsEvent()
  58. GetAppTitle() *string
  59. GetAttributeToApp() bool
  60. GetAttributeToUser() bool
  61. GetCreatedAt() string
  62. GetCriticalAlert() bool
  63. GetID() string
  64. GetMessage() string
  65. }
  66. type File interface {
  67. IsFile()
  68. GetAlt() *string
  69. GetCreatedAt() string
  70. GetFileErrors() []*FileError
  71. GetFileStatus() FileStatus
  72. GetPreview() *MediaPreviewImage
  73. }
  74. type HasEvents interface {
  75. IsHasEvents()
  76. GetEvents() *EventConnection
  77. }
  78. type HasLocalizationExtensions interface {
  79. IsHasLocalizationExtensions()
  80. GetLocalizationExtensions() *LocalizationExtensionConnection
  81. }
  82. type HasMetafieldDefinitions interface {
  83. IsHasMetafieldDefinitions()
  84. GetMetafieldDefinitions() *MetafieldDefinitionConnection
  85. }
  86. type HasMetafields interface {
  87. IsHasMetafields()
  88. GetMetafield() *Metafield
  89. GetMetafields() *MetafieldConnection
  90. GetPrivateMetafield() *PrivateMetafield
  91. GetPrivateMetafields() *PrivateMetafieldConnection
  92. }
  93. type HasPublishedTranslations interface {
  94. IsHasPublishedTranslations()
  95. GetTranslations() []*PublishedTranslation
  96. }
  97. type LegacyInteroperability interface {
  98. IsLegacyInteroperability()
  99. GetLegacyResourceID() string
  100. }
  101. type MarketRegion interface {
  102. IsMarketRegion()
  103. GetID() string
  104. GetName() string
  105. }
  106. type Media interface {
  107. IsMedia()
  108. GetAlt() *string
  109. GetMediaContentType() MediaContentType
  110. GetMediaErrors() []*MediaError
  111. GetMediaWarnings() []*MediaWarning
  112. GetPreview() *MediaPreviewImage
  113. GetStatus() MediaStatus
  114. }
  115. type MetafieldReference interface {
  116. IsMetafieldReference()
  117. }
  118. type Navigable interface {
  119. IsNavigable()
  120. GetDefaultCursor() string
  121. }
  122. type Node interface {
  123. IsNode()
  124. GetID() string
  125. }
  126. type OnlineStorePreviewable interface {
  127. IsOnlineStorePreviewable()
  128. GetOnlineStorePreviewURL() *string
  129. }
  130. type PaymentInstrument interface {
  131. IsPaymentInstrument()
  132. }
  133. type PricingValue interface {
  134. IsPricingValue()
  135. }
  136. type Publishable interface {
  137. IsPublishable()
  138. GetAvailablePublicationCount() int
  139. GetPublicationCount() int
  140. GetPublishedOnCurrentPublication() bool
  141. GetPublishedOnPublication() bool
  142. GetResourcePublications() *ResourcePublicationConnection
  143. GetResourcePublicationsV2() *ResourcePublicationV2Connection
  144. GetUnpublishedPublications() *PublicationConnection
  145. }
  146. type PurchasingEntity interface {
  147. IsPurchasingEntity()
  148. }
  149. type Sale interface {
  150. IsSale()
  151. GetActionType() SaleActionType
  152. GetID() string
  153. GetLineType() SaleLineType
  154. GetQuantity() *int
  155. GetTaxes() []*SaleTax
  156. GetTotalAmount() *MoneyBag
  157. GetTotalDiscountAmountAfterTaxes() *MoneyBag
  158. GetTotalDiscountAmountBeforeTaxes() *MoneyBag
  159. GetTotalTaxAmount() *MoneyBag
  160. }
  161. type SalesAgreement interface {
  162. IsSalesAgreement()
  163. GetApp() *App
  164. GetHappenedAt() string
  165. GetID() string
  166. GetReason() OrderActionType
  167. GetSales() *SaleConnection
  168. GetUser() *StaffMember
  169. }
  170. type SellingPlanBillingPolicy interface {
  171. IsSellingPlanBillingPolicy()
  172. }
  173. type SellingPlanCheckoutChargeValue interface {
  174. IsSellingPlanCheckoutChargeValue()
  175. }
  176. type SellingPlanDeliveryPolicy interface {
  177. IsSellingPlanDeliveryPolicy()
  178. }
  179. type SellingPlanPricingPolicy interface {
  180. IsSellingPlanPricingPolicy()
  181. }
  182. type SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentValue interface {
  183. IsSellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentValue()
  184. }
  185. type SellingPlanPricingPolicyBase interface {
  186. IsSellingPlanPricingPolicyBase()
  187. GetAdjustmentType() SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentType
  188. GetAdjustmentValue() SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentValue
  189. }
  190. type SubscriptionContractBase interface {
  191. IsSubscriptionContractBase()
  192. GetApp() *App
  193. GetAppAdminURL() *string
  194. GetCurrencyCode() CurrencyCode
  195. GetCustomAttributes() []*Attribute
  196. GetCustomer() *Customer
  197. GetCustomerPaymentMethod() *CustomerPaymentMethod
  198. GetDeliveryMethod() SubscriptionDeliveryMethod
  199. GetDeliveryPrice() *MoneyV2
  200. GetDiscounts() *SubscriptionManualDiscountConnection
  201. GetLineCount() int
  202. GetLines() *SubscriptionLineConnection
  203. GetNote() *string
  204. GetOrders() *OrderConnection
  205. GetUpdatedAt() string
  206. }
  207. type SubscriptionDeliveryMethod interface {
  208. IsSubscriptionDeliveryMethod()
  209. }
  210. type SubscriptionDiscount interface {
  211. IsSubscriptionDiscount()
  212. }
  213. type SubscriptionDiscountValue interface {
  214. IsSubscriptionDiscountValue()
  215. }
  216. type AccessScope struct {
  217. Description string `json:"description"`
  218. Handle string `json:"handle"`
  219. }
  220. type App struct {
  221. APIKey string `json:"apiKey"`
  222. AppStoreAppURL *string `json:"appStoreAppUrl"`
  223. AppStoreDeveloperURL *string `json:"appStoreDeveloperUrl"`
  224. AvailableAccessScopes []*AccessScope `json:"availableAccessScopes"`
  225. Banner *Image `json:"banner"`
  226. Description *string `json:"description"`
  227. DeveloperName *string `json:"developerName"`
  228. DeveloperType AppDeveloperType `json:"developerType"`
  229. Embedded bool `json:"embedded"`
  230. FailedRequirements []*FailedRequirement `json:"failedRequirements"`
  231. Features []string `json:"features"`
  232. Feedback *AppFeedback `json:"feedback"`
  233. Handle *string `json:"handle"`
  234. Icon *Image `json:"icon"`
  235. ID string `json:"id"`
  236. InstallURL *string `json:"installUrl"`
  237. Installation *AppInstallation `json:"installation"`
  238. IsPostPurchaseAppInUse bool `json:"isPostPurchaseAppInUse"`
  239. PreviouslyInstalled bool `json:"previouslyInstalled"`
  240. PricingDetails *string `json:"pricingDetails"`
  241. PricingDetailsSummary string `json:"pricingDetailsSummary"`
  242. PrivacyPolicyURL *string `json:"privacyPolicyUrl"`
  243. PublicCategory AppPublicCategory `json:"publicCategory"`
  244. Published bool `json:"published"`
  245. RequestedAccessScopes []*AccessScope `json:"requestedAccessScopes"`
  246. Screenshots []*Image `json:"screenshots"`
  247. ShopifyDeveloped bool `json:"shopifyDeveloped"`
  248. Title string `json:"title"`
  249. UninstallMessage string `json:"uninstallMessage"`
  250. WebhookAPIVersion string `json:"webhookApiVersion"`
  251. }
  252. func (App) IsNode() {}
  253. func (this App) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  254. func (App) IsEntity() {}
  255. type AppConnection struct {
  256. Edges []*AppEdge `json:"edges"`
  257. Nodes []*App `json:"nodes"`
  258. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  259. }
  260. type AppCredit struct {
  261. Amount *MoneyV2 `json:"amount"`
  262. CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"`
  263. Description string `json:"description"`
  264. ID string `json:"id"`
  265. Test bool `json:"test"`
  266. }
  267. func (AppCredit) IsNode() {}
  268. func (this AppCredit) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  269. type AppCreditConnection struct {
  270. Edges []*AppCreditEdge `json:"edges"`
  271. Nodes []*AppCredit `json:"nodes"`
  272. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  273. }
  274. type AppCreditEdge struct {
  275. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  276. Node *AppCredit `json:"node"`
  277. }
  278. type AppEdge struct {
  279. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  280. Node *App `json:"node"`
  281. }
  282. type AppFeedback struct {
  283. App *App `json:"app"`
  284. Link *Link `json:"link"`
  285. Messages []*UserError `json:"messages"`
  286. }
  287. type AppInstallation struct {
  288. AccessScopes []*AccessScope `json:"accessScopes"`
  289. ActiveSubscriptions []*AppSubscription `json:"activeSubscriptions"`
  290. AllSubscriptions *AppSubscriptionConnection `json:"allSubscriptions"`
  291. App *App `json:"app"`
  292. Credits *AppCreditConnection `json:"credits"`
  293. ID string `json:"id"`
  294. LaunchURL string `json:"launchUrl"`
  295. Metafield *Metafield `json:"metafield"`
  296. Metafields *MetafieldConnection `json:"metafields"`
  297. OneTimePurchases *AppPurchaseOneTimeConnection `json:"oneTimePurchases"`
  298. PrivateMetafield *PrivateMetafield `json:"privateMetafield"`
  299. PrivateMetafields *PrivateMetafieldConnection `json:"privateMetafields"`
  300. Publication *Publication `json:"publication"`
  301. RevenueAttributionRecords *AppRevenueAttributionRecordConnection `json:"revenueAttributionRecords"`
  302. UninstallURL *string `json:"uninstallUrl"`
  303. }
  304. func (AppInstallation) IsHasMetafields() {}
  305. func (this AppInstallation) GetMetafield() *Metafield { return this.Metafield }
  306. func (this AppInstallation) GetMetafields() *MetafieldConnection { return this.Metafields }
  307. func (this AppInstallation) GetPrivateMetafield() *PrivateMetafield { return this.PrivateMetafield }
  308. func (this AppInstallation) GetPrivateMetafields() *PrivateMetafieldConnection {
  309. return this.PrivateMetafields
  310. }
  311. func (AppInstallation) IsNode() {}
  312. func (this AppInstallation) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  313. type AppPlanV2 struct {
  314. PricingDetails AppPricingDetails `json:"pricingDetails"`
  315. }
  316. type AppPurchaseOneTime struct {
  317. CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"`
  318. ID string `json:"id"`
  319. Name string `json:"name"`
  320. Price *MoneyV2 `json:"price"`
  321. Status AppPurchaseStatus `json:"status"`
  322. Test bool `json:"test"`
  323. }
  324. func (AppPurchaseOneTime) IsAppPurchase() {}
  325. func (this AppPurchaseOneTime) GetCreatedAt() string { return this.CreatedAt }
  326. func (this AppPurchaseOneTime) GetName() string { return this.Name }
  327. func (this AppPurchaseOneTime) GetPrice() *MoneyV2 { return this.Price }
  328. func (this AppPurchaseOneTime) GetStatus() AppPurchaseStatus { return this.Status }
  329. func (this AppPurchaseOneTime) GetTest() bool { return this.Test }
  330. func (AppPurchaseOneTime) IsNode() {}
  331. func (this AppPurchaseOneTime) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  332. type AppPurchaseOneTimeConnection struct {
  333. Edges []*AppPurchaseOneTimeEdge `json:"edges"`
  334. Nodes []*AppPurchaseOneTime `json:"nodes"`
  335. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  336. }
  337. type AppPurchaseOneTimeEdge struct {
  338. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  339. Node *AppPurchaseOneTime `json:"node"`
  340. }
  341. type AppRecurringPricing struct {
  342. Discount *AppSubscriptionDiscount `json:"discount"`
  343. Interval AppPricingInterval `json:"interval"`
  344. Price *MoneyV2 `json:"price"`
  345. }
  346. func (AppRecurringPricing) IsAppPricingDetails() {}
  347. type AppRevenueAttributionRecord struct {
  348. Amount *MoneyV2 `json:"amount"`
  349. CapturedAt string `json:"capturedAt"`
  350. CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"`
  351. ID string `json:"id"`
  352. IdempotencyKey string `json:"idempotencyKey"`
  353. Test bool `json:"test"`
  354. Type AppRevenueAttributionType `json:"type"`
  355. }
  356. func (AppRevenueAttributionRecord) IsNode() {}
  357. func (this AppRevenueAttributionRecord) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  358. type AppRevenueAttributionRecordConnection struct {
  359. Edges []*AppRevenueAttributionRecordEdge `json:"edges"`
  360. Nodes []*AppRevenueAttributionRecord `json:"nodes"`
  361. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  362. }
  363. type AppRevenueAttributionRecordEdge struct {
  364. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  365. Node *AppRevenueAttributionRecord `json:"node"`
  366. }
  367. type AppSubscription struct {
  368. CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"`
  369. CurrentPeriodEnd *string `json:"currentPeriodEnd"`
  370. ID string `json:"id"`
  371. LineItems []*AppSubscriptionLineItem `json:"lineItems"`
  372. Name string `json:"name"`
  373. ReturnURL string `json:"returnUrl"`
  374. Status AppSubscriptionStatus `json:"status"`
  375. Test bool `json:"test"`
  376. TrialDays int `json:"trialDays"`
  377. }
  378. func (AppSubscription) IsNode() {}
  379. func (this AppSubscription) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  380. type AppSubscriptionConnection struct {
  381. Edges []*AppSubscriptionEdge `json:"edges"`
  382. Nodes []*AppSubscription `json:"nodes"`
  383. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  384. }
  385. type AppSubscriptionDiscount struct {
  386. DurationLimitInIntervals *int `json:"durationLimitInIntervals"`
  387. PriceAfterDiscount *MoneyV2 `json:"priceAfterDiscount"`
  388. RemainingDurationInIntervals *int `json:"remainingDurationInIntervals"`
  389. Value AppSubscriptionDiscountValue `json:"value"`
  390. }
  391. type AppSubscriptionDiscountAmount struct {
  392. Amount *MoneyV2 `json:"amount"`
  393. }
  394. func (AppSubscriptionDiscountAmount) IsAppSubscriptionDiscountValue() {}
  395. type AppSubscriptionDiscountPercentage struct {
  396. Percentage float64 `json:"percentage"`
  397. }
  398. func (AppSubscriptionDiscountPercentage) IsAppSubscriptionDiscountValue() {}
  399. type AppSubscriptionEdge struct {
  400. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  401. Node *AppSubscription `json:"node"`
  402. }
  403. type AppSubscriptionLineItem struct {
  404. ID string `json:"id"`
  405. Plan *AppPlanV2 `json:"plan"`
  406. UsageRecords *AppUsageRecordConnection `json:"usageRecords"`
  407. }
  408. type AppUsagePricing struct {
  409. BalanceUsed *MoneyV2 `json:"balanceUsed"`
  410. CappedAmount *MoneyV2 `json:"cappedAmount"`
  411. Interval AppPricingInterval `json:"interval"`
  412. Terms string `json:"terms"`
  413. }
  414. func (AppUsagePricing) IsAppPricingDetails() {}
  415. type AppUsageRecord struct {
  416. CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"`
  417. Description string `json:"description"`
  418. ID string `json:"id"`
  419. Price *MoneyV2 `json:"price"`
  420. SubscriptionLineItem *AppSubscriptionLineItem `json:"subscriptionLineItem"`
  421. }
  422. func (AppUsageRecord) IsNode() {}
  423. func (this AppUsageRecord) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  424. type AppUsageRecordConnection struct {
  425. Edges []*AppUsageRecordEdge `json:"edges"`
  426. Nodes []*AppUsageRecord `json:"nodes"`
  427. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  428. }
  429. type AppUsageRecordEdge struct {
  430. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  431. Node *AppUsageRecord `json:"node"`
  432. }
  433. type Attribute struct {
  434. Key string `json:"key"`
  435. Value *string `json:"value"`
  436. }
  437. type AutomaticDiscountApplication struct {
  438. AllocationMethod DiscountApplicationAllocationMethod `json:"allocationMethod"`
  439. Index int `json:"index"`
  440. TargetSelection DiscountApplicationTargetSelection `json:"targetSelection"`
  441. TargetType DiscountApplicationTargetType `json:"targetType"`
  442. Title string `json:"title"`
  443. Value PricingValue `json:"value"`
  444. }
  445. func (AutomaticDiscountApplication) IsDiscountApplication() {}
  446. func (this AutomaticDiscountApplication) GetAllocationMethod() DiscountApplicationAllocationMethod {
  447. return this.AllocationMethod
  448. }
  449. func (this AutomaticDiscountApplication) GetIndex() int { return this.Index }
  450. func (this AutomaticDiscountApplication) GetTargetSelection() DiscountApplicationTargetSelection {
  451. return this.TargetSelection
  452. }
  453. func (this AutomaticDiscountApplication) GetTargetType() DiscountApplicationTargetType {
  454. return this.TargetType
  455. }
  456. func (this AutomaticDiscountApplication) GetValue() PricingValue { return this.Value }
  457. type AvailableChannelDefinitionsByChannel struct {
  458. ChannelDefinitions []*ChannelDefinition `json:"channelDefinitions"`
  459. ChannelName string `json:"channelName"`
  460. }
  461. type BasicEvent struct {
  462. AppTitle *string `json:"appTitle"`
  463. AttributeToApp bool `json:"attributeToApp"`
  464. AttributeToUser bool `json:"attributeToUser"`
  465. CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"`
  466. CriticalAlert bool `json:"criticalAlert"`
  467. ID string `json:"id"`
  468. Message string `json:"message"`
  469. }
  470. func (BasicEvent) IsEvent() {}
  471. func (this BasicEvent) GetAppTitle() *string { return this.AppTitle }
  472. func (this BasicEvent) GetAttributeToApp() bool { return this.AttributeToApp }
  473. func (this BasicEvent) GetAttributeToUser() bool { return this.AttributeToUser }
  474. func (this BasicEvent) GetCreatedAt() string { return this.CreatedAt }
  475. func (this BasicEvent) GetCriticalAlert() bool { return this.CriticalAlert }
  476. func (this BasicEvent) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  477. func (this BasicEvent) GetMessage() string { return this.Message }
  478. func (BasicEvent) IsNode() {}
  479. type BuyerExperienceConfiguration struct {
  480. CheckoutToDraft bool `json:"checkoutToDraft"`
  481. PayNowOnly bool `json:"payNowOnly"`
  482. PaymentTermsTemplate *PaymentTermsTemplate `json:"paymentTermsTemplate"`
  483. }
  484. type ChannelDefinition struct {
  485. ChannelName string `json:"channelName"`
  486. Handle string `json:"handle"`
  487. ID string `json:"id"`
  488. SubChannelName string `json:"subChannelName"`
  489. SVGIcon *string `json:"svgIcon"`
  490. }
  491. func (ChannelDefinition) IsNode() {}
  492. func (this ChannelDefinition) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  493. type ChannelInformation struct {
  494. App *App `json:"app"`
  495. ChannelDefinition *ChannelDefinition `json:"channelDefinition"`
  496. ChannelID string `json:"channelId"`
  497. ID string `json:"id"`
  498. }
  499. func (ChannelInformation) IsNode() {}
  500. func (this ChannelInformation) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  501. type Collection struct {
  502. ID string `json:"id"`
  503. }
  504. func (Collection) IsMetafieldReference() {}
  505. func (Collection) IsEntity() {}
  506. type CollectionConnection struct {
  507. Edges []*CollectionEdge `json:"edges"`
  508. Nodes []*Collection `json:"nodes"`
  509. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  510. }
  511. type CollectionEdge struct {
  512. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  513. Node *Collection `json:"node"`
  514. }
  515. type CollectionRule struct {
  516. AppliedDisjunctively bool `json:"appliedDisjunctively"`
  517. Rules []*CollectionRule `json:"rules"`
  518. }
  519. type CollectionRuleSet struct {
  520. AppliedDisjunctively bool `json:"appliedDisjunctively"`
  521. Rules []*CollectionRule `json:"rules"`
  522. }
  523. type CommentEvent struct {
  524. AppTitle *string `json:"appTitle"`
  525. Attachments []*CommentEventAttachment `json:"attachments"`
  526. AttributeToApp bool `json:"attributeToApp"`
  527. AttributeToUser bool `json:"attributeToUser"`
  528. Author *StaffMember `json:"author"`
  529. CanDelete bool `json:"canDelete"`
  530. CanEdit bool `json:"canEdit"`
  531. CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"`
  532. CriticalAlert bool `json:"criticalAlert"`
  533. Edited bool `json:"edited"`
  534. Embed CommentEventEmbed `json:"embed"`
  535. ID string `json:"id"`
  536. Message string `json:"message"`
  537. RawMessage string `json:"rawMessage"`
  538. Subject CommentEventSubject `json:"subject"`
  539. }
  540. func (CommentEvent) IsEvent() {}
  541. func (this CommentEvent) GetAppTitle() *string { return this.AppTitle }
  542. func (this CommentEvent) GetAttributeToApp() bool { return this.AttributeToApp }
  543. func (this CommentEvent) GetAttributeToUser() bool { return this.AttributeToUser }
  544. func (this CommentEvent) GetCreatedAt() string { return this.CreatedAt }
  545. func (this CommentEvent) GetCriticalAlert() bool { return this.CriticalAlert }
  546. func (this CommentEvent) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  547. func (this CommentEvent) GetMessage() string { return this.Message }
  548. func (CommentEvent) IsNode() {}
  549. type CommentEventAttachment struct {
  550. FileExtension *string `json:"fileExtension"`
  551. ID string `json:"id"`
  552. Image *Image `json:"image"`
  553. Name string `json:"name"`
  554. Size int `json:"size"`
  555. URL string `json:"url"`
  556. }
  557. type Company struct {
  558. ContactCount int `json:"contactCount"`
  559. ContactRoles *CompanyContactRoleConnection `json:"contactRoles"`
  560. Contacts *CompanyContactConnection `json:"contacts"`
  561. CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"`
  562. CustomerSince string `json:"customerSince"`
  563. DefaultCursor string `json:"defaultCursor"`
  564. DefaultRole *CompanyContactRole `json:"defaultRole"`
  565. DraftOrders *DraftOrderConnection `json:"draftOrders"`
  566. Events *EventConnection `json:"events"`
  567. ExternalID *string `json:"externalId"`
  568. HasTimelineComment bool `json:"hasTimelineComment"`
  569. ID string `json:"id"`
  570. LifetimeDuration string `json:"lifetimeDuration"`
  571. LocationCount int `json:"locationCount"`
  572. Locations *CompanyLocationConnection `json:"locations"`
  573. MainContact *CompanyContact `json:"mainContact"`
  574. Name string `json:"name"`
  575. Note *string `json:"note"`
  576. OrderCount int `json:"orderCount"`
  577. Orders *OrderConnection `json:"orders"`
  578. TotalSpent *MoneyV2 `json:"totalSpent"`
  579. UpdatedAt string `json:"updatedAt"`
  580. }
  581. func (Company) IsCommentEventSubject() {}
  582. func (this Company) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  583. func (this Company) GetHasTimelineComment() bool { return this.HasTimelineComment }
  584. func (Company) IsHasEvents() {}
  585. func (this Company) GetEvents() *EventConnection { return this.Events }
  586. func (Company) IsNavigable() {}
  587. func (this Company) GetDefaultCursor() string { return this.DefaultCursor }
  588. func (Company) IsNode() {}
  589. type CompanyAddress struct {
  590. Address1 string `json:"address1"`
  591. Address2 *string `json:"address2"`
  592. City *string `json:"city"`
  593. CompanyName string `json:"companyName"`
  594. Country *string `json:"country"`
  595. CountryCode CountryCode `json:"countryCode"`
  596. CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"`
  597. FormattedArea *string `json:"formattedArea"`
  598. ID string `json:"id"`
  599. Phone *string `json:"phone"`
  600. Province *string `json:"province"`
  601. Recipient *string `json:"recipient"`
  602. UpdatedAt string `json:"updatedAt"`
  603. Zip *string `json:"zip"`
  604. ZoneCode *string `json:"zoneCode"`
  605. }
  606. func (CompanyAddress) IsNode() {}
  607. func (this CompanyAddress) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  608. type CompanyContact struct {
  609. Company *Company `json:"company"`
  610. CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"`
  611. Customer *Customer `json:"customer"`
  612. DraftOrders *DraftOrderConnection `json:"draftOrders"`
  613. ID string `json:"id"`
  614. IsMainContact bool `json:"isMainContact"`
  615. LifetimeDuration string `json:"lifetimeDuration"`
  616. Locale *string `json:"locale"`
  617. Orders *OrderConnection `json:"orders"`
  618. RoleAssignments *CompanyContactRoleAssignmentConnection `json:"roleAssignments"`
  619. Title *string `json:"title"`
  620. UpdatedAt string `json:"updatedAt"`
  621. }
  622. func (CompanyContact) IsNode() {}
  623. func (this CompanyContact) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  624. type CompanyContactConnection struct {
  625. Edges []*CompanyContactEdge `json:"edges"`
  626. Nodes []*CompanyContact `json:"nodes"`
  627. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  628. }
  629. type CompanyContactEdge struct {
  630. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  631. Node *CompanyContact `json:"node"`
  632. }
  633. type CompanyContactRole struct {
  634. ID string `json:"id"`
  635. Name string `json:"name"`
  636. Note *string `json:"note"`
  637. }
  638. func (CompanyContactRole) IsNode() {}
  639. func (this CompanyContactRole) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  640. type CompanyContactRoleAssignment struct {
  641. Company *Company `json:"company"`
  642. CompanyContact *CompanyContact `json:"companyContact"`
  643. CompanyLocation *CompanyLocation `json:"companyLocation"`
  644. CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"`
  645. ID string `json:"id"`
  646. Role *CompanyContactRole `json:"role"`
  647. UpdatedAt string `json:"updatedAt"`
  648. }
  649. func (CompanyContactRoleAssignment) IsNode() {}
  650. func (this CompanyContactRoleAssignment) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  651. type CompanyContactRoleAssignmentConnection struct {
  652. Edges []*CompanyContactRoleAssignmentEdge `json:"edges"`
  653. Nodes []*CompanyContactRoleAssignment `json:"nodes"`
  654. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  655. }
  656. type CompanyContactRoleAssignmentEdge struct {
  657. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  658. Node *CompanyContactRoleAssignment `json:"node"`
  659. }
  660. type CompanyContactRoleConnection struct {
  661. Edges []*CompanyContactRoleEdge `json:"edges"`
  662. Nodes []*CompanyContactRole `json:"nodes"`
  663. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  664. }
  665. type CompanyContactRoleEdge struct {
  666. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  667. Node *CompanyContactRole `json:"node"`
  668. }
  669. type CompanyLocation struct {
  670. BillingAddress *CompanyAddress `json:"billingAddress"`
  671. BuyerExperienceConfiguration *BuyerExperienceConfiguration `json:"buyerExperienceConfiguration"`
  672. Company *Company `json:"company"`
  673. CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"`
  674. Currency CurrencyCode `json:"currency"`
  675. DefaultCursor string `json:"defaultCursor"`
  676. DraftOrders *DraftOrderConnection `json:"draftOrders"`
  677. Events *EventConnection `json:"events"`
  678. ExternalID *string `json:"externalId"`
  679. HasTimelineComment bool `json:"hasTimelineComment"`
  680. ID string `json:"id"`
  681. Locale *string `json:"locale"`
  682. Market *Market `json:"market"`
  683. Name string `json:"name"`
  684. Note *string `json:"note"`
  685. OrderCount int `json:"orderCount"`
  686. Orders *OrderConnection `json:"orders"`
  687. Phone *string `json:"phone"`
  688. RoleAssignments *CompanyContactRoleAssignmentConnection `json:"roleAssignments"`
  689. ShippingAddress *CompanyAddress `json:"shippingAddress"`
  690. TaxExemptions []TaxExemption `json:"taxExemptions"`
  691. TaxRegistrationID *string `json:"taxRegistrationId"`
  692. TotalSpent *MoneyV2 `json:"totalSpent"`
  693. UpdatedAt string `json:"updatedAt"`
  694. }
  695. func (CompanyLocation) IsCommentEventSubject() {}
  696. func (this CompanyLocation) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  697. func (this CompanyLocation) GetHasTimelineComment() bool { return this.HasTimelineComment }
  698. func (CompanyLocation) IsHasEvents() {}
  699. func (this CompanyLocation) GetEvents() *EventConnection { return this.Events }
  700. func (CompanyLocation) IsNavigable() {}
  701. func (this CompanyLocation) GetDefaultCursor() string { return this.DefaultCursor }
  702. func (CompanyLocation) IsNode() {}
  703. type CompanyLocationConnection struct {
  704. Edges []*CompanyLocationEdge `json:"edges"`
  705. Nodes []*CompanyLocation `json:"nodes"`
  706. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  707. }
  708. type CompanyLocationEdge struct {
  709. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  710. Node *CompanyLocation `json:"node"`
  711. }
  712. type ContextualPricingContext struct {
  713. Country *CountryCode `json:"country"`
  714. CompanyLocationID *string `json:"companyLocationId"`
  715. }
  716. type CountriesInShippingZones struct {
  717. CountryCodes []CountryCode `json:"countryCodes"`
  718. IncludeRestOfWorld bool `json:"includeRestOfWorld"`
  719. }
  720. type CountryHarmonizedSystemCode struct {
  721. CountryCode CountryCode `json:"countryCode"`
  722. HarmonizedSystemCode string `json:"harmonizedSystemCode"`
  723. }
  724. type CountryHarmonizedSystemCodeConnection struct {
  725. Edges []*CountryHarmonizedSystemCodeEdge `json:"edges"`
  726. Nodes []*CountryHarmonizedSystemCode `json:"nodes"`
  727. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  728. }
  729. type CountryHarmonizedSystemCodeEdge struct {
  730. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  731. Node *CountryHarmonizedSystemCode `json:"node"`
  732. }
  733. type CurrencyFormats struct {
  734. MoneyFormat string `json:"moneyFormat"`
  735. MoneyInEmailsFormat string `json:"moneyInEmailsFormat"`
  736. MoneyWithCurrencyFormat string `json:"moneyWithCurrencyFormat"`
  737. MoneyWithCurrencyInEmailsFormat string `json:"moneyWithCurrencyInEmailsFormat"`
  738. }
  739. type CurrencySetting struct {
  740. CurrencyCode CurrencyCode `json:"currencyCode"`
  741. CurrencyName string `json:"currencyName"`
  742. Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
  743. RateUpdatedAt *string `json:"rateUpdatedAt"`
  744. }
  745. type CurrencySettingConnection struct {
  746. Edges []*CurrencySettingEdge `json:"edges"`
  747. Nodes []*CurrencySetting `json:"nodes"`
  748. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  749. }
  750. type CurrencySettingEdge struct {
  751. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  752. Node *CurrencySetting `json:"node"`
  753. }
  754. type Customer struct {
  755. ID string `json:"id"`
  756. }
  757. func (Customer) IsCommentEventEmbed() {}
  758. func (Customer) IsPurchasingEntity() {}
  759. func (Customer) IsEntity() {}
  760. type CustomerCreditCard struct {
  761. BillingAddress *CustomerCreditCardBillingAddress `json:"billingAddress"`
  762. Brand string `json:"brand"`
  763. ExpiresSoon bool `json:"expiresSoon"`
  764. ExpiryMonth int `json:"expiryMonth"`
  765. ExpiryYear int `json:"expiryYear"`
  766. FirstDigits *string `json:"firstDigits"`
  767. IsRevocable bool `json:"isRevocable"`
  768. LastDigits string `json:"lastDigits"`
  769. MaskedNumber string `json:"maskedNumber"`
  770. Name string `json:"name"`
  771. Source *string `json:"source"`
  772. VirtualLastDigits *string `json:"virtualLastDigits"`
  773. }
  774. func (CustomerCreditCard) IsCustomerPaymentInstrument() {}
  775. type CustomerCreditCardBillingAddress struct {
  776. Address1 *string `json:"address1"`
  777. City *string `json:"city"`
  778. Country *string `json:"country"`
  779. CountryCode *CountryCode `json:"countryCode"`
  780. Province *string `json:"province"`
  781. ProvinceCode *string `json:"provinceCode"`
  782. Zip *string `json:"zip"`
  783. }
  784. type CustomerEmailMarketingConsentState struct {
  785. ConsentUpdatedAt *string `json:"consentUpdatedAt"`
  786. MarketingOptInLevel *CustomerMarketingOptInLevel `json:"marketingOptInLevel"`
  787. MarketingState CustomerEmailMarketingState `json:"marketingState"`
  788. }
  789. type CustomerJourneySummary struct {
  790. CustomerOrderIndex *int `json:"customerOrderIndex"`
  791. DaysToConversion *int `json:"daysToConversion"`
  792. FirstVisit *CustomerVisit `json:"firstVisit"`
  793. LastVisit *CustomerVisit `json:"lastVisit"`
  794. Moments *CustomerMomentConnection `json:"moments"`
  795. MomentsCount *int `json:"momentsCount"`
  796. Ready bool `json:"ready"`
  797. }
  798. type CustomerMomentConnection struct {
  799. Edges []*CustomerMomentEdge `json:"edges"`
  800. Nodes []CustomerMoment `json:"nodes"`
  801. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  802. }
  803. type CustomerMomentEdge struct {
  804. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  805. Node CustomerMoment `json:"node"`
  806. }
  807. type CustomerPaymentInstrumentBillingAddress struct {
  808. Address1 *string `json:"address1"`
  809. City *string `json:"city"`
  810. Country *string `json:"country"`
  811. CountryCode *CountryCode `json:"countryCode"`
  812. Name *string `json:"name"`
  813. Province *string `json:"province"`
  814. ProvinceCode *string `json:"provinceCode"`
  815. Zip *string `json:"zip"`
  816. }
  817. type CustomerPaymentMethod struct {
  818. Customer *Customer `json:"customer"`
  819. ID string `json:"id"`
  820. Instrument CustomerPaymentInstrument `json:"instrument"`
  821. RevokedAt *string `json:"revokedAt"`
  822. RevokedReason *CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReason `json:"revokedReason"`
  823. SubscriptionContracts *SubscriptionContractConnection `json:"subscriptionContracts"`
  824. }
  825. func (CustomerPaymentMethod) IsNode() {}
  826. func (this CustomerPaymentMethod) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  827. type CustomerPaymentMethodConnection struct {
  828. Edges []*CustomerPaymentMethodEdge `json:"edges"`
  829. Nodes []*CustomerPaymentMethod `json:"nodes"`
  830. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  831. }
  832. type CustomerPaymentMethodEdge struct {
  833. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  834. Node *CustomerPaymentMethod `json:"node"`
  835. }
  836. type CustomerPaypalBillingAgreement struct {
  837. BillingAddress *CustomerPaymentInstrumentBillingAddress `json:"billingAddress"`
  838. Inactive bool `json:"inactive"`
  839. IsRevocable bool `json:"isRevocable"`
  840. PaypalAccountEmail *string `json:"paypalAccountEmail"`
  841. }
  842. func (CustomerPaypalBillingAgreement) IsCustomerPaymentInstrument() {}
  843. type CustomerShopPayAgreement struct {
  844. ExpiresSoon bool `json:"expiresSoon"`
  845. ExpiryMonth int `json:"expiryMonth"`
  846. ExpiryYear int `json:"expiryYear"`
  847. Inactive bool `json:"inactive"`
  848. IsRevocable bool `json:"isRevocable"`
  849. LastDigits string `json:"lastDigits"`
  850. MaskedNumber string `json:"maskedNumber"`
  851. Name string `json:"name"`
  852. }
  853. func (CustomerShopPayAgreement) IsCustomerPaymentInstrument() {}
  854. type CustomerSmsMarketingConsentState struct {
  855. ConsentCollectedFrom *CustomerConsentCollectedFrom `json:"consentCollectedFrom"`
  856. ConsentUpdatedAt *string `json:"consentUpdatedAt"`
  857. MarketingOptInLevel CustomerMarketingOptInLevel `json:"marketingOptInLevel"`
  858. MarketingState CustomerSmsMarketingState `json:"marketingState"`
  859. }
  860. type CustomerStatistics struct {
  861. PredictedSpendTier *CustomerPredictedSpendTier `json:"predictedSpendTier"`
  862. }
  863. type CustomerVisit struct {
  864. ID string `json:"id"`
  865. LandingPage *string `json:"landingPage"`
  866. LandingPageHTML *string `json:"landingPageHtml"`
  867. MarketingEvent *MarketingEvent `json:"marketingEvent"`
  868. OccurredAt string `json:"occurredAt"`
  869. ReferralCode *string `json:"referralCode"`
  870. ReferralInfoHTML string `json:"referralInfoHtml"`
  871. ReferrerURL *string `json:"referrerUrl"`
  872. Source string `json:"source"`
  873. SourceDescription *string `json:"sourceDescription"`
  874. SourceType *MarketingTactic `json:"sourceType"`
  875. UtmParameters *UTMParameters `json:"utmParameters"`
  876. }
  877. func (CustomerVisit) IsCustomerMoment() {}
  878. func (this CustomerVisit) GetOccurredAt() string { return this.OccurredAt }
  879. func (CustomerVisit) IsNode() {}
  880. func (this CustomerVisit) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  881. type DeliveryAvailableService struct {
  882. Countries *DeliveryCountryCodesOrRestOfWorld `json:"countries"`
  883. Name string `json:"name"`
  884. }
  885. type DeliveryCarrierService struct {
  886. AvailableServicesForCountries []*DeliveryAvailableService `json:"availableServicesForCountries"`
  887. FormattedName *string `json:"formattedName"`
  888. Icon *Image `json:"icon"`
  889. ID string `json:"id"`
  890. Name *string `json:"name"`
  891. }
  892. func (DeliveryCarrierService) IsNode() {}
  893. func (this DeliveryCarrierService) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  894. type DeliveryCondition struct {
  895. ConditionCriteria DeliveryConditionCriteria `json:"conditionCriteria"`
  896. Field DeliveryConditionField `json:"field"`
  897. ID string `json:"id"`
  898. Operator DeliveryConditionOperator `json:"operator"`
  899. }
  900. func (DeliveryCondition) IsNode() {}
  901. func (this DeliveryCondition) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  902. type DeliveryCountry struct {
  903. Code *DeliveryCountryCodeOrRestOfWorld `json:"code"`
  904. ID string `json:"id"`
  905. Name string `json:"name"`
  906. Provinces []*DeliveryProvince `json:"provinces"`
  907. TranslatedName string `json:"translatedName"`
  908. }
  909. func (DeliveryCountry) IsNode() {}
  910. func (this DeliveryCountry) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  911. type DeliveryCountryAndZone struct {
  912. Country *DeliveryCountry `json:"country"`
  913. Zone string `json:"zone"`
  914. }
  915. type DeliveryCountryCodeOrRestOfWorld struct {
  916. CountryCode *CountryCode `json:"countryCode"`
  917. RestOfWorld bool `json:"restOfWorld"`
  918. }
  919. type DeliveryCountryCodesOrRestOfWorld struct {
  920. CountryCodes []CountryCode `json:"countryCodes"`
  921. RestOfWorld bool `json:"restOfWorld"`
  922. }
  923. type DeliveryLocationGroup struct {
  924. ID string `json:"id"`
  925. Locations *LocationConnection `json:"locations"`
  926. }
  927. func (DeliveryLocationGroup) IsNode() {}
  928. func (this DeliveryLocationGroup) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  929. type DeliveryLocationGroupZone struct {
  930. MethodDefinitionCounts *DeliveryMethodDefinitionCounts `json:"methodDefinitionCounts"`
  931. MethodDefinitions *DeliveryMethodDefinitionConnection `json:"methodDefinitions"`
  932. Zone *DeliveryZone `json:"zone"`
  933. }
  934. type DeliveryLocationGroupZoneConnection struct {
  935. Edges []*DeliveryLocationGroupZoneEdge `json:"edges"`
  936. Nodes []*DeliveryLocationGroupZone `json:"nodes"`
  937. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  938. }
  939. type DeliveryLocationGroupZoneEdge struct {
  940. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  941. Node *DeliveryLocationGroupZone `json:"node"`
  942. }
  943. type DeliveryMethod struct {
  944. ID string `json:"id"`
  945. MaxDeliveryDateTime *string `json:"maxDeliveryDateTime"`
  946. MethodType DeliveryMethodType `json:"methodType"`
  947. MinDeliveryDateTime *string `json:"minDeliveryDateTime"`
  948. }
  949. func (DeliveryMethod) IsNode() {}
  950. func (this DeliveryMethod) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  951. type DeliveryMethodDefinition struct {
  952. Active bool `json:"active"`
  953. Description *string `json:"description"`
  954. ID string `json:"id"`
  955. MethodConditions []*DeliveryCondition `json:"methodConditions"`
  956. Name string `json:"name"`
  957. RateProvider DeliveryRateProvider `json:"rateProvider"`
  958. }
  959. func (DeliveryMethodDefinition) IsNode() {}
  960. func (this DeliveryMethodDefinition) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  961. type DeliveryMethodDefinitionConnection struct {
  962. Edges []*DeliveryMethodDefinitionEdge `json:"edges"`
  963. Nodes []*DeliveryMethodDefinition `json:"nodes"`
  964. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  965. }
  966. type DeliveryMethodDefinitionCounts struct {
  967. ParticipantDefinitionsCount int `json:"participantDefinitionsCount"`
  968. RateDefinitionsCount int `json:"rateDefinitionsCount"`
  969. }
  970. type DeliveryMethodDefinitionEdge struct {
  971. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  972. Node *DeliveryMethodDefinition `json:"node"`
  973. }
  974. type DeliveryParticipant struct {
  975. AdaptToNewServicesFlag bool `json:"adaptToNewServicesFlag"`
  976. CarrierService *DeliveryCarrierService `json:"carrierService"`
  977. FixedFee *MoneyV2 `json:"fixedFee"`
  978. ID string `json:"id"`
  979. ParticipantServices []*DeliveryParticipantService `json:"participantServices"`
  980. PercentageOfRateFee float64 `json:"percentageOfRateFee"`
  981. }
  982. func (DeliveryParticipant) IsNode() {}
  983. func (this DeliveryParticipant) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  984. func (DeliveryParticipant) IsDeliveryRateProvider() {}
  985. type DeliveryParticipantService struct {
  986. Active bool `json:"active"`
  987. Name string `json:"name"`
  988. }
  989. type DeliveryProductVariantsCount struct {
  990. Capped bool `json:"capped"`
  991. Count int `json:"count"`
  992. }
  993. type DeliveryProfile struct {
  994. ActiveMethodDefinitionsCount int `json:"activeMethodDefinitionsCount"`
  995. Default bool `json:"default"`
  996. ID string `json:"id"`
  997. LegacyMode bool `json:"legacyMode"`
  998. LocationsWithoutRatesCount int `json:"locationsWithoutRatesCount"`
  999. Name string `json:"name"`
  1000. OriginLocationCount int `json:"originLocationCount"`
  1001. ProductVariantsCountV2 *DeliveryProductVariantsCount `json:"productVariantsCountV2"`
  1002. ProfileItems *DeliveryProfileItemConnection `json:"profileItems"`
  1003. ProfileLocationGroups []*DeliveryProfileLocationGroup `json:"profileLocationGroups"`
  1004. SellingPlanGroups *SellingPlanGroupConnection `json:"sellingPlanGroups"`
  1005. UnassignedLocations []*Location `json:"unassignedLocations"`
  1006. ZoneCountryCount int `json:"zoneCountryCount"`
  1007. }
  1008. func (DeliveryProfile) IsNode() {}
  1009. func (this DeliveryProfile) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  1010. type DeliveryProfileItem struct {
  1011. ID string `json:"id"`
  1012. Product *Product `json:"product"`
  1013. Variants *ProductVariantConnection `json:"variants"`
  1014. }
  1015. func (DeliveryProfileItem) IsNode() {}
  1016. func (this DeliveryProfileItem) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  1017. type DeliveryProfileItemConnection struct {
  1018. Edges []*DeliveryProfileItemEdge `json:"edges"`
  1019. Nodes []*DeliveryProfileItem `json:"nodes"`
  1020. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  1021. }
  1022. type DeliveryProfileItemEdge struct {
  1023. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  1024. Node *DeliveryProfileItem `json:"node"`
  1025. }
  1026. type DeliveryProfileLocationGroup struct {
  1027. CountriesInAnyZone []*DeliveryCountryAndZone `json:"countriesInAnyZone"`
  1028. LocationGroup *DeliveryLocationGroup `json:"locationGroup"`
  1029. LocationGroupZones *DeliveryLocationGroupZoneConnection `json:"locationGroupZones"`
  1030. }
  1031. type DeliveryProvince struct {
  1032. Code string `json:"code"`
  1033. ID string `json:"id"`
  1034. Name string `json:"name"`
  1035. TranslatedName string `json:"translatedName"`
  1036. }
  1037. func (DeliveryProvince) IsNode() {}
  1038. func (this DeliveryProvince) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  1039. type DeliveryRateDefinition struct {
  1040. ID string `json:"id"`
  1041. Price *MoneyV2 `json:"price"`
  1042. }
  1043. func (DeliveryRateDefinition) IsNode() {}
  1044. func (this DeliveryRateDefinition) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  1045. func (DeliveryRateDefinition) IsDeliveryRateProvider() {}
  1046. type DeliveryZone struct {
  1047. Countries []*DeliveryCountry `json:"countries"`
  1048. ID string `json:"id"`
  1049. Name string `json:"name"`
  1050. }
  1051. func (DeliveryZone) IsNode() {}
  1052. func (this DeliveryZone) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  1053. type DiscountAllocation struct {
  1054. AllocatedAmountSet *MoneyBag `json:"allocatedAmountSet"`
  1055. DiscountApplication DiscountApplication `json:"discountApplication"`
  1056. }
  1057. type DiscountApplicationConnection struct {
  1058. Edges []*DiscountApplicationEdge `json:"edges"`
  1059. Nodes []DiscountApplication `json:"nodes"`
  1060. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  1061. }
  1062. type DiscountApplicationEdge struct {
  1063. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  1064. Node DiscountApplication `json:"node"`
  1065. }
  1066. type DiscountCodeApplication struct {
  1067. AllocationMethod DiscountApplicationAllocationMethod `json:"allocationMethod"`
  1068. Code string `json:"code"`
  1069. Index int `json:"index"`
  1070. TargetSelection DiscountApplicationTargetSelection `json:"targetSelection"`
  1071. TargetType DiscountApplicationTargetType `json:"targetType"`
  1072. Value PricingValue `json:"value"`
  1073. }
  1074. func (DiscountCodeApplication) IsDiscountApplication() {}
  1075. func (this DiscountCodeApplication) GetAllocationMethod() DiscountApplicationAllocationMethod {
  1076. return this.AllocationMethod
  1077. }
  1078. func (this DiscountCodeApplication) GetIndex() int { return this.Index }
  1079. func (this DiscountCodeApplication) GetTargetSelection() DiscountApplicationTargetSelection {
  1080. return this.TargetSelection
  1081. }
  1082. func (this DiscountCodeApplication) GetTargetType() DiscountApplicationTargetType {
  1083. return this.TargetType
  1084. }
  1085. func (this DiscountCodeApplication) GetValue() PricingValue { return this.Value }
  1086. type Domain struct {
  1087. Host string `json:"host"`
  1088. ID string `json:"id"`
  1089. Localization *DomainLocalization `json:"localization"`
  1090. MarketWebPresence *MarketWebPresence `json:"marketWebPresence"`
  1091. SslEnabled bool `json:"sslEnabled"`
  1092. URL string `json:"url"`
  1093. }
  1094. func (Domain) IsNode() {}
  1095. func (this Domain) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  1096. type DomainLocalization struct {
  1097. AlternateLocales []string `json:"alternateLocales"`
  1098. Country *string `json:"country"`
  1099. DefaultLocale string `json:"defaultLocale"`
  1100. }
  1101. type DraftOrder struct {
  1102. ID string `json:"id"`
  1103. }
  1104. func (DraftOrder) IsCommentEventEmbed() {}
  1105. func (DraftOrder) IsEntity() {}
  1106. type DraftOrderAppliedDiscount struct {
  1107. AmountSet *MoneyBag `json:"amountSet"`
  1108. AmountV2 *MoneyV2 `json:"amountV2"`
  1109. Description string `json:"description"`
  1110. Title *string `json:"title"`
  1111. Value float64 `json:"value"`
  1112. ValueType DraftOrderAppliedDiscountType `json:"valueType"`
  1113. }
  1114. type DraftOrderConnection struct {
  1115. Edges []*DraftOrderEdge `json:"edges"`
  1116. Nodes []*DraftOrder `json:"nodes"`
  1117. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  1118. }
  1119. type DraftOrderEdge struct {
  1120. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  1121. Node *DraftOrder `json:"node"`
  1122. }
  1123. type DraftOrderLineItem struct {
  1124. AppliedDiscount *DraftOrderAppliedDiscount `json:"appliedDiscount"`
  1125. Custom bool `json:"custom"`
  1126. CustomAttributes []*Attribute `json:"customAttributes"`
  1127. CustomAttributesV2 []*TypedAttribute `json:"customAttributesV2"`
  1128. DiscountedTotal string `json:"discountedTotal"`
  1129. DiscountedTotalSet *MoneyBag `json:"discountedTotalSet"`
  1130. DiscountedUnitPrice string `json:"discountedUnitPrice"`
  1131. DiscountedUnitPriceSet *MoneyBag `json:"discountedUnitPriceSet"`
  1132. FulfillmentService *FulfillmentService `json:"fulfillmentService"`
  1133. ID string `json:"id"`
  1134. Image *Image `json:"image"`
  1135. IsGiftCard bool `json:"isGiftCard"`
  1136. Name string `json:"name"`
  1137. OriginalTotal string `json:"originalTotal"`
  1138. OriginalTotalSet *MoneyBag `json:"originalTotalSet"`
  1139. OriginalUnitPrice string `json:"originalUnitPrice"`
  1140. OriginalUnitPriceSet *MoneyBag `json:"originalUnitPriceSet"`
  1141. Product *Product `json:"product"`
  1142. Quantity int `json:"quantity"`
  1143. RequiresShipping bool `json:"requiresShipping"`
  1144. Sku *string `json:"sku"`
  1145. TaxLines []*TaxLine `json:"taxLines"`
  1146. Taxable bool `json:"taxable"`
  1147. Title string `json:"title"`
  1148. TotalDiscount string `json:"totalDiscount"`
  1149. TotalDiscountSet *MoneyBag `json:"totalDiscountSet"`
  1150. Variant *ProductVariant `json:"variant"`
  1151. VariantTitle *string `json:"variantTitle"`
  1152. Vendor *string `json:"vendor"`
  1153. Weight *Weight `json:"weight"`
  1154. }
  1155. func (DraftOrderLineItem) IsNode() {}
  1156. func (this DraftOrderLineItem) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  1157. type DraftOrderLineItemConnection struct {
  1158. Edges []*DraftOrderLineItemEdge `json:"edges"`
  1159. Nodes []*DraftOrderLineItem `json:"nodes"`
  1160. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  1161. }
  1162. type DraftOrderLineItemEdge struct {
  1163. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  1164. Node *DraftOrderLineItem `json:"node"`
  1165. }
  1166. type Duty struct {
  1167. CountryCodeOfOrigin *CountryCode `json:"countryCodeOfOrigin"`
  1168. HarmonizedSystemCode *string `json:"harmonizedSystemCode"`
  1169. ID string `json:"id"`
  1170. Price *MoneyBag `json:"price"`
  1171. TaxLines []*TaxLine `json:"taxLines"`
  1172. }
  1173. func (Duty) IsNode() {}
  1174. func (this Duty) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  1175. type EditableProperty struct {
  1176. Locked bool `json:"locked"`
  1177. Reason *string `json:"reason"`
  1178. }
  1179. type EventConnection struct {
  1180. Edges []*EventEdge `json:"edges"`
  1181. Nodes []Event `json:"nodes"`
  1182. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  1183. }
  1184. type EventEdge struct {
  1185. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  1186. Node Event `json:"node"`
  1187. }
  1188. type FailedRequirement struct {
  1189. Action *NavigationItem `json:"action"`
  1190. Message string `json:"message"`
  1191. }
  1192. type FileError struct {
  1193. Code FileErrorCode `json:"code"`
  1194. Details *string `json:"details"`
  1195. Message string `json:"message"`
  1196. }
  1197. type FilterOption struct {
  1198. Label string `json:"label"`
  1199. Value string `json:"value"`
  1200. }
  1201. type Fulfillment struct {
  1202. CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"`
  1203. DeliveredAt *string `json:"deliveredAt"`
  1204. DisplayStatus *FulfillmentDisplayStatus `json:"displayStatus"`
  1205. EstimatedDeliveryAt *string `json:"estimatedDeliveryAt"`
  1206. Events *FulfillmentEventConnection `json:"events"`
  1207. FulfillmentLineItems *FulfillmentLineItemConnection `json:"fulfillmentLineItems"`
  1208. FulfillmentOrders *FulfillmentOrderConnection `json:"fulfillmentOrders"`
  1209. ID string `json:"id"`
  1210. InTransitAt *string `json:"inTransitAt"`
  1211. LegacyResourceID string `json:"legacyResourceId"`
  1212. Location *Location `json:"location"`
  1213. Name string `json:"name"`
  1214. Order *Order `json:"order"`
  1215. OriginAddress *FulfillmentOriginAddress `json:"originAddress"`
  1216. RequiresShipping bool `json:"requiresShipping"`
  1217. Service *FulfillmentService `json:"service"`
  1218. Status FulfillmentStatus `json:"status"`
  1219. TotalQuantity int `json:"totalQuantity"`
  1220. TrackingInfo []*FulfillmentTrackingInfo `json:"trackingInfo"`
  1221. UpdatedAt string `json:"updatedAt"`
  1222. }
  1223. func (Fulfillment) IsLegacyInteroperability() {}
  1224. func (this Fulfillment) GetLegacyResourceID() string { return this.LegacyResourceID }
  1225. func (Fulfillment) IsNode() {}
  1226. func (this Fulfillment) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  1227. type FulfillmentConnection struct {
  1228. Edges []*FulfillmentEdge `json:"edges"`
  1229. Nodes []*Fulfillment `json:"nodes"`
  1230. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  1231. }
  1232. type FulfillmentEdge struct {
  1233. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  1234. Node *Fulfillment `json:"node"`
  1235. }
  1236. type FulfillmentEvent struct {
  1237. HappenedAt string `json:"happenedAt"`
  1238. ID string `json:"id"`
  1239. Status FulfillmentEventStatus `json:"status"`
  1240. }
  1241. func (FulfillmentEvent) IsNode() {}
  1242. func (this FulfillmentEvent) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  1243. type FulfillmentEventConnection struct {
  1244. Edges []*FulfillmentEventEdge `json:"edges"`
  1245. Nodes []*FulfillmentEvent `json:"nodes"`
  1246. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  1247. }
  1248. type FulfillmentEventEdge struct {
  1249. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  1250. Node *FulfillmentEvent `json:"node"`
  1251. }
  1252. type FulfillmentHold struct {
  1253. Reason FulfillmentHoldReason `json:"reason"`
  1254. ReasonNotes *string `json:"reasonNotes"`
  1255. }
  1256. type FulfillmentLineItem struct {
  1257. DiscountedTotalSet *MoneyBag `json:"discountedTotalSet"`
  1258. ID string `json:"id"`
  1259. LineItem *LineItem `json:"lineItem"`
  1260. OriginalTotalSet *MoneyBag `json:"originalTotalSet"`
  1261. Quantity *int `json:"quantity"`
  1262. }
  1263. func (FulfillmentLineItem) IsNode() {}
  1264. func (this FulfillmentLineItem) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  1265. type FulfillmentLineItemConnection struct {
  1266. Edges []*FulfillmentLineItemEdge `json:"edges"`
  1267. Nodes []*FulfillmentLineItem `json:"nodes"`
  1268. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  1269. }
  1270. type FulfillmentLineItemEdge struct {
  1271. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  1272. Node *FulfillmentLineItem `json:"node"`
  1273. }
  1274. type FulfillmentOrder struct {
  1275. AssignedLocation *FulfillmentOrderAssignedLocation `json:"assignedLocation"`
  1276. DeliveryMethod *DeliveryMethod `json:"deliveryMethod"`
  1277. Destination *FulfillmentOrderDestination `json:"destination"`
  1278. FulfillAt *string `json:"fulfillAt"`
  1279. FulfillBy *string `json:"fulfillBy"`
  1280. FulfillmentHolds []*FulfillmentHold `json:"fulfillmentHolds"`
  1281. Fulfillments *FulfillmentConnection `json:"fulfillments"`
  1282. ID string `json:"id"`
  1283. InternationalDuties *FulfillmentOrderInternationalDuties `json:"internationalDuties"`
  1284. LineItems *FulfillmentOrderLineItemConnection `json:"lineItems"`
  1285. LocationsForMove *FulfillmentOrderLocationForMoveConnection `json:"locationsForMove"`
  1286. MerchantRequests *FulfillmentOrderMerchantRequestConnection `json:"merchantRequests"`
  1287. Order *Order `json:"order"`
  1288. RequestStatus FulfillmentOrderRequestStatus `json:"requestStatus"`
  1289. Status FulfillmentOrderStatus `json:"status"`
  1290. SupportedActions []*FulfillmentOrderSupportedAction `json:"supportedActions"`
  1291. }
  1292. func (FulfillmentOrder) IsNode() {}
  1293. func (this FulfillmentOrder) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  1294. type FulfillmentOrderAssignedLocation struct {
  1295. Address1 *string `json:"address1"`
  1296. Address2 *string `json:"address2"`
  1297. City *string `json:"city"`
  1298. CountryCode CountryCode `json:"countryCode"`
  1299. Location *Location `json:"location"`
  1300. Name string `json:"name"`
  1301. Phone *string `json:"phone"`
  1302. Province *string `json:"province"`
  1303. Zip *string `json:"zip"`
  1304. }
  1305. type FulfillmentOrderConnection struct {
  1306. Edges []*FulfillmentOrderEdge `json:"edges"`
  1307. Nodes []*FulfillmentOrder `json:"nodes"`
  1308. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  1309. }
  1310. type FulfillmentOrderDestination struct {
  1311. Address1 *string `json:"address1"`
  1312. Address2 *string `json:"address2"`
  1313. City *string `json:"city"`
  1314. Company *string `json:"company"`
  1315. CountryCode *CountryCode `json:"countryCode"`
  1316. Email *string `json:"email"`
  1317. FirstName *string `json:"firstName"`
  1318. ID string `json:"id"`
  1319. LastName *string `json:"lastName"`
  1320. Phone *string `json:"phone"`
  1321. Province *string `json:"province"`
  1322. Zip *string `json:"zip"`
  1323. }
  1324. func (FulfillmentOrderDestination) IsNode() {}
  1325. func (this FulfillmentOrderDestination) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  1326. type FulfillmentOrderEdge struct {
  1327. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  1328. Node *FulfillmentOrder `json:"node"`
  1329. }
  1330. type FulfillmentOrderInternationalDuties struct {
  1331. Incoterm string `json:"incoterm"`
  1332. }
  1333. type FulfillmentOrderLineItem struct {
  1334. ID string `json:"id"`
  1335. LineItem *LineItem `json:"lineItem"`
  1336. RemainingQuantity int `json:"remainingQuantity"`
  1337. TotalQuantity int `json:"totalQuantity"`
  1338. Warnings []*FulfillmentOrderLineItemWarning `json:"warnings"`
  1339. }
  1340. func (FulfillmentOrderLineItem) IsNode() {}
  1341. func (this FulfillmentOrderLineItem) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  1342. type FulfillmentOrderLineItemConnection struct {
  1343. Edges []*FulfillmentOrderLineItemEdge `json:"edges"`
  1344. Nodes []*FulfillmentOrderLineItem `json:"nodes"`
  1345. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  1346. }
  1347. type FulfillmentOrderLineItemEdge struct {
  1348. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  1349. Node *FulfillmentOrderLineItem `json:"node"`
  1350. }
  1351. type FulfillmentOrderLineItemWarning struct {
  1352. Description *string `json:"description"`
  1353. Title *string `json:"title"`
  1354. }
  1355. type FulfillmentOrderLocationForMove struct {
  1356. Location *Location `json:"location"`
  1357. Message *string `json:"message"`
  1358. Movable bool `json:"movable"`
  1359. }
  1360. type FulfillmentOrderLocationForMoveConnection struct {
  1361. Edges []*FulfillmentOrderLocationForMoveEdge `json:"edges"`
  1362. Nodes []*FulfillmentOrderLocationForMove `json:"nodes"`
  1363. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  1364. }
  1365. type FulfillmentOrderLocationForMoveEdge struct {
  1366. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  1367. Node *FulfillmentOrderLocationForMove `json:"node"`
  1368. }
  1369. type FulfillmentOrderMerchantRequest struct {
  1370. ID string `json:"id"`
  1371. Kind FulfillmentOrderMerchantRequestKind `json:"kind"`
  1372. Message *string `json:"message"`
  1373. RequestOptions *string `json:"requestOptions"`
  1374. ResponseData *string `json:"responseData"`
  1375. SentAt string `json:"sentAt"`
  1376. }
  1377. func (FulfillmentOrderMerchantRequest) IsNode() {}
  1378. func (this FulfillmentOrderMerchantRequest) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  1379. type FulfillmentOrderMerchantRequestConnection struct {
  1380. Edges []*FulfillmentOrderMerchantRequestEdge `json:"edges"`
  1381. Nodes []*FulfillmentOrderMerchantRequest `json:"nodes"`
  1382. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  1383. }
  1384. type FulfillmentOrderMerchantRequestEdge struct {
  1385. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  1386. Node *FulfillmentOrderMerchantRequest `json:"node"`
  1387. }
  1388. type FulfillmentOrderSupportedAction struct {
  1389. Action FulfillmentOrderAction `json:"action"`
  1390. ExternalURL *string `json:"externalUrl"`
  1391. }
  1392. type FulfillmentOriginAddress struct {
  1393. Address1 *string `json:"address1"`
  1394. Address2 *string `json:"address2"`
  1395. City *string `json:"city"`
  1396. CountryCode string `json:"countryCode"`
  1397. ProvinceCode *string `json:"provinceCode"`
  1398. Zip *string `json:"zip"`
  1399. }
  1400. type FulfillmentService struct {
  1401. ID string `json:"id"`
  1402. }
  1403. func (FulfillmentService) IsEntity() {}
  1404. type FulfillmentTrackingInfo struct {
  1405. Company *string `json:"company"`
  1406. Number *string `json:"number"`
  1407. URL *string `json:"url"`
  1408. }
  1409. type GenericFile struct {
  1410. Alt *string `json:"alt"`
  1411. CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"`
  1412. FileErrors []*FileError `json:"fileErrors"`
  1413. FileStatus FileStatus `json:"fileStatus"`
  1414. ID string `json:"id"`
  1415. MimeType *string `json:"mimeType"`
  1416. OriginalFileSize *int `json:"originalFileSize"`
  1417. Preview *MediaPreviewImage `json:"preview"`
  1418. URL *string `json:"url"`
  1419. }
  1420. func (GenericFile) IsFile() {}
  1421. func (this GenericFile) GetAlt() *string { return this.Alt }
  1422. func (this GenericFile) GetCreatedAt() string { return this.CreatedAt }
  1423. func (this GenericFile) GetFileErrors() []*FileError {
  1424. if this.FileErrors == nil {
  1425. return nil
  1426. }
  1427. interfaceSlice := make([]*FileError, 0, len(this.FileErrors))
  1428. for _, concrete := range this.FileErrors {
  1429. interfaceSlice = append(interfaceSlice, concrete)
  1430. }
  1431. return interfaceSlice
  1432. }
  1433. func (this GenericFile) GetFileStatus() FileStatus { return this.FileStatus }
  1434. func (this GenericFile) GetPreview() *MediaPreviewImage { return this.Preview }
  1435. func (GenericFile) IsNode() {}
  1436. func (this GenericFile) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  1437. func (GenericFile) IsMetafieldReference() {}
  1438. type Image struct {
  1439. AltText *string `json:"altText"`
  1440. Height *int `json:"height"`
  1441. ID *string `json:"id"`
  1442. Metafield *Metafield `json:"metafield"`
  1443. Metafields *MetafieldConnection `json:"metafields"`
  1444. PrivateMetafield *PrivateMetafield `json:"privateMetafield"`
  1445. PrivateMetafields *PrivateMetafieldConnection `json:"privateMetafields"`
  1446. URL string `json:"url"`
  1447. Width *int `json:"width"`
  1448. }
  1449. func (Image) IsHasMetafields() {}
  1450. func (this Image) GetMetafield() *Metafield { return this.Metafield }
  1451. func (this Image) GetMetafields() *MetafieldConnection { return this.Metafields }
  1452. func (this Image) GetPrivateMetafield() *PrivateMetafield { return this.PrivateMetafield }
  1453. func (this Image) GetPrivateMetafields() *PrivateMetafieldConnection { return this.PrivateMetafields }
  1454. type ImageConnection struct {
  1455. Edges []*ImageEdge `json:"edges"`
  1456. Nodes []*Image `json:"nodes"`
  1457. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  1458. }
  1459. type ImageEdge struct {
  1460. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  1461. Node *Image `json:"node"`
  1462. }
  1463. type ImageTransformInput struct {
  1464. Crop *CropRegion `json:"crop"`
  1465. MaxWidth *int `json:"maxWidth"`
  1466. MaxHeight *int `json:"maxHeight"`
  1467. Scale *int `json:"scale"`
  1468. PreferredContentType *ImageContentType `json:"preferredContentType"`
  1469. }
  1470. type InventoryItem struct {
  1471. CountryCodeOfOrigin *CountryCode `json:"countryCodeOfOrigin"`
  1472. CountryHarmonizedSystemCodes *CountryHarmonizedSystemCodeConnection `json:"countryHarmonizedSystemCodes"`
  1473. CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"`
  1474. DuplicateSkuCount int `json:"duplicateSkuCount"`
  1475. HarmonizedSystemCode *string `json:"harmonizedSystemCode"`
  1476. ID string `json:"id"`
  1477. InventoryHistoryURL *string `json:"inventoryHistoryUrl"`
  1478. InventoryLevel *InventoryLevel `json:"inventoryLevel"`
  1479. InventoryLevels *InventoryLevelConnection `json:"inventoryLevels"`
  1480. LegacyResourceID string `json:"legacyResourceId"`
  1481. LocationsCount int `json:"locationsCount"`
  1482. ProvinceCodeOfOrigin *string `json:"provinceCodeOfOrigin"`
  1483. RequiresShipping bool `json:"requiresShipping"`
  1484. Sku *string `json:"sku"`
  1485. Tracked bool `json:"tracked"`
  1486. TrackedEditable *EditableProperty `json:"trackedEditable"`
  1487. UnitCost *MoneyV2 `json:"unitCost"`
  1488. UpdatedAt string `json:"updatedAt"`
  1489. Variant *ProductVariant `json:"variant"`
  1490. }
  1491. func (InventoryItem) IsLegacyInteroperability() {}
  1492. func (this InventoryItem) GetLegacyResourceID() string { return this.LegacyResourceID }
  1493. func (InventoryItem) IsNode() {}
  1494. func (this InventoryItem) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  1495. type InventoryLevel struct {
  1496. ID string `json:"id"`
  1497. }
  1498. func (InventoryLevel) IsEntity() {}
  1499. type InventoryLevelConnection struct {
  1500. Edges []*InventoryLevelEdge `json:"edges"`
  1501. Nodes []*InventoryLevel `json:"nodes"`
  1502. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  1503. }
  1504. type InventoryLevelEdge struct {
  1505. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  1506. Node *InventoryLevel `json:"node"`
  1507. }
  1508. type Job struct {
  1509. Done bool `json:"done"`
  1510. ID string `json:"id"`
  1511. }
  1512. func (Job) IsEntity() {}
  1513. type LimitedPendingOrderCount struct {
  1514. AtMax bool `json:"atMax"`
  1515. Count int `json:"count"`
  1516. }
  1517. type LineItem struct {
  1518. Contract *SubscriptionContract `json:"contract"`
  1519. CurrentQuantity int `json:"currentQuantity"`
  1520. CustomAttributes []*Attribute `json:"customAttributes"`
  1521. DiscountAllocations []*DiscountAllocation `json:"discountAllocations"`
  1522. DiscountedTotalSet *MoneyBag `json:"discountedTotalSet"`
  1523. DiscountedUnitPriceSet *MoneyBag `json:"discountedUnitPriceSet"`
  1524. Duties []*Duty `json:"duties"`
  1525. ID string `json:"id"`
  1526. Image *Image `json:"image"`
  1527. MerchantEditable bool `json:"merchantEditable"`
  1528. Name string `json:"name"`
  1529. NonFulfillableQuantity int `json:"nonFulfillableQuantity"`
  1530. OriginalTotalSet *MoneyBag `json:"originalTotalSet"`
  1531. OriginalUnitPriceSet *MoneyBag `json:"originalUnitPriceSet"`
  1532. Product *Product `json:"product"`
  1533. Quantity int `json:"quantity"`
  1534. RefundableQuantity int `json:"refundableQuantity"`
  1535. RequiresShipping bool `json:"requiresShipping"`
  1536. Restockable bool `json:"restockable"`
  1537. SellingPlan *LineItemSellingPlan `json:"sellingPlan"`
  1538. Sku *string `json:"sku"`
  1539. StaffMember *StaffMember `json:"staffMember"`
  1540. TaxLines []*TaxLine `json:"taxLines"`
  1541. Taxable bool `json:"taxable"`
  1542. Title string `json:"title"`
  1543. TotalDiscountSet *MoneyBag `json:"totalDiscountSet"`
  1544. UnfulfilledDiscountedTotalSet *MoneyBag `json:"unfulfilledDiscountedTotalSet"`
  1545. UnfulfilledOriginalTotalSet *MoneyBag `json:"unfulfilledOriginalTotalSet"`
  1546. UnfulfilledQuantity int `json:"unfulfilledQuantity"`
  1547. Variant *ProductVariant `json:"variant"`
  1548. VariantTitle *string `json:"variantTitle"`
  1549. Vendor *string `json:"vendor"`
  1550. }
  1551. func (LineItem) IsNode() {}
  1552. func (this LineItem) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  1553. type LineItemConnection struct {
  1554. Edges []*LineItemEdge `json:"edges"`
  1555. Nodes []*LineItem `json:"nodes"`
  1556. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  1557. }
  1558. type LineItemEdge struct {
  1559. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  1560. Node *LineItem `json:"node"`
  1561. }
  1562. type LineItemSellingPlan struct {
  1563. Name string `json:"name"`
  1564. SellingPlanID *string `json:"sellingPlanId"`
  1565. }
  1566. type Link struct {
  1567. Label string `json:"label"`
  1568. Translations []*PublishedTranslation `json:"translations"`
  1569. URL string `json:"url"`
  1570. }
  1571. func (Link) IsHasPublishedTranslations() {}
  1572. func (this Link) GetTranslations() []*PublishedTranslation {
  1573. if this.Translations == nil {
  1574. return nil
  1575. }
  1576. interfaceSlice := make([]*PublishedTranslation, 0, len(this.Translations))
  1577. for _, concrete := range this.Translations {
  1578. interfaceSlice = append(interfaceSlice, concrete)
  1579. }
  1580. return interfaceSlice
  1581. }
  1582. type LocalizationExtension struct {
  1583. CountryCode CountryCode `json:"countryCode"`
  1584. Key LocalizationExtensionKey `json:"key"`
  1585. Purpose LocalizationExtensionPurpose `json:"purpose"`
  1586. Title string `json:"title"`
  1587. Value string `json:"value"`
  1588. }
  1589. type LocalizationExtensionConnection struct {
  1590. Edges []*LocalizationExtensionEdge `json:"edges"`
  1591. Nodes []*LocalizationExtension `json:"nodes"`
  1592. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  1593. }
  1594. type LocalizationExtensionEdge struct {
  1595. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  1596. Node *LocalizationExtension `json:"node"`
  1597. }
  1598. type Location struct {
  1599. Activatable bool `json:"activatable"`
  1600. Address *LocationAddress `json:"address"`
  1601. AddressVerified bool `json:"addressVerified"`
  1602. Deactivatable bool `json:"deactivatable"`
  1603. DeactivatedAt *string `json:"deactivatedAt"`
  1604. Deletable bool `json:"deletable"`
  1605. FulfillmentService *FulfillmentService `json:"fulfillmentService"`
  1606. FulfillsOnlineOrders bool `json:"fulfillsOnlineOrders"`
  1607. HasActiveInventory bool `json:"hasActiveInventory"`
  1608. HasUnfulfilledOrders bool `json:"hasUnfulfilledOrders"`
  1609. ID string `json:"id"`
  1610. InventoryLevel *InventoryLevel `json:"inventoryLevel"`
  1611. InventoryLevels *InventoryLevelConnection `json:"inventoryLevels"`
  1612. IsActive bool `json:"isActive"`
  1613. LegacyResourceID string `json:"legacyResourceId"`
  1614. Metafield *Metafield `json:"metafield"`
  1615. MetafieldDefinitions *MetafieldDefinitionConnection `json:"metafieldDefinitions"`
  1616. Metafields *MetafieldConnection `json:"metafields"`
  1617. Name string `json:"name"`
  1618. PrivateMetafield *PrivateMetafield `json:"privateMetafield"`
  1619. PrivateMetafields *PrivateMetafieldConnection `json:"privateMetafields"`
  1620. ShipsInventory bool `json:"shipsInventory"`
  1621. SuggestedAddresses []*LocationSuggestedAddress `json:"suggestedAddresses"`
  1622. }
  1623. func (Location) IsHasMetafieldDefinitions() {}
  1624. func (this Location) GetMetafieldDefinitions() *MetafieldDefinitionConnection {
  1625. return this.MetafieldDefinitions
  1626. }
  1627. func (Location) IsHasMetafields() {}
  1628. func (this Location) GetMetafield() *Metafield { return this.Metafield }
  1629. func (this Location) GetMetafields() *MetafieldConnection { return this.Metafields }
  1630. func (this Location) GetPrivateMetafield() *PrivateMetafield { return this.PrivateMetafield }
  1631. func (this Location) GetPrivateMetafields() *PrivateMetafieldConnection {
  1632. return this.PrivateMetafields
  1633. }
  1634. func (Location) IsLegacyInteroperability() {}
  1635. func (this Location) GetLegacyResourceID() string { return this.LegacyResourceID }
  1636. func (Location) IsNode() {}
  1637. func (this Location) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  1638. type LocationAddress struct {
  1639. Address1 *string `json:"address1"`
  1640. Address2 *string `json:"address2"`
  1641. City *string `json:"city"`
  1642. Country *string `json:"country"`
  1643. CountryCode *string `json:"countryCode"`
  1644. Formatted []string `json:"formatted"`
  1645. Latitude *float64 `json:"latitude"`
  1646. Longitude *float64 `json:"longitude"`
  1647. Phone *string `json:"phone"`
  1648. Province *string `json:"province"`
  1649. ProvinceCode *string `json:"provinceCode"`
  1650. Zip *string `json:"zip"`
  1651. }
  1652. type LocationConnection struct {
  1653. Edges []*LocationEdge `json:"edges"`
  1654. Nodes []*Location `json:"nodes"`
  1655. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  1656. }
  1657. type LocationEdge struct {
  1658. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  1659. Node *Location `json:"node"`
  1660. }
  1661. type LocationSuggestedAddress struct {
  1662. Address1 *string `json:"address1"`
  1663. Address2 *string `json:"address2"`
  1664. City *string `json:"city"`
  1665. Country *string `json:"country"`
  1666. CountryCode *CountryCode `json:"countryCode"`
  1667. Formatted []string `json:"formatted"`
  1668. Province *string `json:"province"`
  1669. ProvinceCode *string `json:"provinceCode"`
  1670. Zip *string `json:"zip"`
  1671. }
  1672. type MailingAddress struct {
  1673. Address1 *string `json:"address1"`
  1674. Address2 *string `json:"address2"`
  1675. City *string `json:"city"`
  1676. Company *string `json:"company"`
  1677. CoordinatesValidated bool `json:"coordinatesValidated"`
  1678. Country *string `json:"country"`
  1679. CountryCodeV2 *CountryCode `json:"countryCodeV2"`
  1680. FirstName *string `json:"firstName"`
  1681. FormattedArea *string `json:"formattedArea"`
  1682. ID string `json:"id"`
  1683. LastName *string `json:"lastName"`
  1684. Latitude *float64 `json:"latitude"`
  1685. Longitude *float64 `json:"longitude"`
  1686. Name *string `json:"name"`
  1687. Phone *string `json:"phone"`
  1688. Province *string `json:"province"`
  1689. ProvinceCode *string `json:"provinceCode"`
  1690. Zip *string `json:"zip"`
  1691. }
  1692. func (MailingAddress) IsNode() {}
  1693. func (this MailingAddress) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  1694. type MailingAddressInput struct {
  1695. Address1 *string `json:"address1"`
  1696. Address2 *string `json:"address2"`
  1697. City *string `json:"city"`
  1698. Company *string `json:"company"`
  1699. CountryCode *CountryCode `json:"countryCode"`
  1700. FirstName *string `json:"firstName"`
  1701. LastName *string `json:"lastName"`
  1702. Phone *string `json:"phone"`
  1703. ProvinceCode *string `json:"provinceCode"`
  1704. Zip *string `json:"zip"`
  1705. }
  1706. type ManualDiscountApplication struct {
  1707. AllocationMethod DiscountApplicationAllocationMethod `json:"allocationMethod"`
  1708. Description *string `json:"description"`
  1709. Index int `json:"index"`
  1710. TargetSelection DiscountApplicationTargetSelection `json:"targetSelection"`
  1711. TargetType DiscountApplicationTargetType `json:"targetType"`
  1712. Title string `json:"title"`
  1713. Value PricingValue `json:"value"`
  1714. }
  1715. func (ManualDiscountApplication) IsDiscountApplication() {}
  1716. func (this ManualDiscountApplication) GetAllocationMethod() DiscountApplicationAllocationMethod {
  1717. return this.AllocationMethod
  1718. }
  1719. func (this ManualDiscountApplication) GetIndex() int { return this.Index }
  1720. func (this ManualDiscountApplication) GetTargetSelection() DiscountApplicationTargetSelection {
  1721. return this.TargetSelection
  1722. }
  1723. func (this ManualDiscountApplication) GetTargetType() DiscountApplicationTargetType {
  1724. return this.TargetType
  1725. }
  1726. func (this ManualDiscountApplication) GetValue() PricingValue { return this.Value }
  1727. type Market struct {
  1728. CurrencySettings *MarketCurrencySettings `json:"currencySettings"`
  1729. Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
  1730. ID string `json:"id"`
  1731. Name string `json:"name"`
  1732. PriceList *PriceList `json:"priceList"`
  1733. Primary bool `json:"primary"`
  1734. Regions *MarketRegionConnection `json:"regions"`
  1735. WebPresence *MarketWebPresence `json:"webPresence"`
  1736. }
  1737. func (Market) IsNode() {}
  1738. func (this Market) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  1739. func (Market) IsEntity() {}
  1740. type MarketCurrencySettings struct {
  1741. BaseCurrency *CurrencySetting `json:"baseCurrency"`
  1742. LocalCurrencies bool `json:"localCurrencies"`
  1743. }
  1744. type MarketRegionConnection struct {
  1745. Edges []*MarketRegionEdge `json:"edges"`
  1746. Nodes []MarketRegion `json:"nodes"`
  1747. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  1748. }
  1749. type MarketRegionEdge struct {
  1750. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  1751. Node MarketRegion `json:"node"`
  1752. }
  1753. type MarketWebPresence struct {
  1754. AlternateLocales []string `json:"alternateLocales"`
  1755. DefaultLocale string `json:"defaultLocale"`
  1756. Domain *Domain `json:"domain"`
  1757. ID string `json:"id"`
  1758. Market *Market `json:"market"`
  1759. RootUrls []*MarketWebPresenceRootURL `json:"rootUrls"`
  1760. SubfolderSuffix *string `json:"subfolderSuffix"`
  1761. }
  1762. func (MarketWebPresence) IsNode() {}
  1763. func (this MarketWebPresence) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  1764. func (MarketWebPresence) IsEntity() {}
  1765. type MarketWebPresenceRootURL struct {
  1766. Locale string `json:"locale"`
  1767. URL string `json:"url"`
  1768. }
  1769. type MarketingEvent struct {
  1770. App *App `json:"app"`
  1771. Channel *MarketingChannel `json:"channel"`
  1772. Description *string `json:"description"`
  1773. EndedAt *string `json:"endedAt"`
  1774. ID string `json:"id"`
  1775. LegacyResourceID string `json:"legacyResourceId"`
  1776. ManageURL *string `json:"manageUrl"`
  1777. PreviewURL *string `json:"previewUrl"`
  1778. RemoteID *string `json:"remoteId"`
  1779. ScheduledToEndAt *string `json:"scheduledToEndAt"`
  1780. SourceAndMedium string `json:"sourceAndMedium"`
  1781. StartedAt string `json:"startedAt"`
  1782. Type MarketingTactic `json:"type"`
  1783. UtmCampaign *string `json:"utmCampaign"`
  1784. UtmMedium *string `json:"utmMedium"`
  1785. UtmSource *string `json:"utmSource"`
  1786. }
  1787. func (MarketingEvent) IsLegacyInteroperability() {}
  1788. func (this MarketingEvent) GetLegacyResourceID() string { return this.LegacyResourceID }
  1789. func (MarketingEvent) IsNode() {}
  1790. func (this MarketingEvent) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  1791. type MediaConnection struct {
  1792. Edges []*MediaEdge `json:"edges"`
  1793. Nodes []Media `json:"nodes"`
  1794. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  1795. }
  1796. type MediaEdge struct {
  1797. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  1798. Node Media `json:"node"`
  1799. }
  1800. type MediaError struct {
  1801. Code MediaErrorCode `json:"code"`
  1802. Details *string `json:"details"`
  1803. Message string `json:"message"`
  1804. }
  1805. type MediaImage struct {
  1806. Alt *string `json:"alt"`
  1807. CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"`
  1808. FileErrors []*FileError `json:"fileErrors"`
  1809. FileStatus FileStatus `json:"fileStatus"`
  1810. ID string `json:"id"`
  1811. Image *Image `json:"image"`
  1812. MediaContentType MediaContentType `json:"mediaContentType"`
  1813. MediaErrors []*MediaError `json:"mediaErrors"`
  1814. MediaWarnings []*MediaWarning `json:"mediaWarnings"`
  1815. MimeType *string `json:"mimeType"`
  1816. OriginalSource *MediaImageOriginalSource `json:"originalSource"`
  1817. Preview *MediaPreviewImage `json:"preview"`
  1818. Status MediaStatus `json:"status"`
  1819. }
  1820. func (MediaImage) IsFile() {}
  1821. func (this MediaImage) GetAlt() *string { return this.Alt }
  1822. func (this MediaImage) GetCreatedAt() string { return this.CreatedAt }
  1823. func (this MediaImage) GetFileErrors() []*FileError {
  1824. if this.FileErrors == nil {
  1825. return nil
  1826. }
  1827. interfaceSlice := make([]*FileError, 0, len(this.FileErrors))
  1828. for _, concrete := range this.FileErrors {
  1829. interfaceSlice = append(interfaceSlice, concrete)
  1830. }
  1831. return interfaceSlice
  1832. }
  1833. func (this MediaImage) GetFileStatus() FileStatus { return this.FileStatus }
  1834. func (this MediaImage) GetPreview() *MediaPreviewImage { return this.Preview }
  1835. func (MediaImage) IsMedia() {}
  1836. func (this MediaImage) GetMediaContentType() MediaContentType { return this.MediaContentType }
  1837. func (this MediaImage) GetMediaErrors() []*MediaError {
  1838. if this.MediaErrors == nil {
  1839. return nil
  1840. }
  1841. interfaceSlice := make([]*MediaError, 0, len(this.MediaErrors))
  1842. for _, concrete := range this.MediaErrors {
  1843. interfaceSlice = append(interfaceSlice, concrete)
  1844. }
  1845. return interfaceSlice
  1846. }
  1847. func (this MediaImage) GetMediaWarnings() []*MediaWarning {
  1848. if this.MediaWarnings == nil {
  1849. return nil
  1850. }
  1851. interfaceSlice := make([]*MediaWarning, 0, len(this.MediaWarnings))
  1852. for _, concrete := range this.MediaWarnings {
  1853. interfaceSlice = append(interfaceSlice, concrete)
  1854. }
  1855. return interfaceSlice
  1856. }
  1857. func (this MediaImage) GetStatus() MediaStatus { return this.Status }
  1858. func (MediaImage) IsNode() {}
  1859. func (this MediaImage) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  1860. func (MediaImage) IsMetafieldReference() {}
  1861. type MediaImageOriginalSource struct {
  1862. FileSize *int `json:"fileSize"`
  1863. }
  1864. type MediaPreviewImage struct {
  1865. Image *Image `json:"image"`
  1866. Status MediaPreviewImageStatus `json:"status"`
  1867. }
  1868. type MediaUserError struct {
  1869. Code *MediaUserErrorCode `json:"code"`
  1870. Field []string `json:"field"`
  1871. Message string `json:"message"`
  1872. }
  1873. func (MediaUserError) IsDisplayableError() {}
  1874. func (this MediaUserError) GetField() []string {
  1875. if this.Field == nil {
  1876. return nil
  1877. }
  1878. interfaceSlice := make([]string, 0, len(this.Field))
  1879. for _, concrete := range this.Field {
  1880. interfaceSlice = append(interfaceSlice, concrete)
  1881. }
  1882. return interfaceSlice
  1883. }
  1884. func (this MediaUserError) GetMessage() string { return this.Message }
  1885. type MediaWarning struct {
  1886. Code MediaWarningCode `json:"code"`
  1887. Message *string `json:"message"`
  1888. }
  1889. type MerchantApprovalSignals struct {
  1890. IdentityVerified bool `json:"identityVerified"`
  1891. VerifiedByShopify bool `json:"verifiedByShopify"`
  1892. }
  1893. type Metafield struct {
  1894. CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"`
  1895. Definition *MetafieldDefinition `json:"definition"`
  1896. Description *string `json:"description"`
  1897. ID string `json:"id"`
  1898. Key string `json:"key"`
  1899. LegacyResourceID string `json:"legacyResourceId"`
  1900. Namespace string `json:"namespace"`
  1901. Owner HasMetafields `json:"owner"`
  1902. OwnerType MetafieldOwnerType `json:"ownerType"`
  1903. Reference MetafieldReference `json:"reference"`
  1904. References *MetafieldReferenceConnection `json:"references"`
  1905. Type string `json:"type"`
  1906. UpdatedAt string `json:"updatedAt"`
  1907. Value string `json:"value"`
  1908. }
  1909. func (Metafield) IsLegacyInteroperability() {}
  1910. func (this Metafield) GetLegacyResourceID() string { return this.LegacyResourceID }
  1911. func (Metafield) IsNode() {}
  1912. func (this Metafield) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  1913. type MetafieldConnection struct {
  1914. Edges []*MetafieldEdge `json:"edges"`
  1915. Nodes []*Metafield `json:"nodes"`
  1916. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  1917. }
  1918. type MetafieldDefinition struct {
  1919. Description *string `json:"description"`
  1920. ID string `json:"id"`
  1921. Key string `json:"key"`
  1922. Metafields *MetafieldConnection `json:"metafields"`
  1923. MetafieldsCount int `json:"metafieldsCount"`
  1924. Name string `json:"name"`
  1925. Namespace string `json:"namespace"`
  1926. OwnerType MetafieldOwnerType `json:"ownerType"`
  1927. PinnedPosition *int `json:"pinnedPosition"`
  1928. StandardTemplate *StandardMetafieldDefinitionTemplate `json:"standardTemplate"`
  1929. Type *MetafieldDefinitionType `json:"type"`
  1930. ValidationStatus MetafieldDefinitionValidationStatus `json:"validationStatus"`
  1931. Validations []*MetafieldDefinitionValidation `json:"validations"`
  1932. VisibleToStorefrontAPI bool `json:"visibleToStorefrontApi"`
  1933. }
  1934. func (MetafieldDefinition) IsNode() {}
  1935. func (this MetafieldDefinition) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  1936. type MetafieldDefinitionConnection struct {
  1937. Edges []*MetafieldDefinitionEdge `json:"edges"`
  1938. Nodes []*MetafieldDefinition `json:"nodes"`
  1939. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  1940. }
  1941. type MetafieldDefinitionEdge struct {
  1942. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  1943. Node *MetafieldDefinition `json:"node"`
  1944. }
  1945. type MetafieldDefinitionSupportedValidation struct {
  1946. Name string `json:"name"`
  1947. Type string `json:"type"`
  1948. }
  1949. type MetafieldDefinitionType struct {
  1950. Category string `json:"category"`
  1951. Name string `json:"name"`
  1952. SupportedValidations []*MetafieldDefinitionSupportedValidation `json:"supportedValidations"`
  1953. SupportsDefinitionMigrations bool `json:"supportsDefinitionMigrations"`
  1954. }
  1955. type MetafieldDefinitionValidation struct {
  1956. Name string `json:"name"`
  1957. Type string `json:"type"`
  1958. Value *string `json:"value"`
  1959. }
  1960. type MetafieldEdge struct {
  1961. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  1962. Node *Metafield `json:"node"`
  1963. }
  1964. type MetafieldInput struct {
  1965. Description *string `json:"description"`
  1966. ID *string `json:"id"`
  1967. Namespace *string `json:"namespace"`
  1968. Key *string `json:"key"`
  1969. Value *string `json:"value"`
  1970. Type *string `json:"type"`
  1971. }
  1972. type MetafieldReferenceConnection struct {
  1973. Edges []*MetafieldReferenceEdge `json:"edges"`
  1974. Nodes []MetafieldReference `json:"nodes"`
  1975. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  1976. }
  1977. type MetafieldReferenceEdge struct {
  1978. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  1979. Node MetafieldReference `json:"node"`
  1980. }
  1981. type MoneyBag struct {
  1982. PresentmentMoney *MoneyV2 `json:"presentmentMoney"`
  1983. ShopMoney *MoneyV2 `json:"shopMoney"`
  1984. }
  1985. type MoneyV2 struct {
  1986. Amount string `json:"amount"`
  1987. CurrencyCode CurrencyCode `json:"currencyCode"`
  1988. }
  1989. func (MoneyV2) IsPricingValue() {}
  1990. func (MoneyV2) IsDeliveryConditionCriteria() {}
  1991. func (MoneyV2) IsSellingPlanCheckoutChargeValue() {}
  1992. func (MoneyV2) IsSellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentValue() {}
  1993. type NavigationItem struct {
  1994. ID string `json:"id"`
  1995. Title string `json:"title"`
  1996. URL string `json:"url"`
  1997. }
  1998. type OnlineStorePage struct {
  1999. DefaultCursor string `json:"defaultCursor"`
  2000. ID string `json:"id"`
  2001. Translations []*PublishedTranslation `json:"translations"`
  2002. }
  2003. func (OnlineStorePage) IsHasPublishedTranslations() {}
  2004. func (this OnlineStorePage) GetTranslations() []*PublishedTranslation {
  2005. if this.Translations == nil {
  2006. return nil
  2007. }
  2008. interfaceSlice := make([]*PublishedTranslation, 0, len(this.Translations))
  2009. for _, concrete := range this.Translations {
  2010. interfaceSlice = append(interfaceSlice, concrete)
  2011. }
  2012. return interfaceSlice
  2013. }
  2014. func (OnlineStorePage) IsNavigable() {}
  2015. func (this OnlineStorePage) GetDefaultCursor() string { return this.DefaultCursor }
  2016. func (OnlineStorePage) IsNode() {}
  2017. func (this OnlineStorePage) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  2018. func (OnlineStorePage) IsMetafieldReference() {}
  2019. type Order struct {
  2020. ID string `json:"id"`
  2021. }
  2022. func (Order) IsCommentEventEmbed() {}
  2023. func (Order) IsEntity() {}
  2024. type OrderApp struct {
  2025. Icon *Image `json:"icon"`
  2026. ID string `json:"id"`
  2027. Name string `json:"name"`
  2028. }
  2029. type OrderConnection struct {
  2030. Edges []*OrderEdge `json:"edges"`
  2031. Nodes []*Order `json:"nodes"`
  2032. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  2033. }
  2034. type OrderDisputeSummary struct {
  2035. ID string `json:"id"`
  2036. InitiatedAs DisputeType `json:"initiatedAs"`
  2037. Status DisputeStatus `json:"status"`
  2038. }
  2039. func (OrderDisputeSummary) IsNode() {}
  2040. func (this OrderDisputeSummary) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  2041. type OrderEdge struct {
  2042. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  2043. Node *Order `json:"node"`
  2044. }
  2045. type OrderPaymentCollectionDetails struct {
  2046. AdditionalPaymentCollectionURL *string `json:"additionalPaymentCollectionUrl"`
  2047. VaultedPaymentMethods []*PaymentMandate `json:"vaultedPaymentMethods"`
  2048. }
  2049. type OrderRisk struct {
  2050. Display bool `json:"display"`
  2051. Level *OrderRiskLevel `json:"level"`
  2052. Message *string `json:"message"`
  2053. }
  2054. type OrderTransaction struct {
  2055. AccountNumber *string `json:"accountNumber"`
  2056. AmountSet *MoneyBag `json:"amountSet"`
  2057. AuthorizationCode *string `json:"authorizationCode"`
  2058. AuthorizationExpiresAt *string `json:"authorizationExpiresAt"`
  2059. CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"`
  2060. ErrorCode *OrderTransactionErrorCode `json:"errorCode"`
  2061. Fees []*TransactionFee `json:"fees"`
  2062. FormattedGateway *string `json:"formattedGateway"`
  2063. Gateway *string `json:"gateway"`
  2064. ID string `json:"id"`
  2065. Kind OrderTransactionKind `json:"kind"`
  2066. ManuallyCapturable bool `json:"manuallyCapturable"`
  2067. MaximumRefundableV2 *MoneyV2 `json:"maximumRefundableV2"`
  2068. Order *Order `json:"order"`
  2069. ParentTransaction *OrderTransaction `json:"parentTransaction"`
  2070. PaymentIcon *Image `json:"paymentIcon"`
  2071. ProcessedAt *string `json:"processedAt"`
  2072. ReceiptJSON *string `json:"receiptJson"`
  2073. SettlementCurrency *CurrencyCode `json:"settlementCurrency"`
  2074. SettlementCurrencyRate *string `json:"settlementCurrencyRate"`
  2075. ShopifyPaymentsSet *ShopifyPaymentsTransactionSet `json:"shopifyPaymentsSet"`
  2076. Status OrderTransactionStatus `json:"status"`
  2077. Test bool `json:"test"`
  2078. TotalUnsettledSet *MoneyBag `json:"totalUnsettledSet"`
  2079. User *StaffMember `json:"user"`
  2080. }
  2081. func (OrderTransaction) IsNode() {}
  2082. func (this OrderTransaction) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  2083. type OrderTransactionConnection struct {
  2084. Edges []*OrderTransactionEdge `json:"edges"`
  2085. Nodes []*OrderTransaction `json:"nodes"`
  2086. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  2087. }
  2088. type OrderTransactionEdge struct {
  2089. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  2090. Node *OrderTransaction `json:"node"`
  2091. }
  2092. type PageInfo struct {
  2093. EndCursor *string `json:"endCursor"`
  2094. HasNextPage bool `json:"hasNextPage"`
  2095. HasPreviousPage bool `json:"hasPreviousPage"`
  2096. StartCursor *string `json:"startCursor"`
  2097. }
  2098. type PaymentMandate struct {
  2099. ID string `json:"id"`
  2100. PaymentInstrument PaymentInstrument `json:"paymentInstrument"`
  2101. }
  2102. func (PaymentMandate) IsNode() {}
  2103. func (this PaymentMandate) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  2104. type PaymentSchedule struct {
  2105. Amount *MoneyV2 `json:"amount"`
  2106. CompletedAt *string `json:"completedAt"`
  2107. DueAt *string `json:"dueAt"`
  2108. ID string `json:"id"`
  2109. IssuedAt *string `json:"issuedAt"`
  2110. }
  2111. func (PaymentSchedule) IsNode() {}
  2112. func (this PaymentSchedule) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  2113. type PaymentScheduleConnection struct {
  2114. Edges []*PaymentScheduleEdge `json:"edges"`
  2115. Nodes []*PaymentSchedule `json:"nodes"`
  2116. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  2117. }
  2118. type PaymentScheduleEdge struct {
  2119. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  2120. Node *PaymentSchedule `json:"node"`
  2121. }
  2122. type PaymentSettings struct {
  2123. SupportedDigitalWallets []DigitalWallet `json:"supportedDigitalWallets"`
  2124. }
  2125. type PaymentTerms struct {
  2126. DueInDays *int `json:"dueInDays"`
  2127. ID string `json:"id"`
  2128. Overdue bool `json:"overdue"`
  2129. PaymentSchedules *PaymentScheduleConnection `json:"paymentSchedules"`
  2130. PaymentTermsName string `json:"paymentTermsName"`
  2131. PaymentTermsType PaymentTermsType `json:"paymentTermsType"`
  2132. TranslatedName string `json:"translatedName"`
  2133. }
  2134. func (PaymentTerms) IsNode() {}
  2135. func (this PaymentTerms) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  2136. type PaymentTermsTemplate struct {
  2137. Description string `json:"description"`
  2138. DueInDays *int `json:"dueInDays"`
  2139. ID string `json:"id"`
  2140. Name string `json:"name"`
  2141. PaymentTermsType PaymentTermsType `json:"paymentTermsType"`
  2142. TranslatedName string `json:"translatedName"`
  2143. }
  2144. func (PaymentTermsTemplate) IsNode() {}
  2145. func (this PaymentTermsTemplate) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  2146. type PriceList struct {
  2147. ContextRule *PriceListContextRule `json:"contextRule"`
  2148. Currency CurrencyCode `json:"currency"`
  2149. ID string `json:"id"`
  2150. Name string `json:"name"`
  2151. Parent *PriceListParent `json:"parent"`
  2152. Prices *PriceListPriceConnection `json:"prices"`
  2153. }
  2154. func (PriceList) IsNode() {}
  2155. func (this PriceList) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  2156. type PriceListAdjustment struct {
  2157. Type PriceListAdjustmentType `json:"type"`
  2158. Value float64 `json:"value"`
  2159. }
  2160. type PriceListContextRule struct {
  2161. Countries []CountryCode `json:"countries"`
  2162. Market *Market `json:"market"`
  2163. }
  2164. type PriceListParent struct {
  2165. Adjustment *PriceListAdjustment `json:"adjustment"`
  2166. }
  2167. type PriceListPrice struct {
  2168. CompareAtPrice *MoneyV2 `json:"compareAtPrice"`
  2169. OriginType PriceListPriceOriginType `json:"originType"`
  2170. Price *MoneyV2 `json:"price"`
  2171. Variant *ProductVariant `json:"variant"`
  2172. }
  2173. type PriceListPriceConnection struct {
  2174. Edges []*PriceListPriceEdge `json:"edges"`
  2175. Nodes []*PriceListPrice `json:"nodes"`
  2176. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  2177. }
  2178. type PriceListPriceEdge struct {
  2179. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  2180. Node *PriceListPrice `json:"node"`
  2181. }
  2182. type PricingPercentageValue struct {
  2183. Percentage float64 `json:"percentage"`
  2184. }
  2185. func (PricingPercentageValue) IsPricingValue() {}
  2186. type PrivateMetafield struct {
  2187. CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"`
  2188. ID string `json:"id"`
  2189. Key string `json:"key"`
  2190. Namespace string `json:"namespace"`
  2191. UpdatedAt string `json:"updatedAt"`
  2192. Value string `json:"value"`
  2193. ValueType PrivateMetafieldValueType `json:"valueType"`
  2194. }
  2195. func (PrivateMetafield) IsNode() {}
  2196. func (this PrivateMetafield) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  2197. type PrivateMetafieldConnection struct {
  2198. Edges []*PrivateMetafieldEdge `json:"edges"`
  2199. Nodes []*PrivateMetafield `json:"nodes"`
  2200. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  2201. }
  2202. type PrivateMetafieldEdge struct {
  2203. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  2204. Node *PrivateMetafield `json:"node"`
  2205. }
  2206. type PrivateMetafieldInput struct {
  2207. Owner *string `json:"owner"`
  2208. Namespace string `json:"namespace"`
  2209. Key string `json:"key"`
  2210. ValueInput *PrivateMetafieldValueInput `json:"valueInput"`
  2211. }
  2212. type PrivateMetafieldValueInput struct {
  2213. Value string `json:"value"`
  2214. ValueType PrivateMetafieldValueType `json:"valueType"`
  2215. }
  2216. type Product struct {
  2217. ID string `json:"id"`
  2218. }
  2219. func (Product) IsCommentEventEmbed() {}
  2220. func (Product) IsMetafieldReference() {}
  2221. func (Product) IsEntity() {}
  2222. type ProductCategory struct {
  2223. ProductTaxonomyNode *ProductTaxonomyNode `json:"productTaxonomyNode"`
  2224. }
  2225. type ProductChangeStatusUserError struct {
  2226. Code *ProductChangeStatusUserErrorCode `json:"code"`
  2227. Field []string `json:"field"`
  2228. Message string `json:"message"`
  2229. }
  2230. func (ProductChangeStatusUserError) IsDisplayableError() {}
  2231. func (this ProductChangeStatusUserError) GetField() []string {
  2232. if this.Field == nil {
  2233. return nil
  2234. }
  2235. interfaceSlice := make([]string, 0, len(this.Field))
  2236. for _, concrete := range this.Field {
  2237. interfaceSlice = append(interfaceSlice, concrete)
  2238. }
  2239. return interfaceSlice
  2240. }
  2241. func (this ProductChangeStatusUserError) GetMessage() string { return this.Message }
  2242. type ProductConnection struct {
  2243. Edges []*ProductEdge `json:"edges"`
  2244. Nodes []*Product `json:"nodes"`
  2245. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  2246. }
  2247. type ProductContextualPricing struct {
  2248. MaxVariantPricing *ProductVariantContextualPricing `json:"maxVariantPricing"`
  2249. MinVariantPricing *ProductVariantContextualPricing `json:"minVariantPricing"`
  2250. PriceRange *ProductPriceRangeV2 `json:"priceRange"`
  2251. }
  2252. type ProductEdge struct {
  2253. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  2254. Node *Product `json:"node"`
  2255. }
  2256. type ProductPriceRangeV2 struct {
  2257. MaxVariantPrice *MoneyV2 `json:"maxVariantPrice"`
  2258. MinVariantPrice *MoneyV2 `json:"minVariantPrice"`
  2259. }
  2260. type ProductTaxonomyNode struct {
  2261. FullName string `json:"fullName"`
  2262. ID string `json:"id"`
  2263. IsLeaf bool `json:"isLeaf"`
  2264. IsRoot bool `json:"isRoot"`
  2265. Name string `json:"name"`
  2266. }
  2267. func (ProductTaxonomyNode) IsNode() {}
  2268. func (this ProductTaxonomyNode) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  2269. type ProductVariant struct {
  2270. ID string `json:"id"`
  2271. }
  2272. func (ProductVariant) IsCommentEventEmbed() {}
  2273. func (ProductVariant) IsMetafieldReference() {}
  2274. func (ProductVariant) IsEntity() {}
  2275. type ProductVariantConnection struct {
  2276. Edges []*ProductVariantEdge `json:"edges"`
  2277. Nodes []*ProductVariant `json:"nodes"`
  2278. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  2279. }
  2280. type ProductVariantContextualPricing struct {
  2281. CompareAtPrice *MoneyV2 `json:"compareAtPrice"`
  2282. Price *MoneyV2 `json:"price"`
  2283. }
  2284. type ProductVariantEdge struct {
  2285. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  2286. Node *ProductVariant `json:"node"`
  2287. }
  2288. type ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserError struct {
  2289. Code *ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCode `json:"code"`
  2290. Field []string `json:"field"`
  2291. Message string `json:"message"`
  2292. }
  2293. func (ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserError) IsDisplayableError() {}
  2294. func (this ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserError) GetField() []string {
  2295. if this.Field == nil {
  2296. return nil
  2297. }
  2298. interfaceSlice := make([]string, 0, len(this.Field))
  2299. for _, concrete := range this.Field {
  2300. interfaceSlice = append(interfaceSlice, concrete)
  2301. }
  2302. return interfaceSlice
  2303. }
  2304. func (this ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserError) GetMessage() string { return this.Message }
  2305. type ProductVariantsBulkDeleteUserError struct {
  2306. Code *ProductVariantsBulkDeleteUserErrorCode `json:"code"`
  2307. Field []string `json:"field"`
  2308. Message string `json:"message"`
  2309. }
  2310. func (ProductVariantsBulkDeleteUserError) IsDisplayableError() {}
  2311. func (this ProductVariantsBulkDeleteUserError) GetField() []string {
  2312. if this.Field == nil {
  2313. return nil
  2314. }
  2315. interfaceSlice := make([]string, 0, len(this.Field))
  2316. for _, concrete := range this.Field {
  2317. interfaceSlice = append(interfaceSlice, concrete)
  2318. }
  2319. return interfaceSlice
  2320. }
  2321. func (this ProductVariantsBulkDeleteUserError) GetMessage() string { return this.Message }
  2322. type ProductVariantsBulkReorderUserError struct {
  2323. Code *ProductVariantsBulkReorderUserErrorCode `json:"code"`
  2324. Field []string `json:"field"`
  2325. Message string `json:"message"`
  2326. }
  2327. func (ProductVariantsBulkReorderUserError) IsDisplayableError() {}
  2328. func (this ProductVariantsBulkReorderUserError) GetField() []string {
  2329. if this.Field == nil {
  2330. return nil
  2331. }
  2332. interfaceSlice := make([]string, 0, len(this.Field))
  2333. for _, concrete := range this.Field {
  2334. interfaceSlice = append(interfaceSlice, concrete)
  2335. }
  2336. return interfaceSlice
  2337. }
  2338. func (this ProductVariantsBulkReorderUserError) GetMessage() string { return this.Message }
  2339. type ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserError struct {
  2340. Code *ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCode `json:"code"`
  2341. Field []string `json:"field"`
  2342. Message string `json:"message"`
  2343. }
  2344. func (ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserError) IsDisplayableError() {}
  2345. func (this ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserError) GetField() []string {
  2346. if this.Field == nil {
  2347. return nil
  2348. }
  2349. interfaceSlice := make([]string, 0, len(this.Field))
  2350. for _, concrete := range this.Field {
  2351. interfaceSlice = append(interfaceSlice, concrete)
  2352. }
  2353. return interfaceSlice
  2354. }
  2355. func (this ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserError) GetMessage() string { return this.Message }
  2356. type Publication struct {
  2357. App *App `json:"app"`
  2358. CollectionPublicationsV3 *ResourcePublicationConnection `json:"collectionPublicationsV3"`
  2359. Collections *CollectionConnection `json:"collections"`
  2360. HasCollection bool `json:"hasCollection"`
  2361. ID string `json:"id"`
  2362. Name string `json:"name"`
  2363. ProductPublicationsV3 *ResourcePublicationConnection `json:"productPublicationsV3"`
  2364. Products *ProductConnection `json:"products"`
  2365. SupportsFuturePublishing bool `json:"supportsFuturePublishing"`
  2366. }
  2367. func (Publication) IsNode() {}
  2368. func (this Publication) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  2369. type PublicationConnection struct {
  2370. Edges []*PublicationEdge `json:"edges"`
  2371. Nodes []*Publication `json:"nodes"`
  2372. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  2373. }
  2374. type PublicationEdge struct {
  2375. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  2376. Node *Publication `json:"node"`
  2377. }
  2378. type PublishedTranslation struct {
  2379. Key string `json:"key"`
  2380. Locale string `json:"locale"`
  2381. MarketID *string `json:"marketId"`
  2382. Value *string `json:"value"`
  2383. }
  2384. type PurchasingCompany struct {
  2385. Company *Company `json:"company"`
  2386. Contact *CompanyContact `json:"contact"`
  2387. Location *CompanyLocation `json:"location"`
  2388. }
  2389. func (PurchasingCompany) IsPurchasingEntity() {}
  2390. type Refund struct {
  2391. CreatedAt *string `json:"createdAt"`
  2392. Duties []*RefundDuty `json:"duties"`
  2393. ID string `json:"id"`
  2394. LegacyResourceID string `json:"legacyResourceId"`
  2395. Note *string `json:"note"`
  2396. Order *Order `json:"order"`
  2397. RefundLineItems *RefundLineItemConnection `json:"refundLineItems"`
  2398. StaffMember *StaffMember `json:"staffMember"`
  2399. TotalRefundedSet *MoneyBag `json:"totalRefundedSet"`
  2400. Transactions *OrderTransactionConnection `json:"transactions"`
  2401. UpdatedAt string `json:"updatedAt"`
  2402. }
  2403. func (Refund) IsLegacyInteroperability() {}
  2404. func (this Refund) GetLegacyResourceID() string { return this.LegacyResourceID }
  2405. func (Refund) IsNode() {}
  2406. func (this Refund) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  2407. type RefundDuty struct {
  2408. AmountSet *MoneyBag `json:"amountSet"`
  2409. OriginalDuty *Duty `json:"originalDuty"`
  2410. }
  2411. type RefundDutyInput struct {
  2412. DutyID string `json:"dutyId"`
  2413. RefundType *RefundDutyRefundType `json:"refundType"`
  2414. }
  2415. type RefundLineItem struct {
  2416. LineItem *LineItem `json:"lineItem"`
  2417. Location *Location `json:"location"`
  2418. PriceSet *MoneyBag `json:"priceSet"`
  2419. Quantity int `json:"quantity"`
  2420. RestockType RefundLineItemRestockType `json:"restockType"`
  2421. Restocked bool `json:"restocked"`
  2422. SubtotalSet *MoneyBag `json:"subtotalSet"`
  2423. TotalTaxSet *MoneyBag `json:"totalTaxSet"`
  2424. }
  2425. type RefundLineItemConnection struct {
  2426. Edges []*RefundLineItemEdge `json:"edges"`
  2427. Nodes []*RefundLineItem `json:"nodes"`
  2428. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  2429. }
  2430. type RefundLineItemEdge struct {
  2431. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  2432. Node *RefundLineItem `json:"node"`
  2433. }
  2434. type RefundLineItemInput struct {
  2435. LineItemID string `json:"lineItemId"`
  2436. Quantity int `json:"quantity"`
  2437. RestockType *RefundLineItemRestockType `json:"restockType"`
  2438. LocationID *string `json:"locationId"`
  2439. }
  2440. type ResourceAlert struct {
  2441. Actions []*ResourceAlertAction `json:"actions"`
  2442. Content string `json:"content"`
  2443. DismissibleHandle *string `json:"dismissibleHandle"`
  2444. Icon *ResourceAlertIcon `json:"icon"`
  2445. Severity ResourceAlertSeverity `json:"severity"`
  2446. Title string `json:"title"`
  2447. }
  2448. type ResourceAlertAction struct {
  2449. Primary bool `json:"primary"`
  2450. Show *string `json:"show"`
  2451. Title string `json:"title"`
  2452. URL string `json:"url"`
  2453. }
  2454. type ResourceFeedback struct {
  2455. Details []*AppFeedback `json:"details"`
  2456. Summary string `json:"summary"`
  2457. }
  2458. type ResourceLimit struct {
  2459. Available bool `json:"available"`
  2460. QuantityAvailable *int `json:"quantityAvailable"`
  2461. QuantityLimit *int `json:"quantityLimit"`
  2462. QuantityUsed *int `json:"quantityUsed"`
  2463. }
  2464. type ResourcePublication struct {
  2465. IsPublished bool `json:"isPublished"`
  2466. Publication *Publication `json:"publication"`
  2467. PublishDate string `json:"publishDate"`
  2468. Publishable Publishable `json:"publishable"`
  2469. }
  2470. type ResourcePublicationConnection struct {
  2471. Edges []*ResourcePublicationEdge `json:"edges"`
  2472. Nodes []*ResourcePublication `json:"nodes"`
  2473. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  2474. }
  2475. type ResourcePublicationEdge struct {
  2476. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  2477. Node *ResourcePublication `json:"node"`
  2478. }
  2479. type ResourcePublicationV2 struct {
  2480. IsPublished bool `json:"isPublished"`
  2481. Publication *Publication `json:"publication"`
  2482. PublishDate *string `json:"publishDate"`
  2483. Publishable Publishable `json:"publishable"`
  2484. }
  2485. type ResourcePublicationV2Connection struct {
  2486. Edges []*ResourcePublicationV2Edge `json:"edges"`
  2487. Nodes []*ResourcePublicationV2 `json:"nodes"`
  2488. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  2489. }
  2490. type ResourcePublicationV2Edge struct {
  2491. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  2492. Node *ResourcePublicationV2 `json:"node"`
  2493. }
  2494. type Seo struct {
  2495. Description *string `json:"description"`
  2496. Title *string `json:"title"`
  2497. }
  2498. type SEOInput struct {
  2499. Title *string `json:"title"`
  2500. Description *string `json:"description"`
  2501. }
  2502. type SaleConnection struct {
  2503. Edges []*SaleEdge `json:"edges"`
  2504. Nodes []Sale `json:"nodes"`
  2505. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  2506. }
  2507. type SaleEdge struct {
  2508. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  2509. Node Sale `json:"node"`
  2510. }
  2511. type SaleTax struct {
  2512. Amount *MoneyBag `json:"amount"`
  2513. ID string `json:"id"`
  2514. TaxLine *TaxLine `json:"taxLine"`
  2515. }
  2516. type SalesAgreementConnection struct {
  2517. Edges []*SalesAgreementEdge `json:"edges"`
  2518. Nodes []SalesAgreement `json:"nodes"`
  2519. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  2520. }
  2521. type SalesAgreementEdge struct {
  2522. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  2523. Node SalesAgreement `json:"node"`
  2524. }
  2525. type SavedSearch struct {
  2526. Filters []*SearchFilter `json:"filters"`
  2527. ID string `json:"id"`
  2528. LegacyResourceID string `json:"legacyResourceId"`
  2529. Name string `json:"name"`
  2530. Query string `json:"query"`
  2531. ResourceType SearchResultType `json:"resourceType"`
  2532. SearchTerms string `json:"searchTerms"`
  2533. }
  2534. func (SavedSearch) IsLegacyInteroperability() {}
  2535. func (this SavedSearch) GetLegacyResourceID() string { return this.LegacyResourceID }
  2536. func (SavedSearch) IsNode() {}
  2537. func (this SavedSearch) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  2538. type SavedSearchConnection struct {
  2539. Edges []*SavedSearchEdge `json:"edges"`
  2540. Nodes []*SavedSearch `json:"nodes"`
  2541. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  2542. }
  2543. type SavedSearchEdge struct {
  2544. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  2545. Node *SavedSearch `json:"node"`
  2546. }
  2547. type ScriptDiscountApplication struct {
  2548. AllocationMethod DiscountApplicationAllocationMethod `json:"allocationMethod"`
  2549. Index int `json:"index"`
  2550. TargetSelection DiscountApplicationTargetSelection `json:"targetSelection"`
  2551. TargetType DiscountApplicationTargetType `json:"targetType"`
  2552. Title string `json:"title"`
  2553. Value PricingValue `json:"value"`
  2554. }
  2555. func (ScriptDiscountApplication) IsDiscountApplication() {}
  2556. func (this ScriptDiscountApplication) GetAllocationMethod() DiscountApplicationAllocationMethod {
  2557. return this.AllocationMethod
  2558. }
  2559. func (this ScriptDiscountApplication) GetIndex() int { return this.Index }
  2560. func (this ScriptDiscountApplication) GetTargetSelection() DiscountApplicationTargetSelection {
  2561. return this.TargetSelection
  2562. }
  2563. func (this ScriptDiscountApplication) GetTargetType() DiscountApplicationTargetType {
  2564. return this.TargetType
  2565. }
  2566. func (this ScriptDiscountApplication) GetValue() PricingValue { return this.Value }
  2567. type SearchFilter struct {
  2568. Key string `json:"key"`
  2569. Value string `json:"value"`
  2570. }
  2571. type SearchFilterOptions struct {
  2572. ProductAvailability []*FilterOption `json:"productAvailability"`
  2573. }
  2574. type SearchResult struct {
  2575. Description *string `json:"description"`
  2576. Image *Image `json:"image"`
  2577. Reference Node `json:"reference"`
  2578. Title string `json:"title"`
  2579. URL string `json:"url"`
  2580. }
  2581. type SearchResultConnection struct {
  2582. Edges []*SearchResultEdge `json:"edges"`
  2583. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  2584. }
  2585. type SearchResultEdge struct {
  2586. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  2587. Node *SearchResult `json:"node"`
  2588. }
  2589. type SelectedOption struct {
  2590. Name string `json:"name"`
  2591. Value string `json:"value"`
  2592. }
  2593. type SellingPlan struct {
  2594. BillingPolicy SellingPlanBillingPolicy `json:"billingPolicy"`
  2595. Category *SellingPlanCategory `json:"category"`
  2596. CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"`
  2597. DeliveryPolicy SellingPlanDeliveryPolicy `json:"deliveryPolicy"`
  2598. Description *string `json:"description"`
  2599. ID string `json:"id"`
  2600. InventoryPolicy *SellingPlanInventoryPolicy `json:"inventoryPolicy"`
  2601. Name string `json:"name"`
  2602. Options []string `json:"options"`
  2603. Position *int `json:"position"`
  2604. PricingPolicies []SellingPlanPricingPolicy `json:"pricingPolicies"`
  2605. }
  2606. func (SellingPlan) IsNode() {}
  2607. func (this SellingPlan) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  2608. type SellingPlanAnchor struct {
  2609. CutoffDay *int `json:"cutoffDay"`
  2610. Day int `json:"day"`
  2611. Month *int `json:"month"`
  2612. Type SellingPlanAnchorType `json:"type"`
  2613. }
  2614. type SellingPlanCheckoutCharge struct {
  2615. Type SellingPlanCheckoutChargeType `json:"type"`
  2616. Value SellingPlanCheckoutChargeValue `json:"value"`
  2617. }
  2618. type SellingPlanCheckoutChargePercentageValue struct {
  2619. Percentage float64 `json:"percentage"`
  2620. }
  2621. func (SellingPlanCheckoutChargePercentageValue) IsSellingPlanCheckoutChargeValue() {}
  2622. type SellingPlanConnection struct {
  2623. Edges []*SellingPlanEdge `json:"edges"`
  2624. Nodes []*SellingPlan `json:"nodes"`
  2625. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  2626. }
  2627. type SellingPlanEdge struct {
  2628. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  2629. Node *SellingPlan `json:"node"`
  2630. }
  2631. type SellingPlanFixedBillingPolicy struct {
  2632. CheckoutCharge *SellingPlanCheckoutCharge `json:"checkoutCharge"`
  2633. RemainingBalanceChargeExactTime *string `json:"remainingBalanceChargeExactTime"`
  2634. RemainingBalanceChargeTimeAfterCheckout *string `json:"remainingBalanceChargeTimeAfterCheckout"`
  2635. RemainingBalanceChargeTrigger SellingPlanRemainingBalanceChargeTrigger `json:"remainingBalanceChargeTrigger"`
  2636. }
  2637. func (SellingPlanFixedBillingPolicy) IsSellingPlanBillingPolicy() {}
  2638. type SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicy struct {
  2639. Anchors []*SellingPlanAnchor `json:"anchors"`
  2640. Cutoff *int `json:"cutoff"`
  2641. FulfillmentExactTime *string `json:"fulfillmentExactTime"`
  2642. FulfillmentTrigger SellingPlanFulfillmentTrigger `json:"fulfillmentTrigger"`
  2643. Intent SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicyIntent `json:"intent"`
  2644. PreAnchorBehavior SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehavior `json:"preAnchorBehavior"`
  2645. }
  2646. func (SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicy) IsSellingPlanDeliveryPolicy() {}
  2647. type SellingPlanFixedPricingPolicy struct {
  2648. AdjustmentType SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentType `json:"adjustmentType"`
  2649. AdjustmentValue SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentValue `json:"adjustmentValue"`
  2650. CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"`
  2651. }
  2652. func (SellingPlanFixedPricingPolicy) IsSellingPlanPricingPolicyBase() {}
  2653. func (this SellingPlanFixedPricingPolicy) GetAdjustmentType() SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentType {
  2654. return this.AdjustmentType
  2655. }
  2656. func (this SellingPlanFixedPricingPolicy) GetAdjustmentValue() SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentValue {
  2657. return this.AdjustmentValue
  2658. }
  2659. func (SellingPlanFixedPricingPolicy) IsSellingPlanPricingPolicy() {}
  2660. type SellingPlanGroup struct {
  2661. AppID *string `json:"appId"`
  2662. AppliesToProduct bool `json:"appliesToProduct"`
  2663. AppliesToProductVariant bool `json:"appliesToProductVariant"`
  2664. AppliesToProductVariants bool `json:"appliesToProductVariants"`
  2665. CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"`
  2666. Description *string `json:"description"`
  2667. ID string `json:"id"`
  2668. MerchantCode string `json:"merchantCode"`
  2669. Name string `json:"name"`
  2670. Options []string `json:"options"`
  2671. Position *int `json:"position"`
  2672. ProductCount int `json:"productCount"`
  2673. ProductVariantCount int `json:"productVariantCount"`
  2674. ProductVariants *ProductVariantConnection `json:"productVariants"`
  2675. Products *ProductConnection `json:"products"`
  2676. SellingPlans *SellingPlanConnection `json:"sellingPlans"`
  2677. Summary *string `json:"summary"`
  2678. }
  2679. func (SellingPlanGroup) IsNode() {}
  2680. func (this SellingPlanGroup) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  2681. type SellingPlanGroupConnection struct {
  2682. Edges []*SellingPlanGroupEdge `json:"edges"`
  2683. Nodes []*SellingPlanGroup `json:"nodes"`
  2684. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  2685. }
  2686. type SellingPlanGroupEdge struct {
  2687. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  2688. Node *SellingPlanGroup `json:"node"`
  2689. }
  2690. type SellingPlanGroupUserError struct {
  2691. Code *SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode `json:"code"`
  2692. Field []string `json:"field"`
  2693. Message string `json:"message"`
  2694. }
  2695. func (SellingPlanGroupUserError) IsDisplayableError() {}
  2696. func (this SellingPlanGroupUserError) GetField() []string {
  2697. if this.Field == nil {
  2698. return nil
  2699. }
  2700. interfaceSlice := make([]string, 0, len(this.Field))
  2701. for _, concrete := range this.Field {
  2702. interfaceSlice = append(interfaceSlice, concrete)
  2703. }
  2704. return interfaceSlice
  2705. }
  2706. func (this SellingPlanGroupUserError) GetMessage() string { return this.Message }
  2707. type SellingPlanInventoryPolicy struct {
  2708. Reserve SellingPlanReserve `json:"reserve"`
  2709. }
  2710. type SellingPlanPricingPolicyPercentageValue struct {
  2711. Percentage float64 `json:"percentage"`
  2712. }
  2713. func (SellingPlanPricingPolicyPercentageValue) IsSellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentValue() {}
  2714. type SellingPlanRecurringBillingPolicy struct {
  2715. Anchors []*SellingPlanAnchor `json:"anchors"`
  2716. CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"`
  2717. Interval SellingPlanInterval `json:"interval"`
  2718. IntervalCount int `json:"intervalCount"`
  2719. MaxCycles *int `json:"maxCycles"`
  2720. MinCycles *int `json:"minCycles"`
  2721. }
  2722. func (SellingPlanRecurringBillingPolicy) IsSellingPlanBillingPolicy() {}
  2723. type SellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicy struct {
  2724. Anchors []*SellingPlanAnchor `json:"anchors"`
  2725. CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"`
  2726. Cutoff *int `json:"cutoff"`
  2727. Intent SellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicyIntent `json:"intent"`
  2728. Interval SellingPlanInterval `json:"interval"`
  2729. IntervalCount int `json:"intervalCount"`
  2730. PreAnchorBehavior SellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehavior `json:"preAnchorBehavior"`
  2731. }
  2732. func (SellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicy) IsSellingPlanDeliveryPolicy() {}
  2733. type SellingPlanRecurringPricingPolicy struct {
  2734. AdjustmentType SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentType `json:"adjustmentType"`
  2735. AdjustmentValue SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentValue `json:"adjustmentValue"`
  2736. AfterCycle *int `json:"afterCycle"`
  2737. CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"`
  2738. }
  2739. func (SellingPlanRecurringPricingPolicy) IsSellingPlanPricingPolicyBase() {}
  2740. func (this SellingPlanRecurringPricingPolicy) GetAdjustmentType() SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentType {
  2741. return this.AdjustmentType
  2742. }
  2743. func (this SellingPlanRecurringPricingPolicy) GetAdjustmentValue() SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentValue {
  2744. return this.AdjustmentValue
  2745. }
  2746. func (SellingPlanRecurringPricingPolicy) IsSellingPlanPricingPolicy() {}
  2747. type ShippingLine struct {
  2748. CarrierIdentifier *string `json:"carrierIdentifier"`
  2749. Code *string `json:"code"`
  2750. Custom bool `json:"custom"`
  2751. DeliveryCategory *string `json:"deliveryCategory"`
  2752. DiscountAllocations []*DiscountAllocation `json:"discountAllocations"`
  2753. DiscountedPriceSet *MoneyBag `json:"discountedPriceSet"`
  2754. ID *string `json:"id"`
  2755. OriginalPriceSet *MoneyBag `json:"originalPriceSet"`
  2756. Phone *string `json:"phone"`
  2757. RequestedFulfillmentService *FulfillmentService `json:"requestedFulfillmentService"`
  2758. ShippingRateHandle *string `json:"shippingRateHandle"`
  2759. Source *string `json:"source"`
  2760. TaxLines []*TaxLine `json:"taxLines"`
  2761. Title string `json:"title"`
  2762. }
  2763. type ShippingLineConnection struct {
  2764. Edges []*ShippingLineEdge `json:"edges"`
  2765. Nodes []*ShippingLine `json:"nodes"`
  2766. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  2767. }
  2768. type ShippingLineEdge struct {
  2769. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  2770. Node *ShippingLine `json:"node"`
  2771. }
  2772. type ShippingRefund struct {
  2773. AmountSet *MoneyBag `json:"amountSet"`
  2774. MaximumRefundableSet *MoneyBag `json:"maximumRefundableSet"`
  2775. TaxSet *MoneyBag `json:"taxSet"`
  2776. }
  2777. type Shop struct {
  2778. Alerts []*ShopAlert `json:"alerts"`
  2779. AllProductCategories []*ProductCategory `json:"allProductCategories"`
  2780. AssignedFulfillmentOrders *FulfillmentOrderConnection `json:"assignedFulfillmentOrders"`
  2781. AvailableChannelApps *AppConnection `json:"availableChannelApps"`
  2782. BillingAddress *MailingAddress `json:"billingAddress"`
  2783. ChannelDefinitionsForInstalledChannels []*AvailableChannelDefinitionsByChannel `json:"channelDefinitionsForInstalledChannels"`
  2784. CheckoutAPISupported bool `json:"checkoutApiSupported"`
  2785. ContactEmail string `json:"contactEmail"`
  2786. CountriesInShippingZones *CountriesInShippingZones `json:"countriesInShippingZones"`
  2787. CurrencyCode CurrencyCode `json:"currencyCode"`
  2788. CurrencyFormats *CurrencyFormats `json:"currencyFormats"`
  2789. CurrencySettings *CurrencySettingConnection `json:"currencySettings"`
  2790. CustomerAccounts ShopCustomerAccountsSetting `json:"customerAccounts"`
  2791. CustomerTags *StringConnection `json:"customerTags"`
  2792. Description *string `json:"description"`
  2793. DraftOrderTags *StringConnection `json:"draftOrderTags"`
  2794. Email string `json:"email"`
  2795. EnabledPresentmentCurrencies []CurrencyCode `json:"enabledPresentmentCurrencies"`
  2796. Features *ShopFeatures `json:"features"`
  2797. FulfillmentServices []*FulfillmentService `json:"fulfillmentServices"`
  2798. IanaTimezone string `json:"ianaTimezone"`
  2799. ID string `json:"id"`
  2800. LimitedPendingOrderCount *LimitedPendingOrderCount `json:"limitedPendingOrderCount"`
  2801. MerchantApprovalSignals *MerchantApprovalSignals `json:"merchantApprovalSignals"`
  2802. Metafield *Metafield `json:"metafield"`
  2803. Metafields *MetafieldConnection `json:"metafields"`
  2804. MyshopifyDomain string `json:"myshopifyDomain"`
  2805. Name string `json:"name"`
  2806. NavigationSettings []*NavigationItem `json:"navigationSettings"`
  2807. OrderNumberFormatPrefix string `json:"orderNumberFormatPrefix"`
  2808. OrderNumberFormatSuffix string `json:"orderNumberFormatSuffix"`
  2809. OrderTags *StringConnection `json:"orderTags"`
  2810. PaymentSettings *PaymentSettings `json:"paymentSettings"`
  2811. Plan *ShopPlan `json:"plan"`
  2812. PrimaryDomain *Domain `json:"primaryDomain"`
  2813. PrivateMetafield *PrivateMetafield `json:"privateMetafield"`
  2814. PrivateMetafields *PrivateMetafieldConnection `json:"privateMetafields"`
  2815. ProductImages *ImageConnection `json:"productImages"`
  2816. ProductTags *StringConnection `json:"productTags"`
  2817. ProductTypes *StringConnection `json:"productTypes"`
  2818. ProductVendors *StringConnection `json:"productVendors"`
  2819. PublicationCount int `json:"publicationCount"`
  2820. ResourceLimits *ShopResourceLimits `json:"resourceLimits"`
  2821. RichTextEditorURL string `json:"richTextEditorUrl"`
  2822. Search *SearchResultConnection `json:"search"`
  2823. SearchFilters *SearchFilterOptions `json:"searchFilters"`
  2824. SetupRequired bool `json:"setupRequired"`
  2825. ShipsToCountries []CountryCode `json:"shipsToCountries"`
  2826. ShopPolicies []*ShopPolicy `json:"shopPolicies"`
  2827. StaffMembers *StaffMemberConnection `json:"staffMembers"`
  2828. StorefrontAccessTokens *StorefrontAccessTokenConnection `json:"storefrontAccessTokens"`
  2829. TaxShipping bool `json:"taxShipping"`
  2830. TaxesIncluded bool `json:"taxesIncluded"`
  2831. TimezoneAbbreviation string `json:"timezoneAbbreviation"`
  2832. TimezoneOffset string `json:"timezoneOffset"`
  2833. TimezoneOffsetMinutes int `json:"timezoneOffsetMinutes"`
  2834. TransactionalSmsDisabled bool `json:"transactionalSmsDisabled"`
  2835. Translations []*PublishedTranslation `json:"translations"`
  2836. UnitSystem UnitSystem `json:"unitSystem"`
  2837. UploadedImagesByIds []*Image `json:"uploadedImagesByIds"`
  2838. URL string `json:"url"`
  2839. WeightUnit WeightUnit `json:"weightUnit"`
  2840. }
  2841. func (Shop) IsHasMetafields() {}
  2842. func (this Shop) GetMetafield() *Metafield { return this.Metafield }
  2843. func (this Shop) GetMetafields() *MetafieldConnection { return this.Metafields }
  2844. func (this Shop) GetPrivateMetafield() *PrivateMetafield { return this.PrivateMetafield }
  2845. func (this Shop) GetPrivateMetafields() *PrivateMetafieldConnection { return this.PrivateMetafields }
  2846. func (Shop) IsHasPublishedTranslations() {}
  2847. func (this Shop) GetTranslations() []*PublishedTranslation {
  2848. if this.Translations == nil {
  2849. return nil
  2850. }
  2851. interfaceSlice := make([]*PublishedTranslation, 0, len(this.Translations))
  2852. for _, concrete := range this.Translations {
  2853. interfaceSlice = append(interfaceSlice, concrete)
  2854. }
  2855. return interfaceSlice
  2856. }
  2857. func (Shop) IsNode() {}
  2858. func (this Shop) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  2859. func (Shop) IsEntity() {}
  2860. type ShopAlert struct {
  2861. Action *ShopAlertAction `json:"action"`
  2862. Description string `json:"description"`
  2863. }
  2864. type ShopAlertAction struct {
  2865. Title string `json:"title"`
  2866. URL string `json:"url"`
  2867. }
  2868. type ShopFeatures struct {
  2869. AvalaraAvatax bool `json:"avalaraAvatax"`
  2870. Branding ShopBranding `json:"branding"`
  2871. Captcha bool `json:"captcha"`
  2872. CaptchaExternalDomains bool `json:"captchaExternalDomains"`
  2873. DynamicRemarketing bool `json:"dynamicRemarketing"`
  2874. EligibleForSubscriptionMigration bool `json:"eligibleForSubscriptionMigration"`
  2875. EligibleForSubscriptions bool `json:"eligibleForSubscriptions"`
  2876. GiftCards bool `json:"giftCards"`
  2877. HarmonizedSystemCode bool `json:"harmonizedSystemCode"`
  2878. InternationalDomains bool `json:"internationalDomains"`
  2879. InternationalPriceOverrides bool `json:"internationalPriceOverrides"`
  2880. InternationalPriceRules bool `json:"internationalPriceRules"`
  2881. LegacySubscriptionGatewayEnabled bool `json:"legacySubscriptionGatewayEnabled"`
  2882. LiveView bool `json:"liveView"`
  2883. OnboardingVisual bool `json:"onboardingVisual"`
  2884. PaypalExpressSubscriptionGatewayStatus PaypalExpressSubscriptionsGatewayStatus `json:"paypalExpressSubscriptionGatewayStatus"`
  2885. Reports bool `json:"reports"`
  2886. SellsSubscriptions bool `json:"sellsSubscriptions"`
  2887. ShowMetrics bool `json:"showMetrics"`
  2888. Storefront bool `json:"storefront"`
  2889. UsingShopifyBalance bool `json:"usingShopifyBalance"`
  2890. }
  2891. type ShopPlan struct {
  2892. DisplayName string `json:"displayName"`
  2893. PartnerDevelopment bool `json:"partnerDevelopment"`
  2894. ShopifyPlus bool `json:"shopifyPlus"`
  2895. }
  2896. type ShopPolicy struct {
  2897. Body string `json:"body"`
  2898. ID string `json:"id"`
  2899. Translations []*PublishedTranslation `json:"translations"`
  2900. Type ShopPolicyType `json:"type"`
  2901. URL string `json:"url"`
  2902. }
  2903. func (ShopPolicy) IsHasPublishedTranslations() {}
  2904. func (this ShopPolicy) GetTranslations() []*PublishedTranslation {
  2905. if this.Translations == nil {
  2906. return nil
  2907. }
  2908. interfaceSlice := make([]*PublishedTranslation, 0, len(this.Translations))
  2909. for _, concrete := range this.Translations {
  2910. interfaceSlice = append(interfaceSlice, concrete)
  2911. }
  2912. return interfaceSlice
  2913. }
  2914. func (ShopPolicy) IsNode() {}
  2915. func (this ShopPolicy) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  2916. type ShopResourceLimits struct {
  2917. LocationLimit int `json:"locationLimit"`
  2918. MaxProductOptions int `json:"maxProductOptions"`
  2919. MaxProductVariants int `json:"maxProductVariants"`
  2920. RedirectLimitReached bool `json:"redirectLimitReached"`
  2921. SkuResourceLimits *ResourceLimit `json:"skuResourceLimits"`
  2922. }
  2923. type ShopifyPaymentsExtendedAuthorization struct {
  2924. ExtendedAuthorizationExpiresAt string `json:"extendedAuthorizationExpiresAt"`
  2925. StandardAuthorizationExpiresAt string `json:"standardAuthorizationExpiresAt"`
  2926. }
  2927. type ShopifyPaymentsRefundSet struct {
  2928. AcquirerReferenceNumber *string `json:"acquirerReferenceNumber"`
  2929. }
  2930. type ShopifyPaymentsTransactionSet struct {
  2931. ExtendedAuthorizationSet *ShopifyPaymentsExtendedAuthorization `json:"extendedAuthorizationSet"`
  2932. RefundSet *ShopifyPaymentsRefundSet `json:"refundSet"`
  2933. }
  2934. type StaffMember struct {
  2935. Active bool `json:"active"`
  2936. Avatar *Image `json:"avatar"`
  2937. Email string `json:"email"`
  2938. Exists bool `json:"exists"`
  2939. FirstName *string `json:"firstName"`
  2940. ID string `json:"id"`
  2941. Initials []string `json:"initials"`
  2942. IsShopOwner bool `json:"isShopOwner"`
  2943. LastName *string `json:"lastName"`
  2944. Locale string `json:"locale"`
  2945. Name string `json:"name"`
  2946. Phone *string `json:"phone"`
  2947. PrivateData *StaffMemberPrivateData `json:"privateData"`
  2948. }
  2949. func (StaffMember) IsNode() {}
  2950. func (this StaffMember) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  2951. type StaffMemberConnection struct {
  2952. Edges []*StaffMemberEdge `json:"edges"`
  2953. Nodes []*StaffMember `json:"nodes"`
  2954. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  2955. }
  2956. type StaffMemberEdge struct {
  2957. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  2958. Node *StaffMember `json:"node"`
  2959. }
  2960. type StaffMemberPrivateData struct {
  2961. AccountSettingsURL string `json:"accountSettingsUrl"`
  2962. CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"`
  2963. }
  2964. type StandardMetafieldDefinitionTemplate struct {
  2965. Description *string `json:"description"`
  2966. ID string `json:"id"`
  2967. Key string `json:"key"`
  2968. Name string `json:"name"`
  2969. Namespace string `json:"namespace"`
  2970. OwnerTypes []MetafieldOwnerType `json:"ownerTypes"`
  2971. Type *MetafieldDefinitionType `json:"type"`
  2972. Validations []*MetafieldDefinitionValidation `json:"validations"`
  2973. VisibleToStorefrontAPI bool `json:"visibleToStorefrontApi"`
  2974. }
  2975. func (StandardMetafieldDefinitionTemplate) IsNode() {}
  2976. func (this StandardMetafieldDefinitionTemplate) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  2977. type StorefrontAccessToken struct {
  2978. AccessScopes []*AccessScope `json:"accessScopes"`
  2979. AccessToken string `json:"accessToken"`
  2980. CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"`
  2981. ID string `json:"id"`
  2982. Title string `json:"title"`
  2983. UpdatedAt string `json:"updatedAt"`
  2984. }
  2985. func (StorefrontAccessToken) IsNode() {}
  2986. func (this StorefrontAccessToken) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  2987. type StorefrontAccessTokenConnection struct {
  2988. Edges []*StorefrontAccessTokenEdge `json:"edges"`
  2989. Nodes []*StorefrontAccessToken `json:"nodes"`
  2990. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  2991. }
  2992. type StorefrontAccessTokenEdge struct {
  2993. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  2994. Node *StorefrontAccessToken `json:"node"`
  2995. }
  2996. type StringConnection struct {
  2997. Edges []*StringEdge `json:"edges"`
  2998. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  2999. }
  3000. type StringEdge struct {
  3001. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  3002. Node string `json:"node"`
  3003. }
  3004. type SubscriptionAppliedCodeDiscount struct {
  3005. ID string `json:"id"`
  3006. RedeemCode string `json:"redeemCode"`
  3007. RejectionReason *SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReason `json:"rejectionReason"`
  3008. }
  3009. func (SubscriptionAppliedCodeDiscount) IsSubscriptionDiscount() {}
  3010. type SubscriptionBillingAttempt struct {
  3011. CompletedAt *string `json:"completedAt"`
  3012. CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"`
  3013. ErrorCode *SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCode `json:"errorCode"`
  3014. ErrorMessage *string `json:"errorMessage"`
  3015. ID string `json:"id"`
  3016. IdempotencyKey string `json:"idempotencyKey"`
  3017. NextActionURL *string `json:"nextActionUrl"`
  3018. Order *Order `json:"order"`
  3019. OriginTime *string `json:"originTime"`
  3020. Ready bool `json:"ready"`
  3021. SubscriptionContract *SubscriptionContract `json:"subscriptionContract"`
  3022. }
  3023. func (SubscriptionBillingAttempt) IsNode() {}
  3024. func (this SubscriptionBillingAttempt) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  3025. type SubscriptionBillingAttemptConnection struct {
  3026. Edges []*SubscriptionBillingAttemptEdge `json:"edges"`
  3027. Nodes []*SubscriptionBillingAttempt `json:"nodes"`
  3028. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  3029. }
  3030. type SubscriptionBillingAttemptEdge struct {
  3031. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  3032. Node *SubscriptionBillingAttempt `json:"node"`
  3033. }
  3034. type SubscriptionBillingPolicy struct {
  3035. Anchors []*SellingPlanAnchor `json:"anchors"`
  3036. Interval SellingPlanInterval `json:"interval"`
  3037. IntervalCount int `json:"intervalCount"`
  3038. MaxCycles *int `json:"maxCycles"`
  3039. MinCycles *int `json:"minCycles"`
  3040. }
  3041. type SubscriptionContract struct {
  3042. App *App `json:"app"`
  3043. AppAdminURL *string `json:"appAdminUrl"`
  3044. BillingAttempts *SubscriptionBillingAttemptConnection `json:"billingAttempts"`
  3045. BillingPolicy *SubscriptionBillingPolicy `json:"billingPolicy"`
  3046. CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"`
  3047. CurrencyCode CurrencyCode `json:"currencyCode"`
  3048. CustomAttributes []*Attribute `json:"customAttributes"`
  3049. Customer *Customer `json:"customer"`
  3050. CustomerPaymentMethod *CustomerPaymentMethod `json:"customerPaymentMethod"`
  3051. DeliveryMethod SubscriptionDeliveryMethod `json:"deliveryMethod"`
  3052. DeliveryPolicy *SubscriptionDeliveryPolicy `json:"deliveryPolicy"`
  3053. DeliveryPrice *MoneyV2 `json:"deliveryPrice"`
  3054. Discounts *SubscriptionManualDiscountConnection `json:"discounts"`
  3055. ID string `json:"id"`
  3056. LastPaymentStatus *SubscriptionContractLastPaymentStatus `json:"lastPaymentStatus"`
  3057. LineCount int `json:"lineCount"`
  3058. Lines *SubscriptionLineConnection `json:"lines"`
  3059. NextBillingDate *string `json:"nextBillingDate"`
  3060. Note *string `json:"note"`
  3061. Orders *OrderConnection `json:"orders"`
  3062. OriginOrder *Order `json:"originOrder"`
  3063. Status SubscriptionContractSubscriptionStatus `json:"status"`
  3064. UpdatedAt string `json:"updatedAt"`
  3065. }
  3066. func (SubscriptionContract) IsNode() {}
  3067. func (this SubscriptionContract) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  3068. func (SubscriptionContract) IsSubscriptionContractBase() {}
  3069. func (this SubscriptionContract) GetApp() *App { return this.App }
  3070. func (this SubscriptionContract) GetAppAdminURL() *string { return this.AppAdminURL }
  3071. func (this SubscriptionContract) GetCurrencyCode() CurrencyCode { return this.CurrencyCode }
  3072. func (this SubscriptionContract) GetCustomAttributes() []*Attribute {
  3073. if this.CustomAttributes == nil {
  3074. return nil
  3075. }
  3076. interfaceSlice := make([]*Attribute, 0, len(this.CustomAttributes))
  3077. for _, concrete := range this.CustomAttributes {
  3078. interfaceSlice = append(interfaceSlice, concrete)
  3079. }
  3080. return interfaceSlice
  3081. }
  3082. func (this SubscriptionContract) GetCustomer() *Customer { return this.Customer }
  3083. func (this SubscriptionContract) GetCustomerPaymentMethod() *CustomerPaymentMethod {
  3084. return this.CustomerPaymentMethod
  3085. }
  3086. func (this SubscriptionContract) GetDeliveryMethod() SubscriptionDeliveryMethod {
  3087. return this.DeliveryMethod
  3088. }
  3089. func (this SubscriptionContract) GetDeliveryPrice() *MoneyV2 { return this.DeliveryPrice }
  3090. func (this SubscriptionContract) GetDiscounts() *SubscriptionManualDiscountConnection {
  3091. return this.Discounts
  3092. }
  3093. func (this SubscriptionContract) GetLineCount() int { return this.LineCount }
  3094. func (this SubscriptionContract) GetLines() *SubscriptionLineConnection { return this.Lines }
  3095. func (this SubscriptionContract) GetNote() *string { return this.Note }
  3096. func (this SubscriptionContract) GetOrders() *OrderConnection { return this.Orders }
  3097. func (this SubscriptionContract) GetUpdatedAt() string { return this.UpdatedAt }
  3098. type SubscriptionContractConnection struct {
  3099. Edges []*SubscriptionContractEdge `json:"edges"`
  3100. Nodes []*SubscriptionContract `json:"nodes"`
  3101. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  3102. }
  3103. type SubscriptionContractEdge struct {
  3104. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  3105. Node *SubscriptionContract `json:"node"`
  3106. }
  3107. type SubscriptionCyclePriceAdjustment struct {
  3108. AdjustmentType SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentType `json:"adjustmentType"`
  3109. AdjustmentValue SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentValue `json:"adjustmentValue"`
  3110. AfterCycle int `json:"afterCycle"`
  3111. ComputedPrice *MoneyV2 `json:"computedPrice"`
  3112. }
  3113. type SubscriptionDeliveryMethodLocalDelivery struct {
  3114. Address *SubscriptionMailingAddress `json:"address"`
  3115. LocalDeliveryOption *SubscriptionDeliveryMethodLocalDeliveryOption `json:"localDeliveryOption"`
  3116. }
  3117. func (SubscriptionDeliveryMethodLocalDelivery) IsSubscriptionDeliveryMethod() {}
  3118. type SubscriptionDeliveryMethodLocalDeliveryOption struct {
  3119. Code *string `json:"code"`
  3120. Description *string `json:"description"`
  3121. Instructions *string `json:"instructions"`
  3122. Phone string `json:"phone"`
  3123. PresentmentTitle *string `json:"presentmentTitle"`
  3124. Title *string `json:"title"`
  3125. }
  3126. type SubscriptionDeliveryMethodPickup struct {
  3127. PickupOption *SubscriptionDeliveryMethodPickupOption `json:"pickupOption"`
  3128. }
  3129. func (SubscriptionDeliveryMethodPickup) IsSubscriptionDeliveryMethod() {}
  3130. type SubscriptionDeliveryMethodPickupOption struct {
  3131. Code *string `json:"code"`
  3132. Description *string `json:"description"`
  3133. Location *Location `json:"location"`
  3134. PresentmentTitle *string `json:"presentmentTitle"`
  3135. Title *string `json:"title"`
  3136. }
  3137. type SubscriptionDeliveryMethodShipping struct {
  3138. Address *SubscriptionMailingAddress `json:"address"`
  3139. ShippingOption *SubscriptionDeliveryMethodShippingOption `json:"shippingOption"`
  3140. }
  3141. func (SubscriptionDeliveryMethodShipping) IsSubscriptionDeliveryMethod() {}
  3142. type SubscriptionDeliveryMethodShippingOption struct {
  3143. CarrierService *DeliveryCarrierService `json:"carrierService"`
  3144. Code *string `json:"code"`
  3145. Description *string `json:"description"`
  3146. PresentmentTitle *string `json:"presentmentTitle"`
  3147. Title *string `json:"title"`
  3148. }
  3149. type SubscriptionDeliveryPolicy struct {
  3150. Anchors []*SellingPlanAnchor `json:"anchors"`
  3151. Interval SellingPlanInterval `json:"interval"`
  3152. IntervalCount int `json:"intervalCount"`
  3153. }
  3154. type SubscriptionDiscountAllocation struct {
  3155. Amount *MoneyV2 `json:"amount"`
  3156. Discount SubscriptionDiscount `json:"discount"`
  3157. }
  3158. type SubscriptionDiscountEntitledLines struct {
  3159. All bool `json:"all"`
  3160. Lines *SubscriptionLineConnection `json:"lines"`
  3161. }
  3162. type SubscriptionDiscountFixedAmountValue struct {
  3163. Amount *MoneyV2 `json:"amount"`
  3164. AppliesOnEachItem bool `json:"appliesOnEachItem"`
  3165. }
  3166. func (SubscriptionDiscountFixedAmountValue) IsSubscriptionDiscountValue() {}
  3167. type SubscriptionDiscountPercentageValue struct {
  3168. Percentage int `json:"percentage"`
  3169. }
  3170. func (SubscriptionDiscountPercentageValue) IsSubscriptionDiscountValue() {}
  3171. type SubscriptionLine struct {
  3172. CurrentPrice *MoneyV2 `json:"currentPrice"`
  3173. CustomAttributes []*Attribute `json:"customAttributes"`
  3174. DiscountAllocations []*SubscriptionDiscountAllocation `json:"discountAllocations"`
  3175. ID string `json:"id"`
  3176. LineDiscountedPrice *MoneyV2 `json:"lineDiscountedPrice"`
  3177. PricingPolicy *SubscriptionPricingPolicy `json:"pricingPolicy"`
  3178. ProductID *string `json:"productId"`
  3179. Quantity int `json:"quantity"`
  3180. RequiresShipping bool `json:"requiresShipping"`
  3181. SellingPlanID *string `json:"sellingPlanId"`
  3182. SellingPlanName *string `json:"sellingPlanName"`
  3183. Sku *string `json:"sku"`
  3184. Taxable bool `json:"taxable"`
  3185. Title string `json:"title"`
  3186. VariantID *string `json:"variantId"`
  3187. VariantImage *Image `json:"variantImage"`
  3188. VariantTitle *string `json:"variantTitle"`
  3189. }
  3190. type SubscriptionLineConnection struct {
  3191. Edges []*SubscriptionLineEdge `json:"edges"`
  3192. Nodes []*SubscriptionLine `json:"nodes"`
  3193. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  3194. }
  3195. type SubscriptionLineEdge struct {
  3196. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  3197. Node *SubscriptionLine `json:"node"`
  3198. }
  3199. type SubscriptionMailingAddress struct {
  3200. Address1 *string `json:"address1"`
  3201. Address2 *string `json:"address2"`
  3202. City *string `json:"city"`
  3203. Company *string `json:"company"`
  3204. Country *string `json:"country"`
  3205. CountryCode *CountryCode `json:"countryCode"`
  3206. FirstName *string `json:"firstName"`
  3207. LastName *string `json:"lastName"`
  3208. Name *string `json:"name"`
  3209. Phone *string `json:"phone"`
  3210. Province *string `json:"province"`
  3211. ProvinceCode *string `json:"provinceCode"`
  3212. Zip *string `json:"zip"`
  3213. }
  3214. type SubscriptionManualDiscount struct {
  3215. EntitledLines *SubscriptionDiscountEntitledLines `json:"entitledLines"`
  3216. ID string `json:"id"`
  3217. RecurringCycleLimit *int `json:"recurringCycleLimit"`
  3218. RejectionReason *SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReason `json:"rejectionReason"`
  3219. TargetType DiscountTargetType `json:"targetType"`
  3220. Title *string `json:"title"`
  3221. Type DiscountType `json:"type"`
  3222. UsageCount int `json:"usageCount"`
  3223. Value SubscriptionDiscountValue `json:"value"`
  3224. }
  3225. func (SubscriptionManualDiscount) IsSubscriptionDiscount() {}
  3226. type SubscriptionManualDiscountConnection struct {
  3227. Edges []*SubscriptionManualDiscountEdge `json:"edges"`
  3228. Nodes []*SubscriptionManualDiscount `json:"nodes"`
  3229. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"`
  3230. }
  3231. type SubscriptionManualDiscountEdge struct {
  3232. Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
  3233. Node *SubscriptionManualDiscount `json:"node"`
  3234. }
  3235. type SubscriptionPricingPolicy struct {
  3236. BasePrice *MoneyV2 `json:"basePrice"`
  3237. CycleDiscounts []*SubscriptionCyclePriceAdjustment `json:"cycleDiscounts"`
  3238. }
  3239. type SuggestedOrderTransaction struct {
  3240. AccountNumber *string `json:"accountNumber"`
  3241. AmountSet *MoneyBag `json:"amountSet"`
  3242. FormattedGateway *string `json:"formattedGateway"`
  3243. Gateway *string `json:"gateway"`
  3244. Kind SuggestedOrderTransactionKind `json:"kind"`
  3245. MaximumRefundableSet *MoneyBag `json:"maximumRefundableSet"`
  3246. ParentTransaction *OrderTransaction `json:"parentTransaction"`
  3247. }
  3248. type SuggestedRefund struct {
  3249. AmountSet *MoneyBag `json:"amountSet"`
  3250. DiscountedSubtotalSet *MoneyBag `json:"discountedSubtotalSet"`
  3251. MaximumRefundableSet *MoneyBag `json:"maximumRefundableSet"`
  3252. RefundDuties []*RefundDuty `json:"refundDuties"`
  3253. RefundLineItems []*RefundLineItem `json:"refundLineItems"`
  3254. Shipping *ShippingRefund `json:"shipping"`
  3255. SubtotalSet *MoneyBag `json:"subtotalSet"`
  3256. SuggestedTransactions []*SuggestedOrderTransaction `json:"suggestedTransactions"`
  3257. TotalCartDiscountAmountSet *MoneyBag `json:"totalCartDiscountAmountSet"`
  3258. TotalDutiesSet *MoneyBag `json:"totalDutiesSet"`
  3259. TotalTaxSet *MoneyBag `json:"totalTaxSet"`
  3260. }
  3261. type TaxLine struct {
  3262. ChannelLiable *bool `json:"channelLiable"`
  3263. PriceSet *MoneyBag `json:"priceSet"`
  3264. Rate *float64 `json:"rate"`
  3265. RatePercentage *float64 `json:"ratePercentage"`
  3266. Title string `json:"title"`
  3267. }
  3268. type TransactionFee struct {
  3269. Amount *MoneyV2 `json:"amount"`
  3270. FlatFee *MoneyV2 `json:"flatFee"`
  3271. FlatFeeName *string `json:"flatFeeName"`
  3272. ID string `json:"id"`
  3273. Rate string `json:"rate"`
  3274. RateName *string `json:"rateName"`
  3275. TaxAmount *MoneyV2 `json:"taxAmount"`
  3276. Type string `json:"type"`
  3277. }
  3278. func (TransactionFee) IsNode() {}
  3279. func (this TransactionFee) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  3280. type TypedAttribute struct {
  3281. Key string `json:"key"`
  3282. Value string `json:"value"`
  3283. }
  3284. type UTMParameters struct {
  3285. Campaign *string `json:"campaign"`
  3286. Content *string `json:"content"`
  3287. Medium *string `json:"medium"`
  3288. Source *string `json:"source"`
  3289. Term *string `json:"term"`
  3290. }
  3291. type UserError struct {
  3292. Field []string `json:"field"`
  3293. Message string `json:"message"`
  3294. }
  3295. func (UserError) IsDisplayableError() {}
  3296. func (this UserError) GetField() []string {
  3297. if this.Field == nil {
  3298. return nil
  3299. }
  3300. interfaceSlice := make([]string, 0, len(this.Field))
  3301. for _, concrete := range this.Field {
  3302. interfaceSlice = append(interfaceSlice, concrete)
  3303. }
  3304. return interfaceSlice
  3305. }
  3306. func (this UserError) GetMessage() string { return this.Message }
  3307. type VaultCreditCard struct {
  3308. BillingAddress *CustomerCreditCardBillingAddress `json:"billingAddress"`
  3309. Brand string `json:"brand"`
  3310. Expired bool `json:"expired"`
  3311. ExpiryMonth int `json:"expiryMonth"`
  3312. ExpiryYear int `json:"expiryYear"`
  3313. LastDigits string `json:"lastDigits"`
  3314. Name string `json:"name"`
  3315. }
  3316. func (VaultCreditCard) IsPaymentInstrument() {}
  3317. type VaultPaypalBillingAgreement struct {
  3318. Inactive bool `json:"inactive"`
  3319. Name string `json:"name"`
  3320. PaypalAccountEmail string `json:"paypalAccountEmail"`
  3321. }
  3322. func (VaultPaypalBillingAgreement) IsPaymentInstrument() {}
  3323. type Video struct {
  3324. Alt *string `json:"alt"`
  3325. CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"`
  3326. Duration *int `json:"duration"`
  3327. FileErrors []*FileError `json:"fileErrors"`
  3328. FileStatus FileStatus `json:"fileStatus"`
  3329. Filename string `json:"filename"`
  3330. ID string `json:"id"`
  3331. MediaContentType MediaContentType `json:"mediaContentType"`
  3332. MediaErrors []*MediaError `json:"mediaErrors"`
  3333. MediaWarnings []*MediaWarning `json:"mediaWarnings"`
  3334. OriginalSource *VideoSource `json:"originalSource"`
  3335. Preview *MediaPreviewImage `json:"preview"`
  3336. Sources []*VideoSource `json:"sources"`
  3337. Status MediaStatus `json:"status"`
  3338. }
  3339. func (Video) IsFile() {}
  3340. func (this Video) GetAlt() *string { return this.Alt }
  3341. func (this Video) GetCreatedAt() string { return this.CreatedAt }
  3342. func (this Video) GetFileErrors() []*FileError {
  3343. if this.FileErrors == nil {
  3344. return nil
  3345. }
  3346. interfaceSlice := make([]*FileError, 0, len(this.FileErrors))
  3347. for _, concrete := range this.FileErrors {
  3348. interfaceSlice = append(interfaceSlice, concrete)
  3349. }
  3350. return interfaceSlice
  3351. }
  3352. func (this Video) GetFileStatus() FileStatus { return this.FileStatus }
  3353. func (this Video) GetPreview() *MediaPreviewImage { return this.Preview }
  3354. func (Video) IsMedia() {}
  3355. func (this Video) GetMediaContentType() MediaContentType { return this.MediaContentType }
  3356. func (this Video) GetMediaErrors() []*MediaError {
  3357. if this.MediaErrors == nil {
  3358. return nil
  3359. }
  3360. interfaceSlice := make([]*MediaError, 0, len(this.MediaErrors))
  3361. for _, concrete := range this.MediaErrors {
  3362. interfaceSlice = append(interfaceSlice, concrete)
  3363. }
  3364. return interfaceSlice
  3365. }
  3366. func (this Video) GetMediaWarnings() []*MediaWarning {
  3367. if this.MediaWarnings == nil {
  3368. return nil
  3369. }
  3370. interfaceSlice := make([]*MediaWarning, 0, len(this.MediaWarnings))
  3371. for _, concrete := range this.MediaWarnings {
  3372. interfaceSlice = append(interfaceSlice, concrete)
  3373. }
  3374. return interfaceSlice
  3375. }
  3376. func (this Video) GetStatus() MediaStatus { return this.Status }
  3377. func (Video) IsNode() {}
  3378. func (this Video) GetID() string { return this.ID }
  3379. func (Video) IsMetafieldReference() {}
  3380. type VideoSource struct {
  3381. FileSize *int `json:"fileSize"`
  3382. Format string `json:"format"`
  3383. Height int `json:"height"`
  3384. MimeType string `json:"mimeType"`
  3385. URL string `json:"url"`
  3386. Width int `json:"width"`
  3387. }
  3388. type Weight struct {
  3389. Unit WeightUnit `json:"unit"`
  3390. Value float64 `json:"value"`
  3391. }
  3392. func (Weight) IsDeliveryConditionCriteria() {}
  3393. type AppDeveloperType string
  3394. const (
  3395. AppDeveloperTypeShopify AppDeveloperType = "SHOPIFY"
  3396. AppDeveloperTypePartner AppDeveloperType = "PARTNER"
  3397. AppDeveloperTypeMerchant AppDeveloperType = "MERCHANT"
  3398. AppDeveloperTypeUnknown AppDeveloperType = "UNKNOWN"
  3399. )
  3400. var AllAppDeveloperType = []AppDeveloperType{
  3401. AppDeveloperTypeShopify,
  3402. AppDeveloperTypePartner,
  3403. AppDeveloperTypeMerchant,
  3404. AppDeveloperTypeUnknown,
  3405. }
  3406. func (e AppDeveloperType) IsValid() bool {
  3407. switch e {
  3408. case AppDeveloperTypeShopify, AppDeveloperTypePartner, AppDeveloperTypeMerchant, AppDeveloperTypeUnknown:
  3409. return true
  3410. }
  3411. return false
  3412. }
  3413. func (e AppDeveloperType) String() string {
  3414. return string(e)
  3415. }
  3416. func (e *AppDeveloperType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  3417. str, ok := v.(string)
  3418. if !ok {
  3419. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  3420. }
  3421. *e = AppDeveloperType(str)
  3422. if !e.IsValid() {
  3423. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid AppDeveloperType", str)
  3424. }
  3425. return nil
  3426. }
  3427. func (e AppDeveloperType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  3428. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  3429. }
  3430. type AppPricingInterval string
  3431. const (
  3432. AppPricingIntervalAnnual AppPricingInterval = "ANNUAL"
  3433. AppPricingIntervalEvery30Days AppPricingInterval = "EVERY_30_DAYS"
  3434. )
  3435. var AllAppPricingInterval = []AppPricingInterval{
  3436. AppPricingIntervalAnnual,
  3437. AppPricingIntervalEvery30Days,
  3438. }
  3439. func (e AppPricingInterval) IsValid() bool {
  3440. switch e {
  3441. case AppPricingIntervalAnnual, AppPricingIntervalEvery30Days:
  3442. return true
  3443. }
  3444. return false
  3445. }
  3446. func (e AppPricingInterval) String() string {
  3447. return string(e)
  3448. }
  3449. func (e *AppPricingInterval) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  3450. str, ok := v.(string)
  3451. if !ok {
  3452. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  3453. }
  3454. *e = AppPricingInterval(str)
  3455. if !e.IsValid() {
  3456. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid AppPricingInterval", str)
  3457. }
  3458. return nil
  3459. }
  3460. func (e AppPricingInterval) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  3461. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  3462. }
  3463. type AppPublicCategory string
  3464. const (
  3465. AppPublicCategoryPrivate AppPublicCategory = "PRIVATE"
  3466. AppPublicCategoryPublic AppPublicCategory = "PUBLIC"
  3467. AppPublicCategoryCustom AppPublicCategory = "CUSTOM"
  3468. AppPublicCategoryOther AppPublicCategory = "OTHER"
  3469. )
  3470. var AllAppPublicCategory = []AppPublicCategory{
  3471. AppPublicCategoryPrivate,
  3472. AppPublicCategoryPublic,
  3473. AppPublicCategoryCustom,
  3474. AppPublicCategoryOther,
  3475. }
  3476. func (e AppPublicCategory) IsValid() bool {
  3477. switch e {
  3478. case AppPublicCategoryPrivate, AppPublicCategoryPublic, AppPublicCategoryCustom, AppPublicCategoryOther:
  3479. return true
  3480. }
  3481. return false
  3482. }
  3483. func (e AppPublicCategory) String() string {
  3484. return string(e)
  3485. }
  3486. func (e *AppPublicCategory) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  3487. str, ok := v.(string)
  3488. if !ok {
  3489. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  3490. }
  3491. *e = AppPublicCategory(str)
  3492. if !e.IsValid() {
  3493. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid AppPublicCategory", str)
  3494. }
  3495. return nil
  3496. }
  3497. func (e AppPublicCategory) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  3498. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  3499. }
  3500. type AppPurchaseStatus string
  3501. const (
  3502. AppPurchaseStatusActive AppPurchaseStatus = "ACTIVE"
  3503. AppPurchaseStatusDeclined AppPurchaseStatus = "DECLINED"
  3504. AppPurchaseStatusExpired AppPurchaseStatus = "EXPIRED"
  3505. AppPurchaseStatusPending AppPurchaseStatus = "PENDING"
  3506. )
  3507. var AllAppPurchaseStatus = []AppPurchaseStatus{
  3508. AppPurchaseStatusActive,
  3509. AppPurchaseStatusDeclined,
  3510. AppPurchaseStatusExpired,
  3511. AppPurchaseStatusPending,
  3512. }
  3513. func (e AppPurchaseStatus) IsValid() bool {
  3514. switch e {
  3515. case AppPurchaseStatusActive, AppPurchaseStatusDeclined, AppPurchaseStatusExpired, AppPurchaseStatusPending:
  3516. return true
  3517. }
  3518. return false
  3519. }
  3520. func (e AppPurchaseStatus) String() string {
  3521. return string(e)
  3522. }
  3523. func (e *AppPurchaseStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  3524. str, ok := v.(string)
  3525. if !ok {
  3526. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  3527. }
  3528. *e = AppPurchaseStatus(str)
  3529. if !e.IsValid() {
  3530. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid AppPurchaseStatus", str)
  3531. }
  3532. return nil
  3533. }
  3534. func (e AppPurchaseStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  3535. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  3536. }
  3537. type AppRevenueAttributionRecordSortKeys string
  3538. const (
  3539. AppRevenueAttributionRecordSortKeysCreatedAt AppRevenueAttributionRecordSortKeys = "CREATED_AT"
  3540. AppRevenueAttributionRecordSortKeysID AppRevenueAttributionRecordSortKeys = "ID"
  3541. AppRevenueAttributionRecordSortKeysRelevance AppRevenueAttributionRecordSortKeys = "RELEVANCE"
  3542. )
  3543. var AllAppRevenueAttributionRecordSortKeys = []AppRevenueAttributionRecordSortKeys{
  3544. AppRevenueAttributionRecordSortKeysCreatedAt,
  3545. AppRevenueAttributionRecordSortKeysID,
  3546. AppRevenueAttributionRecordSortKeysRelevance,
  3547. }
  3548. func (e AppRevenueAttributionRecordSortKeys) IsValid() bool {
  3549. switch e {
  3550. case AppRevenueAttributionRecordSortKeysCreatedAt, AppRevenueAttributionRecordSortKeysID, AppRevenueAttributionRecordSortKeysRelevance:
  3551. return true
  3552. }
  3553. return false
  3554. }
  3555. func (e AppRevenueAttributionRecordSortKeys) String() string {
  3556. return string(e)
  3557. }
  3558. func (e *AppRevenueAttributionRecordSortKeys) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  3559. str, ok := v.(string)
  3560. if !ok {
  3561. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  3562. }
  3563. *e = AppRevenueAttributionRecordSortKeys(str)
  3564. if !e.IsValid() {
  3565. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid AppRevenueAttributionRecordSortKeys", str)
  3566. }
  3567. return nil
  3568. }
  3569. func (e AppRevenueAttributionRecordSortKeys) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  3570. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  3571. }
  3572. type AppRevenueAttributionType string
  3573. const (
  3574. AppRevenueAttributionTypeApplicationPurchase AppRevenueAttributionType = "APPLICATION_PURCHASE"
  3575. AppRevenueAttributionTypeApplicationSubscription AppRevenueAttributionType = "APPLICATION_SUBSCRIPTION"
  3576. AppRevenueAttributionTypeApplicationUsage AppRevenueAttributionType = "APPLICATION_USAGE"
  3577. AppRevenueAttributionTypeOther AppRevenueAttributionType = "OTHER"
  3578. )
  3579. var AllAppRevenueAttributionType = []AppRevenueAttributionType{
  3580. AppRevenueAttributionTypeApplicationPurchase,
  3581. AppRevenueAttributionTypeApplicationSubscription,
  3582. AppRevenueAttributionTypeApplicationUsage,
  3583. AppRevenueAttributionTypeOther,
  3584. }
  3585. func (e AppRevenueAttributionType) IsValid() bool {
  3586. switch e {
  3587. case AppRevenueAttributionTypeApplicationPurchase, AppRevenueAttributionTypeApplicationSubscription, AppRevenueAttributionTypeApplicationUsage, AppRevenueAttributionTypeOther:
  3588. return true
  3589. }
  3590. return false
  3591. }
  3592. func (e AppRevenueAttributionType) String() string {
  3593. return string(e)
  3594. }
  3595. func (e *AppRevenueAttributionType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  3596. str, ok := v.(string)
  3597. if !ok {
  3598. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  3599. }
  3600. *e = AppRevenueAttributionType(str)
  3601. if !e.IsValid() {
  3602. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid AppRevenueAttributionType", str)
  3603. }
  3604. return nil
  3605. }
  3606. func (e AppRevenueAttributionType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  3607. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  3608. }
  3609. type AppSubscriptionSortKeys string
  3610. const (
  3611. AppSubscriptionSortKeysCreatedAt AppSubscriptionSortKeys = "CREATED_AT"
  3612. AppSubscriptionSortKeysID AppSubscriptionSortKeys = "ID"
  3613. AppSubscriptionSortKeysRelevance AppSubscriptionSortKeys = "RELEVANCE"
  3614. )
  3615. var AllAppSubscriptionSortKeys = []AppSubscriptionSortKeys{
  3616. AppSubscriptionSortKeysCreatedAt,
  3617. AppSubscriptionSortKeysID,
  3618. AppSubscriptionSortKeysRelevance,
  3619. }
  3620. func (e AppSubscriptionSortKeys) IsValid() bool {
  3621. switch e {
  3622. case AppSubscriptionSortKeysCreatedAt, AppSubscriptionSortKeysID, AppSubscriptionSortKeysRelevance:
  3623. return true
  3624. }
  3625. return false
  3626. }
  3627. func (e AppSubscriptionSortKeys) String() string {
  3628. return string(e)
  3629. }
  3630. func (e *AppSubscriptionSortKeys) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  3631. str, ok := v.(string)
  3632. if !ok {
  3633. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  3634. }
  3635. *e = AppSubscriptionSortKeys(str)
  3636. if !e.IsValid() {
  3637. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid AppSubscriptionSortKeys", str)
  3638. }
  3639. return nil
  3640. }
  3641. func (e AppSubscriptionSortKeys) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  3642. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  3643. }
  3644. type AppSubscriptionStatus string
  3645. const (
  3646. AppSubscriptionStatusPending AppSubscriptionStatus = "PENDING"
  3647. AppSubscriptionStatusActive AppSubscriptionStatus = "ACTIVE"
  3648. AppSubscriptionStatusDeclined AppSubscriptionStatus = "DECLINED"
  3649. AppSubscriptionStatusExpired AppSubscriptionStatus = "EXPIRED"
  3650. AppSubscriptionStatusFrozen AppSubscriptionStatus = "FROZEN"
  3651. AppSubscriptionStatusCancelled AppSubscriptionStatus = "CANCELLED"
  3652. )
  3653. var AllAppSubscriptionStatus = []AppSubscriptionStatus{
  3654. AppSubscriptionStatusPending,
  3655. AppSubscriptionStatusActive,
  3656. AppSubscriptionStatusDeclined,
  3657. AppSubscriptionStatusExpired,
  3658. AppSubscriptionStatusFrozen,
  3659. AppSubscriptionStatusCancelled,
  3660. }
  3661. func (e AppSubscriptionStatus) IsValid() bool {
  3662. switch e {
  3663. case AppSubscriptionStatusPending, AppSubscriptionStatusActive, AppSubscriptionStatusDeclined, AppSubscriptionStatusExpired, AppSubscriptionStatusFrozen, AppSubscriptionStatusCancelled:
  3664. return true
  3665. }
  3666. return false
  3667. }
  3668. func (e AppSubscriptionStatus) String() string {
  3669. return string(e)
  3670. }
  3671. func (e *AppSubscriptionStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  3672. str, ok := v.(string)
  3673. if !ok {
  3674. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  3675. }
  3676. *e = AppSubscriptionStatus(str)
  3677. if !e.IsValid() {
  3678. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid AppSubscriptionStatus", str)
  3679. }
  3680. return nil
  3681. }
  3682. func (e AppSubscriptionStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  3683. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  3684. }
  3685. type AppTransactionSortKeys string
  3686. const (
  3687. AppTransactionSortKeysCreatedAt AppTransactionSortKeys = "CREATED_AT"
  3688. AppTransactionSortKeysID AppTransactionSortKeys = "ID"
  3689. AppTransactionSortKeysRelevance AppTransactionSortKeys = "RELEVANCE"
  3690. )
  3691. var AllAppTransactionSortKeys = []AppTransactionSortKeys{
  3692. AppTransactionSortKeysCreatedAt,
  3693. AppTransactionSortKeysID,
  3694. AppTransactionSortKeysRelevance,
  3695. }
  3696. func (e AppTransactionSortKeys) IsValid() bool {
  3697. switch e {
  3698. case AppTransactionSortKeysCreatedAt, AppTransactionSortKeysID, AppTransactionSortKeysRelevance:
  3699. return true
  3700. }
  3701. return false
  3702. }
  3703. func (e AppTransactionSortKeys) String() string {
  3704. return string(e)
  3705. }
  3706. func (e *AppTransactionSortKeys) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  3707. str, ok := v.(string)
  3708. if !ok {
  3709. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  3710. }
  3711. *e = AppTransactionSortKeys(str)
  3712. if !e.IsValid() {
  3713. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid AppTransactionSortKeys", str)
  3714. }
  3715. return nil
  3716. }
  3717. func (e AppTransactionSortKeys) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  3718. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  3719. }
  3720. type AppUsageRecordSortKeys string
  3721. const (
  3722. AppUsageRecordSortKeysCreatedAt AppUsageRecordSortKeys = "CREATED_AT"
  3723. AppUsageRecordSortKeysID AppUsageRecordSortKeys = "ID"
  3724. AppUsageRecordSortKeysRelevance AppUsageRecordSortKeys = "RELEVANCE"
  3725. )
  3726. var AllAppUsageRecordSortKeys = []AppUsageRecordSortKeys{
  3727. AppUsageRecordSortKeysCreatedAt,
  3728. AppUsageRecordSortKeysID,
  3729. AppUsageRecordSortKeysRelevance,
  3730. }
  3731. func (e AppUsageRecordSortKeys) IsValid() bool {
  3732. switch e {
  3733. case AppUsageRecordSortKeysCreatedAt, AppUsageRecordSortKeysID, AppUsageRecordSortKeysRelevance:
  3734. return true
  3735. }
  3736. return false
  3737. }
  3738. func (e AppUsageRecordSortKeys) String() string {
  3739. return string(e)
  3740. }
  3741. func (e *AppUsageRecordSortKeys) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  3742. str, ok := v.(string)
  3743. if !ok {
  3744. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  3745. }
  3746. *e = AppUsageRecordSortKeys(str)
  3747. if !e.IsValid() {
  3748. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid AppUsageRecordSortKeys", str)
  3749. }
  3750. return nil
  3751. }
  3752. func (e AppUsageRecordSortKeys) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  3753. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  3754. }
  3755. type CollectionSortKeys string
  3756. const (
  3757. CollectionSortKeysTitle CollectionSortKeys = "TITLE"
  3758. CollectionSortKeysUpdatedAt CollectionSortKeys = "UPDATED_AT"
  3759. CollectionSortKeysID CollectionSortKeys = "ID"
  3760. CollectionSortKeysRelevance CollectionSortKeys = "RELEVANCE"
  3761. )
  3762. var AllCollectionSortKeys = []CollectionSortKeys{
  3763. CollectionSortKeysTitle,
  3764. CollectionSortKeysUpdatedAt,
  3765. CollectionSortKeysID,
  3766. CollectionSortKeysRelevance,
  3767. }
  3768. func (e CollectionSortKeys) IsValid() bool {
  3769. switch e {
  3770. case CollectionSortKeysTitle, CollectionSortKeysUpdatedAt, CollectionSortKeysID, CollectionSortKeysRelevance:
  3771. return true
  3772. }
  3773. return false
  3774. }
  3775. func (e CollectionSortKeys) String() string {
  3776. return string(e)
  3777. }
  3778. func (e *CollectionSortKeys) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  3779. str, ok := v.(string)
  3780. if !ok {
  3781. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  3782. }
  3783. *e = CollectionSortKeys(str)
  3784. if !e.IsValid() {
  3785. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid CollectionSortKeys", str)
  3786. }
  3787. return nil
  3788. }
  3789. func (e CollectionSortKeys) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  3790. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  3791. }
  3792. type CollectionSortOrder string
  3793. const (
  3794. CollectionSortOrderAlphaAsc CollectionSortOrder = "ALPHA_ASC"
  3795. CollectionSortOrderAlphaDesc CollectionSortOrder = "ALPHA_DESC"
  3796. CollectionSortOrderBestSelling CollectionSortOrder = "BEST_SELLING"
  3797. CollectionSortOrderCreated CollectionSortOrder = "CREATED"
  3798. CollectionSortOrderCreatedDesc CollectionSortOrder = "CREATED_DESC"
  3799. CollectionSortOrderManual CollectionSortOrder = "MANUAL"
  3800. CollectionSortOrderPriceAsc CollectionSortOrder = "PRICE_ASC"
  3801. CollectionSortOrderPriceDesc CollectionSortOrder = "PRICE_DESC"
  3802. )
  3803. var AllCollectionSortOrder = []CollectionSortOrder{
  3804. CollectionSortOrderAlphaAsc,
  3805. CollectionSortOrderAlphaDesc,
  3806. CollectionSortOrderBestSelling,
  3807. CollectionSortOrderCreated,
  3808. CollectionSortOrderCreatedDesc,
  3809. CollectionSortOrderManual,
  3810. CollectionSortOrderPriceAsc,
  3811. CollectionSortOrderPriceDesc,
  3812. }
  3813. func (e CollectionSortOrder) IsValid() bool {
  3814. switch e {
  3815. case CollectionSortOrderAlphaAsc, CollectionSortOrderAlphaDesc, CollectionSortOrderBestSelling, CollectionSortOrderCreated, CollectionSortOrderCreatedDesc, CollectionSortOrderManual, CollectionSortOrderPriceAsc, CollectionSortOrderPriceDesc:
  3816. return true
  3817. }
  3818. return false
  3819. }
  3820. func (e CollectionSortOrder) String() string {
  3821. return string(e)
  3822. }
  3823. func (e *CollectionSortOrder) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  3824. str, ok := v.(string)
  3825. if !ok {
  3826. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  3827. }
  3828. *e = CollectionSortOrder(str)
  3829. if !e.IsValid() {
  3830. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid CollectionSortOrder", str)
  3831. }
  3832. return nil
  3833. }
  3834. func (e CollectionSortOrder) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  3835. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  3836. }
  3837. type CompanyContactRoleAssignmentSortKeys string
  3838. const (
  3839. CompanyContactRoleAssignmentSortKeysCreatedAt CompanyContactRoleAssignmentSortKeys = "CREATED_AT"
  3840. CompanyContactRoleAssignmentSortKeysUpdatedAt CompanyContactRoleAssignmentSortKeys = "UPDATED_AT"
  3841. CompanyContactRoleAssignmentSortKeysLocationName CompanyContactRoleAssignmentSortKeys = "LOCATION_NAME"
  3842. CompanyContactRoleAssignmentSortKeysID CompanyContactRoleAssignmentSortKeys = "ID"
  3843. CompanyContactRoleAssignmentSortKeysRelevance CompanyContactRoleAssignmentSortKeys = "RELEVANCE"
  3844. )
  3845. var AllCompanyContactRoleAssignmentSortKeys = []CompanyContactRoleAssignmentSortKeys{
  3846. CompanyContactRoleAssignmentSortKeysCreatedAt,
  3847. CompanyContactRoleAssignmentSortKeysUpdatedAt,
  3848. CompanyContactRoleAssignmentSortKeysLocationName,
  3849. CompanyContactRoleAssignmentSortKeysID,
  3850. CompanyContactRoleAssignmentSortKeysRelevance,
  3851. }
  3852. func (e CompanyContactRoleAssignmentSortKeys) IsValid() bool {
  3853. switch e {
  3854. case CompanyContactRoleAssignmentSortKeysCreatedAt, CompanyContactRoleAssignmentSortKeysUpdatedAt, CompanyContactRoleAssignmentSortKeysLocationName, CompanyContactRoleAssignmentSortKeysID, CompanyContactRoleAssignmentSortKeysRelevance:
  3855. return true
  3856. }
  3857. return false
  3858. }
  3859. func (e CompanyContactRoleAssignmentSortKeys) String() string {
  3860. return string(e)
  3861. }
  3862. func (e *CompanyContactRoleAssignmentSortKeys) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  3863. str, ok := v.(string)
  3864. if !ok {
  3865. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  3866. }
  3867. *e = CompanyContactRoleAssignmentSortKeys(str)
  3868. if !e.IsValid() {
  3869. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid CompanyContactRoleAssignmentSortKeys", str)
  3870. }
  3871. return nil
  3872. }
  3873. func (e CompanyContactRoleAssignmentSortKeys) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  3874. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  3875. }
  3876. type CompanyContactRoleSortKeys string
  3877. const (
  3878. CompanyContactRoleSortKeysCreatedAt CompanyContactRoleSortKeys = "CREATED_AT"
  3879. CompanyContactRoleSortKeysUpdatedAt CompanyContactRoleSortKeys = "UPDATED_AT"
  3880. CompanyContactRoleSortKeysID CompanyContactRoleSortKeys = "ID"
  3881. CompanyContactRoleSortKeysRelevance CompanyContactRoleSortKeys = "RELEVANCE"
  3882. )
  3883. var AllCompanyContactRoleSortKeys = []CompanyContactRoleSortKeys{
  3884. CompanyContactRoleSortKeysCreatedAt,
  3885. CompanyContactRoleSortKeysUpdatedAt,
  3886. CompanyContactRoleSortKeysID,
  3887. CompanyContactRoleSortKeysRelevance,
  3888. }
  3889. func (e CompanyContactRoleSortKeys) IsValid() bool {
  3890. switch e {
  3891. case CompanyContactRoleSortKeysCreatedAt, CompanyContactRoleSortKeysUpdatedAt, CompanyContactRoleSortKeysID, CompanyContactRoleSortKeysRelevance:
  3892. return true
  3893. }
  3894. return false
  3895. }
  3896. func (e CompanyContactRoleSortKeys) String() string {
  3897. return string(e)
  3898. }
  3899. func (e *CompanyContactRoleSortKeys) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  3900. str, ok := v.(string)
  3901. if !ok {
  3902. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  3903. }
  3904. *e = CompanyContactRoleSortKeys(str)
  3905. if !e.IsValid() {
  3906. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid CompanyContactRoleSortKeys", str)
  3907. }
  3908. return nil
  3909. }
  3910. func (e CompanyContactRoleSortKeys) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  3911. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  3912. }
  3913. type CompanyContactSortKeys string
  3914. const (
  3915. CompanyContactSortKeysCreatedAt CompanyContactSortKeys = "CREATED_AT"
  3916. CompanyContactSortKeysUpdatedAt CompanyContactSortKeys = "UPDATED_AT"
  3917. CompanyContactSortKeysTitle CompanyContactSortKeys = "TITLE"
  3918. CompanyContactSortKeysCompanyID CompanyContactSortKeys = "COMPANY_ID"
  3919. CompanyContactSortKeysName CompanyContactSortKeys = "NAME"
  3920. CompanyContactSortKeysEmail CompanyContactSortKeys = "EMAIL"
  3921. CompanyContactSortKeysNameEmail CompanyContactSortKeys = "NAME_EMAIL"
  3922. CompanyContactSortKeysID CompanyContactSortKeys = "ID"
  3923. CompanyContactSortKeysRelevance CompanyContactSortKeys = "RELEVANCE"
  3924. )
  3925. var AllCompanyContactSortKeys = []CompanyContactSortKeys{
  3926. CompanyContactSortKeysCreatedAt,
  3927. CompanyContactSortKeysUpdatedAt,
  3928. CompanyContactSortKeysTitle,
  3929. CompanyContactSortKeysCompanyID,
  3930. CompanyContactSortKeysName,
  3931. CompanyContactSortKeysEmail,
  3932. CompanyContactSortKeysNameEmail,
  3933. CompanyContactSortKeysID,
  3934. CompanyContactSortKeysRelevance,
  3935. }
  3936. func (e CompanyContactSortKeys) IsValid() bool {
  3937. switch e {
  3938. case CompanyContactSortKeysCreatedAt, CompanyContactSortKeysUpdatedAt, CompanyContactSortKeysTitle, CompanyContactSortKeysCompanyID, CompanyContactSortKeysName, CompanyContactSortKeysEmail, CompanyContactSortKeysNameEmail, CompanyContactSortKeysID, CompanyContactSortKeysRelevance:
  3939. return true
  3940. }
  3941. return false
  3942. }
  3943. func (e CompanyContactSortKeys) String() string {
  3944. return string(e)
  3945. }
  3946. func (e *CompanyContactSortKeys) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  3947. str, ok := v.(string)
  3948. if !ok {
  3949. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  3950. }
  3951. *e = CompanyContactSortKeys(str)
  3952. if !e.IsValid() {
  3953. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid CompanyContactSortKeys", str)
  3954. }
  3955. return nil
  3956. }
  3957. func (e CompanyContactSortKeys) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  3958. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  3959. }
  3960. type CompanyLocationSortKeys string
  3961. const (
  3962. CompanyLocationSortKeysCreatedAt CompanyLocationSortKeys = "CREATED_AT"
  3963. CompanyLocationSortKeysUpdatedAt CompanyLocationSortKeys = "UPDATED_AT"
  3964. CompanyLocationSortKeysName CompanyLocationSortKeys = "NAME"
  3965. CompanyLocationSortKeysCompanyID CompanyLocationSortKeys = "COMPANY_ID"
  3966. CompanyLocationSortKeysCompanyAndLocationName CompanyLocationSortKeys = "COMPANY_AND_LOCATION_NAME"
  3967. CompanyLocationSortKeysID CompanyLocationSortKeys = "ID"
  3968. CompanyLocationSortKeysRelevance CompanyLocationSortKeys = "RELEVANCE"
  3969. )
  3970. var AllCompanyLocationSortKeys = []CompanyLocationSortKeys{
  3971. CompanyLocationSortKeysCreatedAt,
  3972. CompanyLocationSortKeysUpdatedAt,
  3973. CompanyLocationSortKeysName,
  3974. CompanyLocationSortKeysCompanyID,
  3975. CompanyLocationSortKeysCompanyAndLocationName,
  3976. CompanyLocationSortKeysID,
  3977. CompanyLocationSortKeysRelevance,
  3978. }
  3979. func (e CompanyLocationSortKeys) IsValid() bool {
  3980. switch e {
  3981. case CompanyLocationSortKeysCreatedAt, CompanyLocationSortKeysUpdatedAt, CompanyLocationSortKeysName, CompanyLocationSortKeysCompanyID, CompanyLocationSortKeysCompanyAndLocationName, CompanyLocationSortKeysID, CompanyLocationSortKeysRelevance:
  3982. return true
  3983. }
  3984. return false
  3985. }
  3986. func (e CompanyLocationSortKeys) String() string {
  3987. return string(e)
  3988. }
  3989. func (e *CompanyLocationSortKeys) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  3990. str, ok := v.(string)
  3991. if !ok {
  3992. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  3993. }
  3994. *e = CompanyLocationSortKeys(str)
  3995. if !e.IsValid() {
  3996. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid CompanyLocationSortKeys", str)
  3997. }
  3998. return nil
  3999. }
  4000. func (e CompanyLocationSortKeys) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  4001. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  4002. }
  4003. type CountryCode string
  4004. const (
  4005. CountryCodeAf CountryCode = "AF"
  4006. CountryCodeAx CountryCode = "AX"
  4007. CountryCodeAl CountryCode = "AL"
  4008. CountryCodeDz CountryCode = "DZ"
  4009. CountryCodeAd CountryCode = "AD"
  4010. CountryCodeAo CountryCode = "AO"
  4011. CountryCodeAi CountryCode = "AI"
  4012. CountryCodeAg CountryCode = "AG"
  4013. CountryCodeAr CountryCode = "AR"
  4014. CountryCodeAm CountryCode = "AM"
  4015. CountryCodeAw CountryCode = "AW"
  4016. CountryCodeAc CountryCode = "AC"
  4017. CountryCodeAu CountryCode = "AU"
  4018. CountryCodeAt CountryCode = "AT"
  4019. CountryCodeAz CountryCode = "AZ"
  4020. CountryCodeBs CountryCode = "BS"
  4021. CountryCodeBh CountryCode = "BH"
  4022. CountryCodeBd CountryCode = "BD"
  4023. CountryCodeBb CountryCode = "BB"
  4024. CountryCodeBy CountryCode = "BY"
  4025. CountryCodeBe CountryCode = "BE"
  4026. CountryCodeBz CountryCode = "BZ"
  4027. CountryCodeBj CountryCode = "BJ"
  4028. CountryCodeBm CountryCode = "BM"
  4029. CountryCodeBt CountryCode = "BT"
  4030. CountryCodeBo CountryCode = "BO"
  4031. CountryCodeBa CountryCode = "BA"
  4032. CountryCodeBw CountryCode = "BW"
  4033. CountryCodeBv CountryCode = "BV"
  4034. CountryCodeBr CountryCode = "BR"
  4035. CountryCodeIo CountryCode = "IO"
  4036. CountryCodeBn CountryCode = "BN"
  4037. CountryCodeBg CountryCode = "BG"
  4038. CountryCodeBf CountryCode = "BF"
  4039. CountryCodeBi CountryCode = "BI"
  4040. CountryCodeKh CountryCode = "KH"
  4041. CountryCodeCa CountryCode = "CA"
  4042. CountryCodeCv CountryCode = "CV"
  4043. CountryCodeBq CountryCode = "BQ"
  4044. CountryCodeKy CountryCode = "KY"
  4045. CountryCodeCf CountryCode = "CF"
  4046. CountryCodeTd CountryCode = "TD"
  4047. CountryCodeCl CountryCode = "CL"
  4048. CountryCodeCn CountryCode = "CN"
  4049. CountryCodeCx CountryCode = "CX"
  4050. CountryCodeCc CountryCode = "CC"
  4051. CountryCodeCo CountryCode = "CO"
  4052. CountryCodeKm CountryCode = "KM"
  4053. CountryCodeCg CountryCode = "CG"
  4054. CountryCodeCd CountryCode = "CD"
  4055. CountryCodeCk CountryCode = "CK"
  4056. CountryCodeCr CountryCode = "CR"
  4057. CountryCodeHr CountryCode = "HR"
  4058. CountryCodeCu CountryCode = "CU"
  4059. CountryCodeCw CountryCode = "CW"
  4060. CountryCodeCy CountryCode = "CY"
  4061. CountryCodeCz CountryCode = "CZ"
  4062. CountryCodeCi CountryCode = "CI"
  4063. CountryCodeDk CountryCode = "DK"
  4064. CountryCodeDj CountryCode = "DJ"
  4065. CountryCodeDm CountryCode = "DM"
  4066. CountryCodeDo CountryCode = "DO"
  4067. CountryCodeEc CountryCode = "EC"
  4068. CountryCodeEg CountryCode = "EG"
  4069. CountryCodeSv CountryCode = "SV"
  4070. CountryCodeGq CountryCode = "GQ"
  4071. CountryCodeEr CountryCode = "ER"
  4072. CountryCodeEe CountryCode = "EE"
  4073. CountryCodeSz CountryCode = "SZ"
  4074. CountryCodeEt CountryCode = "ET"
  4075. CountryCodeFk CountryCode = "FK"
  4076. CountryCodeFo CountryCode = "FO"
  4077. CountryCodeFj CountryCode = "FJ"
  4078. CountryCodeFi CountryCode = "FI"
  4079. CountryCodeFr CountryCode = "FR"
  4080. CountryCodeGf CountryCode = "GF"
  4081. CountryCodePf CountryCode = "PF"
  4082. CountryCodeTf CountryCode = "TF"
  4083. CountryCodeGa CountryCode = "GA"
  4084. CountryCodeGm CountryCode = "GM"
  4085. CountryCodeGe CountryCode = "GE"
  4086. CountryCodeDe CountryCode = "DE"
  4087. CountryCodeGh CountryCode = "GH"
  4088. CountryCodeGi CountryCode = "GI"
  4089. CountryCodeGr CountryCode = "GR"
  4090. CountryCodeGl CountryCode = "GL"
  4091. CountryCodeGd CountryCode = "GD"
  4092. CountryCodeGp CountryCode = "GP"
  4093. CountryCodeGt CountryCode = "GT"
  4094. CountryCodeGg CountryCode = "GG"
  4095. CountryCodeGn CountryCode = "GN"
  4096. CountryCodeGw CountryCode = "GW"
  4097. CountryCodeGy CountryCode = "GY"
  4098. CountryCodeHt CountryCode = "HT"
  4099. CountryCodeHm CountryCode = "HM"
  4100. CountryCodeVa CountryCode = "VA"
  4101. CountryCodeHn CountryCode = "HN"
  4102. CountryCodeHk CountryCode = "HK"
  4103. CountryCodeHu CountryCode = "HU"
  4104. CountryCodeIs CountryCode = "IS"
  4105. CountryCodeIn CountryCode = "IN"
  4106. CountryCodeID CountryCode = "ID"
  4107. CountryCodeIr CountryCode = "IR"
  4108. CountryCodeIq CountryCode = "IQ"
  4109. CountryCodeIe CountryCode = "IE"
  4110. CountryCodeIm CountryCode = "IM"
  4111. CountryCodeIl CountryCode = "IL"
  4112. CountryCodeIt CountryCode = "IT"
  4113. CountryCodeJm CountryCode = "JM"
  4114. CountryCodeJp CountryCode = "JP"
  4115. CountryCodeJe CountryCode = "JE"
  4116. CountryCodeJo CountryCode = "JO"
  4117. CountryCodeKz CountryCode = "KZ"
  4118. CountryCodeKe CountryCode = "KE"
  4119. CountryCodeKi CountryCode = "KI"
  4120. CountryCodeKp CountryCode = "KP"
  4121. CountryCodeXk CountryCode = "XK"
  4122. CountryCodeKw CountryCode = "KW"
  4123. CountryCodeKg CountryCode = "KG"
  4124. CountryCodeLa CountryCode = "LA"
  4125. CountryCodeLv CountryCode = "LV"
  4126. CountryCodeLb CountryCode = "LB"
  4127. CountryCodeLs CountryCode = "LS"
  4128. CountryCodeLr CountryCode = "LR"
  4129. CountryCodeLy CountryCode = "LY"
  4130. CountryCodeLi CountryCode = "LI"
  4131. CountryCodeLt CountryCode = "LT"
  4132. CountryCodeLu CountryCode = "LU"
  4133. CountryCodeMo CountryCode = "MO"
  4134. CountryCodeMg CountryCode = "MG"
  4135. CountryCodeMw CountryCode = "MW"
  4136. CountryCodeMy CountryCode = "MY"
  4137. CountryCodeMv CountryCode = "MV"
  4138. CountryCodeMl CountryCode = "ML"
  4139. CountryCodeMt CountryCode = "MT"
  4140. CountryCodeMq CountryCode = "MQ"
  4141. CountryCodeMr CountryCode = "MR"
  4142. CountryCodeMu CountryCode = "MU"
  4143. CountryCodeYt CountryCode = "YT"
  4144. CountryCodeMx CountryCode = "MX"
  4145. CountryCodeMd CountryCode = "MD"
  4146. CountryCodeMc CountryCode = "MC"
  4147. CountryCodeMn CountryCode = "MN"
  4148. CountryCodeMe CountryCode = "ME"
  4149. CountryCodeMs CountryCode = "MS"
  4150. CountryCodeMa CountryCode = "MA"
  4151. CountryCodeMz CountryCode = "MZ"
  4152. CountryCodeMm CountryCode = "MM"
  4153. CountryCodeNa CountryCode = "NA"
  4154. CountryCodeNr CountryCode = "NR"
  4155. CountryCodeNp CountryCode = "NP"
  4156. CountryCodeNl CountryCode = "NL"
  4157. CountryCodeAn CountryCode = "AN"
  4158. CountryCodeNc CountryCode = "NC"
  4159. CountryCodeNz CountryCode = "NZ"
  4160. CountryCodeNi CountryCode = "NI"
  4161. CountryCodeNe CountryCode = "NE"
  4162. CountryCodeNg CountryCode = "NG"
  4163. CountryCodeNu CountryCode = "NU"
  4164. CountryCodeNf CountryCode = "NF"
  4165. CountryCodeMk CountryCode = "MK"
  4166. CountryCodeNo CountryCode = "NO"
  4167. CountryCodeOm CountryCode = "OM"
  4168. CountryCodePk CountryCode = "PK"
  4169. CountryCodePs CountryCode = "PS"
  4170. CountryCodePa CountryCode = "PA"
  4171. CountryCodePg CountryCode = "PG"
  4172. CountryCodePy CountryCode = "PY"
  4173. CountryCodePe CountryCode = "PE"
  4174. CountryCodePh CountryCode = "PH"
  4175. CountryCodePn CountryCode = "PN"
  4176. CountryCodePl CountryCode = "PL"
  4177. CountryCodePt CountryCode = "PT"
  4178. CountryCodeQa CountryCode = "QA"
  4179. CountryCodeCm CountryCode = "CM"
  4180. CountryCodeRe CountryCode = "RE"
  4181. CountryCodeRo CountryCode = "RO"
  4182. CountryCodeRu CountryCode = "RU"
  4183. CountryCodeRw CountryCode = "RW"
  4184. CountryCodeBl CountryCode = "BL"
  4185. CountryCodeSh CountryCode = "SH"
  4186. CountryCodeKn CountryCode = "KN"
  4187. CountryCodeLc CountryCode = "LC"
  4188. CountryCodeMf CountryCode = "MF"
  4189. CountryCodePm CountryCode = "PM"
  4190. CountryCodeWs CountryCode = "WS"
  4191. CountryCodeSm CountryCode = "SM"
  4192. CountryCodeSt CountryCode = "ST"
  4193. CountryCodeSa CountryCode = "SA"
  4194. CountryCodeSn CountryCode = "SN"
  4195. CountryCodeRs CountryCode = "RS"
  4196. CountryCodeSc CountryCode = "SC"
  4197. CountryCodeSl CountryCode = "SL"
  4198. CountryCodeSg CountryCode = "SG"
  4199. CountryCodeSx CountryCode = "SX"
  4200. CountryCodeSk CountryCode = "SK"
  4201. CountryCodeSi CountryCode = "SI"
  4202. CountryCodeSb CountryCode = "SB"
  4203. CountryCodeSo CountryCode = "SO"
  4204. CountryCodeZa CountryCode = "ZA"
  4205. CountryCodeGs CountryCode = "GS"
  4206. CountryCodeKr CountryCode = "KR"
  4207. CountryCodeSs CountryCode = "SS"
  4208. CountryCodeEs CountryCode = "ES"
  4209. CountryCodeLk CountryCode = "LK"
  4210. CountryCodeVc CountryCode = "VC"
  4211. CountryCodeSd CountryCode = "SD"
  4212. CountryCodeSr CountryCode = "SR"
  4213. CountryCodeSj CountryCode = "SJ"
  4214. CountryCodeSe CountryCode = "SE"
  4215. CountryCodeCh CountryCode = "CH"
  4216. CountryCodeSy CountryCode = "SY"
  4217. CountryCodeTw CountryCode = "TW"
  4218. CountryCodeTj CountryCode = "TJ"
  4219. CountryCodeTz CountryCode = "TZ"
  4220. CountryCodeTh CountryCode = "TH"
  4221. CountryCodeTl CountryCode = "TL"
  4222. CountryCodeTg CountryCode = "TG"
  4223. CountryCodeTk CountryCode = "TK"
  4224. CountryCodeTo CountryCode = "TO"
  4225. CountryCodeTt CountryCode = "TT"
  4226. CountryCodeTa CountryCode = "TA"
  4227. CountryCodeTn CountryCode = "TN"
  4228. CountryCodeTr CountryCode = "TR"
  4229. CountryCodeTm CountryCode = "TM"
  4230. CountryCodeTc CountryCode = "TC"
  4231. CountryCodeTv CountryCode = "TV"
  4232. CountryCodeUg CountryCode = "UG"
  4233. CountryCodeUa CountryCode = "UA"
  4234. CountryCodeAe CountryCode = "AE"
  4235. CountryCodeGb CountryCode = "GB"
  4236. CountryCodeUs CountryCode = "US"
  4237. CountryCodeUm CountryCode = "UM"
  4238. CountryCodeUy CountryCode = "UY"
  4239. CountryCodeUz CountryCode = "UZ"
  4240. CountryCodeVu CountryCode = "VU"
  4241. CountryCodeVe CountryCode = "VE"
  4242. CountryCodeVn CountryCode = "VN"
  4243. CountryCodeVg CountryCode = "VG"
  4244. CountryCodeWf CountryCode = "WF"
  4245. CountryCodeEh CountryCode = "EH"
  4246. CountryCodeYe CountryCode = "YE"
  4247. CountryCodeZm CountryCode = "ZM"
  4248. CountryCodeZw CountryCode = "ZW"
  4249. CountryCodeZz CountryCode = "ZZ"
  4250. )
  4251. var AllCountryCode = []CountryCode{
  4252. CountryCodeAf,
  4253. CountryCodeAx,
  4254. CountryCodeAl,
  4255. CountryCodeDz,
  4256. CountryCodeAd,
  4257. CountryCodeAo,
  4258. CountryCodeAi,
  4259. CountryCodeAg,
  4260. CountryCodeAr,
  4261. CountryCodeAm,
  4262. CountryCodeAw,
  4263. CountryCodeAc,
  4264. CountryCodeAu,
  4265. CountryCodeAt,
  4266. CountryCodeAz,
  4267. CountryCodeBs,
  4268. CountryCodeBh,
  4269. CountryCodeBd,
  4270. CountryCodeBb,
  4271. CountryCodeBy,
  4272. CountryCodeBe,
  4273. CountryCodeBz,
  4274. CountryCodeBj,
  4275. CountryCodeBm,
  4276. CountryCodeBt,
  4277. CountryCodeBo,
  4278. CountryCodeBa,
  4279. CountryCodeBw,
  4280. CountryCodeBv,
  4281. CountryCodeBr,
  4282. CountryCodeIo,
  4283. CountryCodeBn,
  4284. CountryCodeBg,
  4285. CountryCodeBf,
  4286. CountryCodeBi,
  4287. CountryCodeKh,
  4288. CountryCodeCa,
  4289. CountryCodeCv,
  4290. CountryCodeBq,
  4291. CountryCodeKy,
  4292. CountryCodeCf,
  4293. CountryCodeTd,
  4294. CountryCodeCl,
  4295. CountryCodeCn,
  4296. CountryCodeCx,
  4297. CountryCodeCc,
  4298. CountryCodeCo,
  4299. CountryCodeKm,
  4300. CountryCodeCg,
  4301. CountryCodeCd,
  4302. CountryCodeCk,
  4303. CountryCodeCr,
  4304. CountryCodeHr,
  4305. CountryCodeCu,
  4306. CountryCodeCw,
  4307. CountryCodeCy,
  4308. CountryCodeCz,
  4309. CountryCodeCi,
  4310. CountryCodeDk,
  4311. CountryCodeDj,
  4312. CountryCodeDm,
  4313. CountryCodeDo,
  4314. CountryCodeEc,
  4315. CountryCodeEg,
  4316. CountryCodeSv,
  4317. CountryCodeGq,
  4318. CountryCodeEr,
  4319. CountryCodeEe,
  4320. CountryCodeSz,
  4321. CountryCodeEt,
  4322. CountryCodeFk,
  4323. CountryCodeFo,
  4324. CountryCodeFj,
  4325. CountryCodeFi,
  4326. CountryCodeFr,
  4327. CountryCodeGf,
  4328. CountryCodePf,
  4329. CountryCodeTf,
  4330. CountryCodeGa,
  4331. CountryCodeGm,
  4332. CountryCodeGe,
  4333. CountryCodeDe,
  4334. CountryCodeGh,
  4335. CountryCodeGi,
  4336. CountryCodeGr,
  4337. CountryCodeGl,
  4338. CountryCodeGd,
  4339. CountryCodeGp,
  4340. CountryCodeGt,
  4341. CountryCodeGg,
  4342. CountryCodeGn,
  4343. CountryCodeGw,
  4344. CountryCodeGy,
  4345. CountryCodeHt,
  4346. CountryCodeHm,
  4347. CountryCodeVa,
  4348. CountryCodeHn,
  4349. CountryCodeHk,
  4350. CountryCodeHu,
  4351. CountryCodeIs,
  4352. CountryCodeIn,
  4353. CountryCodeID,
  4354. CountryCodeIr,
  4355. CountryCodeIq,
  4356. CountryCodeIe,
  4357. CountryCodeIm,
  4358. CountryCodeIl,
  4359. CountryCodeIt,
  4360. CountryCodeJm,
  4361. CountryCodeJp,
  4362. CountryCodeJe,
  4363. CountryCodeJo,
  4364. CountryCodeKz,
  4365. CountryCodeKe,
  4366. CountryCodeKi,
  4367. CountryCodeKp,
  4368. CountryCodeXk,
  4369. CountryCodeKw,
  4370. CountryCodeKg,
  4371. CountryCodeLa,
  4372. CountryCodeLv,
  4373. CountryCodeLb,
  4374. CountryCodeLs,
  4375. CountryCodeLr,
  4376. CountryCodeLy,
  4377. CountryCodeLi,
  4378. CountryCodeLt,
  4379. CountryCodeLu,
  4380. CountryCodeMo,
  4381. CountryCodeMg,
  4382. CountryCodeMw,
  4383. CountryCodeMy,
  4384. CountryCodeMv,
  4385. CountryCodeMl,
  4386. CountryCodeMt,
  4387. CountryCodeMq,
  4388. CountryCodeMr,
  4389. CountryCodeMu,
  4390. CountryCodeYt,
  4391. CountryCodeMx,
  4392. CountryCodeMd,
  4393. CountryCodeMc,
  4394. CountryCodeMn,
  4395. CountryCodeMe,
  4396. CountryCodeMs,
  4397. CountryCodeMa,
  4398. CountryCodeMz,
  4399. CountryCodeMm,
  4400. CountryCodeNa,
  4401. CountryCodeNr,
  4402. CountryCodeNp,
  4403. CountryCodeNl,
  4404. CountryCodeAn,
  4405. CountryCodeNc,
  4406. CountryCodeNz,
  4407. CountryCodeNi,
  4408. CountryCodeNe,
  4409. CountryCodeNg,
  4410. CountryCodeNu,
  4411. CountryCodeNf,
  4412. CountryCodeMk,
  4413. CountryCodeNo,
  4414. CountryCodeOm,
  4415. CountryCodePk,
  4416. CountryCodePs,
  4417. CountryCodePa,
  4418. CountryCodePg,
  4419. CountryCodePy,
  4420. CountryCodePe,
  4421. CountryCodePh,
  4422. CountryCodePn,
  4423. CountryCodePl,
  4424. CountryCodePt,
  4425. CountryCodeQa,
  4426. CountryCodeCm,
  4427. CountryCodeRe,
  4428. CountryCodeRo,
  4429. CountryCodeRu,
  4430. CountryCodeRw,
  4431. CountryCodeBl,
  4432. CountryCodeSh,
  4433. CountryCodeKn,
  4434. CountryCodeLc,
  4435. CountryCodeMf,
  4436. CountryCodePm,
  4437. CountryCodeWs,
  4438. CountryCodeSm,
  4439. CountryCodeSt,
  4440. CountryCodeSa,
  4441. CountryCodeSn,
  4442. CountryCodeRs,
  4443. CountryCodeSc,
  4444. CountryCodeSl,
  4445. CountryCodeSg,
  4446. CountryCodeSx,
  4447. CountryCodeSk,
  4448. CountryCodeSi,
  4449. CountryCodeSb,
  4450. CountryCodeSo,
  4451. CountryCodeZa,
  4452. CountryCodeGs,
  4453. CountryCodeKr,
  4454. CountryCodeSs,
  4455. CountryCodeEs,
  4456. CountryCodeLk,
  4457. CountryCodeVc,
  4458. CountryCodeSd,
  4459. CountryCodeSr,
  4460. CountryCodeSj,
  4461. CountryCodeSe,
  4462. CountryCodeCh,
  4463. CountryCodeSy,
  4464. CountryCodeTw,
  4465. CountryCodeTj,
  4466. CountryCodeTz,
  4467. CountryCodeTh,
  4468. CountryCodeTl,
  4469. CountryCodeTg,
  4470. CountryCodeTk,
  4471. CountryCodeTo,
  4472. CountryCodeTt,
  4473. CountryCodeTa,
  4474. CountryCodeTn,
  4475. CountryCodeTr,
  4476. CountryCodeTm,
  4477. CountryCodeTc,
  4478. CountryCodeTv,
  4479. CountryCodeUg,
  4480. CountryCodeUa,
  4481. CountryCodeAe,
  4482. CountryCodeGb,
  4483. CountryCodeUs,
  4484. CountryCodeUm,
  4485. CountryCodeUy,
  4486. CountryCodeUz,
  4487. CountryCodeVu,
  4488. CountryCodeVe,
  4489. CountryCodeVn,
  4490. CountryCodeVg,
  4491. CountryCodeWf,
  4492. CountryCodeEh,
  4493. CountryCodeYe,
  4494. CountryCodeZm,
  4495. CountryCodeZw,
  4496. CountryCodeZz,
  4497. }
  4498. func (e CountryCode) IsValid() bool {
  4499. switch e {
  4500. case CountryCodeAf, CountryCodeAx, CountryCodeAl, CountryCodeDz, CountryCodeAd, CountryCodeAo, CountryCodeAi, CountryCodeAg, CountryCodeAr, CountryCodeAm, CountryCodeAw, CountryCodeAc, CountryCodeAu, CountryCodeAt, CountryCodeAz, CountryCodeBs, CountryCodeBh, CountryCodeBd, CountryCodeBb, CountryCodeBy, CountryCodeBe, CountryCodeBz, CountryCodeBj, CountryCodeBm, CountryCodeBt, CountryCodeBo, CountryCodeBa, CountryCodeBw, CountryCodeBv, CountryCodeBr, CountryCodeIo, CountryCodeBn, CountryCodeBg, CountryCodeBf, CountryCodeBi, CountryCodeKh, CountryCodeCa, CountryCodeCv, CountryCodeBq, CountryCodeKy, CountryCodeCf, CountryCodeTd, CountryCodeCl, CountryCodeCn, CountryCodeCx, CountryCodeCc, CountryCodeCo, CountryCodeKm, CountryCodeCg, CountryCodeCd, CountryCodeCk, CountryCodeCr, CountryCodeHr, CountryCodeCu, CountryCodeCw, CountryCodeCy, CountryCodeCz, CountryCodeCi, CountryCodeDk, CountryCodeDj, CountryCodeDm, CountryCodeDo, CountryCodeEc, CountryCodeEg, CountryCodeSv, CountryCodeGq, CountryCodeEr, CountryCodeEe, CountryCodeSz, CountryCodeEt, CountryCodeFk, CountryCodeFo, CountryCodeFj, CountryCodeFi, CountryCodeFr, CountryCodeGf, CountryCodePf, CountryCodeTf, CountryCodeGa, CountryCodeGm, CountryCodeGe, CountryCodeDe, CountryCodeGh, CountryCodeGi, CountryCodeGr, CountryCodeGl, CountryCodeGd, CountryCodeGp, CountryCodeGt, CountryCodeGg, CountryCodeGn, CountryCodeGw, CountryCodeGy, CountryCodeHt, CountryCodeHm, CountryCodeVa, CountryCodeHn, CountryCodeHk, CountryCodeHu, CountryCodeIs, CountryCodeIn, CountryCodeID, CountryCodeIr, CountryCodeIq, CountryCodeIe, CountryCodeIm, CountryCodeIl, CountryCodeIt, CountryCodeJm, CountryCodeJp, CountryCodeJe, CountryCodeJo, CountryCodeKz, CountryCodeKe, CountryCodeKi, CountryCodeKp, CountryCodeXk, CountryCodeKw, CountryCodeKg, CountryCodeLa, CountryCodeLv, CountryCodeLb, CountryCodeLs, CountryCodeLr, CountryCodeLy, CountryCodeLi, CountryCodeLt, CountryCodeLu, CountryCodeMo, CountryCodeMg, CountryCodeMw, CountryCodeMy, CountryCodeMv, CountryCodeMl, CountryCodeMt, CountryCodeMq, CountryCodeMr, CountryCodeMu, CountryCodeYt, CountryCodeMx, CountryCodeMd, CountryCodeMc, CountryCodeMn, CountryCodeMe, CountryCodeMs, CountryCodeMa, CountryCodeMz, CountryCodeMm, CountryCodeNa, CountryCodeNr, CountryCodeNp, CountryCodeNl, CountryCodeAn, CountryCodeNc, CountryCodeNz, CountryCodeNi, CountryCodeNe, CountryCodeNg, CountryCodeNu, CountryCodeNf, CountryCodeMk, CountryCodeNo, CountryCodeOm, CountryCodePk, CountryCodePs, CountryCodePa, CountryCodePg, CountryCodePy, CountryCodePe, CountryCodePh, CountryCodePn, CountryCodePl, CountryCodePt, CountryCodeQa, CountryCodeCm, CountryCodeRe, CountryCodeRo, CountryCodeRu, CountryCodeRw, CountryCodeBl, CountryCodeSh, CountryCodeKn, CountryCodeLc, CountryCodeMf, CountryCodePm, CountryCodeWs, CountryCodeSm, CountryCodeSt, CountryCodeSa, CountryCodeSn, CountryCodeRs, CountryCodeSc, CountryCodeSl, CountryCodeSg, CountryCodeSx, CountryCodeSk, CountryCodeSi, CountryCodeSb, CountryCodeSo, CountryCodeZa, CountryCodeGs, CountryCodeKr, CountryCodeSs, CountryCodeEs, CountryCodeLk, CountryCodeVc, CountryCodeSd, CountryCodeSr, CountryCodeSj, CountryCodeSe, CountryCodeCh, CountryCodeSy, CountryCodeTw, CountryCodeTj, CountryCodeTz, CountryCodeTh, CountryCodeTl, CountryCodeTg, CountryCodeTk, CountryCodeTo, CountryCodeTt, CountryCodeTa, CountryCodeTn, CountryCodeTr, CountryCodeTm, CountryCodeTc, CountryCodeTv, CountryCodeUg, CountryCodeUa, CountryCodeAe, CountryCodeGb, CountryCodeUs, CountryCodeUm, CountryCodeUy, CountryCodeUz, CountryCodeVu, CountryCodeVe, CountryCodeVn, CountryCodeVg, CountryCodeWf, CountryCodeEh, CountryCodeYe, CountryCodeZm, CountryCodeZw, CountryCodeZz:
  4501. return true
  4502. }
  4503. return false
  4504. }
  4505. func (e CountryCode) String() string {
  4506. return string(e)
  4507. }
  4508. func (e *CountryCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  4509. str, ok := v.(string)
  4510. if !ok {
  4511. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  4512. }
  4513. *e = CountryCode(str)
  4514. if !e.IsValid() {
  4515. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid CountryCode", str)
  4516. }
  4517. return nil
  4518. }
  4519. func (e CountryCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  4520. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  4521. }
  4522. type CropRegion string
  4523. const (
  4524. CropRegionCenter CropRegion = "CENTER"
  4525. CropRegionTop CropRegion = "TOP"
  4526. CropRegionBottom CropRegion = "BOTTOM"
  4527. CropRegionLeft CropRegion = "LEFT"
  4528. CropRegionRight CropRegion = "RIGHT"
  4529. )
  4530. var AllCropRegion = []CropRegion{
  4531. CropRegionCenter,
  4532. CropRegionTop,
  4533. CropRegionBottom,
  4534. CropRegionLeft,
  4535. CropRegionRight,
  4536. }
  4537. func (e CropRegion) IsValid() bool {
  4538. switch e {
  4539. case CropRegionCenter, CropRegionTop, CropRegionBottom, CropRegionLeft, CropRegionRight:
  4540. return true
  4541. }
  4542. return false
  4543. }
  4544. func (e CropRegion) String() string {
  4545. return string(e)
  4546. }
  4547. func (e *CropRegion) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  4548. str, ok := v.(string)
  4549. if !ok {
  4550. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  4551. }
  4552. *e = CropRegion(str)
  4553. if !e.IsValid() {
  4554. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid CropRegion", str)
  4555. }
  4556. return nil
  4557. }
  4558. func (e CropRegion) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  4559. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  4560. }
  4561. type CurrencyCode string
  4562. const (
  4563. CurrencyCodeAed CurrencyCode = "AED"
  4564. CurrencyCodeAfn CurrencyCode = "AFN"
  4565. CurrencyCodeAll CurrencyCode = "ALL"
  4566. CurrencyCodeAmd CurrencyCode = "AMD"
  4567. CurrencyCodeAng CurrencyCode = "ANG"
  4568. CurrencyCodeAoa CurrencyCode = "AOA"
  4569. CurrencyCodeArs CurrencyCode = "ARS"
  4570. CurrencyCodeAud CurrencyCode = "AUD"
  4571. CurrencyCodeAwg CurrencyCode = "AWG"
  4572. CurrencyCodeAzn CurrencyCode = "AZN"
  4573. CurrencyCodeBam CurrencyCode = "BAM"
  4574. CurrencyCodeBbd CurrencyCode = "BBD"
  4575. CurrencyCodeBdt CurrencyCode = "BDT"
  4576. CurrencyCodeBgn CurrencyCode = "BGN"
  4577. CurrencyCodeBhd CurrencyCode = "BHD"
  4578. CurrencyCodeBif CurrencyCode = "BIF"
  4579. CurrencyCodeBmd CurrencyCode = "BMD"
  4580. CurrencyCodeBnd CurrencyCode = "BND"
  4581. CurrencyCodeBob CurrencyCode = "BOB"
  4582. CurrencyCodeBrl CurrencyCode = "BRL"
  4583. CurrencyCodeBsd CurrencyCode = "BSD"
  4584. CurrencyCodeBtn CurrencyCode = "BTN"
  4585. CurrencyCodeBwp CurrencyCode = "BWP"
  4586. CurrencyCodeByn CurrencyCode = "BYN"
  4587. CurrencyCodeBzd CurrencyCode = "BZD"
  4588. CurrencyCodeCad CurrencyCode = "CAD"
  4589. CurrencyCodeCdf CurrencyCode = "CDF"
  4590. CurrencyCodeChf CurrencyCode = "CHF"
  4591. CurrencyCodeClp CurrencyCode = "CLP"
  4592. CurrencyCodeCny CurrencyCode = "CNY"
  4593. CurrencyCodeCop CurrencyCode = "COP"
  4594. CurrencyCodeCrc CurrencyCode = "CRC"
  4595. CurrencyCodeCve CurrencyCode = "CVE"
  4596. CurrencyCodeCzk CurrencyCode = "CZK"
  4597. CurrencyCodeDjf CurrencyCode = "DJF"
  4598. CurrencyCodeDkk CurrencyCode = "DKK"
  4599. CurrencyCodeDop CurrencyCode = "DOP"
  4600. CurrencyCodeDzd CurrencyCode = "DZD"
  4601. CurrencyCodeEgp CurrencyCode = "EGP"
  4602. CurrencyCodeErn CurrencyCode = "ERN"
  4603. CurrencyCodeEtb CurrencyCode = "ETB"
  4604. CurrencyCodeEur CurrencyCode = "EUR"
  4605. CurrencyCodeFjd CurrencyCode = "FJD"
  4606. CurrencyCodeFkp CurrencyCode = "FKP"
  4607. CurrencyCodeGbp CurrencyCode = "GBP"
  4608. CurrencyCodeGel CurrencyCode = "GEL"
  4609. CurrencyCodeGhs CurrencyCode = "GHS"
  4610. CurrencyCodeGip CurrencyCode = "GIP"
  4611. CurrencyCodeGmd CurrencyCode = "GMD"
  4612. CurrencyCodeGnf CurrencyCode = "GNF"
  4613. CurrencyCodeGtq CurrencyCode = "GTQ"
  4614. CurrencyCodeGyd CurrencyCode = "GYD"
  4615. CurrencyCodeHkd CurrencyCode = "HKD"
  4616. CurrencyCodeHnl CurrencyCode = "HNL"
  4617. CurrencyCodeHrk CurrencyCode = "HRK"
  4618. CurrencyCodeHtg CurrencyCode = "HTG"
  4619. CurrencyCodeHuf CurrencyCode = "HUF"
  4620. CurrencyCodeIDR CurrencyCode = "IDR"
  4621. CurrencyCodeIls CurrencyCode = "ILS"
  4622. CurrencyCodeInr CurrencyCode = "INR"
  4623. CurrencyCodeIqd CurrencyCode = "IQD"
  4624. CurrencyCodeIrr CurrencyCode = "IRR"
  4625. CurrencyCodeIsk CurrencyCode = "ISK"
  4626. CurrencyCodeJep CurrencyCode = "JEP"
  4627. CurrencyCodeJmd CurrencyCode = "JMD"
  4628. CurrencyCodeJod CurrencyCode = "JOD"
  4629. CurrencyCodeJpy CurrencyCode = "JPY"
  4630. CurrencyCodeKes CurrencyCode = "KES"
  4631. CurrencyCodeKgs CurrencyCode = "KGS"
  4632. CurrencyCodeKhr CurrencyCode = "KHR"
  4633. CurrencyCodeKid CurrencyCode = "KID"
  4634. CurrencyCodeKmf CurrencyCode = "KMF"
  4635. CurrencyCodeKrw CurrencyCode = "KRW"
  4636. CurrencyCodeKwd CurrencyCode = "KWD"
  4637. CurrencyCodeKyd CurrencyCode = "KYD"
  4638. CurrencyCodeKzt CurrencyCode = "KZT"
  4639. CurrencyCodeLak CurrencyCode = "LAK"
  4640. CurrencyCodeLbp CurrencyCode = "LBP"
  4641. CurrencyCodeLkr CurrencyCode = "LKR"
  4642. CurrencyCodeLrd CurrencyCode = "LRD"
  4643. CurrencyCodeLsl CurrencyCode = "LSL"
  4644. CurrencyCodeLtl CurrencyCode = "LTL"
  4645. CurrencyCodeLvl CurrencyCode = "LVL"
  4646. CurrencyCodeLyd CurrencyCode = "LYD"
  4647. CurrencyCodeMad CurrencyCode = "MAD"
  4648. CurrencyCodeMdl CurrencyCode = "MDL"
  4649. CurrencyCodeMga CurrencyCode = "MGA"
  4650. CurrencyCodeMkd CurrencyCode = "MKD"
  4651. CurrencyCodeMmk CurrencyCode = "MMK"
  4652. CurrencyCodeMnt CurrencyCode = "MNT"
  4653. CurrencyCodeMop CurrencyCode = "MOP"
  4654. CurrencyCodeMru CurrencyCode = "MRU"
  4655. CurrencyCodeMur CurrencyCode = "MUR"
  4656. CurrencyCodeMvr CurrencyCode = "MVR"
  4657. CurrencyCodeMwk CurrencyCode = "MWK"
  4658. CurrencyCodeMxn CurrencyCode = "MXN"
  4659. CurrencyCodeMyr CurrencyCode = "MYR"
  4660. CurrencyCodeMzn CurrencyCode = "MZN"
  4661. CurrencyCodeNad CurrencyCode = "NAD"
  4662. CurrencyCodeNgn CurrencyCode = "NGN"
  4663. CurrencyCodeNio CurrencyCode = "NIO"
  4664. CurrencyCodeNok CurrencyCode = "NOK"
  4665. CurrencyCodeNpr CurrencyCode = "NPR"
  4666. CurrencyCodeNzd CurrencyCode = "NZD"
  4667. CurrencyCodeOmr CurrencyCode = "OMR"
  4668. CurrencyCodePab CurrencyCode = "PAB"
  4669. CurrencyCodePen CurrencyCode = "PEN"
  4670. CurrencyCodePgk CurrencyCode = "PGK"
  4671. CurrencyCodePhp CurrencyCode = "PHP"
  4672. CurrencyCodePkr CurrencyCode = "PKR"
  4673. CurrencyCodePln CurrencyCode = "PLN"
  4674. CurrencyCodePyg CurrencyCode = "PYG"
  4675. CurrencyCodeQar CurrencyCode = "QAR"
  4676. CurrencyCodeRon CurrencyCode = "RON"
  4677. CurrencyCodeRsd CurrencyCode = "RSD"
  4678. CurrencyCodeRub CurrencyCode = "RUB"
  4679. CurrencyCodeRwf CurrencyCode = "RWF"
  4680. CurrencyCodeSar CurrencyCode = "SAR"
  4681. CurrencyCodeSbd CurrencyCode = "SBD"
  4682. CurrencyCodeScr CurrencyCode = "SCR"
  4683. CurrencyCodeSdg CurrencyCode = "SDG"
  4684. CurrencyCodeSek CurrencyCode = "SEK"
  4685. CurrencyCodeSgd CurrencyCode = "SGD"
  4686. CurrencyCodeShp CurrencyCode = "SHP"
  4687. CurrencyCodeSll CurrencyCode = "SLL"
  4688. CurrencyCodeSos CurrencyCode = "SOS"
  4689. CurrencyCodeSrd CurrencyCode = "SRD"
  4690. CurrencyCodeSsp CurrencyCode = "SSP"
  4691. CurrencyCodeStn CurrencyCode = "STN"
  4692. CurrencyCodeSyp CurrencyCode = "SYP"
  4693. CurrencyCodeSzl CurrencyCode = "SZL"
  4694. CurrencyCodeThb CurrencyCode = "THB"
  4695. CurrencyCodeTjs CurrencyCode = "TJS"
  4696. CurrencyCodeTmt CurrencyCode = "TMT"
  4697. CurrencyCodeTnd CurrencyCode = "TND"
  4698. CurrencyCodeTop CurrencyCode = "TOP"
  4699. CurrencyCodeTry CurrencyCode = "TRY"
  4700. CurrencyCodeTtd CurrencyCode = "TTD"
  4701. CurrencyCodeTwd CurrencyCode = "TWD"
  4702. CurrencyCodeTzs CurrencyCode = "TZS"
  4703. CurrencyCodeUah CurrencyCode = "UAH"
  4704. CurrencyCodeUgx CurrencyCode = "UGX"
  4705. CurrencyCodeUsd CurrencyCode = "USD"
  4706. CurrencyCodeUyu CurrencyCode = "UYU"
  4707. CurrencyCodeUzs CurrencyCode = "UZS"
  4708. CurrencyCodeVed CurrencyCode = "VED"
  4709. CurrencyCodeVes CurrencyCode = "VES"
  4710. CurrencyCodeVnd CurrencyCode = "VND"
  4711. CurrencyCodeVuv CurrencyCode = "VUV"
  4712. CurrencyCodeWst CurrencyCode = "WST"
  4713. CurrencyCodeXaf CurrencyCode = "XAF"
  4714. CurrencyCodeXcd CurrencyCode = "XCD"
  4715. CurrencyCodeXof CurrencyCode = "XOF"
  4716. CurrencyCodeXpf CurrencyCode = "XPF"
  4717. CurrencyCodeXxx CurrencyCode = "XXX"
  4718. CurrencyCodeYer CurrencyCode = "YER"
  4719. CurrencyCodeZar CurrencyCode = "ZAR"
  4720. CurrencyCodeZmw CurrencyCode = "ZMW"
  4721. CurrencyCodeByr CurrencyCode = "BYR"
  4722. )
  4723. var AllCurrencyCode = []CurrencyCode{
  4724. CurrencyCodeAed,
  4725. CurrencyCodeAfn,
  4726. CurrencyCodeAll,
  4727. CurrencyCodeAmd,
  4728. CurrencyCodeAng,
  4729. CurrencyCodeAoa,
  4730. CurrencyCodeArs,
  4731. CurrencyCodeAud,
  4732. CurrencyCodeAwg,
  4733. CurrencyCodeAzn,
  4734. CurrencyCodeBam,
  4735. CurrencyCodeBbd,
  4736. CurrencyCodeBdt,
  4737. CurrencyCodeBgn,
  4738. CurrencyCodeBhd,
  4739. CurrencyCodeBif,
  4740. CurrencyCodeBmd,
  4741. CurrencyCodeBnd,
  4742. CurrencyCodeBob,
  4743. CurrencyCodeBrl,
  4744. CurrencyCodeBsd,
  4745. CurrencyCodeBtn,
  4746. CurrencyCodeBwp,
  4747. CurrencyCodeByn,
  4748. CurrencyCodeBzd,
  4749. CurrencyCodeCad,
  4750. CurrencyCodeCdf,
  4751. CurrencyCodeChf,
  4752. CurrencyCodeClp,
  4753. CurrencyCodeCny,
  4754. CurrencyCodeCop,
  4755. CurrencyCodeCrc,
  4756. CurrencyCodeCve,
  4757. CurrencyCodeCzk,
  4758. CurrencyCodeDjf,
  4759. CurrencyCodeDkk,
  4760. CurrencyCodeDop,
  4761. CurrencyCodeDzd,
  4762. CurrencyCodeEgp,
  4763. CurrencyCodeErn,
  4764. CurrencyCodeEtb,
  4765. CurrencyCodeEur,
  4766. CurrencyCodeFjd,
  4767. CurrencyCodeFkp,
  4768. CurrencyCodeGbp,
  4769. CurrencyCodeGel,
  4770. CurrencyCodeGhs,
  4771. CurrencyCodeGip,
  4772. CurrencyCodeGmd,
  4773. CurrencyCodeGnf,
  4774. CurrencyCodeGtq,
  4775. CurrencyCodeGyd,
  4776. CurrencyCodeHkd,
  4777. CurrencyCodeHnl,
  4778. CurrencyCodeHrk,
  4779. CurrencyCodeHtg,
  4780. CurrencyCodeHuf,
  4781. CurrencyCodeIDR,
  4782. CurrencyCodeIls,
  4783. CurrencyCodeInr,
  4784. CurrencyCodeIqd,
  4785. CurrencyCodeIrr,
  4786. CurrencyCodeIsk,
  4787. CurrencyCodeJep,
  4788. CurrencyCodeJmd,
  4789. CurrencyCodeJod,
  4790. CurrencyCodeJpy,
  4791. CurrencyCodeKes,
  4792. CurrencyCodeKgs,
  4793. CurrencyCodeKhr,
  4794. CurrencyCodeKid,
  4795. CurrencyCodeKmf,
  4796. CurrencyCodeKrw,
  4797. CurrencyCodeKwd,
  4798. CurrencyCodeKyd,
  4799. CurrencyCodeKzt,
  4800. CurrencyCodeLak,
  4801. CurrencyCodeLbp,
  4802. CurrencyCodeLkr,
  4803. CurrencyCodeLrd,
  4804. CurrencyCodeLsl,
  4805. CurrencyCodeLtl,
  4806. CurrencyCodeLvl,
  4807. CurrencyCodeLyd,
  4808. CurrencyCodeMad,
  4809. CurrencyCodeMdl,
  4810. CurrencyCodeMga,
  4811. CurrencyCodeMkd,
  4812. CurrencyCodeMmk,
  4813. CurrencyCodeMnt,
  4814. CurrencyCodeMop,
  4815. CurrencyCodeMru,
  4816. CurrencyCodeMur,
  4817. CurrencyCodeMvr,
  4818. CurrencyCodeMwk,
  4819. CurrencyCodeMxn,
  4820. CurrencyCodeMyr,
  4821. CurrencyCodeMzn,
  4822. CurrencyCodeNad,
  4823. CurrencyCodeNgn,
  4824. CurrencyCodeNio,
  4825. CurrencyCodeNok,
  4826. CurrencyCodeNpr,
  4827. CurrencyCodeNzd,
  4828. CurrencyCodeOmr,
  4829. CurrencyCodePab,
  4830. CurrencyCodePen,
  4831. CurrencyCodePgk,
  4832. CurrencyCodePhp,
  4833. CurrencyCodePkr,
  4834. CurrencyCodePln,
  4835. CurrencyCodePyg,
  4836. CurrencyCodeQar,
  4837. CurrencyCodeRon,
  4838. CurrencyCodeRsd,
  4839. CurrencyCodeRub,
  4840. CurrencyCodeRwf,
  4841. CurrencyCodeSar,
  4842. CurrencyCodeSbd,
  4843. CurrencyCodeScr,
  4844. CurrencyCodeSdg,
  4845. CurrencyCodeSek,
  4846. CurrencyCodeSgd,
  4847. CurrencyCodeShp,
  4848. CurrencyCodeSll,
  4849. CurrencyCodeSos,
  4850. CurrencyCodeSrd,
  4851. CurrencyCodeSsp,
  4852. CurrencyCodeStn,
  4853. CurrencyCodeSyp,
  4854. CurrencyCodeSzl,
  4855. CurrencyCodeThb,
  4856. CurrencyCodeTjs,
  4857. CurrencyCodeTmt,
  4858. CurrencyCodeTnd,
  4859. CurrencyCodeTop,
  4860. CurrencyCodeTry,
  4861. CurrencyCodeTtd,
  4862. CurrencyCodeTwd,
  4863. CurrencyCodeTzs,
  4864. CurrencyCodeUah,
  4865. CurrencyCodeUgx,
  4866. CurrencyCodeUsd,
  4867. CurrencyCodeUyu,
  4868. CurrencyCodeUzs,
  4869. CurrencyCodeVed,
  4870. CurrencyCodeVes,
  4871. CurrencyCodeVnd,
  4872. CurrencyCodeVuv,
  4873. CurrencyCodeWst,
  4874. CurrencyCodeXaf,
  4875. CurrencyCodeXcd,
  4876. CurrencyCodeXof,
  4877. CurrencyCodeXpf,
  4878. CurrencyCodeXxx,
  4879. CurrencyCodeYer,
  4880. CurrencyCodeZar,
  4881. CurrencyCodeZmw,
  4882. CurrencyCodeByr,
  4883. }
  4884. func (e CurrencyCode) IsValid() bool {
  4885. switch e {
  4886. case CurrencyCodeAed, CurrencyCodeAfn, CurrencyCodeAll, CurrencyCodeAmd, CurrencyCodeAng, CurrencyCodeAoa, CurrencyCodeArs, CurrencyCodeAud, CurrencyCodeAwg, CurrencyCodeAzn, CurrencyCodeBam, CurrencyCodeBbd, CurrencyCodeBdt, CurrencyCodeBgn, CurrencyCodeBhd, CurrencyCodeBif, CurrencyCodeBmd, CurrencyCodeBnd, CurrencyCodeBob, CurrencyCodeBrl, CurrencyCodeBsd, CurrencyCodeBtn, CurrencyCodeBwp, CurrencyCodeByn, CurrencyCodeBzd, CurrencyCodeCad, CurrencyCodeCdf, CurrencyCodeChf, CurrencyCodeClp, CurrencyCodeCny, CurrencyCodeCop, CurrencyCodeCrc, CurrencyCodeCve, CurrencyCodeCzk, CurrencyCodeDjf, CurrencyCodeDkk, CurrencyCodeDop, CurrencyCodeDzd, CurrencyCodeEgp, CurrencyCodeErn, CurrencyCodeEtb, CurrencyCodeEur, CurrencyCodeFjd, CurrencyCodeFkp, CurrencyCodeGbp, CurrencyCodeGel, CurrencyCodeGhs, CurrencyCodeGip, CurrencyCodeGmd, CurrencyCodeGnf, CurrencyCodeGtq, CurrencyCodeGyd, CurrencyCodeHkd, CurrencyCodeHnl, CurrencyCodeHrk, CurrencyCodeHtg, CurrencyCodeHuf, CurrencyCodeIDR, CurrencyCodeIls, CurrencyCodeInr, CurrencyCodeIqd, CurrencyCodeIrr, CurrencyCodeIsk, CurrencyCodeJep, CurrencyCodeJmd, CurrencyCodeJod, CurrencyCodeJpy, CurrencyCodeKes, CurrencyCodeKgs, CurrencyCodeKhr, CurrencyCodeKid, CurrencyCodeKmf, CurrencyCodeKrw, CurrencyCodeKwd, CurrencyCodeKyd, CurrencyCodeKzt, CurrencyCodeLak, CurrencyCodeLbp, CurrencyCodeLkr, CurrencyCodeLrd, CurrencyCodeLsl, CurrencyCodeLtl, CurrencyCodeLvl, CurrencyCodeLyd, CurrencyCodeMad, CurrencyCodeMdl, CurrencyCodeMga, CurrencyCodeMkd, CurrencyCodeMmk, CurrencyCodeMnt, CurrencyCodeMop, CurrencyCodeMru, CurrencyCodeMur, CurrencyCodeMvr, CurrencyCodeMwk, CurrencyCodeMxn, CurrencyCodeMyr, CurrencyCodeMzn, CurrencyCodeNad, CurrencyCodeNgn, CurrencyCodeNio, CurrencyCodeNok, CurrencyCodeNpr, CurrencyCodeNzd, CurrencyCodeOmr, CurrencyCodePab, CurrencyCodePen, CurrencyCodePgk, CurrencyCodePhp, CurrencyCodePkr, CurrencyCodePln, CurrencyCodePyg, CurrencyCodeQar, CurrencyCodeRon, CurrencyCodeRsd, CurrencyCodeRub, CurrencyCodeRwf, CurrencyCodeSar, CurrencyCodeSbd, CurrencyCodeScr, CurrencyCodeSdg, CurrencyCodeSek, CurrencyCodeSgd, CurrencyCodeShp, CurrencyCodeSll, CurrencyCodeSos, CurrencyCodeSrd, CurrencyCodeSsp, CurrencyCodeStn, CurrencyCodeSyp, CurrencyCodeSzl, CurrencyCodeThb, CurrencyCodeTjs, CurrencyCodeTmt, CurrencyCodeTnd, CurrencyCodeTop, CurrencyCodeTry, CurrencyCodeTtd, CurrencyCodeTwd, CurrencyCodeTzs, CurrencyCodeUah, CurrencyCodeUgx, CurrencyCodeUsd, CurrencyCodeUyu, CurrencyCodeUzs, CurrencyCodeVed, CurrencyCodeVes, CurrencyCodeVnd, CurrencyCodeVuv, CurrencyCodeWst, CurrencyCodeXaf, CurrencyCodeXcd, CurrencyCodeXof, CurrencyCodeXpf, CurrencyCodeXxx, CurrencyCodeYer, CurrencyCodeZar, CurrencyCodeZmw, CurrencyCodeByr:
  4887. return true
  4888. }
  4889. return false
  4890. }
  4891. func (e CurrencyCode) String() string {
  4892. return string(e)
  4893. }
  4894. func (e *CurrencyCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  4895. str, ok := v.(string)
  4896. if !ok {
  4897. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  4898. }
  4899. *e = CurrencyCode(str)
  4900. if !e.IsValid() {
  4901. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid CurrencyCode", str)
  4902. }
  4903. return nil
  4904. }
  4905. func (e CurrencyCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  4906. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  4907. }
  4908. type CustomerConsentCollectedFrom string
  4909. const (
  4910. CustomerConsentCollectedFromShopify CustomerConsentCollectedFrom = "SHOPIFY"
  4911. CustomerConsentCollectedFromOther CustomerConsentCollectedFrom = "OTHER"
  4912. )
  4913. var AllCustomerConsentCollectedFrom = []CustomerConsentCollectedFrom{
  4914. CustomerConsentCollectedFromShopify,
  4915. CustomerConsentCollectedFromOther,
  4916. }
  4917. func (e CustomerConsentCollectedFrom) IsValid() bool {
  4918. switch e {
  4919. case CustomerConsentCollectedFromShopify, CustomerConsentCollectedFromOther:
  4920. return true
  4921. }
  4922. return false
  4923. }
  4924. func (e CustomerConsentCollectedFrom) String() string {
  4925. return string(e)
  4926. }
  4927. func (e *CustomerConsentCollectedFrom) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  4928. str, ok := v.(string)
  4929. if !ok {
  4930. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  4931. }
  4932. *e = CustomerConsentCollectedFrom(str)
  4933. if !e.IsValid() {
  4934. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid CustomerConsentCollectedFrom", str)
  4935. }
  4936. return nil
  4937. }
  4938. func (e CustomerConsentCollectedFrom) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  4939. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  4940. }
  4941. type CustomerEmailMarketingState string
  4942. const (
  4943. CustomerEmailMarketingStateNotSubscribed CustomerEmailMarketingState = "NOT_SUBSCRIBED"
  4944. CustomerEmailMarketingStatePending CustomerEmailMarketingState = "PENDING"
  4945. CustomerEmailMarketingStateSubscribed CustomerEmailMarketingState = "SUBSCRIBED"
  4946. CustomerEmailMarketingStateUnsubscribed CustomerEmailMarketingState = "UNSUBSCRIBED"
  4947. CustomerEmailMarketingStateRedacted CustomerEmailMarketingState = "REDACTED"
  4948. CustomerEmailMarketingStateInvalid CustomerEmailMarketingState = "INVALID"
  4949. )
  4950. var AllCustomerEmailMarketingState = []CustomerEmailMarketingState{
  4951. CustomerEmailMarketingStateNotSubscribed,
  4952. CustomerEmailMarketingStatePending,
  4953. CustomerEmailMarketingStateSubscribed,
  4954. CustomerEmailMarketingStateUnsubscribed,
  4955. CustomerEmailMarketingStateRedacted,
  4956. CustomerEmailMarketingStateInvalid,
  4957. }
  4958. func (e CustomerEmailMarketingState) IsValid() bool {
  4959. switch e {
  4960. case CustomerEmailMarketingStateNotSubscribed, CustomerEmailMarketingStatePending, CustomerEmailMarketingStateSubscribed, CustomerEmailMarketingStateUnsubscribed, CustomerEmailMarketingStateRedacted, CustomerEmailMarketingStateInvalid:
  4961. return true
  4962. }
  4963. return false
  4964. }
  4965. func (e CustomerEmailMarketingState) String() string {
  4966. return string(e)
  4967. }
  4968. func (e *CustomerEmailMarketingState) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  4969. str, ok := v.(string)
  4970. if !ok {
  4971. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  4972. }
  4973. *e = CustomerEmailMarketingState(str)
  4974. if !e.IsValid() {
  4975. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid CustomerEmailMarketingState", str)
  4976. }
  4977. return nil
  4978. }
  4979. func (e CustomerEmailMarketingState) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  4980. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  4981. }
  4982. type CustomerMarketingOptInLevel string
  4983. const (
  4984. CustomerMarketingOptInLevelSingleOptIn CustomerMarketingOptInLevel = "SINGLE_OPT_IN"
  4985. CustomerMarketingOptInLevelConfirmedOptIn CustomerMarketingOptInLevel = "CONFIRMED_OPT_IN"
  4986. CustomerMarketingOptInLevelUnknown CustomerMarketingOptInLevel = "UNKNOWN"
  4987. )
  4988. var AllCustomerMarketingOptInLevel = []CustomerMarketingOptInLevel{
  4989. CustomerMarketingOptInLevelSingleOptIn,
  4990. CustomerMarketingOptInLevelConfirmedOptIn,
  4991. CustomerMarketingOptInLevelUnknown,
  4992. }
  4993. func (e CustomerMarketingOptInLevel) IsValid() bool {
  4994. switch e {
  4995. case CustomerMarketingOptInLevelSingleOptIn, CustomerMarketingOptInLevelConfirmedOptIn, CustomerMarketingOptInLevelUnknown:
  4996. return true
  4997. }
  4998. return false
  4999. }
  5000. func (e CustomerMarketingOptInLevel) String() string {
  5001. return string(e)
  5002. }
  5003. func (e *CustomerMarketingOptInLevel) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  5004. str, ok := v.(string)
  5005. if !ok {
  5006. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  5007. }
  5008. *e = CustomerMarketingOptInLevel(str)
  5009. if !e.IsValid() {
  5010. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid CustomerMarketingOptInLevel", str)
  5011. }
  5012. return nil
  5013. }
  5014. func (e CustomerMarketingOptInLevel) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  5015. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  5016. }
  5017. type CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReason string
  5018. const (
  5019. CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonAuthorizeNetGatewayNotEnabled CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReason = "AUTHORIZE_NET_GATEWAY_NOT_ENABLED"
  5020. CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonAuthorizeNetReturnedNoPaymentMethod CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReason = "AUTHORIZE_NET_RETURNED_NO_PAYMENT_METHOD"
  5021. CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonFailedToUpdateCreditCard CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReason = "FAILED_TO_UPDATE_CREDIT_CARD"
  5022. CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonStripeAPIAuthenticationError CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReason = "STRIPE_API_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR"
  5023. CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonStripeAPIInvalidRequestError CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReason = "STRIPE_API_INVALID_REQUEST_ERROR"
  5024. CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonStripeGatewayNotEnabled CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReason = "STRIPE_GATEWAY_NOT_ENABLED"
  5025. CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonStripeReturnedNoPaymentMethod CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReason = "STRIPE_RETURNED_NO_PAYMENT_METHOD"
  5026. CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonStripePaymentMethodNotCard CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReason = "STRIPE_PAYMENT_METHOD_NOT_CARD"
  5027. CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonBraintreeAPIAuthenticationError CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReason = "BRAINTREE_API_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR"
  5028. CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonBraintreeGatewayNotEnabled CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReason = "BRAINTREE_GATEWAY_NOT_ENABLED"
  5029. CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonBraintreeReturnedNoPaymentMethod CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReason = "BRAINTREE_RETURNED_NO_PAYMENT_METHOD"
  5030. CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonBraintreePaymentMethodNotCard CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReason = "BRAINTREE_PAYMENT_METHOD_NOT_CARD"
  5031. CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonManuallyRevoked CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReason = "MANUALLY_REVOKED"
  5032. CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonMerged CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReason = "MERGED"
  5033. )
  5034. var AllCustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReason = []CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReason{
  5035. CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonAuthorizeNetGatewayNotEnabled,
  5036. CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonAuthorizeNetReturnedNoPaymentMethod,
  5037. CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonFailedToUpdateCreditCard,
  5038. CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonStripeAPIAuthenticationError,
  5039. CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonStripeAPIInvalidRequestError,
  5040. CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonStripeGatewayNotEnabled,
  5041. CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonStripeReturnedNoPaymentMethod,
  5042. CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonStripePaymentMethodNotCard,
  5043. CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonBraintreeAPIAuthenticationError,
  5044. CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonBraintreeGatewayNotEnabled,
  5045. CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonBraintreeReturnedNoPaymentMethod,
  5046. CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonBraintreePaymentMethodNotCard,
  5047. CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonManuallyRevoked,
  5048. CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonMerged,
  5049. }
  5050. func (e CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReason) IsValid() bool {
  5051. switch e {
  5052. case CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonAuthorizeNetGatewayNotEnabled, CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonAuthorizeNetReturnedNoPaymentMethod, CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonFailedToUpdateCreditCard, CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonStripeAPIAuthenticationError, CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonStripeAPIInvalidRequestError, CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonStripeGatewayNotEnabled, CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonStripeReturnedNoPaymentMethod, CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonStripePaymentMethodNotCard, CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonBraintreeAPIAuthenticationError, CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonBraintreeGatewayNotEnabled, CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonBraintreeReturnedNoPaymentMethod, CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonBraintreePaymentMethodNotCard, CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonManuallyRevoked, CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReasonMerged:
  5053. return true
  5054. }
  5055. return false
  5056. }
  5057. func (e CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReason) String() string {
  5058. return string(e)
  5059. }
  5060. func (e *CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReason) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  5061. str, ok := v.(string)
  5062. if !ok {
  5063. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  5064. }
  5065. *e = CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReason(str)
  5066. if !e.IsValid() {
  5067. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReason", str)
  5068. }
  5069. return nil
  5070. }
  5071. func (e CustomerPaymentMethodRevocationReason) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  5072. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  5073. }
  5074. type CustomerPredictedSpendTier string
  5075. const (
  5076. CustomerPredictedSpendTierHigh CustomerPredictedSpendTier = "HIGH"
  5077. CustomerPredictedSpendTierMedium CustomerPredictedSpendTier = "MEDIUM"
  5078. CustomerPredictedSpendTierLow CustomerPredictedSpendTier = "LOW"
  5079. )
  5080. var AllCustomerPredictedSpendTier = []CustomerPredictedSpendTier{
  5081. CustomerPredictedSpendTierHigh,
  5082. CustomerPredictedSpendTierMedium,
  5083. CustomerPredictedSpendTierLow,
  5084. }
  5085. func (e CustomerPredictedSpendTier) IsValid() bool {
  5086. switch e {
  5087. case CustomerPredictedSpendTierHigh, CustomerPredictedSpendTierMedium, CustomerPredictedSpendTierLow:
  5088. return true
  5089. }
  5090. return false
  5091. }
  5092. func (e CustomerPredictedSpendTier) String() string {
  5093. return string(e)
  5094. }
  5095. func (e *CustomerPredictedSpendTier) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  5096. str, ok := v.(string)
  5097. if !ok {
  5098. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  5099. }
  5100. *e = CustomerPredictedSpendTier(str)
  5101. if !e.IsValid() {
  5102. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid CustomerPredictedSpendTier", str)
  5103. }
  5104. return nil
  5105. }
  5106. func (e CustomerPredictedSpendTier) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  5107. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  5108. }
  5109. type CustomerProductSubscriberStatus string
  5110. const (
  5111. CustomerProductSubscriberStatusActive CustomerProductSubscriberStatus = "ACTIVE"
  5112. CustomerProductSubscriberStatusCancelled CustomerProductSubscriberStatus = "CANCELLED"
  5113. CustomerProductSubscriberStatusExpired CustomerProductSubscriberStatus = "EXPIRED"
  5114. CustomerProductSubscriberStatusFailed CustomerProductSubscriberStatus = "FAILED"
  5115. CustomerProductSubscriberStatusNeverSubscribed CustomerProductSubscriberStatus = "NEVER_SUBSCRIBED"
  5116. CustomerProductSubscriberStatusPaused CustomerProductSubscriberStatus = "PAUSED"
  5117. )
  5118. var AllCustomerProductSubscriberStatus = []CustomerProductSubscriberStatus{
  5119. CustomerProductSubscriberStatusActive,
  5120. CustomerProductSubscriberStatusCancelled,
  5121. CustomerProductSubscriberStatusExpired,
  5122. CustomerProductSubscriberStatusFailed,
  5123. CustomerProductSubscriberStatusNeverSubscribed,
  5124. CustomerProductSubscriberStatusPaused,
  5125. }
  5126. func (e CustomerProductSubscriberStatus) IsValid() bool {
  5127. switch e {
  5128. case CustomerProductSubscriberStatusActive, CustomerProductSubscriberStatusCancelled, CustomerProductSubscriberStatusExpired, CustomerProductSubscriberStatusFailed, CustomerProductSubscriberStatusNeverSubscribed, CustomerProductSubscriberStatusPaused:
  5129. return true
  5130. }
  5131. return false
  5132. }
  5133. func (e CustomerProductSubscriberStatus) String() string {
  5134. return string(e)
  5135. }
  5136. func (e *CustomerProductSubscriberStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  5137. str, ok := v.(string)
  5138. if !ok {
  5139. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  5140. }
  5141. *e = CustomerProductSubscriberStatus(str)
  5142. if !e.IsValid() {
  5143. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid CustomerProductSubscriberStatus", str)
  5144. }
  5145. return nil
  5146. }
  5147. func (e CustomerProductSubscriberStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  5148. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  5149. }
  5150. type CustomerSmsMarketingState string
  5151. const (
  5152. CustomerSmsMarketingStateNotSubscribed CustomerSmsMarketingState = "NOT_SUBSCRIBED"
  5153. CustomerSmsMarketingStatePending CustomerSmsMarketingState = "PENDING"
  5154. CustomerSmsMarketingStateSubscribed CustomerSmsMarketingState = "SUBSCRIBED"
  5155. CustomerSmsMarketingStateUnsubscribed CustomerSmsMarketingState = "UNSUBSCRIBED"
  5156. CustomerSmsMarketingStateRedacted CustomerSmsMarketingState = "REDACTED"
  5157. )
  5158. var AllCustomerSmsMarketingState = []CustomerSmsMarketingState{
  5159. CustomerSmsMarketingStateNotSubscribed,
  5160. CustomerSmsMarketingStatePending,
  5161. CustomerSmsMarketingStateSubscribed,
  5162. CustomerSmsMarketingStateUnsubscribed,
  5163. CustomerSmsMarketingStateRedacted,
  5164. }
  5165. func (e CustomerSmsMarketingState) IsValid() bool {
  5166. switch e {
  5167. case CustomerSmsMarketingStateNotSubscribed, CustomerSmsMarketingStatePending, CustomerSmsMarketingStateSubscribed, CustomerSmsMarketingStateUnsubscribed, CustomerSmsMarketingStateRedacted:
  5168. return true
  5169. }
  5170. return false
  5171. }
  5172. func (e CustomerSmsMarketingState) String() string {
  5173. return string(e)
  5174. }
  5175. func (e *CustomerSmsMarketingState) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  5176. str, ok := v.(string)
  5177. if !ok {
  5178. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  5179. }
  5180. *e = CustomerSmsMarketingState(str)
  5181. if !e.IsValid() {
  5182. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid CustomerSmsMarketingState", str)
  5183. }
  5184. return nil
  5185. }
  5186. func (e CustomerSmsMarketingState) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  5187. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  5188. }
  5189. type CustomerState string
  5190. const (
  5191. CustomerStateDeclined CustomerState = "DECLINED"
  5192. CustomerStateDisabled CustomerState = "DISABLED"
  5193. CustomerStateEnabled CustomerState = "ENABLED"
  5194. CustomerStateInvited CustomerState = "INVITED"
  5195. )
  5196. var AllCustomerState = []CustomerState{
  5197. CustomerStateDeclined,
  5198. CustomerStateDisabled,
  5199. CustomerStateEnabled,
  5200. CustomerStateInvited,
  5201. }
  5202. func (e CustomerState) IsValid() bool {
  5203. switch e {
  5204. case CustomerStateDeclined, CustomerStateDisabled, CustomerStateEnabled, CustomerStateInvited:
  5205. return true
  5206. }
  5207. return false
  5208. }
  5209. func (e CustomerState) String() string {
  5210. return string(e)
  5211. }
  5212. func (e *CustomerState) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  5213. str, ok := v.(string)
  5214. if !ok {
  5215. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  5216. }
  5217. *e = CustomerState(str)
  5218. if !e.IsValid() {
  5219. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid CustomerState", str)
  5220. }
  5221. return nil
  5222. }
  5223. func (e CustomerState) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  5224. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  5225. }
  5226. type DeliveryConditionField string
  5227. const (
  5228. DeliveryConditionFieldTotalWeight DeliveryConditionField = "TOTAL_WEIGHT"
  5229. DeliveryConditionFieldTotalPrice DeliveryConditionField = "TOTAL_PRICE"
  5230. )
  5231. var AllDeliveryConditionField = []DeliveryConditionField{
  5232. DeliveryConditionFieldTotalWeight,
  5233. DeliveryConditionFieldTotalPrice,
  5234. }
  5235. func (e DeliveryConditionField) IsValid() bool {
  5236. switch e {
  5237. case DeliveryConditionFieldTotalWeight, DeliveryConditionFieldTotalPrice:
  5238. return true
  5239. }
  5240. return false
  5241. }
  5242. func (e DeliveryConditionField) String() string {
  5243. return string(e)
  5244. }
  5245. func (e *DeliveryConditionField) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  5246. str, ok := v.(string)
  5247. if !ok {
  5248. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  5249. }
  5250. *e = DeliveryConditionField(str)
  5251. if !e.IsValid() {
  5252. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid DeliveryConditionField", str)
  5253. }
  5254. return nil
  5255. }
  5256. func (e DeliveryConditionField) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  5257. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  5258. }
  5259. type DeliveryConditionOperator string
  5260. const (
  5261. DeliveryConditionOperatorGreaterThanOrEqualTo DeliveryConditionOperator = "GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO"
  5262. DeliveryConditionOperatorLessThanOrEqualTo DeliveryConditionOperator = "LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO"
  5263. )
  5264. var AllDeliveryConditionOperator = []DeliveryConditionOperator{
  5265. DeliveryConditionOperatorGreaterThanOrEqualTo,
  5266. DeliveryConditionOperatorLessThanOrEqualTo,
  5267. }
  5268. func (e DeliveryConditionOperator) IsValid() bool {
  5269. switch e {
  5270. case DeliveryConditionOperatorGreaterThanOrEqualTo, DeliveryConditionOperatorLessThanOrEqualTo:
  5271. return true
  5272. }
  5273. return false
  5274. }
  5275. func (e DeliveryConditionOperator) String() string {
  5276. return string(e)
  5277. }
  5278. func (e *DeliveryConditionOperator) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  5279. str, ok := v.(string)
  5280. if !ok {
  5281. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  5282. }
  5283. *e = DeliveryConditionOperator(str)
  5284. if !e.IsValid() {
  5285. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid DeliveryConditionOperator", str)
  5286. }
  5287. return nil
  5288. }
  5289. func (e DeliveryConditionOperator) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  5290. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  5291. }
  5292. type DeliveryMethodDefinitionType string
  5293. const (
  5294. DeliveryMethodDefinitionTypeMerchant DeliveryMethodDefinitionType = "MERCHANT"
  5295. DeliveryMethodDefinitionTypeParticipant DeliveryMethodDefinitionType = "PARTICIPANT"
  5296. )
  5297. var AllDeliveryMethodDefinitionType = []DeliveryMethodDefinitionType{
  5298. DeliveryMethodDefinitionTypeMerchant,
  5299. DeliveryMethodDefinitionTypeParticipant,
  5300. }
  5301. func (e DeliveryMethodDefinitionType) IsValid() bool {
  5302. switch e {
  5303. case DeliveryMethodDefinitionTypeMerchant, DeliveryMethodDefinitionTypeParticipant:
  5304. return true
  5305. }
  5306. return false
  5307. }
  5308. func (e DeliveryMethodDefinitionType) String() string {
  5309. return string(e)
  5310. }
  5311. func (e *DeliveryMethodDefinitionType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  5312. str, ok := v.(string)
  5313. if !ok {
  5314. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  5315. }
  5316. *e = DeliveryMethodDefinitionType(str)
  5317. if !e.IsValid() {
  5318. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid DeliveryMethodDefinitionType", str)
  5319. }
  5320. return nil
  5321. }
  5322. func (e DeliveryMethodDefinitionType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  5323. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  5324. }
  5325. type DeliveryMethodType string
  5326. const (
  5327. DeliveryMethodTypeShipping DeliveryMethodType = "SHIPPING"
  5328. DeliveryMethodTypePickUp DeliveryMethodType = "PICK_UP"
  5329. DeliveryMethodTypeNone DeliveryMethodType = "NONE"
  5330. DeliveryMethodTypeRetail DeliveryMethodType = "RETAIL"
  5331. DeliveryMethodTypeLocal DeliveryMethodType = "LOCAL"
  5332. )
  5333. var AllDeliveryMethodType = []DeliveryMethodType{
  5334. DeliveryMethodTypeShipping,
  5335. DeliveryMethodTypePickUp,
  5336. DeliveryMethodTypeNone,
  5337. DeliveryMethodTypeRetail,
  5338. DeliveryMethodTypeLocal,
  5339. }
  5340. func (e DeliveryMethodType) IsValid() bool {
  5341. switch e {
  5342. case DeliveryMethodTypeShipping, DeliveryMethodTypePickUp, DeliveryMethodTypeNone, DeliveryMethodTypeRetail, DeliveryMethodTypeLocal:
  5343. return true
  5344. }
  5345. return false
  5346. }
  5347. func (e DeliveryMethodType) String() string {
  5348. return string(e)
  5349. }
  5350. func (e *DeliveryMethodType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  5351. str, ok := v.(string)
  5352. if !ok {
  5353. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  5354. }
  5355. *e = DeliveryMethodType(str)
  5356. if !e.IsValid() {
  5357. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid DeliveryMethodType", str)
  5358. }
  5359. return nil
  5360. }
  5361. func (e DeliveryMethodType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  5362. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  5363. }
  5364. type DigitalWallet string
  5365. const (
  5366. DigitalWalletApplePay DigitalWallet = "APPLE_PAY"
  5367. DigitalWalletAndroidPay DigitalWallet = "ANDROID_PAY"
  5368. DigitalWalletGooglePay DigitalWallet = "GOOGLE_PAY"
  5369. DigitalWalletShopifyPay DigitalWallet = "SHOPIFY_PAY"
  5370. )
  5371. var AllDigitalWallet = []DigitalWallet{
  5372. DigitalWalletApplePay,
  5373. DigitalWalletAndroidPay,
  5374. DigitalWalletGooglePay,
  5375. DigitalWalletShopifyPay,
  5376. }
  5377. func (e DigitalWallet) IsValid() bool {
  5378. switch e {
  5379. case DigitalWalletApplePay, DigitalWalletAndroidPay, DigitalWalletGooglePay, DigitalWalletShopifyPay:
  5380. return true
  5381. }
  5382. return false
  5383. }
  5384. func (e DigitalWallet) String() string {
  5385. return string(e)
  5386. }
  5387. func (e *DigitalWallet) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  5388. str, ok := v.(string)
  5389. if !ok {
  5390. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  5391. }
  5392. *e = DigitalWallet(str)
  5393. if !e.IsValid() {
  5394. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid DigitalWallet", str)
  5395. }
  5396. return nil
  5397. }
  5398. func (e DigitalWallet) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  5399. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  5400. }
  5401. type DiscountApplicationAllocationMethod string
  5402. const (
  5403. DiscountApplicationAllocationMethodAcross DiscountApplicationAllocationMethod = "ACROSS"
  5404. DiscountApplicationAllocationMethodEach DiscountApplicationAllocationMethod = "EACH"
  5405. )
  5406. var AllDiscountApplicationAllocationMethod = []DiscountApplicationAllocationMethod{
  5407. DiscountApplicationAllocationMethodAcross,
  5408. DiscountApplicationAllocationMethodEach,
  5409. }
  5410. func (e DiscountApplicationAllocationMethod) IsValid() bool {
  5411. switch e {
  5412. case DiscountApplicationAllocationMethodAcross, DiscountApplicationAllocationMethodEach:
  5413. return true
  5414. }
  5415. return false
  5416. }
  5417. func (e DiscountApplicationAllocationMethod) String() string {
  5418. return string(e)
  5419. }
  5420. func (e *DiscountApplicationAllocationMethod) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  5421. str, ok := v.(string)
  5422. if !ok {
  5423. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  5424. }
  5425. *e = DiscountApplicationAllocationMethod(str)
  5426. if !e.IsValid() {
  5427. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid DiscountApplicationAllocationMethod", str)
  5428. }
  5429. return nil
  5430. }
  5431. func (e DiscountApplicationAllocationMethod) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  5432. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  5433. }
  5434. type DiscountApplicationTargetSelection string
  5435. const (
  5436. DiscountApplicationTargetSelectionAll DiscountApplicationTargetSelection = "ALL"
  5437. DiscountApplicationTargetSelectionEntitled DiscountApplicationTargetSelection = "ENTITLED"
  5438. DiscountApplicationTargetSelectionExplicit DiscountApplicationTargetSelection = "EXPLICIT"
  5439. )
  5440. var AllDiscountApplicationTargetSelection = []DiscountApplicationTargetSelection{
  5441. DiscountApplicationTargetSelectionAll,
  5442. DiscountApplicationTargetSelectionEntitled,
  5443. DiscountApplicationTargetSelectionExplicit,
  5444. }
  5445. func (e DiscountApplicationTargetSelection) IsValid() bool {
  5446. switch e {
  5447. case DiscountApplicationTargetSelectionAll, DiscountApplicationTargetSelectionEntitled, DiscountApplicationTargetSelectionExplicit:
  5448. return true
  5449. }
  5450. return false
  5451. }
  5452. func (e DiscountApplicationTargetSelection) String() string {
  5453. return string(e)
  5454. }
  5455. func (e *DiscountApplicationTargetSelection) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  5456. str, ok := v.(string)
  5457. if !ok {
  5458. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  5459. }
  5460. *e = DiscountApplicationTargetSelection(str)
  5461. if !e.IsValid() {
  5462. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid DiscountApplicationTargetSelection", str)
  5463. }
  5464. return nil
  5465. }
  5466. func (e DiscountApplicationTargetSelection) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  5467. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  5468. }
  5469. type DiscountApplicationTargetType string
  5470. const (
  5471. DiscountApplicationTargetTypeLineItem DiscountApplicationTargetType = "LINE_ITEM"
  5472. DiscountApplicationTargetTypeShippingLine DiscountApplicationTargetType = "SHIPPING_LINE"
  5473. )
  5474. var AllDiscountApplicationTargetType = []DiscountApplicationTargetType{
  5475. DiscountApplicationTargetTypeLineItem,
  5476. DiscountApplicationTargetTypeShippingLine,
  5477. }
  5478. func (e DiscountApplicationTargetType) IsValid() bool {
  5479. switch e {
  5480. case DiscountApplicationTargetTypeLineItem, DiscountApplicationTargetTypeShippingLine:
  5481. return true
  5482. }
  5483. return false
  5484. }
  5485. func (e DiscountApplicationTargetType) String() string {
  5486. return string(e)
  5487. }
  5488. func (e *DiscountApplicationTargetType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  5489. str, ok := v.(string)
  5490. if !ok {
  5491. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  5492. }
  5493. *e = DiscountApplicationTargetType(str)
  5494. if !e.IsValid() {
  5495. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid DiscountApplicationTargetType", str)
  5496. }
  5497. return nil
  5498. }
  5499. func (e DiscountApplicationTargetType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  5500. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  5501. }
  5502. type DiscountTargetType string
  5503. const (
  5504. DiscountTargetTypeLineItem DiscountTargetType = "LINE_ITEM"
  5505. DiscountTargetTypeShippingLine DiscountTargetType = "SHIPPING_LINE"
  5506. )
  5507. var AllDiscountTargetType = []DiscountTargetType{
  5508. DiscountTargetTypeLineItem,
  5509. DiscountTargetTypeShippingLine,
  5510. }
  5511. func (e DiscountTargetType) IsValid() bool {
  5512. switch e {
  5513. case DiscountTargetTypeLineItem, DiscountTargetTypeShippingLine:
  5514. return true
  5515. }
  5516. return false
  5517. }
  5518. func (e DiscountTargetType) String() string {
  5519. return string(e)
  5520. }
  5521. func (e *DiscountTargetType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  5522. str, ok := v.(string)
  5523. if !ok {
  5524. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  5525. }
  5526. *e = DiscountTargetType(str)
  5527. if !e.IsValid() {
  5528. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid DiscountTargetType", str)
  5529. }
  5530. return nil
  5531. }
  5532. func (e DiscountTargetType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  5533. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  5534. }
  5535. type DiscountType string
  5536. const (
  5537. DiscountTypeManual DiscountType = "MANUAL"
  5538. DiscountTypeCodeDiscount DiscountType = "CODE_DISCOUNT"
  5539. )
  5540. var AllDiscountType = []DiscountType{
  5541. DiscountTypeManual,
  5542. DiscountTypeCodeDiscount,
  5543. }
  5544. func (e DiscountType) IsValid() bool {
  5545. switch e {
  5546. case DiscountTypeManual, DiscountTypeCodeDiscount:
  5547. return true
  5548. }
  5549. return false
  5550. }
  5551. func (e DiscountType) String() string {
  5552. return string(e)
  5553. }
  5554. func (e *DiscountType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  5555. str, ok := v.(string)
  5556. if !ok {
  5557. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  5558. }
  5559. *e = DiscountType(str)
  5560. if !e.IsValid() {
  5561. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid DiscountType", str)
  5562. }
  5563. return nil
  5564. }
  5565. func (e DiscountType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  5566. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  5567. }
  5568. type DisputeStatus string
  5569. const (
  5570. DisputeStatusNeedsResponse DisputeStatus = "NEEDS_RESPONSE"
  5571. DisputeStatusUnderReview DisputeStatus = "UNDER_REVIEW"
  5572. DisputeStatusChargeRefunded DisputeStatus = "CHARGE_REFUNDED"
  5573. DisputeStatusAccepted DisputeStatus = "ACCEPTED"
  5574. DisputeStatusWon DisputeStatus = "WON"
  5575. DisputeStatusLost DisputeStatus = "LOST"
  5576. )
  5577. var AllDisputeStatus = []DisputeStatus{
  5578. DisputeStatusNeedsResponse,
  5579. DisputeStatusUnderReview,
  5580. DisputeStatusChargeRefunded,
  5581. DisputeStatusAccepted,
  5582. DisputeStatusWon,
  5583. DisputeStatusLost,
  5584. }
  5585. func (e DisputeStatus) IsValid() bool {
  5586. switch e {
  5587. case DisputeStatusNeedsResponse, DisputeStatusUnderReview, DisputeStatusChargeRefunded, DisputeStatusAccepted, DisputeStatusWon, DisputeStatusLost:
  5588. return true
  5589. }
  5590. return false
  5591. }
  5592. func (e DisputeStatus) String() string {
  5593. return string(e)
  5594. }
  5595. func (e *DisputeStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  5596. str, ok := v.(string)
  5597. if !ok {
  5598. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  5599. }
  5600. *e = DisputeStatus(str)
  5601. if !e.IsValid() {
  5602. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid DisputeStatus", str)
  5603. }
  5604. return nil
  5605. }
  5606. func (e DisputeStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  5607. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  5608. }
  5609. type DisputeType string
  5610. const (
  5611. DisputeTypeChargeback DisputeType = "CHARGEBACK"
  5612. DisputeTypeInquiry DisputeType = "INQUIRY"
  5613. )
  5614. var AllDisputeType = []DisputeType{
  5615. DisputeTypeChargeback,
  5616. DisputeTypeInquiry,
  5617. }
  5618. func (e DisputeType) IsValid() bool {
  5619. switch e {
  5620. case DisputeTypeChargeback, DisputeTypeInquiry:
  5621. return true
  5622. }
  5623. return false
  5624. }
  5625. func (e DisputeType) String() string {
  5626. return string(e)
  5627. }
  5628. func (e *DisputeType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  5629. str, ok := v.(string)
  5630. if !ok {
  5631. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  5632. }
  5633. *e = DisputeType(str)
  5634. if !e.IsValid() {
  5635. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid DisputeType", str)
  5636. }
  5637. return nil
  5638. }
  5639. func (e DisputeType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  5640. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  5641. }
  5642. type DraftOrderAppliedDiscountType string
  5643. const (
  5644. DraftOrderAppliedDiscountTypeFixedAmount DraftOrderAppliedDiscountType = "FIXED_AMOUNT"
  5645. DraftOrderAppliedDiscountTypePercentage DraftOrderAppliedDiscountType = "PERCENTAGE"
  5646. )
  5647. var AllDraftOrderAppliedDiscountType = []DraftOrderAppliedDiscountType{
  5648. DraftOrderAppliedDiscountTypeFixedAmount,
  5649. DraftOrderAppliedDiscountTypePercentage,
  5650. }
  5651. func (e DraftOrderAppliedDiscountType) IsValid() bool {
  5652. switch e {
  5653. case DraftOrderAppliedDiscountTypeFixedAmount, DraftOrderAppliedDiscountTypePercentage:
  5654. return true
  5655. }
  5656. return false
  5657. }
  5658. func (e DraftOrderAppliedDiscountType) String() string {
  5659. return string(e)
  5660. }
  5661. func (e *DraftOrderAppliedDiscountType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  5662. str, ok := v.(string)
  5663. if !ok {
  5664. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  5665. }
  5666. *e = DraftOrderAppliedDiscountType(str)
  5667. if !e.IsValid() {
  5668. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid DraftOrderAppliedDiscountType", str)
  5669. }
  5670. return nil
  5671. }
  5672. func (e DraftOrderAppliedDiscountType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  5673. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  5674. }
  5675. type DraftOrderSortKeys string
  5676. const (
  5677. DraftOrderSortKeysNumber DraftOrderSortKeys = "NUMBER"
  5678. DraftOrderSortKeysUpdatedAt DraftOrderSortKeys = "UPDATED_AT"
  5679. DraftOrderSortKeysStatus DraftOrderSortKeys = "STATUS"
  5680. DraftOrderSortKeysTotalPrice DraftOrderSortKeys = "TOTAL_PRICE"
  5681. DraftOrderSortKeysCustomerName DraftOrderSortKeys = "CUSTOMER_NAME"
  5682. DraftOrderSortKeysID DraftOrderSortKeys = "ID"
  5683. DraftOrderSortKeysRelevance DraftOrderSortKeys = "RELEVANCE"
  5684. )
  5685. var AllDraftOrderSortKeys = []DraftOrderSortKeys{
  5686. DraftOrderSortKeysNumber,
  5687. DraftOrderSortKeysUpdatedAt,
  5688. DraftOrderSortKeysStatus,
  5689. DraftOrderSortKeysTotalPrice,
  5690. DraftOrderSortKeysCustomerName,
  5691. DraftOrderSortKeysID,
  5692. DraftOrderSortKeysRelevance,
  5693. }
  5694. func (e DraftOrderSortKeys) IsValid() bool {
  5695. switch e {
  5696. case DraftOrderSortKeysNumber, DraftOrderSortKeysUpdatedAt, DraftOrderSortKeysStatus, DraftOrderSortKeysTotalPrice, DraftOrderSortKeysCustomerName, DraftOrderSortKeysID, DraftOrderSortKeysRelevance:
  5697. return true
  5698. }
  5699. return false
  5700. }
  5701. func (e DraftOrderSortKeys) String() string {
  5702. return string(e)
  5703. }
  5704. func (e *DraftOrderSortKeys) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  5705. str, ok := v.(string)
  5706. if !ok {
  5707. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  5708. }
  5709. *e = DraftOrderSortKeys(str)
  5710. if !e.IsValid() {
  5711. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid DraftOrderSortKeys", str)
  5712. }
  5713. return nil
  5714. }
  5715. func (e DraftOrderSortKeys) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  5716. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  5717. }
  5718. type DraftOrderStatus string
  5719. const (
  5720. DraftOrderStatusCompleted DraftOrderStatus = "COMPLETED"
  5721. DraftOrderStatusInvoiceSent DraftOrderStatus = "INVOICE_SENT"
  5722. DraftOrderStatusOpen DraftOrderStatus = "OPEN"
  5723. )
  5724. var AllDraftOrderStatus = []DraftOrderStatus{
  5725. DraftOrderStatusCompleted,
  5726. DraftOrderStatusInvoiceSent,
  5727. DraftOrderStatusOpen,
  5728. }
  5729. func (e DraftOrderStatus) IsValid() bool {
  5730. switch e {
  5731. case DraftOrderStatusCompleted, DraftOrderStatusInvoiceSent, DraftOrderStatusOpen:
  5732. return true
  5733. }
  5734. return false
  5735. }
  5736. func (e DraftOrderStatus) String() string {
  5737. return string(e)
  5738. }
  5739. func (e *DraftOrderStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  5740. str, ok := v.(string)
  5741. if !ok {
  5742. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  5743. }
  5744. *e = DraftOrderStatus(str)
  5745. if !e.IsValid() {
  5746. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid DraftOrderStatus", str)
  5747. }
  5748. return nil
  5749. }
  5750. func (e DraftOrderStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  5751. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  5752. }
  5753. type EventSortKeys string
  5754. const (
  5755. EventSortKeysCreatedAt EventSortKeys = "CREATED_AT"
  5756. EventSortKeysID EventSortKeys = "ID"
  5757. EventSortKeysRelevance EventSortKeys = "RELEVANCE"
  5758. )
  5759. var AllEventSortKeys = []EventSortKeys{
  5760. EventSortKeysCreatedAt,
  5761. EventSortKeysID,
  5762. EventSortKeysRelevance,
  5763. }
  5764. func (e EventSortKeys) IsValid() bool {
  5765. switch e {
  5766. case EventSortKeysCreatedAt, EventSortKeysID, EventSortKeysRelevance:
  5767. return true
  5768. }
  5769. return false
  5770. }
  5771. func (e EventSortKeys) String() string {
  5772. return string(e)
  5773. }
  5774. func (e *EventSortKeys) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  5775. str, ok := v.(string)
  5776. if !ok {
  5777. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  5778. }
  5779. *e = EventSortKeys(str)
  5780. if !e.IsValid() {
  5781. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid EventSortKeys", str)
  5782. }
  5783. return nil
  5784. }
  5785. func (e EventSortKeys) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  5786. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  5787. }
  5788. type FileErrorCode string
  5789. const (
  5790. FileErrorCodeUnknown FileErrorCode = "UNKNOWN"
  5791. FileErrorCodeInvalidSignedURL FileErrorCode = "INVALID_SIGNED_URL"
  5792. FileErrorCodeImageDownloadFailure FileErrorCode = "IMAGE_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE"
  5793. FileErrorCodeImageProcessingFailure FileErrorCode = "IMAGE_PROCESSING_FAILURE"
  5794. FileErrorCodeMediaTimeoutError FileErrorCode = "MEDIA_TIMEOUT_ERROR"
  5795. FileErrorCodeExternalVideoNotFound FileErrorCode = "EXTERNAL_VIDEO_NOT_FOUND"
  5796. FileErrorCodeExternalVideoUnlisted FileErrorCode = "EXTERNAL_VIDEO_UNLISTED"
  5797. FileErrorCodeExternalVideoInvalidAspectRatio FileErrorCode = "EXTERNAL_VIDEO_INVALID_ASPECT_RATIO"
  5798. FileErrorCodeExternalVideoEmbedDisabled FileErrorCode = "EXTERNAL_VIDEO_EMBED_DISABLED"
  5799. FileErrorCodeExternalVideoEmbedNotFoundOrTranscoding FileErrorCode = "EXTERNAL_VIDEO_EMBED_NOT_FOUND_OR_TRANSCODING"
  5800. FileErrorCodeGenericFileDownloadFailure FileErrorCode = "GENERIC_FILE_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE"
  5801. FileErrorCodeGenericFileInvalidSize FileErrorCode = "GENERIC_FILE_INVALID_SIZE"
  5802. FileErrorCodeVideoMetadataReadError FileErrorCode = "VIDEO_METADATA_READ_ERROR"
  5803. FileErrorCodeVideoInvalidFiletypeError FileErrorCode = "VIDEO_INVALID_FILETYPE_ERROR"
  5804. FileErrorCodeVideoMinWidthError FileErrorCode = "VIDEO_MIN_WIDTH_ERROR"
  5805. FileErrorCodeVideoMaxWidthError FileErrorCode = "VIDEO_MAX_WIDTH_ERROR"
  5806. FileErrorCodeVideoMinHeightError FileErrorCode = "VIDEO_MIN_HEIGHT_ERROR"
  5807. FileErrorCodeVideoMaxHeightError FileErrorCode = "VIDEO_MAX_HEIGHT_ERROR"
  5808. FileErrorCodeVideoMinDurationError FileErrorCode = "VIDEO_MIN_DURATION_ERROR"
  5809. FileErrorCodeVideoMaxDurationError FileErrorCode = "VIDEO_MAX_DURATION_ERROR"
  5810. FileErrorCodeVideoValidationError FileErrorCode = "VIDEO_VALIDATION_ERROR"
  5811. FileErrorCodeModel3dValidationError FileErrorCode = "MODEL3D_VALIDATION_ERROR"
  5812. FileErrorCodeModel3dThumbnailGenerationError FileErrorCode = "MODEL3D_THUMBNAIL_GENERATION_ERROR"
  5813. FileErrorCodeModel3dGlbToUsdzConversionError FileErrorCode = "MODEL3D_GLB_TO_USDZ_CONVERSION_ERROR"
  5814. FileErrorCodeModel3dGlbOutputCreationError FileErrorCode = "MODEL3D_GLB_OUTPUT_CREATION_ERROR"
  5815. FileErrorCodeModel3dProcessingFailure FileErrorCode = "MODEL3D_PROCESSING_FAILURE"
  5816. FileErrorCodeUnsupportedImageFileType FileErrorCode = "UNSUPPORTED_IMAGE_FILE_TYPE"
  5817. FileErrorCodeInvalidImageFileSize FileErrorCode = "INVALID_IMAGE_FILE_SIZE"
  5818. FileErrorCodeInvalidImageAspectRatio FileErrorCode = "INVALID_IMAGE_ASPECT_RATIO"
  5819. FileErrorCodeInvalidImageResolution FileErrorCode = "INVALID_IMAGE_RESOLUTION"
  5820. FileErrorCodeFileStorageLimitExceeded FileErrorCode = "FILE_STORAGE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED"
  5821. )
  5822. var AllFileErrorCode = []FileErrorCode{
  5823. FileErrorCodeUnknown,
  5824. FileErrorCodeInvalidSignedURL,
  5825. FileErrorCodeImageDownloadFailure,
  5826. FileErrorCodeImageProcessingFailure,
  5827. FileErrorCodeMediaTimeoutError,
  5828. FileErrorCodeExternalVideoNotFound,
  5829. FileErrorCodeExternalVideoUnlisted,
  5830. FileErrorCodeExternalVideoInvalidAspectRatio,
  5831. FileErrorCodeExternalVideoEmbedDisabled,
  5832. FileErrorCodeExternalVideoEmbedNotFoundOrTranscoding,
  5833. FileErrorCodeGenericFileDownloadFailure,
  5834. FileErrorCodeGenericFileInvalidSize,
  5835. FileErrorCodeVideoMetadataReadError,
  5836. FileErrorCodeVideoInvalidFiletypeError,
  5837. FileErrorCodeVideoMinWidthError,
  5838. FileErrorCodeVideoMaxWidthError,
  5839. FileErrorCodeVideoMinHeightError,
  5840. FileErrorCodeVideoMaxHeightError,
  5841. FileErrorCodeVideoMinDurationError,
  5842. FileErrorCodeVideoMaxDurationError,
  5843. FileErrorCodeVideoValidationError,
  5844. FileErrorCodeModel3dValidationError,
  5845. FileErrorCodeModel3dThumbnailGenerationError,
  5846. FileErrorCodeModel3dGlbToUsdzConversionError,
  5847. FileErrorCodeModel3dGlbOutputCreationError,
  5848. FileErrorCodeModel3dProcessingFailure,
  5849. FileErrorCodeUnsupportedImageFileType,
  5850. FileErrorCodeInvalidImageFileSize,
  5851. FileErrorCodeInvalidImageAspectRatio,
  5852. FileErrorCodeInvalidImageResolution,
  5853. FileErrorCodeFileStorageLimitExceeded,
  5854. }
  5855. func (e FileErrorCode) IsValid() bool {
  5856. switch e {
  5857. case FileErrorCodeUnknown, FileErrorCodeInvalidSignedURL, FileErrorCodeImageDownloadFailure, FileErrorCodeImageProcessingFailure, FileErrorCodeMediaTimeoutError, FileErrorCodeExternalVideoNotFound, FileErrorCodeExternalVideoUnlisted, FileErrorCodeExternalVideoInvalidAspectRatio, FileErrorCodeExternalVideoEmbedDisabled, FileErrorCodeExternalVideoEmbedNotFoundOrTranscoding, FileErrorCodeGenericFileDownloadFailure, FileErrorCodeGenericFileInvalidSize, FileErrorCodeVideoMetadataReadError, FileErrorCodeVideoInvalidFiletypeError, FileErrorCodeVideoMinWidthError, FileErrorCodeVideoMaxWidthError, FileErrorCodeVideoMinHeightError, FileErrorCodeVideoMaxHeightError, FileErrorCodeVideoMinDurationError, FileErrorCodeVideoMaxDurationError, FileErrorCodeVideoValidationError, FileErrorCodeModel3dValidationError, FileErrorCodeModel3dThumbnailGenerationError, FileErrorCodeModel3dGlbToUsdzConversionError, FileErrorCodeModel3dGlbOutputCreationError, FileErrorCodeModel3dProcessingFailure, FileErrorCodeUnsupportedImageFileType, FileErrorCodeInvalidImageFileSize, FileErrorCodeInvalidImageAspectRatio, FileErrorCodeInvalidImageResolution, FileErrorCodeFileStorageLimitExceeded:
  5858. return true
  5859. }
  5860. return false
  5861. }
  5862. func (e FileErrorCode) String() string {
  5863. return string(e)
  5864. }
  5865. func (e *FileErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  5866. str, ok := v.(string)
  5867. if !ok {
  5868. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  5869. }
  5870. *e = FileErrorCode(str)
  5871. if !e.IsValid() {
  5872. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid FileErrorCode", str)
  5873. }
  5874. return nil
  5875. }
  5876. func (e FileErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  5877. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  5878. }
  5879. type FileStatus string
  5880. const (
  5881. FileStatusUploaded FileStatus = "UPLOADED"
  5882. FileStatusProcessing FileStatus = "PROCESSING"
  5883. FileStatusReady FileStatus = "READY"
  5884. FileStatusFailed FileStatus = "FAILED"
  5885. )
  5886. var AllFileStatus = []FileStatus{
  5887. FileStatusUploaded,
  5888. FileStatusProcessing,
  5889. FileStatusReady,
  5890. FileStatusFailed,
  5891. }
  5892. func (e FileStatus) IsValid() bool {
  5893. switch e {
  5894. case FileStatusUploaded, FileStatusProcessing, FileStatusReady, FileStatusFailed:
  5895. return true
  5896. }
  5897. return false
  5898. }
  5899. func (e FileStatus) String() string {
  5900. return string(e)
  5901. }
  5902. func (e *FileStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  5903. str, ok := v.(string)
  5904. if !ok {
  5905. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  5906. }
  5907. *e = FileStatus(str)
  5908. if !e.IsValid() {
  5909. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid FileStatus", str)
  5910. }
  5911. return nil
  5912. }
  5913. func (e FileStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  5914. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  5915. }
  5916. type FulfillmentDisplayStatus string
  5917. const (
  5918. FulfillmentDisplayStatusAttemptedDelivery FulfillmentDisplayStatus = "ATTEMPTED_DELIVERY"
  5919. FulfillmentDisplayStatusCanceled FulfillmentDisplayStatus = "CANCELED"
  5920. FulfillmentDisplayStatusConfirmed FulfillmentDisplayStatus = "CONFIRMED"
  5921. FulfillmentDisplayStatusDelivered FulfillmentDisplayStatus = "DELIVERED"
  5922. FulfillmentDisplayStatusFailure FulfillmentDisplayStatus = "FAILURE"
  5923. FulfillmentDisplayStatusFulfilled FulfillmentDisplayStatus = "FULFILLED"
  5924. FulfillmentDisplayStatusInTransit FulfillmentDisplayStatus = "IN_TRANSIT"
  5925. FulfillmentDisplayStatusLabelPrinted FulfillmentDisplayStatus = "LABEL_PRINTED"
  5926. FulfillmentDisplayStatusLabelPurchased FulfillmentDisplayStatus = "LABEL_PURCHASED"
  5927. FulfillmentDisplayStatusLabelVoided FulfillmentDisplayStatus = "LABEL_VOIDED"
  5928. FulfillmentDisplayStatusMarkedAsFulfilled FulfillmentDisplayStatus = "MARKED_AS_FULFILLED"
  5929. FulfillmentDisplayStatusNotDelivered FulfillmentDisplayStatus = "NOT_DELIVERED"
  5930. FulfillmentDisplayStatusOutForDelivery FulfillmentDisplayStatus = "OUT_FOR_DELIVERY"
  5931. FulfillmentDisplayStatusReadyForPickup FulfillmentDisplayStatus = "READY_FOR_PICKUP"
  5932. FulfillmentDisplayStatusPickedUp FulfillmentDisplayStatus = "PICKED_UP"
  5933. FulfillmentDisplayStatusSubmitted FulfillmentDisplayStatus = "SUBMITTED"
  5934. )
  5935. var AllFulfillmentDisplayStatus = []FulfillmentDisplayStatus{
  5936. FulfillmentDisplayStatusAttemptedDelivery,
  5937. FulfillmentDisplayStatusCanceled,
  5938. FulfillmentDisplayStatusConfirmed,
  5939. FulfillmentDisplayStatusDelivered,
  5940. FulfillmentDisplayStatusFailure,
  5941. FulfillmentDisplayStatusFulfilled,
  5942. FulfillmentDisplayStatusInTransit,
  5943. FulfillmentDisplayStatusLabelPrinted,
  5944. FulfillmentDisplayStatusLabelPurchased,
  5945. FulfillmentDisplayStatusLabelVoided,
  5946. FulfillmentDisplayStatusMarkedAsFulfilled,
  5947. FulfillmentDisplayStatusNotDelivered,
  5948. FulfillmentDisplayStatusOutForDelivery,
  5949. FulfillmentDisplayStatusReadyForPickup,
  5950. FulfillmentDisplayStatusPickedUp,
  5951. FulfillmentDisplayStatusSubmitted,
  5952. }
  5953. func (e FulfillmentDisplayStatus) IsValid() bool {
  5954. switch e {
  5955. case FulfillmentDisplayStatusAttemptedDelivery, FulfillmentDisplayStatusCanceled, FulfillmentDisplayStatusConfirmed, FulfillmentDisplayStatusDelivered, FulfillmentDisplayStatusFailure, FulfillmentDisplayStatusFulfilled, FulfillmentDisplayStatusInTransit, FulfillmentDisplayStatusLabelPrinted, FulfillmentDisplayStatusLabelPurchased, FulfillmentDisplayStatusLabelVoided, FulfillmentDisplayStatusMarkedAsFulfilled, FulfillmentDisplayStatusNotDelivered, FulfillmentDisplayStatusOutForDelivery, FulfillmentDisplayStatusReadyForPickup, FulfillmentDisplayStatusPickedUp, FulfillmentDisplayStatusSubmitted:
  5956. return true
  5957. }
  5958. return false
  5959. }
  5960. func (e FulfillmentDisplayStatus) String() string {
  5961. return string(e)
  5962. }
  5963. func (e *FulfillmentDisplayStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  5964. str, ok := v.(string)
  5965. if !ok {
  5966. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  5967. }
  5968. *e = FulfillmentDisplayStatus(str)
  5969. if !e.IsValid() {
  5970. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid FulfillmentDisplayStatus", str)
  5971. }
  5972. return nil
  5973. }
  5974. func (e FulfillmentDisplayStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  5975. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  5976. }
  5977. type FulfillmentEventSortKeys string
  5978. const (
  5979. FulfillmentEventSortKeysHappenedAt FulfillmentEventSortKeys = "HAPPENED_AT"
  5980. FulfillmentEventSortKeysID FulfillmentEventSortKeys = "ID"
  5981. FulfillmentEventSortKeysRelevance FulfillmentEventSortKeys = "RELEVANCE"
  5982. )
  5983. var AllFulfillmentEventSortKeys = []FulfillmentEventSortKeys{
  5984. FulfillmentEventSortKeysHappenedAt,
  5985. FulfillmentEventSortKeysID,
  5986. FulfillmentEventSortKeysRelevance,
  5987. }
  5988. func (e FulfillmentEventSortKeys) IsValid() bool {
  5989. switch e {
  5990. case FulfillmentEventSortKeysHappenedAt, FulfillmentEventSortKeysID, FulfillmentEventSortKeysRelevance:
  5991. return true
  5992. }
  5993. return false
  5994. }
  5995. func (e FulfillmentEventSortKeys) String() string {
  5996. return string(e)
  5997. }
  5998. func (e *FulfillmentEventSortKeys) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  5999. str, ok := v.(string)
  6000. if !ok {
  6001. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  6002. }
  6003. *e = FulfillmentEventSortKeys(str)
  6004. if !e.IsValid() {
  6005. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid FulfillmentEventSortKeys", str)
  6006. }
  6007. return nil
  6008. }
  6009. func (e FulfillmentEventSortKeys) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  6010. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  6011. }
  6012. type FulfillmentEventStatus string
  6013. const (
  6014. FulfillmentEventStatusLabelPurchased FulfillmentEventStatus = "LABEL_PURCHASED"
  6015. FulfillmentEventStatusLabelPrinted FulfillmentEventStatus = "LABEL_PRINTED"
  6016. FulfillmentEventStatusReadyForPickup FulfillmentEventStatus = "READY_FOR_PICKUP"
  6017. FulfillmentEventStatusConfirmed FulfillmentEventStatus = "CONFIRMED"
  6018. FulfillmentEventStatusInTransit FulfillmentEventStatus = "IN_TRANSIT"
  6019. FulfillmentEventStatusOutForDelivery FulfillmentEventStatus = "OUT_FOR_DELIVERY"
  6020. FulfillmentEventStatusAttemptedDelivery FulfillmentEventStatus = "ATTEMPTED_DELIVERY"
  6021. FulfillmentEventStatusDelivered FulfillmentEventStatus = "DELIVERED"
  6022. FulfillmentEventStatusFailure FulfillmentEventStatus = "FAILURE"
  6023. )
  6024. var AllFulfillmentEventStatus = []FulfillmentEventStatus{
  6025. FulfillmentEventStatusLabelPurchased,
  6026. FulfillmentEventStatusLabelPrinted,
  6027. FulfillmentEventStatusReadyForPickup,
  6028. FulfillmentEventStatusConfirmed,
  6029. FulfillmentEventStatusInTransit,
  6030. FulfillmentEventStatusOutForDelivery,
  6031. FulfillmentEventStatusAttemptedDelivery,
  6032. FulfillmentEventStatusDelivered,
  6033. FulfillmentEventStatusFailure,
  6034. }
  6035. func (e FulfillmentEventStatus) IsValid() bool {
  6036. switch e {
  6037. case FulfillmentEventStatusLabelPurchased, FulfillmentEventStatusLabelPrinted, FulfillmentEventStatusReadyForPickup, FulfillmentEventStatusConfirmed, FulfillmentEventStatusInTransit, FulfillmentEventStatusOutForDelivery, FulfillmentEventStatusAttemptedDelivery, FulfillmentEventStatusDelivered, FulfillmentEventStatusFailure:
  6038. return true
  6039. }
  6040. return false
  6041. }
  6042. func (e FulfillmentEventStatus) String() string {
  6043. return string(e)
  6044. }
  6045. func (e *FulfillmentEventStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  6046. str, ok := v.(string)
  6047. if !ok {
  6048. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  6049. }
  6050. *e = FulfillmentEventStatus(str)
  6051. if !e.IsValid() {
  6052. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid FulfillmentEventStatus", str)
  6053. }
  6054. return nil
  6055. }
  6056. func (e FulfillmentEventStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  6057. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  6058. }
  6059. type FulfillmentHoldReason string
  6060. const (
  6061. FulfillmentHoldReasonAwaitingPayment FulfillmentHoldReason = "AWAITING_PAYMENT"
  6062. FulfillmentHoldReasonHighRiskOfFraud FulfillmentHoldReason = "HIGH_RISK_OF_FRAUD"
  6063. FulfillmentHoldReasonIncorrectAddress FulfillmentHoldReason = "INCORRECT_ADDRESS"
  6064. FulfillmentHoldReasonInventoryOutOfStock FulfillmentHoldReason = "INVENTORY_OUT_OF_STOCK"
  6065. FulfillmentHoldReasonUnknownDeliveryDate FulfillmentHoldReason = "UNKNOWN_DELIVERY_DATE"
  6066. FulfillmentHoldReasonOther FulfillmentHoldReason = "OTHER"
  6067. )
  6068. var AllFulfillmentHoldReason = []FulfillmentHoldReason{
  6069. FulfillmentHoldReasonAwaitingPayment,
  6070. FulfillmentHoldReasonHighRiskOfFraud,
  6071. FulfillmentHoldReasonIncorrectAddress,
  6072. FulfillmentHoldReasonInventoryOutOfStock,
  6073. FulfillmentHoldReasonUnknownDeliveryDate,
  6074. FulfillmentHoldReasonOther,
  6075. }
  6076. func (e FulfillmentHoldReason) IsValid() bool {
  6077. switch e {
  6078. case FulfillmentHoldReasonAwaitingPayment, FulfillmentHoldReasonHighRiskOfFraud, FulfillmentHoldReasonIncorrectAddress, FulfillmentHoldReasonInventoryOutOfStock, FulfillmentHoldReasonUnknownDeliveryDate, FulfillmentHoldReasonOther:
  6079. return true
  6080. }
  6081. return false
  6082. }
  6083. func (e FulfillmentHoldReason) String() string {
  6084. return string(e)
  6085. }
  6086. func (e *FulfillmentHoldReason) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  6087. str, ok := v.(string)
  6088. if !ok {
  6089. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  6090. }
  6091. *e = FulfillmentHoldReason(str)
  6092. if !e.IsValid() {
  6093. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid FulfillmentHoldReason", str)
  6094. }
  6095. return nil
  6096. }
  6097. func (e FulfillmentHoldReason) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  6098. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  6099. }
  6100. type FulfillmentOrderAction string
  6101. const (
  6102. FulfillmentOrderActionCreateFulfillment FulfillmentOrderAction = "CREATE_FULFILLMENT"
  6103. FulfillmentOrderActionRequestFulfillment FulfillmentOrderAction = "REQUEST_FULFILLMENT"
  6104. FulfillmentOrderActionCancelFulfillmentOrder FulfillmentOrderAction = "CANCEL_FULFILLMENT_ORDER"
  6105. FulfillmentOrderActionMove FulfillmentOrderAction = "MOVE"
  6106. FulfillmentOrderActionRequestCancellation FulfillmentOrderAction = "REQUEST_CANCELLATION"
  6107. FulfillmentOrderActionMarkAsOpen FulfillmentOrderAction = "MARK_AS_OPEN"
  6108. FulfillmentOrderActionReleaseHold FulfillmentOrderAction = "RELEASE_HOLD"
  6109. FulfillmentOrderActionHold FulfillmentOrderAction = "HOLD"
  6110. FulfillmentOrderActionExternal FulfillmentOrderAction = "EXTERNAL"
  6111. )
  6112. var AllFulfillmentOrderAction = []FulfillmentOrderAction{
  6113. FulfillmentOrderActionCreateFulfillment,
  6114. FulfillmentOrderActionRequestFulfillment,
  6115. FulfillmentOrderActionCancelFulfillmentOrder,
  6116. FulfillmentOrderActionMove,
  6117. FulfillmentOrderActionRequestCancellation,
  6118. FulfillmentOrderActionMarkAsOpen,
  6119. FulfillmentOrderActionReleaseHold,
  6120. FulfillmentOrderActionHold,
  6121. FulfillmentOrderActionExternal,
  6122. }
  6123. func (e FulfillmentOrderAction) IsValid() bool {
  6124. switch e {
  6125. case FulfillmentOrderActionCreateFulfillment, FulfillmentOrderActionRequestFulfillment, FulfillmentOrderActionCancelFulfillmentOrder, FulfillmentOrderActionMove, FulfillmentOrderActionRequestCancellation, FulfillmentOrderActionMarkAsOpen, FulfillmentOrderActionReleaseHold, FulfillmentOrderActionHold, FulfillmentOrderActionExternal:
  6126. return true
  6127. }
  6128. return false
  6129. }
  6130. func (e FulfillmentOrderAction) String() string {
  6131. return string(e)
  6132. }
  6133. func (e *FulfillmentOrderAction) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  6134. str, ok := v.(string)
  6135. if !ok {
  6136. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  6137. }
  6138. *e = FulfillmentOrderAction(str)
  6139. if !e.IsValid() {
  6140. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid FulfillmentOrderAction", str)
  6141. }
  6142. return nil
  6143. }
  6144. func (e FulfillmentOrderAction) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  6145. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  6146. }
  6147. type FulfillmentOrderAssignmentStatus string
  6148. const (
  6149. FulfillmentOrderAssignmentStatusCancellationRequested FulfillmentOrderAssignmentStatus = "CANCELLATION_REQUESTED"
  6150. FulfillmentOrderAssignmentStatusFulfillmentRequested FulfillmentOrderAssignmentStatus = "FULFILLMENT_REQUESTED"
  6151. FulfillmentOrderAssignmentStatusFulfillmentAccepted FulfillmentOrderAssignmentStatus = "FULFILLMENT_ACCEPTED"
  6152. )
  6153. var AllFulfillmentOrderAssignmentStatus = []FulfillmentOrderAssignmentStatus{
  6154. FulfillmentOrderAssignmentStatusCancellationRequested,
  6155. FulfillmentOrderAssignmentStatusFulfillmentRequested,
  6156. FulfillmentOrderAssignmentStatusFulfillmentAccepted,
  6157. }
  6158. func (e FulfillmentOrderAssignmentStatus) IsValid() bool {
  6159. switch e {
  6160. case FulfillmentOrderAssignmentStatusCancellationRequested, FulfillmentOrderAssignmentStatusFulfillmentRequested, FulfillmentOrderAssignmentStatusFulfillmentAccepted:
  6161. return true
  6162. }
  6163. return false
  6164. }
  6165. func (e FulfillmentOrderAssignmentStatus) String() string {
  6166. return string(e)
  6167. }
  6168. func (e *FulfillmentOrderAssignmentStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  6169. str, ok := v.(string)
  6170. if !ok {
  6171. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  6172. }
  6173. *e = FulfillmentOrderAssignmentStatus(str)
  6174. if !e.IsValid() {
  6175. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid FulfillmentOrderAssignmentStatus", str)
  6176. }
  6177. return nil
  6178. }
  6179. func (e FulfillmentOrderAssignmentStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  6180. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  6181. }
  6182. type FulfillmentOrderMerchantRequestKind string
  6183. const (
  6184. FulfillmentOrderMerchantRequestKindFulfillmentRequest FulfillmentOrderMerchantRequestKind = "FULFILLMENT_REQUEST"
  6185. FulfillmentOrderMerchantRequestKindCancellationRequest FulfillmentOrderMerchantRequestKind = "CANCELLATION_REQUEST"
  6186. )
  6187. var AllFulfillmentOrderMerchantRequestKind = []FulfillmentOrderMerchantRequestKind{
  6188. FulfillmentOrderMerchantRequestKindFulfillmentRequest,
  6189. FulfillmentOrderMerchantRequestKindCancellationRequest,
  6190. }
  6191. func (e FulfillmentOrderMerchantRequestKind) IsValid() bool {
  6192. switch e {
  6193. case FulfillmentOrderMerchantRequestKindFulfillmentRequest, FulfillmentOrderMerchantRequestKindCancellationRequest:
  6194. return true
  6195. }
  6196. return false
  6197. }
  6198. func (e FulfillmentOrderMerchantRequestKind) String() string {
  6199. return string(e)
  6200. }
  6201. func (e *FulfillmentOrderMerchantRequestKind) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  6202. str, ok := v.(string)
  6203. if !ok {
  6204. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  6205. }
  6206. *e = FulfillmentOrderMerchantRequestKind(str)
  6207. if !e.IsValid() {
  6208. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid FulfillmentOrderMerchantRequestKind", str)
  6209. }
  6210. return nil
  6211. }
  6212. func (e FulfillmentOrderMerchantRequestKind) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  6213. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  6214. }
  6215. type FulfillmentOrderRequestStatus string
  6216. const (
  6217. FulfillmentOrderRequestStatusUnsubmitted FulfillmentOrderRequestStatus = "UNSUBMITTED"
  6218. FulfillmentOrderRequestStatusSubmitted FulfillmentOrderRequestStatus = "SUBMITTED"
  6219. FulfillmentOrderRequestStatusAccepted FulfillmentOrderRequestStatus = "ACCEPTED"
  6220. FulfillmentOrderRequestStatusRejected FulfillmentOrderRequestStatus = "REJECTED"
  6221. FulfillmentOrderRequestStatusCancellationRequested FulfillmentOrderRequestStatus = "CANCELLATION_REQUESTED"
  6222. FulfillmentOrderRequestStatusCancellationAccepted FulfillmentOrderRequestStatus = "CANCELLATION_ACCEPTED"
  6223. FulfillmentOrderRequestStatusCancellationRejected FulfillmentOrderRequestStatus = "CANCELLATION_REJECTED"
  6224. FulfillmentOrderRequestStatusClosed FulfillmentOrderRequestStatus = "CLOSED"
  6225. )
  6226. var AllFulfillmentOrderRequestStatus = []FulfillmentOrderRequestStatus{
  6227. FulfillmentOrderRequestStatusUnsubmitted,
  6228. FulfillmentOrderRequestStatusSubmitted,
  6229. FulfillmentOrderRequestStatusAccepted,
  6230. FulfillmentOrderRequestStatusRejected,
  6231. FulfillmentOrderRequestStatusCancellationRequested,
  6232. FulfillmentOrderRequestStatusCancellationAccepted,
  6233. FulfillmentOrderRequestStatusCancellationRejected,
  6234. FulfillmentOrderRequestStatusClosed,
  6235. }
  6236. func (e FulfillmentOrderRequestStatus) IsValid() bool {
  6237. switch e {
  6238. case FulfillmentOrderRequestStatusUnsubmitted, FulfillmentOrderRequestStatusSubmitted, FulfillmentOrderRequestStatusAccepted, FulfillmentOrderRequestStatusRejected, FulfillmentOrderRequestStatusCancellationRequested, FulfillmentOrderRequestStatusCancellationAccepted, FulfillmentOrderRequestStatusCancellationRejected, FulfillmentOrderRequestStatusClosed:
  6239. return true
  6240. }
  6241. return false
  6242. }
  6243. func (e FulfillmentOrderRequestStatus) String() string {
  6244. return string(e)
  6245. }
  6246. func (e *FulfillmentOrderRequestStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  6247. str, ok := v.(string)
  6248. if !ok {
  6249. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  6250. }
  6251. *e = FulfillmentOrderRequestStatus(str)
  6252. if !e.IsValid() {
  6253. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid FulfillmentOrderRequestStatus", str)
  6254. }
  6255. return nil
  6256. }
  6257. func (e FulfillmentOrderRequestStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  6258. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  6259. }
  6260. type FulfillmentOrderSortKeys string
  6261. const (
  6262. FulfillmentOrderSortKeysID FulfillmentOrderSortKeys = "ID"
  6263. FulfillmentOrderSortKeysRelevance FulfillmentOrderSortKeys = "RELEVANCE"
  6264. )
  6265. var AllFulfillmentOrderSortKeys = []FulfillmentOrderSortKeys{
  6266. FulfillmentOrderSortKeysID,
  6267. FulfillmentOrderSortKeysRelevance,
  6268. }
  6269. func (e FulfillmentOrderSortKeys) IsValid() bool {
  6270. switch e {
  6271. case FulfillmentOrderSortKeysID, FulfillmentOrderSortKeysRelevance:
  6272. return true
  6273. }
  6274. return false
  6275. }
  6276. func (e FulfillmentOrderSortKeys) String() string {
  6277. return string(e)
  6278. }
  6279. func (e *FulfillmentOrderSortKeys) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  6280. str, ok := v.(string)
  6281. if !ok {
  6282. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  6283. }
  6284. *e = FulfillmentOrderSortKeys(str)
  6285. if !e.IsValid() {
  6286. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid FulfillmentOrderSortKeys", str)
  6287. }
  6288. return nil
  6289. }
  6290. func (e FulfillmentOrderSortKeys) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  6291. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  6292. }
  6293. type FulfillmentOrderStatus string
  6294. const (
  6295. FulfillmentOrderStatusOpen FulfillmentOrderStatus = "OPEN"
  6296. FulfillmentOrderStatusInProgress FulfillmentOrderStatus = "IN_PROGRESS"
  6297. FulfillmentOrderStatusCancelled FulfillmentOrderStatus = "CANCELLED"
  6298. FulfillmentOrderStatusIncomplete FulfillmentOrderStatus = "INCOMPLETE"
  6299. FulfillmentOrderStatusClosed FulfillmentOrderStatus = "CLOSED"
  6300. FulfillmentOrderStatusScheduled FulfillmentOrderStatus = "SCHEDULED"
  6301. FulfillmentOrderStatusOnHold FulfillmentOrderStatus = "ON_HOLD"
  6302. )
  6303. var AllFulfillmentOrderStatus = []FulfillmentOrderStatus{
  6304. FulfillmentOrderStatusOpen,
  6305. FulfillmentOrderStatusInProgress,
  6306. FulfillmentOrderStatusCancelled,
  6307. FulfillmentOrderStatusIncomplete,
  6308. FulfillmentOrderStatusClosed,
  6309. FulfillmentOrderStatusScheduled,
  6310. FulfillmentOrderStatusOnHold,
  6311. }
  6312. func (e FulfillmentOrderStatus) IsValid() bool {
  6313. switch e {
  6314. case FulfillmentOrderStatusOpen, FulfillmentOrderStatusInProgress, FulfillmentOrderStatusCancelled, FulfillmentOrderStatusIncomplete, FulfillmentOrderStatusClosed, FulfillmentOrderStatusScheduled, FulfillmentOrderStatusOnHold:
  6315. return true
  6316. }
  6317. return false
  6318. }
  6319. func (e FulfillmentOrderStatus) String() string {
  6320. return string(e)
  6321. }
  6322. func (e *FulfillmentOrderStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  6323. str, ok := v.(string)
  6324. if !ok {
  6325. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  6326. }
  6327. *e = FulfillmentOrderStatus(str)
  6328. if !e.IsValid() {
  6329. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid FulfillmentOrderStatus", str)
  6330. }
  6331. return nil
  6332. }
  6333. func (e FulfillmentOrderStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  6334. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  6335. }
  6336. type FulfillmentServiceType string
  6337. const (
  6338. FulfillmentServiceTypeGiftCard FulfillmentServiceType = "GIFT_CARD"
  6339. FulfillmentServiceTypeManual FulfillmentServiceType = "MANUAL"
  6340. FulfillmentServiceTypeThirdParty FulfillmentServiceType = "THIRD_PARTY"
  6341. )
  6342. var AllFulfillmentServiceType = []FulfillmentServiceType{
  6343. FulfillmentServiceTypeGiftCard,
  6344. FulfillmentServiceTypeManual,
  6345. FulfillmentServiceTypeThirdParty,
  6346. }
  6347. func (e FulfillmentServiceType) IsValid() bool {
  6348. switch e {
  6349. case FulfillmentServiceTypeGiftCard, FulfillmentServiceTypeManual, FulfillmentServiceTypeThirdParty:
  6350. return true
  6351. }
  6352. return false
  6353. }
  6354. func (e FulfillmentServiceType) String() string {
  6355. return string(e)
  6356. }
  6357. func (e *FulfillmentServiceType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  6358. str, ok := v.(string)
  6359. if !ok {
  6360. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  6361. }
  6362. *e = FulfillmentServiceType(str)
  6363. if !e.IsValid() {
  6364. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid FulfillmentServiceType", str)
  6365. }
  6366. return nil
  6367. }
  6368. func (e FulfillmentServiceType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  6369. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  6370. }
  6371. type FulfillmentStatus string
  6372. const (
  6373. FulfillmentStatusSuccess FulfillmentStatus = "SUCCESS"
  6374. FulfillmentStatusCancelled FulfillmentStatus = "CANCELLED"
  6375. FulfillmentStatusError FulfillmentStatus = "ERROR"
  6376. FulfillmentStatusFailure FulfillmentStatus = "FAILURE"
  6377. )
  6378. var AllFulfillmentStatus = []FulfillmentStatus{
  6379. FulfillmentStatusSuccess,
  6380. FulfillmentStatusCancelled,
  6381. FulfillmentStatusError,
  6382. FulfillmentStatusFailure,
  6383. }
  6384. func (e FulfillmentStatus) IsValid() bool {
  6385. switch e {
  6386. case FulfillmentStatusSuccess, FulfillmentStatusCancelled, FulfillmentStatusError, FulfillmentStatusFailure:
  6387. return true
  6388. }
  6389. return false
  6390. }
  6391. func (e FulfillmentStatus) String() string {
  6392. return string(e)
  6393. }
  6394. func (e *FulfillmentStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  6395. str, ok := v.(string)
  6396. if !ok {
  6397. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  6398. }
  6399. *e = FulfillmentStatus(str)
  6400. if !e.IsValid() {
  6401. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid FulfillmentStatus", str)
  6402. }
  6403. return nil
  6404. }
  6405. func (e FulfillmentStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  6406. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  6407. }
  6408. type ImageContentType string
  6409. const (
  6410. ImageContentTypePng ImageContentType = "PNG"
  6411. ImageContentTypeJpg ImageContentType = "JPG"
  6412. ImageContentTypeWebp ImageContentType = "WEBP"
  6413. )
  6414. var AllImageContentType = []ImageContentType{
  6415. ImageContentTypePng,
  6416. ImageContentTypeJpg,
  6417. ImageContentTypeWebp,
  6418. }
  6419. func (e ImageContentType) IsValid() bool {
  6420. switch e {
  6421. case ImageContentTypePng, ImageContentTypeJpg, ImageContentTypeWebp:
  6422. return true
  6423. }
  6424. return false
  6425. }
  6426. func (e ImageContentType) String() string {
  6427. return string(e)
  6428. }
  6429. func (e *ImageContentType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  6430. str, ok := v.(string)
  6431. if !ok {
  6432. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  6433. }
  6434. *e = ImageContentType(str)
  6435. if !e.IsValid() {
  6436. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid ImageContentType", str)
  6437. }
  6438. return nil
  6439. }
  6440. func (e ImageContentType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  6441. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  6442. }
  6443. type LanguageCode string
  6444. const (
  6445. LanguageCodeAf LanguageCode = "AF"
  6446. LanguageCodeAk LanguageCode = "AK"
  6447. LanguageCodeAm LanguageCode = "AM"
  6448. LanguageCodeAr LanguageCode = "AR"
  6449. LanguageCodeAs LanguageCode = "AS"
  6450. LanguageCodeAz LanguageCode = "AZ"
  6451. LanguageCodeBe LanguageCode = "BE"
  6452. LanguageCodeBg LanguageCode = "BG"
  6453. LanguageCodeBm LanguageCode = "BM"
  6454. LanguageCodeBn LanguageCode = "BN"
  6455. LanguageCodeBo LanguageCode = "BO"
  6456. LanguageCodeBr LanguageCode = "BR"
  6457. LanguageCodeBs LanguageCode = "BS"
  6458. LanguageCodeCa LanguageCode = "CA"
  6459. LanguageCodeCe LanguageCode = "CE"
  6460. LanguageCodeCs LanguageCode = "CS"
  6461. LanguageCodeCu LanguageCode = "CU"
  6462. LanguageCodeCy LanguageCode = "CY"
  6463. LanguageCodeDa LanguageCode = "DA"
  6464. LanguageCodeDe LanguageCode = "DE"
  6465. LanguageCodeDz LanguageCode = "DZ"
  6466. LanguageCodeEe LanguageCode = "EE"
  6467. LanguageCodeEl LanguageCode = "EL"
  6468. LanguageCodeEn LanguageCode = "EN"
  6469. LanguageCodeEo LanguageCode = "EO"
  6470. LanguageCodeEs LanguageCode = "ES"
  6471. LanguageCodeEt LanguageCode = "ET"
  6472. LanguageCodeEu LanguageCode = "EU"
  6473. LanguageCodeFa LanguageCode = "FA"
  6474. LanguageCodeFf LanguageCode = "FF"
  6475. LanguageCodeFi LanguageCode = "FI"
  6476. LanguageCodeFo LanguageCode = "FO"
  6477. LanguageCodeFr LanguageCode = "FR"
  6478. LanguageCodeFy LanguageCode = "FY"
  6479. LanguageCodeGa LanguageCode = "GA"
  6480. LanguageCodeGd LanguageCode = "GD"
  6481. LanguageCodeGl LanguageCode = "GL"
  6482. LanguageCodeGu LanguageCode = "GU"
  6483. LanguageCodeGv LanguageCode = "GV"
  6484. LanguageCodeHa LanguageCode = "HA"
  6485. LanguageCodeHe LanguageCode = "HE"
  6486. LanguageCodeHi LanguageCode = "HI"
  6487. LanguageCodeHr LanguageCode = "HR"
  6488. LanguageCodeHu LanguageCode = "HU"
  6489. LanguageCodeHy LanguageCode = "HY"
  6490. LanguageCodeIa LanguageCode = "IA"
  6491. LanguageCodeID LanguageCode = "ID"
  6492. LanguageCodeIg LanguageCode = "IG"
  6493. LanguageCodeIi LanguageCode = "II"
  6494. LanguageCodeIs LanguageCode = "IS"
  6495. LanguageCodeIt LanguageCode = "IT"
  6496. LanguageCodeJa LanguageCode = "JA"
  6497. LanguageCodeJv LanguageCode = "JV"
  6498. LanguageCodeKa LanguageCode = "KA"
  6499. LanguageCodeKi LanguageCode = "KI"
  6500. LanguageCodeKk LanguageCode = "KK"
  6501. LanguageCodeKl LanguageCode = "KL"
  6502. LanguageCodeKm LanguageCode = "KM"
  6503. LanguageCodeKn LanguageCode = "KN"
  6504. LanguageCodeKo LanguageCode = "KO"
  6505. LanguageCodeKs LanguageCode = "KS"
  6506. LanguageCodeKu LanguageCode = "KU"
  6507. LanguageCodeKw LanguageCode = "KW"
  6508. LanguageCodeKy LanguageCode = "KY"
  6509. LanguageCodeLb LanguageCode = "LB"
  6510. LanguageCodeLg LanguageCode = "LG"
  6511. LanguageCodeLn LanguageCode = "LN"
  6512. LanguageCodeLo LanguageCode = "LO"
  6513. LanguageCodeLt LanguageCode = "LT"
  6514. LanguageCodeLu LanguageCode = "LU"
  6515. LanguageCodeLv LanguageCode = "LV"
  6516. LanguageCodeMg LanguageCode = "MG"
  6517. LanguageCodeMi LanguageCode = "MI"
  6518. LanguageCodeMk LanguageCode = "MK"
  6519. LanguageCodeMl LanguageCode = "ML"
  6520. LanguageCodeMn LanguageCode = "MN"
  6521. LanguageCodeMr LanguageCode = "MR"
  6522. LanguageCodeMs LanguageCode = "MS"
  6523. LanguageCodeMt LanguageCode = "MT"
  6524. LanguageCodeMy LanguageCode = "MY"
  6525. LanguageCodeNb LanguageCode = "NB"
  6526. LanguageCodeNd LanguageCode = "ND"
  6527. LanguageCodeNe LanguageCode = "NE"
  6528. LanguageCodeNl LanguageCode = "NL"
  6529. LanguageCodeNn LanguageCode = "NN"
  6530. LanguageCodeNo LanguageCode = "NO"
  6531. LanguageCodeOm LanguageCode = "OM"
  6532. LanguageCodeOr LanguageCode = "OR"
  6533. LanguageCodeOs LanguageCode = "OS"
  6534. LanguageCodePa LanguageCode = "PA"
  6535. LanguageCodePl LanguageCode = "PL"
  6536. LanguageCodePs LanguageCode = "PS"
  6537. LanguageCodePtBr LanguageCode = "PT_BR"
  6538. LanguageCodePtPt LanguageCode = "PT_PT"
  6539. LanguageCodeQu LanguageCode = "QU"
  6540. LanguageCodeRm LanguageCode = "RM"
  6541. LanguageCodeRn LanguageCode = "RN"
  6542. LanguageCodeRo LanguageCode = "RO"
  6543. LanguageCodeRu LanguageCode = "RU"
  6544. LanguageCodeRw LanguageCode = "RW"
  6545. LanguageCodeSd LanguageCode = "SD"
  6546. LanguageCodeSe LanguageCode = "SE"
  6547. LanguageCodeSg LanguageCode = "SG"
  6548. LanguageCodeSi LanguageCode = "SI"
  6549. LanguageCodeSk LanguageCode = "SK"
  6550. LanguageCodeSl LanguageCode = "SL"
  6551. LanguageCodeSn LanguageCode = "SN"
  6552. LanguageCodeSo LanguageCode = "SO"
  6553. LanguageCodeSq LanguageCode = "SQ"
  6554. LanguageCodeSr LanguageCode = "SR"
  6555. LanguageCodeSu LanguageCode = "SU"
  6556. LanguageCodeSv LanguageCode = "SV"
  6557. LanguageCodeSw LanguageCode = "SW"
  6558. LanguageCodeTa LanguageCode = "TA"
  6559. LanguageCodeTe LanguageCode = "TE"
  6560. LanguageCodeTg LanguageCode = "TG"
  6561. LanguageCodeTh LanguageCode = "TH"
  6562. LanguageCodeTi LanguageCode = "TI"
  6563. LanguageCodeTk LanguageCode = "TK"
  6564. LanguageCodeTo LanguageCode = "TO"
  6565. LanguageCodeTr LanguageCode = "TR"
  6566. LanguageCodeTt LanguageCode = "TT"
  6567. LanguageCodeUg LanguageCode = "UG"
  6568. LanguageCodeUk LanguageCode = "UK"
  6569. LanguageCodeUr LanguageCode = "UR"
  6570. LanguageCodeUz LanguageCode = "UZ"
  6571. LanguageCodeVi LanguageCode = "VI"
  6572. LanguageCodeWo LanguageCode = "WO"
  6573. LanguageCodeXh LanguageCode = "XH"
  6574. LanguageCodeYi LanguageCode = "YI"
  6575. LanguageCodeYo LanguageCode = "YO"
  6576. LanguageCodeZhCn LanguageCode = "ZH_CN"
  6577. LanguageCodeZhTw LanguageCode = "ZH_TW"
  6578. LanguageCodeZu LanguageCode = "ZU"
  6579. LanguageCodeZh LanguageCode = "ZH"
  6580. LanguageCodePt LanguageCode = "PT"
  6581. LanguageCodeVo LanguageCode = "VO"
  6582. )
  6583. var AllLanguageCode = []LanguageCode{
  6584. LanguageCodeAf,
  6585. LanguageCodeAk,
  6586. LanguageCodeAm,
  6587. LanguageCodeAr,
  6588. LanguageCodeAs,
  6589. LanguageCodeAz,
  6590. LanguageCodeBe,
  6591. LanguageCodeBg,
  6592. LanguageCodeBm,
  6593. LanguageCodeBn,
  6594. LanguageCodeBo,
  6595. LanguageCodeBr,
  6596. LanguageCodeBs,
  6597. LanguageCodeCa,
  6598. LanguageCodeCe,
  6599. LanguageCodeCs,
  6600. LanguageCodeCu,
  6601. LanguageCodeCy,
  6602. LanguageCodeDa,
  6603. LanguageCodeDe,
  6604. LanguageCodeDz,
  6605. LanguageCodeEe,
  6606. LanguageCodeEl,
  6607. LanguageCodeEn,
  6608. LanguageCodeEo,
  6609. LanguageCodeEs,
  6610. LanguageCodeEt,
  6611. LanguageCodeEu,
  6612. LanguageCodeFa,
  6613. LanguageCodeFf,
  6614. LanguageCodeFi,
  6615. LanguageCodeFo,
  6616. LanguageCodeFr,
  6617. LanguageCodeFy,
  6618. LanguageCodeGa,
  6619. LanguageCodeGd,
  6620. LanguageCodeGl,
  6621. LanguageCodeGu,
  6622. LanguageCodeGv,
  6623. LanguageCodeHa,
  6624. LanguageCodeHe,
  6625. LanguageCodeHi,
  6626. LanguageCodeHr,
  6627. LanguageCodeHu,
  6628. LanguageCodeHy,
  6629. LanguageCodeIa,
  6630. LanguageCodeID,
  6631. LanguageCodeIg,
  6632. LanguageCodeIi,
  6633. LanguageCodeIs,
  6634. LanguageCodeIt,
  6635. LanguageCodeJa,
  6636. LanguageCodeJv,
  6637. LanguageCodeKa,
  6638. LanguageCodeKi,
  6639. LanguageCodeKk,
  6640. LanguageCodeKl,
  6641. LanguageCodeKm,
  6642. LanguageCodeKn,
  6643. LanguageCodeKo,
  6644. LanguageCodeKs,
  6645. LanguageCodeKu,
  6646. LanguageCodeKw,
  6647. LanguageCodeKy,
  6648. LanguageCodeLb,
  6649. LanguageCodeLg,
  6650. LanguageCodeLn,
  6651. LanguageCodeLo,
  6652. LanguageCodeLt,
  6653. LanguageCodeLu,
  6654. LanguageCodeLv,
  6655. LanguageCodeMg,
  6656. LanguageCodeMi,
  6657. LanguageCodeMk,
  6658. LanguageCodeMl,
  6659. LanguageCodeMn,
  6660. LanguageCodeMr,
  6661. LanguageCodeMs,
  6662. LanguageCodeMt,
  6663. LanguageCodeMy,
  6664. LanguageCodeNb,
  6665. LanguageCodeNd,
  6666. LanguageCodeNe,
  6667. LanguageCodeNl,
  6668. LanguageCodeNn,
  6669. LanguageCodeNo,
  6670. LanguageCodeOm,
  6671. LanguageCodeOr,
  6672. LanguageCodeOs,
  6673. LanguageCodePa,
  6674. LanguageCodePl,
  6675. LanguageCodePs,
  6676. LanguageCodePtBr,
  6677. LanguageCodePtPt,
  6678. LanguageCodeQu,
  6679. LanguageCodeRm,
  6680. LanguageCodeRn,
  6681. LanguageCodeRo,
  6682. LanguageCodeRu,
  6683. LanguageCodeRw,
  6684. LanguageCodeSd,
  6685. LanguageCodeSe,
  6686. LanguageCodeSg,
  6687. LanguageCodeSi,
  6688. LanguageCodeSk,
  6689. LanguageCodeSl,
  6690. LanguageCodeSn,
  6691. LanguageCodeSo,
  6692. LanguageCodeSq,
  6693. LanguageCodeSr,
  6694. LanguageCodeSu,
  6695. LanguageCodeSv,
  6696. LanguageCodeSw,
  6697. LanguageCodeTa,
  6698. LanguageCodeTe,
  6699. LanguageCodeTg,
  6700. LanguageCodeTh,
  6701. LanguageCodeTi,
  6702. LanguageCodeTk,
  6703. LanguageCodeTo,
  6704. LanguageCodeTr,
  6705. LanguageCodeTt,
  6706. LanguageCodeUg,
  6707. LanguageCodeUk,
  6708. LanguageCodeUr,
  6709. LanguageCodeUz,
  6710. LanguageCodeVi,
  6711. LanguageCodeWo,
  6712. LanguageCodeXh,
  6713. LanguageCodeYi,
  6714. LanguageCodeYo,
  6715. LanguageCodeZhCn,
  6716. LanguageCodeZhTw,
  6717. LanguageCodeZu,
  6718. LanguageCodeZh,
  6719. LanguageCodePt,
  6720. LanguageCodeVo,
  6721. }
  6722. func (e LanguageCode) IsValid() bool {
  6723. switch e {
  6724. case LanguageCodeAf, LanguageCodeAk, LanguageCodeAm, LanguageCodeAr, LanguageCodeAs, LanguageCodeAz, LanguageCodeBe, LanguageCodeBg, LanguageCodeBm, LanguageCodeBn, LanguageCodeBo, LanguageCodeBr, LanguageCodeBs, LanguageCodeCa, LanguageCodeCe, LanguageCodeCs, LanguageCodeCu, LanguageCodeCy, LanguageCodeDa, LanguageCodeDe, LanguageCodeDz, LanguageCodeEe, LanguageCodeEl, LanguageCodeEn, LanguageCodeEo, LanguageCodeEs, LanguageCodeEt, LanguageCodeEu, LanguageCodeFa, LanguageCodeFf, LanguageCodeFi, LanguageCodeFo, LanguageCodeFr, LanguageCodeFy, LanguageCodeGa, LanguageCodeGd, LanguageCodeGl, LanguageCodeGu, LanguageCodeGv, LanguageCodeHa, LanguageCodeHe, LanguageCodeHi, LanguageCodeHr, LanguageCodeHu, LanguageCodeHy, LanguageCodeIa, LanguageCodeID, LanguageCodeIg, LanguageCodeIi, LanguageCodeIs, LanguageCodeIt, LanguageCodeJa, LanguageCodeJv, LanguageCodeKa, LanguageCodeKi, LanguageCodeKk, LanguageCodeKl, LanguageCodeKm, LanguageCodeKn, LanguageCodeKo, LanguageCodeKs, LanguageCodeKu, LanguageCodeKw, LanguageCodeKy, LanguageCodeLb, LanguageCodeLg, LanguageCodeLn, LanguageCodeLo, LanguageCodeLt, LanguageCodeLu, LanguageCodeLv, LanguageCodeMg, LanguageCodeMi, LanguageCodeMk, LanguageCodeMl, LanguageCodeMn, LanguageCodeMr, LanguageCodeMs, LanguageCodeMt, LanguageCodeMy, LanguageCodeNb, LanguageCodeNd, LanguageCodeNe, LanguageCodeNl, LanguageCodeNn, LanguageCodeNo, LanguageCodeOm, LanguageCodeOr, LanguageCodeOs, LanguageCodePa, LanguageCodePl, LanguageCodePs, LanguageCodePtBr, LanguageCodePtPt, LanguageCodeQu, LanguageCodeRm, LanguageCodeRn, LanguageCodeRo, LanguageCodeRu, LanguageCodeRw, LanguageCodeSd, LanguageCodeSe, LanguageCodeSg, LanguageCodeSi, LanguageCodeSk, LanguageCodeSl, LanguageCodeSn, LanguageCodeSo, LanguageCodeSq, LanguageCodeSr, LanguageCodeSu, LanguageCodeSv, LanguageCodeSw, LanguageCodeTa, LanguageCodeTe, LanguageCodeTg, LanguageCodeTh, LanguageCodeTi, LanguageCodeTk, LanguageCodeTo, LanguageCodeTr, LanguageCodeTt, LanguageCodeUg, LanguageCodeUk, LanguageCodeUr, LanguageCodeUz, LanguageCodeVi, LanguageCodeWo, LanguageCodeXh, LanguageCodeYi, LanguageCodeYo, LanguageCodeZhCn, LanguageCodeZhTw, LanguageCodeZu, LanguageCodeZh, LanguageCodePt, LanguageCodeVo:
  6725. return true
  6726. }
  6727. return false
  6728. }
  6729. func (e LanguageCode) String() string {
  6730. return string(e)
  6731. }
  6732. func (e *LanguageCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  6733. str, ok := v.(string)
  6734. if !ok {
  6735. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  6736. }
  6737. *e = LanguageCode(str)
  6738. if !e.IsValid() {
  6739. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid LanguageCode", str)
  6740. }
  6741. return nil
  6742. }
  6743. func (e LanguageCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  6744. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  6745. }
  6746. type LocalizationExtensionKey string
  6747. const (
  6748. LocalizationExtensionKeyTaxCredentialBr LocalizationExtensionKey = "TAX_CREDENTIAL_BR"
  6749. LocalizationExtensionKeyShippingCredentialBr LocalizationExtensionKey = "SHIPPING_CREDENTIAL_BR"
  6750. LocalizationExtensionKeyShippingCredentialCn LocalizationExtensionKey = "SHIPPING_CREDENTIAL_CN"
  6751. LocalizationExtensionKeyTaxCredentialIt LocalizationExtensionKey = "TAX_CREDENTIAL_IT"
  6752. LocalizationExtensionKeyTaxEmailIt LocalizationExtensionKey = "TAX_EMAIL_IT"
  6753. LocalizationExtensionKeyShippingCredentialKr LocalizationExtensionKey = "SHIPPING_CREDENTIAL_KR"
  6754. )
  6755. var AllLocalizationExtensionKey = []LocalizationExtensionKey{
  6756. LocalizationExtensionKeyTaxCredentialBr,
  6757. LocalizationExtensionKeyShippingCredentialBr,
  6758. LocalizationExtensionKeyShippingCredentialCn,
  6759. LocalizationExtensionKeyTaxCredentialIt,
  6760. LocalizationExtensionKeyTaxEmailIt,
  6761. LocalizationExtensionKeyShippingCredentialKr,
  6762. }
  6763. func (e LocalizationExtensionKey) IsValid() bool {
  6764. switch e {
  6765. case LocalizationExtensionKeyTaxCredentialBr, LocalizationExtensionKeyShippingCredentialBr, LocalizationExtensionKeyShippingCredentialCn, LocalizationExtensionKeyTaxCredentialIt, LocalizationExtensionKeyTaxEmailIt, LocalizationExtensionKeyShippingCredentialKr:
  6766. return true
  6767. }
  6768. return false
  6769. }
  6770. func (e LocalizationExtensionKey) String() string {
  6771. return string(e)
  6772. }
  6773. func (e *LocalizationExtensionKey) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  6774. str, ok := v.(string)
  6775. if !ok {
  6776. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  6777. }
  6778. *e = LocalizationExtensionKey(str)
  6779. if !e.IsValid() {
  6780. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid LocalizationExtensionKey", str)
  6781. }
  6782. return nil
  6783. }
  6784. func (e LocalizationExtensionKey) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  6785. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  6786. }
  6787. type LocalizationExtensionPurpose string
  6788. const (
  6789. LocalizationExtensionPurposeShipping LocalizationExtensionPurpose = "SHIPPING"
  6790. LocalizationExtensionPurposeTax LocalizationExtensionPurpose = "TAX"
  6791. )
  6792. var AllLocalizationExtensionPurpose = []LocalizationExtensionPurpose{
  6793. LocalizationExtensionPurposeShipping,
  6794. LocalizationExtensionPurposeTax,
  6795. }
  6796. func (e LocalizationExtensionPurpose) IsValid() bool {
  6797. switch e {
  6798. case LocalizationExtensionPurposeShipping, LocalizationExtensionPurposeTax:
  6799. return true
  6800. }
  6801. return false
  6802. }
  6803. func (e LocalizationExtensionPurpose) String() string {
  6804. return string(e)
  6805. }
  6806. func (e *LocalizationExtensionPurpose) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  6807. str, ok := v.(string)
  6808. if !ok {
  6809. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  6810. }
  6811. *e = LocalizationExtensionPurpose(str)
  6812. if !e.IsValid() {
  6813. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid LocalizationExtensionPurpose", str)
  6814. }
  6815. return nil
  6816. }
  6817. func (e LocalizationExtensionPurpose) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  6818. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  6819. }
  6820. type LocationSortKeys string
  6821. const (
  6822. LocationSortKeysName LocationSortKeys = "NAME"
  6823. LocationSortKeysID LocationSortKeys = "ID"
  6824. LocationSortKeysRelevance LocationSortKeys = "RELEVANCE"
  6825. )
  6826. var AllLocationSortKeys = []LocationSortKeys{
  6827. LocationSortKeysName,
  6828. LocationSortKeysID,
  6829. LocationSortKeysRelevance,
  6830. }
  6831. func (e LocationSortKeys) IsValid() bool {
  6832. switch e {
  6833. case LocationSortKeysName, LocationSortKeysID, LocationSortKeysRelevance:
  6834. return true
  6835. }
  6836. return false
  6837. }
  6838. func (e LocationSortKeys) String() string {
  6839. return string(e)
  6840. }
  6841. func (e *LocationSortKeys) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  6842. str, ok := v.(string)
  6843. if !ok {
  6844. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  6845. }
  6846. *e = LocationSortKeys(str)
  6847. if !e.IsValid() {
  6848. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid LocationSortKeys", str)
  6849. }
  6850. return nil
  6851. }
  6852. func (e LocationSortKeys) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  6853. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  6854. }
  6855. type MarketingChannel string
  6856. const (
  6857. MarketingChannelSearch MarketingChannel = "SEARCH"
  6858. MarketingChannelDisplay MarketingChannel = "DISPLAY"
  6859. MarketingChannelSocial MarketingChannel = "SOCIAL"
  6860. MarketingChannelEmail MarketingChannel = "EMAIL"
  6861. MarketingChannelReferral MarketingChannel = "REFERRAL"
  6862. )
  6863. var AllMarketingChannel = []MarketingChannel{
  6864. MarketingChannelSearch,
  6865. MarketingChannelDisplay,
  6866. MarketingChannelSocial,
  6867. MarketingChannelEmail,
  6868. MarketingChannelReferral,
  6869. }
  6870. func (e MarketingChannel) IsValid() bool {
  6871. switch e {
  6872. case MarketingChannelSearch, MarketingChannelDisplay, MarketingChannelSocial, MarketingChannelEmail, MarketingChannelReferral:
  6873. return true
  6874. }
  6875. return false
  6876. }
  6877. func (e MarketingChannel) String() string {
  6878. return string(e)
  6879. }
  6880. func (e *MarketingChannel) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  6881. str, ok := v.(string)
  6882. if !ok {
  6883. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  6884. }
  6885. *e = MarketingChannel(str)
  6886. if !e.IsValid() {
  6887. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid MarketingChannel", str)
  6888. }
  6889. return nil
  6890. }
  6891. func (e MarketingChannel) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  6892. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  6893. }
  6894. type MarketingTactic string
  6895. const (
  6896. MarketingTacticAbandonedCart MarketingTactic = "ABANDONED_CART"
  6897. MarketingTacticAd MarketingTactic = "AD"
  6898. MarketingTacticAffiliate MarketingTactic = "AFFILIATE"
  6899. MarketingTacticLink MarketingTactic = "LINK"
  6900. MarketingTacticLoyalty MarketingTactic = "LOYALTY"
  6901. MarketingTacticMessage MarketingTactic = "MESSAGE"
  6902. MarketingTacticNewsletter MarketingTactic = "NEWSLETTER"
  6903. MarketingTacticNotification MarketingTactic = "NOTIFICATION"
  6904. MarketingTacticPost MarketingTactic = "POST"
  6905. MarketingTacticRetargeting MarketingTactic = "RETARGETING"
  6906. MarketingTacticTransactional MarketingTactic = "TRANSACTIONAL"
  6907. MarketingTacticSeo MarketingTactic = "SEO"
  6908. MarketingTacticDirect MarketingTactic = "DIRECT"
  6909. MarketingTacticStorefrontApp MarketingTactic = "STOREFRONT_APP"
  6910. )
  6911. var AllMarketingTactic = []MarketingTactic{
  6912. MarketingTacticAbandonedCart,
  6913. MarketingTacticAd,
  6914. MarketingTacticAffiliate,
  6915. MarketingTacticLink,
  6916. MarketingTacticLoyalty,
  6917. MarketingTacticMessage,
  6918. MarketingTacticNewsletter,
  6919. MarketingTacticNotification,
  6920. MarketingTacticPost,
  6921. MarketingTacticRetargeting,
  6922. MarketingTacticTransactional,
  6923. MarketingTacticSeo,
  6924. MarketingTacticDirect,
  6925. MarketingTacticStorefrontApp,
  6926. }
  6927. func (e MarketingTactic) IsValid() bool {
  6928. switch e {
  6929. case MarketingTacticAbandonedCart, MarketingTacticAd, MarketingTacticAffiliate, MarketingTacticLink, MarketingTacticLoyalty, MarketingTacticMessage, MarketingTacticNewsletter, MarketingTacticNotification, MarketingTacticPost, MarketingTacticRetargeting, MarketingTacticTransactional, MarketingTacticSeo, MarketingTacticDirect, MarketingTacticStorefrontApp:
  6930. return true
  6931. }
  6932. return false
  6933. }
  6934. func (e MarketingTactic) String() string {
  6935. return string(e)
  6936. }
  6937. func (e *MarketingTactic) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  6938. str, ok := v.(string)
  6939. if !ok {
  6940. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  6941. }
  6942. *e = MarketingTactic(str)
  6943. if !e.IsValid() {
  6944. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid MarketingTactic", str)
  6945. }
  6946. return nil
  6947. }
  6948. func (e MarketingTactic) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  6949. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  6950. }
  6951. type MediaContentType string
  6952. const (
  6953. MediaContentTypeVideo MediaContentType = "VIDEO"
  6954. MediaContentTypeExternalVideo MediaContentType = "EXTERNAL_VIDEO"
  6955. MediaContentTypeModel3d MediaContentType = "MODEL_3D"
  6956. MediaContentTypeImage MediaContentType = "IMAGE"
  6957. )
  6958. var AllMediaContentType = []MediaContentType{
  6959. MediaContentTypeVideo,
  6960. MediaContentTypeExternalVideo,
  6961. MediaContentTypeModel3d,
  6962. MediaContentTypeImage,
  6963. }
  6964. func (e MediaContentType) IsValid() bool {
  6965. switch e {
  6966. case MediaContentTypeVideo, MediaContentTypeExternalVideo, MediaContentTypeModel3d, MediaContentTypeImage:
  6967. return true
  6968. }
  6969. return false
  6970. }
  6971. func (e MediaContentType) String() string {
  6972. return string(e)
  6973. }
  6974. func (e *MediaContentType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  6975. str, ok := v.(string)
  6976. if !ok {
  6977. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  6978. }
  6979. *e = MediaContentType(str)
  6980. if !e.IsValid() {
  6981. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid MediaContentType", str)
  6982. }
  6983. return nil
  6984. }
  6985. func (e MediaContentType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  6986. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  6987. }
  6988. type MediaErrorCode string
  6989. const (
  6990. MediaErrorCodeUnknown MediaErrorCode = "UNKNOWN"
  6991. MediaErrorCodeInvalidSignedURL MediaErrorCode = "INVALID_SIGNED_URL"
  6992. MediaErrorCodeImageDownloadFailure MediaErrorCode = "IMAGE_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE"
  6993. MediaErrorCodeImageProcessingFailure MediaErrorCode = "IMAGE_PROCESSING_FAILURE"
  6994. MediaErrorCodeMediaTimeoutError MediaErrorCode = "MEDIA_TIMEOUT_ERROR"
  6995. MediaErrorCodeExternalVideoNotFound MediaErrorCode = "EXTERNAL_VIDEO_NOT_FOUND"
  6996. MediaErrorCodeExternalVideoUnlisted MediaErrorCode = "EXTERNAL_VIDEO_UNLISTED"
  6997. MediaErrorCodeExternalVideoInvalidAspectRatio MediaErrorCode = "EXTERNAL_VIDEO_INVALID_ASPECT_RATIO"
  6998. MediaErrorCodeExternalVideoEmbedDisabled MediaErrorCode = "EXTERNAL_VIDEO_EMBED_DISABLED"
  6999. MediaErrorCodeExternalVideoEmbedNotFoundOrTranscoding MediaErrorCode = "EXTERNAL_VIDEO_EMBED_NOT_FOUND_OR_TRANSCODING"
  7000. MediaErrorCodeGenericFileDownloadFailure MediaErrorCode = "GENERIC_FILE_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE"
  7001. MediaErrorCodeGenericFileInvalidSize MediaErrorCode = "GENERIC_FILE_INVALID_SIZE"
  7002. MediaErrorCodeVideoMetadataReadError MediaErrorCode = "VIDEO_METADATA_READ_ERROR"
  7003. MediaErrorCodeVideoInvalidFiletypeError MediaErrorCode = "VIDEO_INVALID_FILETYPE_ERROR"
  7004. MediaErrorCodeVideoMinWidthError MediaErrorCode = "VIDEO_MIN_WIDTH_ERROR"
  7005. MediaErrorCodeVideoMaxWidthError MediaErrorCode = "VIDEO_MAX_WIDTH_ERROR"
  7006. MediaErrorCodeVideoMinHeightError MediaErrorCode = "VIDEO_MIN_HEIGHT_ERROR"
  7007. MediaErrorCodeVideoMaxHeightError MediaErrorCode = "VIDEO_MAX_HEIGHT_ERROR"
  7008. MediaErrorCodeVideoMinDurationError MediaErrorCode = "VIDEO_MIN_DURATION_ERROR"
  7009. MediaErrorCodeVideoMaxDurationError MediaErrorCode = "VIDEO_MAX_DURATION_ERROR"
  7010. MediaErrorCodeVideoValidationError MediaErrorCode = "VIDEO_VALIDATION_ERROR"
  7011. MediaErrorCodeModel3dValidationError MediaErrorCode = "MODEL3D_VALIDATION_ERROR"
  7012. MediaErrorCodeModel3dThumbnailGenerationError MediaErrorCode = "MODEL3D_THUMBNAIL_GENERATION_ERROR"
  7013. MediaErrorCodeModel3dGlbToUsdzConversionError MediaErrorCode = "MODEL3D_GLB_TO_USDZ_CONVERSION_ERROR"
  7014. MediaErrorCodeModel3dGlbOutputCreationError MediaErrorCode = "MODEL3D_GLB_OUTPUT_CREATION_ERROR"
  7015. MediaErrorCodeModel3dProcessingFailure MediaErrorCode = "MODEL3D_PROCESSING_FAILURE"
  7016. MediaErrorCodeUnsupportedImageFileType MediaErrorCode = "UNSUPPORTED_IMAGE_FILE_TYPE"
  7017. MediaErrorCodeInvalidImageFileSize MediaErrorCode = "INVALID_IMAGE_FILE_SIZE"
  7018. MediaErrorCodeInvalidImageAspectRatio MediaErrorCode = "INVALID_IMAGE_ASPECT_RATIO"
  7019. MediaErrorCodeInvalidImageResolution MediaErrorCode = "INVALID_IMAGE_RESOLUTION"
  7020. MediaErrorCodeFileStorageLimitExceeded MediaErrorCode = "FILE_STORAGE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED"
  7021. )
  7022. var AllMediaErrorCode = []MediaErrorCode{
  7023. MediaErrorCodeUnknown,
  7024. MediaErrorCodeInvalidSignedURL,
  7025. MediaErrorCodeImageDownloadFailure,
  7026. MediaErrorCodeImageProcessingFailure,
  7027. MediaErrorCodeMediaTimeoutError,
  7028. MediaErrorCodeExternalVideoNotFound,
  7029. MediaErrorCodeExternalVideoUnlisted,
  7030. MediaErrorCodeExternalVideoInvalidAspectRatio,
  7031. MediaErrorCodeExternalVideoEmbedDisabled,
  7032. MediaErrorCodeExternalVideoEmbedNotFoundOrTranscoding,
  7033. MediaErrorCodeGenericFileDownloadFailure,
  7034. MediaErrorCodeGenericFileInvalidSize,
  7035. MediaErrorCodeVideoMetadataReadError,
  7036. MediaErrorCodeVideoInvalidFiletypeError,
  7037. MediaErrorCodeVideoMinWidthError,
  7038. MediaErrorCodeVideoMaxWidthError,
  7039. MediaErrorCodeVideoMinHeightError,
  7040. MediaErrorCodeVideoMaxHeightError,
  7041. MediaErrorCodeVideoMinDurationError,
  7042. MediaErrorCodeVideoMaxDurationError,
  7043. MediaErrorCodeVideoValidationError,
  7044. MediaErrorCodeModel3dValidationError,
  7045. MediaErrorCodeModel3dThumbnailGenerationError,
  7046. MediaErrorCodeModel3dGlbToUsdzConversionError,
  7047. MediaErrorCodeModel3dGlbOutputCreationError,
  7048. MediaErrorCodeModel3dProcessingFailure,
  7049. MediaErrorCodeUnsupportedImageFileType,
  7050. MediaErrorCodeInvalidImageFileSize,
  7051. MediaErrorCodeInvalidImageAspectRatio,
  7052. MediaErrorCodeInvalidImageResolution,
  7053. MediaErrorCodeFileStorageLimitExceeded,
  7054. }
  7055. func (e MediaErrorCode) IsValid() bool {
  7056. switch e {
  7057. case MediaErrorCodeUnknown, MediaErrorCodeInvalidSignedURL, MediaErrorCodeImageDownloadFailure, MediaErrorCodeImageProcessingFailure, MediaErrorCodeMediaTimeoutError, MediaErrorCodeExternalVideoNotFound, MediaErrorCodeExternalVideoUnlisted, MediaErrorCodeExternalVideoInvalidAspectRatio, MediaErrorCodeExternalVideoEmbedDisabled, MediaErrorCodeExternalVideoEmbedNotFoundOrTranscoding, MediaErrorCodeGenericFileDownloadFailure, MediaErrorCodeGenericFileInvalidSize, MediaErrorCodeVideoMetadataReadError, MediaErrorCodeVideoInvalidFiletypeError, MediaErrorCodeVideoMinWidthError, MediaErrorCodeVideoMaxWidthError, MediaErrorCodeVideoMinHeightError, MediaErrorCodeVideoMaxHeightError, MediaErrorCodeVideoMinDurationError, MediaErrorCodeVideoMaxDurationError, MediaErrorCodeVideoValidationError, MediaErrorCodeModel3dValidationError, MediaErrorCodeModel3dThumbnailGenerationError, MediaErrorCodeModel3dGlbToUsdzConversionError, MediaErrorCodeModel3dGlbOutputCreationError, MediaErrorCodeModel3dProcessingFailure, MediaErrorCodeUnsupportedImageFileType, MediaErrorCodeInvalidImageFileSize, MediaErrorCodeInvalidImageAspectRatio, MediaErrorCodeInvalidImageResolution, MediaErrorCodeFileStorageLimitExceeded:
  7058. return true
  7059. }
  7060. return false
  7061. }
  7062. func (e MediaErrorCode) String() string {
  7063. return string(e)
  7064. }
  7065. func (e *MediaErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  7066. str, ok := v.(string)
  7067. if !ok {
  7068. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  7069. }
  7070. *e = MediaErrorCode(str)
  7071. if !e.IsValid() {
  7072. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid MediaErrorCode", str)
  7073. }
  7074. return nil
  7075. }
  7076. func (e MediaErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  7077. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  7078. }
  7079. type MediaPreviewImageStatus string
  7080. const (
  7081. MediaPreviewImageStatusUploaded MediaPreviewImageStatus = "UPLOADED"
  7082. MediaPreviewImageStatusProcessing MediaPreviewImageStatus = "PROCESSING"
  7083. MediaPreviewImageStatusReady MediaPreviewImageStatus = "READY"
  7084. MediaPreviewImageStatusFailed MediaPreviewImageStatus = "FAILED"
  7085. )
  7086. var AllMediaPreviewImageStatus = []MediaPreviewImageStatus{
  7087. MediaPreviewImageStatusUploaded,
  7088. MediaPreviewImageStatusProcessing,
  7089. MediaPreviewImageStatusReady,
  7090. MediaPreviewImageStatusFailed,
  7091. }
  7092. func (e MediaPreviewImageStatus) IsValid() bool {
  7093. switch e {
  7094. case MediaPreviewImageStatusUploaded, MediaPreviewImageStatusProcessing, MediaPreviewImageStatusReady, MediaPreviewImageStatusFailed:
  7095. return true
  7096. }
  7097. return false
  7098. }
  7099. func (e MediaPreviewImageStatus) String() string {
  7100. return string(e)
  7101. }
  7102. func (e *MediaPreviewImageStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  7103. str, ok := v.(string)
  7104. if !ok {
  7105. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  7106. }
  7107. *e = MediaPreviewImageStatus(str)
  7108. if !e.IsValid() {
  7109. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid MediaPreviewImageStatus", str)
  7110. }
  7111. return nil
  7112. }
  7113. func (e MediaPreviewImageStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  7114. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  7115. }
  7116. type MediaStatus string
  7117. const (
  7118. MediaStatusUploaded MediaStatus = "UPLOADED"
  7119. MediaStatusProcessing MediaStatus = "PROCESSING"
  7120. MediaStatusReady MediaStatus = "READY"
  7121. MediaStatusFailed MediaStatus = "FAILED"
  7122. )
  7123. var AllMediaStatus = []MediaStatus{
  7124. MediaStatusUploaded,
  7125. MediaStatusProcessing,
  7126. MediaStatusReady,
  7127. MediaStatusFailed,
  7128. }
  7129. func (e MediaStatus) IsValid() bool {
  7130. switch e {
  7131. case MediaStatusUploaded, MediaStatusProcessing, MediaStatusReady, MediaStatusFailed:
  7132. return true
  7133. }
  7134. return false
  7135. }
  7136. func (e MediaStatus) String() string {
  7137. return string(e)
  7138. }
  7139. func (e *MediaStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  7140. str, ok := v.(string)
  7141. if !ok {
  7142. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  7143. }
  7144. *e = MediaStatus(str)
  7145. if !e.IsValid() {
  7146. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid MediaStatus", str)
  7147. }
  7148. return nil
  7149. }
  7150. func (e MediaStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  7151. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  7152. }
  7153. type MediaUserErrorCode string
  7154. const (
  7155. MediaUserErrorCodeInvalid MediaUserErrorCode = "INVALID"
  7156. MediaUserErrorCodeBlank MediaUserErrorCode = "BLANK"
  7157. MediaUserErrorCodeVideoValidationError MediaUserErrorCode = "VIDEO_VALIDATION_ERROR"
  7158. MediaUserErrorCodeModel3dValidationError MediaUserErrorCode = "MODEL3D_VALIDATION_ERROR"
  7159. MediaUserErrorCodeVideoThrottleExceeded MediaUserErrorCode = "VIDEO_THROTTLE_EXCEEDED"
  7160. MediaUserErrorCodeModel3dThrottleExceeded MediaUserErrorCode = "MODEL3D_THROTTLE_EXCEEDED"
  7161. MediaUserErrorCodeProductMediaLimitExceeded MediaUserErrorCode = "PRODUCT_MEDIA_LIMIT_EXCEEDED"
  7162. MediaUserErrorCodeShopMediaLimitExceeded MediaUserErrorCode = "SHOP_MEDIA_LIMIT_EXCEEDED"
  7163. MediaUserErrorCodeProductDoesNotExist MediaUserErrorCode = "PRODUCT_DOES_NOT_EXIST"
  7164. MediaUserErrorCodeMediaDoesNotExist MediaUserErrorCode = "MEDIA_DOES_NOT_EXIST"
  7165. MediaUserErrorCodeMediaDoesNotExistOnProduct MediaUserErrorCode = "MEDIA_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ON_PRODUCT"
  7166. MediaUserErrorCodeTooManyMediaPerInputPair MediaUserErrorCode = "TOO_MANY_MEDIA_PER_INPUT_PAIR"
  7167. MediaUserErrorCodeMaximumVariantMediaPairsExceeded MediaUserErrorCode = "MAXIMUM_VARIANT_MEDIA_PAIRS_EXCEEDED"
  7168. MediaUserErrorCodeInvalidMediaType MediaUserErrorCode = "INVALID_MEDIA_TYPE"
  7169. MediaUserErrorCodeProductVariantSpecifiedMultipleTimes MediaUserErrorCode = "PRODUCT_VARIANT_SPECIFIED_MULTIPLE_TIMES"
  7170. MediaUserErrorCodeProductVariantDoesNotExistOnProduct MediaUserErrorCode = "PRODUCT_VARIANT_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ON_PRODUCT"
  7171. MediaUserErrorCodeNonReadyMedia MediaUserErrorCode = "NON_READY_MEDIA"
  7172. MediaUserErrorCodeProductVariantAlreadyHasMedia MediaUserErrorCode = "PRODUCT_VARIANT_ALREADY_HAS_MEDIA"
  7173. MediaUserErrorCodeMediaIsNotAttachedToVariant MediaUserErrorCode = "MEDIA_IS_NOT_ATTACHED_TO_VARIANT"
  7174. MediaUserErrorCodeMediaCannotBeModified MediaUserErrorCode = "MEDIA_CANNOT_BE_MODIFIED"
  7175. )
  7176. var AllMediaUserErrorCode = []MediaUserErrorCode{
  7177. MediaUserErrorCodeInvalid,
  7178. MediaUserErrorCodeBlank,
  7179. MediaUserErrorCodeVideoValidationError,
  7180. MediaUserErrorCodeModel3dValidationError,
  7181. MediaUserErrorCodeVideoThrottleExceeded,
  7182. MediaUserErrorCodeModel3dThrottleExceeded,
  7183. MediaUserErrorCodeProductMediaLimitExceeded,
  7184. MediaUserErrorCodeShopMediaLimitExceeded,
  7185. MediaUserErrorCodeProductDoesNotExist,
  7186. MediaUserErrorCodeMediaDoesNotExist,
  7187. MediaUserErrorCodeMediaDoesNotExistOnProduct,
  7188. MediaUserErrorCodeTooManyMediaPerInputPair,
  7189. MediaUserErrorCodeMaximumVariantMediaPairsExceeded,
  7190. MediaUserErrorCodeInvalidMediaType,
  7191. MediaUserErrorCodeProductVariantSpecifiedMultipleTimes,
  7192. MediaUserErrorCodeProductVariantDoesNotExistOnProduct,
  7193. MediaUserErrorCodeNonReadyMedia,
  7194. MediaUserErrorCodeProductVariantAlreadyHasMedia,
  7195. MediaUserErrorCodeMediaIsNotAttachedToVariant,
  7196. MediaUserErrorCodeMediaCannotBeModified,
  7197. }
  7198. func (e MediaUserErrorCode) IsValid() bool {
  7199. switch e {
  7200. case MediaUserErrorCodeInvalid, MediaUserErrorCodeBlank, MediaUserErrorCodeVideoValidationError, MediaUserErrorCodeModel3dValidationError, MediaUserErrorCodeVideoThrottleExceeded, MediaUserErrorCodeModel3dThrottleExceeded, MediaUserErrorCodeProductMediaLimitExceeded, MediaUserErrorCodeShopMediaLimitExceeded, MediaUserErrorCodeProductDoesNotExist, MediaUserErrorCodeMediaDoesNotExist, MediaUserErrorCodeMediaDoesNotExistOnProduct, MediaUserErrorCodeTooManyMediaPerInputPair, MediaUserErrorCodeMaximumVariantMediaPairsExceeded, MediaUserErrorCodeInvalidMediaType, MediaUserErrorCodeProductVariantSpecifiedMultipleTimes, MediaUserErrorCodeProductVariantDoesNotExistOnProduct, MediaUserErrorCodeNonReadyMedia, MediaUserErrorCodeProductVariantAlreadyHasMedia, MediaUserErrorCodeMediaIsNotAttachedToVariant, MediaUserErrorCodeMediaCannotBeModified:
  7201. return true
  7202. }
  7203. return false
  7204. }
  7205. func (e MediaUserErrorCode) String() string {
  7206. return string(e)
  7207. }
  7208. func (e *MediaUserErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  7209. str, ok := v.(string)
  7210. if !ok {
  7211. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  7212. }
  7213. *e = MediaUserErrorCode(str)
  7214. if !e.IsValid() {
  7215. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid MediaUserErrorCode", str)
  7216. }
  7217. return nil
  7218. }
  7219. func (e MediaUserErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  7220. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  7221. }
  7222. type MediaWarningCode string
  7223. const (
  7224. MediaWarningCodeModelSmallPhysicalSize MediaWarningCode = "MODEL_SMALL_PHYSICAL_SIZE"
  7225. MediaWarningCodeModelLargePhysicalSize MediaWarningCode = "MODEL_LARGE_PHYSICAL_SIZE"
  7226. )
  7227. var AllMediaWarningCode = []MediaWarningCode{
  7228. MediaWarningCodeModelSmallPhysicalSize,
  7229. MediaWarningCodeModelLargePhysicalSize,
  7230. }
  7231. func (e MediaWarningCode) IsValid() bool {
  7232. switch e {
  7233. case MediaWarningCodeModelSmallPhysicalSize, MediaWarningCodeModelLargePhysicalSize:
  7234. return true
  7235. }
  7236. return false
  7237. }
  7238. func (e MediaWarningCode) String() string {
  7239. return string(e)
  7240. }
  7241. func (e *MediaWarningCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  7242. str, ok := v.(string)
  7243. if !ok {
  7244. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  7245. }
  7246. *e = MediaWarningCode(str)
  7247. if !e.IsValid() {
  7248. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid MediaWarningCode", str)
  7249. }
  7250. return nil
  7251. }
  7252. func (e MediaWarningCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  7253. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  7254. }
  7255. type MetafieldDefinitionPinnedStatus string
  7256. const (
  7257. MetafieldDefinitionPinnedStatusAny MetafieldDefinitionPinnedStatus = "ANY"
  7258. MetafieldDefinitionPinnedStatusPinned MetafieldDefinitionPinnedStatus = "PINNED"
  7259. MetafieldDefinitionPinnedStatusUnpinned MetafieldDefinitionPinnedStatus = "UNPINNED"
  7260. )
  7261. var AllMetafieldDefinitionPinnedStatus = []MetafieldDefinitionPinnedStatus{
  7262. MetafieldDefinitionPinnedStatusAny,
  7263. MetafieldDefinitionPinnedStatusPinned,
  7264. MetafieldDefinitionPinnedStatusUnpinned,
  7265. }
  7266. func (e MetafieldDefinitionPinnedStatus) IsValid() bool {
  7267. switch e {
  7268. case MetafieldDefinitionPinnedStatusAny, MetafieldDefinitionPinnedStatusPinned, MetafieldDefinitionPinnedStatusUnpinned:
  7269. return true
  7270. }
  7271. return false
  7272. }
  7273. func (e MetafieldDefinitionPinnedStatus) String() string {
  7274. return string(e)
  7275. }
  7276. func (e *MetafieldDefinitionPinnedStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  7277. str, ok := v.(string)
  7278. if !ok {
  7279. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  7280. }
  7281. *e = MetafieldDefinitionPinnedStatus(str)
  7282. if !e.IsValid() {
  7283. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid MetafieldDefinitionPinnedStatus", str)
  7284. }
  7285. return nil
  7286. }
  7287. func (e MetafieldDefinitionPinnedStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  7288. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  7289. }
  7290. type MetafieldDefinitionSortKeys string
  7291. const (
  7292. MetafieldDefinitionSortKeysID MetafieldDefinitionSortKeys = "ID"
  7293. MetafieldDefinitionSortKeysName MetafieldDefinitionSortKeys = "NAME"
  7294. MetafieldDefinitionSortKeysPinnedPosition MetafieldDefinitionSortKeys = "PINNED_POSITION"
  7295. MetafieldDefinitionSortKeysRelevance MetafieldDefinitionSortKeys = "RELEVANCE"
  7296. )
  7297. var AllMetafieldDefinitionSortKeys = []MetafieldDefinitionSortKeys{
  7298. MetafieldDefinitionSortKeysID,
  7299. MetafieldDefinitionSortKeysName,
  7300. MetafieldDefinitionSortKeysPinnedPosition,
  7301. MetafieldDefinitionSortKeysRelevance,
  7302. }
  7303. func (e MetafieldDefinitionSortKeys) IsValid() bool {
  7304. switch e {
  7305. case MetafieldDefinitionSortKeysID, MetafieldDefinitionSortKeysName, MetafieldDefinitionSortKeysPinnedPosition, MetafieldDefinitionSortKeysRelevance:
  7306. return true
  7307. }
  7308. return false
  7309. }
  7310. func (e MetafieldDefinitionSortKeys) String() string {
  7311. return string(e)
  7312. }
  7313. func (e *MetafieldDefinitionSortKeys) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  7314. str, ok := v.(string)
  7315. if !ok {
  7316. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  7317. }
  7318. *e = MetafieldDefinitionSortKeys(str)
  7319. if !e.IsValid() {
  7320. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid MetafieldDefinitionSortKeys", str)
  7321. }
  7322. return nil
  7323. }
  7324. func (e MetafieldDefinitionSortKeys) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  7325. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  7326. }
  7327. type MetafieldDefinitionValidationStatus string
  7328. const (
  7329. MetafieldDefinitionValidationStatusAllValid MetafieldDefinitionValidationStatus = "ALL_VALID"
  7330. MetafieldDefinitionValidationStatusInProgress MetafieldDefinitionValidationStatus = "IN_PROGRESS"
  7331. MetafieldDefinitionValidationStatusSomeInvalid MetafieldDefinitionValidationStatus = "SOME_INVALID"
  7332. )
  7333. var AllMetafieldDefinitionValidationStatus = []MetafieldDefinitionValidationStatus{
  7334. MetafieldDefinitionValidationStatusAllValid,
  7335. MetafieldDefinitionValidationStatusInProgress,
  7336. MetafieldDefinitionValidationStatusSomeInvalid,
  7337. }
  7338. func (e MetafieldDefinitionValidationStatus) IsValid() bool {
  7339. switch e {
  7340. case MetafieldDefinitionValidationStatusAllValid, MetafieldDefinitionValidationStatusInProgress, MetafieldDefinitionValidationStatusSomeInvalid:
  7341. return true
  7342. }
  7343. return false
  7344. }
  7345. func (e MetafieldDefinitionValidationStatus) String() string {
  7346. return string(e)
  7347. }
  7348. func (e *MetafieldDefinitionValidationStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  7349. str, ok := v.(string)
  7350. if !ok {
  7351. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  7352. }
  7353. *e = MetafieldDefinitionValidationStatus(str)
  7354. if !e.IsValid() {
  7355. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid MetafieldDefinitionValidationStatus", str)
  7356. }
  7357. return nil
  7358. }
  7359. func (e MetafieldDefinitionValidationStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  7360. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  7361. }
  7362. type MetafieldOwnerType string
  7363. const (
  7364. MetafieldOwnerTypeAPIPermission MetafieldOwnerType = "API_PERMISSION"
  7365. MetafieldOwnerTypeArticle MetafieldOwnerType = "ARTICLE"
  7366. MetafieldOwnerTypeBlog MetafieldOwnerType = "BLOG"
  7367. MetafieldOwnerTypeCollection MetafieldOwnerType = "COLLECTION"
  7368. MetafieldOwnerTypeCustomer MetafieldOwnerType = "CUSTOMER"
  7369. MetafieldOwnerTypeDiscount MetafieldOwnerType = "DISCOUNT"
  7370. MetafieldOwnerTypeDraftorder MetafieldOwnerType = "DRAFTORDER"
  7371. MetafieldOwnerTypeLocation MetafieldOwnerType = "LOCATION"
  7372. MetafieldOwnerTypeOrder MetafieldOwnerType = "ORDER"
  7373. MetafieldOwnerTypePage MetafieldOwnerType = "PAGE"
  7374. MetafieldOwnerTypeProduct MetafieldOwnerType = "PRODUCT"
  7375. MetafieldOwnerTypeProductimage MetafieldOwnerType = "PRODUCTIMAGE"
  7376. MetafieldOwnerTypeProductvariant MetafieldOwnerType = "PRODUCTVARIANT"
  7377. MetafieldOwnerTypeShop MetafieldOwnerType = "SHOP"
  7378. )
  7379. var AllMetafieldOwnerType = []MetafieldOwnerType{
  7380. MetafieldOwnerTypeAPIPermission,
  7381. MetafieldOwnerTypeArticle,
  7382. MetafieldOwnerTypeBlog,
  7383. MetafieldOwnerTypeCollection,
  7384. MetafieldOwnerTypeCustomer,
  7385. MetafieldOwnerTypeDiscount,
  7386. MetafieldOwnerTypeDraftorder,
  7387. MetafieldOwnerTypeLocation,
  7388. MetafieldOwnerTypeOrder,
  7389. MetafieldOwnerTypePage,
  7390. MetafieldOwnerTypeProduct,
  7391. MetafieldOwnerTypeProductimage,
  7392. MetafieldOwnerTypeProductvariant,
  7393. MetafieldOwnerTypeShop,
  7394. }
  7395. func (e MetafieldOwnerType) IsValid() bool {
  7396. switch e {
  7397. case MetafieldOwnerTypeAPIPermission, MetafieldOwnerTypeArticle, MetafieldOwnerTypeBlog, MetafieldOwnerTypeCollection, MetafieldOwnerTypeCustomer, MetafieldOwnerTypeDiscount, MetafieldOwnerTypeDraftorder, MetafieldOwnerTypeLocation, MetafieldOwnerTypeOrder, MetafieldOwnerTypePage, MetafieldOwnerTypeProduct, MetafieldOwnerTypeProductimage, MetafieldOwnerTypeProductvariant, MetafieldOwnerTypeShop:
  7398. return true
  7399. }
  7400. return false
  7401. }
  7402. func (e MetafieldOwnerType) String() string {
  7403. return string(e)
  7404. }
  7405. func (e *MetafieldOwnerType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  7406. str, ok := v.(string)
  7407. if !ok {
  7408. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  7409. }
  7410. *e = MetafieldOwnerType(str)
  7411. if !e.IsValid() {
  7412. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid MetafieldOwnerType", str)
  7413. }
  7414. return nil
  7415. }
  7416. func (e MetafieldOwnerType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  7417. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  7418. }
  7419. type MetafieldValidationStatus string
  7420. const (
  7421. MetafieldValidationStatusAny MetafieldValidationStatus = "ANY"
  7422. MetafieldValidationStatusValid MetafieldValidationStatus = "VALID"
  7423. MetafieldValidationStatusInvalid MetafieldValidationStatus = "INVALID"
  7424. )
  7425. var AllMetafieldValidationStatus = []MetafieldValidationStatus{
  7426. MetafieldValidationStatusAny,
  7427. MetafieldValidationStatusValid,
  7428. MetafieldValidationStatusInvalid,
  7429. }
  7430. func (e MetafieldValidationStatus) IsValid() bool {
  7431. switch e {
  7432. case MetafieldValidationStatusAny, MetafieldValidationStatusValid, MetafieldValidationStatusInvalid:
  7433. return true
  7434. }
  7435. return false
  7436. }
  7437. func (e MetafieldValidationStatus) String() string {
  7438. return string(e)
  7439. }
  7440. func (e *MetafieldValidationStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  7441. str, ok := v.(string)
  7442. if !ok {
  7443. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  7444. }
  7445. *e = MetafieldValidationStatus(str)
  7446. if !e.IsValid() {
  7447. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid MetafieldValidationStatus", str)
  7448. }
  7449. return nil
  7450. }
  7451. func (e MetafieldValidationStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  7452. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  7453. }
  7454. type MethodDefinitionSortKeys string
  7455. const (
  7456. MethodDefinitionSortKeysRateProviderType MethodDefinitionSortKeys = "RATE_PROVIDER_TYPE"
  7457. MethodDefinitionSortKeysID MethodDefinitionSortKeys = "ID"
  7458. MethodDefinitionSortKeysRelevance MethodDefinitionSortKeys = "RELEVANCE"
  7459. )
  7460. var AllMethodDefinitionSortKeys = []MethodDefinitionSortKeys{
  7461. MethodDefinitionSortKeysRateProviderType,
  7462. MethodDefinitionSortKeysID,
  7463. MethodDefinitionSortKeysRelevance,
  7464. }
  7465. func (e MethodDefinitionSortKeys) IsValid() bool {
  7466. switch e {
  7467. case MethodDefinitionSortKeysRateProviderType, MethodDefinitionSortKeysID, MethodDefinitionSortKeysRelevance:
  7468. return true
  7469. }
  7470. return false
  7471. }
  7472. func (e MethodDefinitionSortKeys) String() string {
  7473. return string(e)
  7474. }
  7475. func (e *MethodDefinitionSortKeys) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  7476. str, ok := v.(string)
  7477. if !ok {
  7478. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  7479. }
  7480. *e = MethodDefinitionSortKeys(str)
  7481. if !e.IsValid() {
  7482. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid MethodDefinitionSortKeys", str)
  7483. }
  7484. return nil
  7485. }
  7486. func (e MethodDefinitionSortKeys) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  7487. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  7488. }
  7489. type OrderActionType string
  7490. const (
  7491. OrderActionTypeOrder OrderActionType = "ORDER"
  7492. OrderActionTypeOrderEdit OrderActionType = "ORDER_EDIT"
  7493. OrderActionTypeRefund OrderActionType = "REFUND"
  7494. OrderActionTypeUnknown OrderActionType = "UNKNOWN"
  7495. )
  7496. var AllOrderActionType = []OrderActionType{
  7497. OrderActionTypeOrder,
  7498. OrderActionTypeOrderEdit,
  7499. OrderActionTypeRefund,
  7500. OrderActionTypeUnknown,
  7501. }
  7502. func (e OrderActionType) IsValid() bool {
  7503. switch e {
  7504. case OrderActionTypeOrder, OrderActionTypeOrderEdit, OrderActionTypeRefund, OrderActionTypeUnknown:
  7505. return true
  7506. }
  7507. return false
  7508. }
  7509. func (e OrderActionType) String() string {
  7510. return string(e)
  7511. }
  7512. func (e *OrderActionType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  7513. str, ok := v.(string)
  7514. if !ok {
  7515. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  7516. }
  7517. *e = OrderActionType(str)
  7518. if !e.IsValid() {
  7519. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid OrderActionType", str)
  7520. }
  7521. return nil
  7522. }
  7523. func (e OrderActionType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  7524. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  7525. }
  7526. type OrderCancelReason string
  7527. const (
  7528. OrderCancelReasonCustomer OrderCancelReason = "CUSTOMER"
  7529. OrderCancelReasonFraud OrderCancelReason = "FRAUD"
  7530. OrderCancelReasonInventory OrderCancelReason = "INVENTORY"
  7531. OrderCancelReasonDeclined OrderCancelReason = "DECLINED"
  7532. OrderCancelReasonOther OrderCancelReason = "OTHER"
  7533. )
  7534. var AllOrderCancelReason = []OrderCancelReason{
  7535. OrderCancelReasonCustomer,
  7536. OrderCancelReasonFraud,
  7537. OrderCancelReasonInventory,
  7538. OrderCancelReasonDeclined,
  7539. OrderCancelReasonOther,
  7540. }
  7541. func (e OrderCancelReason) IsValid() bool {
  7542. switch e {
  7543. case OrderCancelReasonCustomer, OrderCancelReasonFraud, OrderCancelReasonInventory, OrderCancelReasonDeclined, OrderCancelReasonOther:
  7544. return true
  7545. }
  7546. return false
  7547. }
  7548. func (e OrderCancelReason) String() string {
  7549. return string(e)
  7550. }
  7551. func (e *OrderCancelReason) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  7552. str, ok := v.(string)
  7553. if !ok {
  7554. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  7555. }
  7556. *e = OrderCancelReason(str)
  7557. if !e.IsValid() {
  7558. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid OrderCancelReason", str)
  7559. }
  7560. return nil
  7561. }
  7562. func (e OrderCancelReason) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  7563. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  7564. }
  7565. type OrderDisplayFinancialStatus string
  7566. const (
  7567. OrderDisplayFinancialStatusPending OrderDisplayFinancialStatus = "PENDING"
  7568. OrderDisplayFinancialStatusAuthorized OrderDisplayFinancialStatus = "AUTHORIZED"
  7569. OrderDisplayFinancialStatusPartiallyPaid OrderDisplayFinancialStatus = "PARTIALLY_PAID"
  7570. OrderDisplayFinancialStatusPartiallyRefunded OrderDisplayFinancialStatus = "PARTIALLY_REFUNDED"
  7571. OrderDisplayFinancialStatusVoided OrderDisplayFinancialStatus = "VOIDED"
  7572. OrderDisplayFinancialStatusPaid OrderDisplayFinancialStatus = "PAID"
  7573. OrderDisplayFinancialStatusRefunded OrderDisplayFinancialStatus = "REFUNDED"
  7574. OrderDisplayFinancialStatusExpired OrderDisplayFinancialStatus = "EXPIRED"
  7575. )
  7576. var AllOrderDisplayFinancialStatus = []OrderDisplayFinancialStatus{
  7577. OrderDisplayFinancialStatusPending,
  7578. OrderDisplayFinancialStatusAuthorized,
  7579. OrderDisplayFinancialStatusPartiallyPaid,
  7580. OrderDisplayFinancialStatusPartiallyRefunded,
  7581. OrderDisplayFinancialStatusVoided,
  7582. OrderDisplayFinancialStatusPaid,
  7583. OrderDisplayFinancialStatusRefunded,
  7584. OrderDisplayFinancialStatusExpired,
  7585. }
  7586. func (e OrderDisplayFinancialStatus) IsValid() bool {
  7587. switch e {
  7588. case OrderDisplayFinancialStatusPending, OrderDisplayFinancialStatusAuthorized, OrderDisplayFinancialStatusPartiallyPaid, OrderDisplayFinancialStatusPartiallyRefunded, OrderDisplayFinancialStatusVoided, OrderDisplayFinancialStatusPaid, OrderDisplayFinancialStatusRefunded, OrderDisplayFinancialStatusExpired:
  7589. return true
  7590. }
  7591. return false
  7592. }
  7593. func (e OrderDisplayFinancialStatus) String() string {
  7594. return string(e)
  7595. }
  7596. func (e *OrderDisplayFinancialStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  7597. str, ok := v.(string)
  7598. if !ok {
  7599. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  7600. }
  7601. *e = OrderDisplayFinancialStatus(str)
  7602. if !e.IsValid() {
  7603. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid OrderDisplayFinancialStatus", str)
  7604. }
  7605. return nil
  7606. }
  7607. func (e OrderDisplayFinancialStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  7608. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  7609. }
  7610. type OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatus string
  7611. const (
  7612. OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatusUnfulfilled OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatus = "UNFULFILLED"
  7613. OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatusPartiallyFulfilled OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatus = "PARTIALLY_FULFILLED"
  7614. OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatusFulfilled OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatus = "FULFILLED"
  7615. OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatusRestocked OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatus = "RESTOCKED"
  7616. OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatusPendingFulfillment OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatus = "PENDING_FULFILLMENT"
  7617. OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatusOpen OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatus = "OPEN"
  7618. OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatusInProgress OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatus = "IN_PROGRESS"
  7619. OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatusOnHold OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatus = "ON_HOLD"
  7620. OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatusScheduled OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatus = "SCHEDULED"
  7621. )
  7622. var AllOrderDisplayFulfillmentStatus = []OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatus{
  7623. OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatusUnfulfilled,
  7624. OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatusPartiallyFulfilled,
  7625. OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatusFulfilled,
  7626. OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatusRestocked,
  7627. OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatusPendingFulfillment,
  7628. OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatusOpen,
  7629. OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatusInProgress,
  7630. OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatusOnHold,
  7631. OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatusScheduled,
  7632. }
  7633. func (e OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatus) IsValid() bool {
  7634. switch e {
  7635. case OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatusUnfulfilled, OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatusPartiallyFulfilled, OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatusFulfilled, OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatusRestocked, OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatusPendingFulfillment, OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatusOpen, OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatusInProgress, OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatusOnHold, OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatusScheduled:
  7636. return true
  7637. }
  7638. return false
  7639. }
  7640. func (e OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatus) String() string {
  7641. return string(e)
  7642. }
  7643. func (e *OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  7644. str, ok := v.(string)
  7645. if !ok {
  7646. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  7647. }
  7648. *e = OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatus(str)
  7649. if !e.IsValid() {
  7650. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatus", str)
  7651. }
  7652. return nil
  7653. }
  7654. func (e OrderDisplayFulfillmentStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  7655. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  7656. }
  7657. type OrderRiskLevel string
  7658. const (
  7659. OrderRiskLevelLow OrderRiskLevel = "LOW"
  7660. OrderRiskLevelMedium OrderRiskLevel = "MEDIUM"
  7661. OrderRiskLevelHigh OrderRiskLevel = "HIGH"
  7662. )
  7663. var AllOrderRiskLevel = []OrderRiskLevel{
  7664. OrderRiskLevelLow,
  7665. OrderRiskLevelMedium,
  7666. OrderRiskLevelHigh,
  7667. }
  7668. func (e OrderRiskLevel) IsValid() bool {
  7669. switch e {
  7670. case OrderRiskLevelLow, OrderRiskLevelMedium, OrderRiskLevelHigh:
  7671. return true
  7672. }
  7673. return false
  7674. }
  7675. func (e OrderRiskLevel) String() string {
  7676. return string(e)
  7677. }
  7678. func (e *OrderRiskLevel) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  7679. str, ok := v.(string)
  7680. if !ok {
  7681. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  7682. }
  7683. *e = OrderRiskLevel(str)
  7684. if !e.IsValid() {
  7685. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid OrderRiskLevel", str)
  7686. }
  7687. return nil
  7688. }
  7689. func (e OrderRiskLevel) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  7690. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  7691. }
  7692. type OrderSortKeys string
  7693. const (
  7694. OrderSortKeysCreatedAt OrderSortKeys = "CREATED_AT"
  7695. OrderSortKeysCustomerName OrderSortKeys = "CUSTOMER_NAME"
  7696. OrderSortKeysFinancialStatus OrderSortKeys = "FINANCIAL_STATUS"
  7697. OrderSortKeysFulfillmentStatus OrderSortKeys = "FULFILLMENT_STATUS"
  7698. OrderSortKeysOrderNumber OrderSortKeys = "ORDER_NUMBER"
  7699. OrderSortKeysProcessedAt OrderSortKeys = "PROCESSED_AT"
  7700. OrderSortKeysTotalPrice OrderSortKeys = "TOTAL_PRICE"
  7701. OrderSortKeysUpdatedAt OrderSortKeys = "UPDATED_AT"
  7702. OrderSortKeysID OrderSortKeys = "ID"
  7703. OrderSortKeysRelevance OrderSortKeys = "RELEVANCE"
  7704. )
  7705. var AllOrderSortKeys = []OrderSortKeys{
  7706. OrderSortKeysCreatedAt,
  7707. OrderSortKeysCustomerName,
  7708. OrderSortKeysFinancialStatus,
  7709. OrderSortKeysFulfillmentStatus,
  7710. OrderSortKeysOrderNumber,
  7711. OrderSortKeysProcessedAt,
  7712. OrderSortKeysTotalPrice,
  7713. OrderSortKeysUpdatedAt,
  7714. OrderSortKeysID,
  7715. OrderSortKeysRelevance,
  7716. }
  7717. func (e OrderSortKeys) IsValid() bool {
  7718. switch e {
  7719. case OrderSortKeysCreatedAt, OrderSortKeysCustomerName, OrderSortKeysFinancialStatus, OrderSortKeysFulfillmentStatus, OrderSortKeysOrderNumber, OrderSortKeysProcessedAt, OrderSortKeysTotalPrice, OrderSortKeysUpdatedAt, OrderSortKeysID, OrderSortKeysRelevance:
  7720. return true
  7721. }
  7722. return false
  7723. }
  7724. func (e OrderSortKeys) String() string {
  7725. return string(e)
  7726. }
  7727. func (e *OrderSortKeys) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  7728. str, ok := v.(string)
  7729. if !ok {
  7730. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  7731. }
  7732. *e = OrderSortKeys(str)
  7733. if !e.IsValid() {
  7734. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid OrderSortKeys", str)
  7735. }
  7736. return nil
  7737. }
  7738. func (e OrderSortKeys) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  7739. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  7740. }
  7741. type OrderTransactionErrorCode string
  7742. const (
  7743. OrderTransactionErrorCodeIncorrectNumber OrderTransactionErrorCode = "INCORRECT_NUMBER"
  7744. OrderTransactionErrorCodeInvalidNumber OrderTransactionErrorCode = "INVALID_NUMBER"
  7745. OrderTransactionErrorCodeInvalidExpiryDate OrderTransactionErrorCode = "INVALID_EXPIRY_DATE"
  7746. OrderTransactionErrorCodeInvalidCvc OrderTransactionErrorCode = "INVALID_CVC"
  7747. OrderTransactionErrorCodeExpiredCard OrderTransactionErrorCode = "EXPIRED_CARD"
  7748. OrderTransactionErrorCodeIncorrectCvc OrderTransactionErrorCode = "INCORRECT_CVC"
  7749. OrderTransactionErrorCodeIncorrectZip OrderTransactionErrorCode = "INCORRECT_ZIP"
  7750. OrderTransactionErrorCodeIncorrectAddress OrderTransactionErrorCode = "INCORRECT_ADDRESS"
  7751. OrderTransactionErrorCodeIncorrectPin OrderTransactionErrorCode = "INCORRECT_PIN"
  7752. OrderTransactionErrorCodeCardDeclined OrderTransactionErrorCode = "CARD_DECLINED"
  7753. OrderTransactionErrorCodeProcessingError OrderTransactionErrorCode = "PROCESSING_ERROR"
  7754. OrderTransactionErrorCodeCallIssuer OrderTransactionErrorCode = "CALL_ISSUER"
  7755. OrderTransactionErrorCodePickUpCard OrderTransactionErrorCode = "PICK_UP_CARD"
  7756. OrderTransactionErrorCodeConfigError OrderTransactionErrorCode = "CONFIG_ERROR"
  7757. OrderTransactionErrorCodeTestModeLiveCard OrderTransactionErrorCode = "TEST_MODE_LIVE_CARD"
  7758. OrderTransactionErrorCodeUnsupportedFeature OrderTransactionErrorCode = "UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE"
  7759. OrderTransactionErrorCodeGenericError OrderTransactionErrorCode = "GENERIC_ERROR"
  7760. OrderTransactionErrorCodeInvalidCountry OrderTransactionErrorCode = "INVALID_COUNTRY"
  7761. OrderTransactionErrorCodeInvalidAmount OrderTransactionErrorCode = "INVALID_AMOUNT"
  7762. OrderTransactionErrorCodePaymentMethodUnavailable OrderTransactionErrorCode = "PAYMENT_METHOD_UNAVAILABLE"
  7763. OrderTransactionErrorCodeAmazonPaymentsInvalidPaymentMethod OrderTransactionErrorCode = "AMAZON_PAYMENTS_INVALID_PAYMENT_METHOD"
  7764. OrderTransactionErrorCodeAmazonPaymentsMaxAmountCharged OrderTransactionErrorCode = "AMAZON_PAYMENTS_MAX_AMOUNT_CHARGED"
  7765. OrderTransactionErrorCodeAmazonPaymentsMaxAmountRefunded OrderTransactionErrorCode = "AMAZON_PAYMENTS_MAX_AMOUNT_REFUNDED"
  7766. OrderTransactionErrorCodeAmazonPaymentsMaxAuthorizationsCaptured OrderTransactionErrorCode = "AMAZON_PAYMENTS_MAX_AUTHORIZATIONS_CAPTURED"
  7767. OrderTransactionErrorCodeAmazonPaymentsMaxRefundsProcessed OrderTransactionErrorCode = "AMAZON_PAYMENTS_MAX_REFUNDS_PROCESSED"
  7768. OrderTransactionErrorCodeAmazonPaymentsOrderReferenceCanceled OrderTransactionErrorCode = "AMAZON_PAYMENTS_ORDER_REFERENCE_CANCELED"
  7769. OrderTransactionErrorCodeAmazonPaymentsStale OrderTransactionErrorCode = "AMAZON_PAYMENTS_STALE"
  7770. )
  7771. var AllOrderTransactionErrorCode = []OrderTransactionErrorCode{
  7772. OrderTransactionErrorCodeIncorrectNumber,
  7773. OrderTransactionErrorCodeInvalidNumber,
  7774. OrderTransactionErrorCodeInvalidExpiryDate,
  7775. OrderTransactionErrorCodeInvalidCvc,
  7776. OrderTransactionErrorCodeExpiredCard,
  7777. OrderTransactionErrorCodeIncorrectCvc,
  7778. OrderTransactionErrorCodeIncorrectZip,
  7779. OrderTransactionErrorCodeIncorrectAddress,
  7780. OrderTransactionErrorCodeIncorrectPin,
  7781. OrderTransactionErrorCodeCardDeclined,
  7782. OrderTransactionErrorCodeProcessingError,
  7783. OrderTransactionErrorCodeCallIssuer,
  7784. OrderTransactionErrorCodePickUpCard,
  7785. OrderTransactionErrorCodeConfigError,
  7786. OrderTransactionErrorCodeTestModeLiveCard,
  7787. OrderTransactionErrorCodeUnsupportedFeature,
  7788. OrderTransactionErrorCodeGenericError,
  7789. OrderTransactionErrorCodeInvalidCountry,
  7790. OrderTransactionErrorCodeInvalidAmount,
  7791. OrderTransactionErrorCodePaymentMethodUnavailable,
  7792. OrderTransactionErrorCodeAmazonPaymentsInvalidPaymentMethod,
  7793. OrderTransactionErrorCodeAmazonPaymentsMaxAmountCharged,
  7794. OrderTransactionErrorCodeAmazonPaymentsMaxAmountRefunded,
  7795. OrderTransactionErrorCodeAmazonPaymentsMaxAuthorizationsCaptured,
  7796. OrderTransactionErrorCodeAmazonPaymentsMaxRefundsProcessed,
  7797. OrderTransactionErrorCodeAmazonPaymentsOrderReferenceCanceled,
  7798. OrderTransactionErrorCodeAmazonPaymentsStale,
  7799. }
  7800. func (e OrderTransactionErrorCode) IsValid() bool {
  7801. switch e {
  7802. case OrderTransactionErrorCodeIncorrectNumber, OrderTransactionErrorCodeInvalidNumber, OrderTransactionErrorCodeInvalidExpiryDate, OrderTransactionErrorCodeInvalidCvc, OrderTransactionErrorCodeExpiredCard, OrderTransactionErrorCodeIncorrectCvc, OrderTransactionErrorCodeIncorrectZip, OrderTransactionErrorCodeIncorrectAddress, OrderTransactionErrorCodeIncorrectPin, OrderTransactionErrorCodeCardDeclined, OrderTransactionErrorCodeProcessingError, OrderTransactionErrorCodeCallIssuer, OrderTransactionErrorCodePickUpCard, OrderTransactionErrorCodeConfigError, OrderTransactionErrorCodeTestModeLiveCard, OrderTransactionErrorCodeUnsupportedFeature, OrderTransactionErrorCodeGenericError, OrderTransactionErrorCodeInvalidCountry, OrderTransactionErrorCodeInvalidAmount, OrderTransactionErrorCodePaymentMethodUnavailable, OrderTransactionErrorCodeAmazonPaymentsInvalidPaymentMethod, OrderTransactionErrorCodeAmazonPaymentsMaxAmountCharged, OrderTransactionErrorCodeAmazonPaymentsMaxAmountRefunded, OrderTransactionErrorCodeAmazonPaymentsMaxAuthorizationsCaptured, OrderTransactionErrorCodeAmazonPaymentsMaxRefundsProcessed, OrderTransactionErrorCodeAmazonPaymentsOrderReferenceCanceled, OrderTransactionErrorCodeAmazonPaymentsStale:
  7803. return true
  7804. }
  7805. return false
  7806. }
  7807. func (e OrderTransactionErrorCode) String() string {
  7808. return string(e)
  7809. }
  7810. func (e *OrderTransactionErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  7811. str, ok := v.(string)
  7812. if !ok {
  7813. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  7814. }
  7815. *e = OrderTransactionErrorCode(str)
  7816. if !e.IsValid() {
  7817. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid OrderTransactionErrorCode", str)
  7818. }
  7819. return nil
  7820. }
  7821. func (e OrderTransactionErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  7822. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  7823. }
  7824. type OrderTransactionKind string
  7825. const (
  7826. OrderTransactionKindSale OrderTransactionKind = "SALE"
  7827. OrderTransactionKindCapture OrderTransactionKind = "CAPTURE"
  7828. OrderTransactionKindAuthorization OrderTransactionKind = "AUTHORIZATION"
  7829. OrderTransactionKindVoid OrderTransactionKind = "VOID"
  7830. OrderTransactionKindRefund OrderTransactionKind = "REFUND"
  7831. OrderTransactionKindChange OrderTransactionKind = "CHANGE"
  7832. OrderTransactionKindEmvAuthorization OrderTransactionKind = "EMV_AUTHORIZATION"
  7833. OrderTransactionKindSuggestedRefund OrderTransactionKind = "SUGGESTED_REFUND"
  7834. )
  7835. var AllOrderTransactionKind = []OrderTransactionKind{
  7836. OrderTransactionKindSale,
  7837. OrderTransactionKindCapture,
  7838. OrderTransactionKindAuthorization,
  7839. OrderTransactionKindVoid,
  7840. OrderTransactionKindRefund,
  7841. OrderTransactionKindChange,
  7842. OrderTransactionKindEmvAuthorization,
  7843. OrderTransactionKindSuggestedRefund,
  7844. }
  7845. func (e OrderTransactionKind) IsValid() bool {
  7846. switch e {
  7847. case OrderTransactionKindSale, OrderTransactionKindCapture, OrderTransactionKindAuthorization, OrderTransactionKindVoid, OrderTransactionKindRefund, OrderTransactionKindChange, OrderTransactionKindEmvAuthorization, OrderTransactionKindSuggestedRefund:
  7848. return true
  7849. }
  7850. return false
  7851. }
  7852. func (e OrderTransactionKind) String() string {
  7853. return string(e)
  7854. }
  7855. func (e *OrderTransactionKind) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  7856. str, ok := v.(string)
  7857. if !ok {
  7858. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  7859. }
  7860. *e = OrderTransactionKind(str)
  7861. if !e.IsValid() {
  7862. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid OrderTransactionKind", str)
  7863. }
  7864. return nil
  7865. }
  7866. func (e OrderTransactionKind) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  7867. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  7868. }
  7869. type OrderTransactionStatus string
  7870. const (
  7871. OrderTransactionStatusSuccess OrderTransactionStatus = "SUCCESS"
  7872. OrderTransactionStatusFailure OrderTransactionStatus = "FAILURE"
  7873. OrderTransactionStatusPending OrderTransactionStatus = "PENDING"
  7874. OrderTransactionStatusError OrderTransactionStatus = "ERROR"
  7875. OrderTransactionStatusAwaitingResponse OrderTransactionStatus = "AWAITING_RESPONSE"
  7876. OrderTransactionStatusUnknown OrderTransactionStatus = "UNKNOWN"
  7877. )
  7878. var AllOrderTransactionStatus = []OrderTransactionStatus{
  7879. OrderTransactionStatusSuccess,
  7880. OrderTransactionStatusFailure,
  7881. OrderTransactionStatusPending,
  7882. OrderTransactionStatusError,
  7883. OrderTransactionStatusAwaitingResponse,
  7884. OrderTransactionStatusUnknown,
  7885. }
  7886. func (e OrderTransactionStatus) IsValid() bool {
  7887. switch e {
  7888. case OrderTransactionStatusSuccess, OrderTransactionStatusFailure, OrderTransactionStatusPending, OrderTransactionStatusError, OrderTransactionStatusAwaitingResponse, OrderTransactionStatusUnknown:
  7889. return true
  7890. }
  7891. return false
  7892. }
  7893. func (e OrderTransactionStatus) String() string {
  7894. return string(e)
  7895. }
  7896. func (e *OrderTransactionStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  7897. str, ok := v.(string)
  7898. if !ok {
  7899. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  7900. }
  7901. *e = OrderTransactionStatus(str)
  7902. if !e.IsValid() {
  7903. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid OrderTransactionStatus", str)
  7904. }
  7905. return nil
  7906. }
  7907. func (e OrderTransactionStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  7908. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  7909. }
  7910. type PaymentTermsType string
  7911. const (
  7912. PaymentTermsTypeReceipt PaymentTermsType = "RECEIPT"
  7913. PaymentTermsTypeNet PaymentTermsType = "NET"
  7914. PaymentTermsTypeFixed PaymentTermsType = "FIXED"
  7915. PaymentTermsTypeUnknown PaymentTermsType = "UNKNOWN"
  7916. )
  7917. var AllPaymentTermsType = []PaymentTermsType{
  7918. PaymentTermsTypeReceipt,
  7919. PaymentTermsTypeNet,
  7920. PaymentTermsTypeFixed,
  7921. PaymentTermsTypeUnknown,
  7922. }
  7923. func (e PaymentTermsType) IsValid() bool {
  7924. switch e {
  7925. case PaymentTermsTypeReceipt, PaymentTermsTypeNet, PaymentTermsTypeFixed, PaymentTermsTypeUnknown:
  7926. return true
  7927. }
  7928. return false
  7929. }
  7930. func (e PaymentTermsType) String() string {
  7931. return string(e)
  7932. }
  7933. func (e *PaymentTermsType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  7934. str, ok := v.(string)
  7935. if !ok {
  7936. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  7937. }
  7938. *e = PaymentTermsType(str)
  7939. if !e.IsValid() {
  7940. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid PaymentTermsType", str)
  7941. }
  7942. return nil
  7943. }
  7944. func (e PaymentTermsType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  7945. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  7946. }
  7947. type PaypalExpressSubscriptionsGatewayStatus string
  7948. const (
  7949. PaypalExpressSubscriptionsGatewayStatusEnabled PaypalExpressSubscriptionsGatewayStatus = "ENABLED"
  7950. PaypalExpressSubscriptionsGatewayStatusDisabled PaypalExpressSubscriptionsGatewayStatus = "DISABLED"
  7951. PaypalExpressSubscriptionsGatewayStatusPending PaypalExpressSubscriptionsGatewayStatus = "PENDING"
  7952. )
  7953. var AllPaypalExpressSubscriptionsGatewayStatus = []PaypalExpressSubscriptionsGatewayStatus{
  7954. PaypalExpressSubscriptionsGatewayStatusEnabled,
  7955. PaypalExpressSubscriptionsGatewayStatusDisabled,
  7956. PaypalExpressSubscriptionsGatewayStatusPending,
  7957. }
  7958. func (e PaypalExpressSubscriptionsGatewayStatus) IsValid() bool {
  7959. switch e {
  7960. case PaypalExpressSubscriptionsGatewayStatusEnabled, PaypalExpressSubscriptionsGatewayStatusDisabled, PaypalExpressSubscriptionsGatewayStatusPending:
  7961. return true
  7962. }
  7963. return false
  7964. }
  7965. func (e PaypalExpressSubscriptionsGatewayStatus) String() string {
  7966. return string(e)
  7967. }
  7968. func (e *PaypalExpressSubscriptionsGatewayStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  7969. str, ok := v.(string)
  7970. if !ok {
  7971. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  7972. }
  7973. *e = PaypalExpressSubscriptionsGatewayStatus(str)
  7974. if !e.IsValid() {
  7975. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid PaypalExpressSubscriptionsGatewayStatus", str)
  7976. }
  7977. return nil
  7978. }
  7979. func (e PaypalExpressSubscriptionsGatewayStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  7980. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  7981. }
  7982. type PriceListAdjustmentType string
  7983. const (
  7984. PriceListAdjustmentTypePercentageDecrease PriceListAdjustmentType = "PERCENTAGE_DECREASE"
  7985. PriceListAdjustmentTypePercentageIncrease PriceListAdjustmentType = "PERCENTAGE_INCREASE"
  7986. )
  7987. var AllPriceListAdjustmentType = []PriceListAdjustmentType{
  7988. PriceListAdjustmentTypePercentageDecrease,
  7989. PriceListAdjustmentTypePercentageIncrease,
  7990. }
  7991. func (e PriceListAdjustmentType) IsValid() bool {
  7992. switch e {
  7993. case PriceListAdjustmentTypePercentageDecrease, PriceListAdjustmentTypePercentageIncrease:
  7994. return true
  7995. }
  7996. return false
  7997. }
  7998. func (e PriceListAdjustmentType) String() string {
  7999. return string(e)
  8000. }
  8001. func (e *PriceListAdjustmentType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  8002. str, ok := v.(string)
  8003. if !ok {
  8004. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  8005. }
  8006. *e = PriceListAdjustmentType(str)
  8007. if !e.IsValid() {
  8008. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid PriceListAdjustmentType", str)
  8009. }
  8010. return nil
  8011. }
  8012. func (e PriceListAdjustmentType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  8013. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  8014. }
  8015. type PriceListPriceOriginType string
  8016. const (
  8017. PriceListPriceOriginTypeFixed PriceListPriceOriginType = "FIXED"
  8018. PriceListPriceOriginTypeRelative PriceListPriceOriginType = "RELATIVE"
  8019. )
  8020. var AllPriceListPriceOriginType = []PriceListPriceOriginType{
  8021. PriceListPriceOriginTypeFixed,
  8022. PriceListPriceOriginTypeRelative,
  8023. }
  8024. func (e PriceListPriceOriginType) IsValid() bool {
  8025. switch e {
  8026. case PriceListPriceOriginTypeFixed, PriceListPriceOriginTypeRelative:
  8027. return true
  8028. }
  8029. return false
  8030. }
  8031. func (e PriceListPriceOriginType) String() string {
  8032. return string(e)
  8033. }
  8034. func (e *PriceListPriceOriginType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  8035. str, ok := v.(string)
  8036. if !ok {
  8037. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  8038. }
  8039. *e = PriceListPriceOriginType(str)
  8040. if !e.IsValid() {
  8041. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid PriceListPriceOriginType", str)
  8042. }
  8043. return nil
  8044. }
  8045. func (e PriceListPriceOriginType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  8046. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  8047. }
  8048. type PrivateMetafieldValueType string
  8049. const (
  8050. PrivateMetafieldValueTypeString PrivateMetafieldValueType = "STRING"
  8051. PrivateMetafieldValueTypeInteger PrivateMetafieldValueType = "INTEGER"
  8052. PrivateMetafieldValueTypeJSONString PrivateMetafieldValueType = "JSON_STRING"
  8053. )
  8054. var AllPrivateMetafieldValueType = []PrivateMetafieldValueType{
  8055. PrivateMetafieldValueTypeString,
  8056. PrivateMetafieldValueTypeInteger,
  8057. PrivateMetafieldValueTypeJSONString,
  8058. }
  8059. func (e PrivateMetafieldValueType) IsValid() bool {
  8060. switch e {
  8061. case PrivateMetafieldValueTypeString, PrivateMetafieldValueTypeInteger, PrivateMetafieldValueTypeJSONString:
  8062. return true
  8063. }
  8064. return false
  8065. }
  8066. func (e PrivateMetafieldValueType) String() string {
  8067. return string(e)
  8068. }
  8069. func (e *PrivateMetafieldValueType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  8070. str, ok := v.(string)
  8071. if !ok {
  8072. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  8073. }
  8074. *e = PrivateMetafieldValueType(str)
  8075. if !e.IsValid() {
  8076. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid PrivateMetafieldValueType", str)
  8077. }
  8078. return nil
  8079. }
  8080. func (e PrivateMetafieldValueType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  8081. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  8082. }
  8083. type ProductChangeStatusUserErrorCode string
  8084. const (
  8085. ProductChangeStatusUserErrorCodeProductNotFound ProductChangeStatusUserErrorCode = "PRODUCT_NOT_FOUND"
  8086. )
  8087. var AllProductChangeStatusUserErrorCode = []ProductChangeStatusUserErrorCode{
  8088. ProductChangeStatusUserErrorCodeProductNotFound,
  8089. }
  8090. func (e ProductChangeStatusUserErrorCode) IsValid() bool {
  8091. switch e {
  8092. case ProductChangeStatusUserErrorCodeProductNotFound:
  8093. return true
  8094. }
  8095. return false
  8096. }
  8097. func (e ProductChangeStatusUserErrorCode) String() string {
  8098. return string(e)
  8099. }
  8100. func (e *ProductChangeStatusUserErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  8101. str, ok := v.(string)
  8102. if !ok {
  8103. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  8104. }
  8105. *e = ProductChangeStatusUserErrorCode(str)
  8106. if !e.IsValid() {
  8107. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid ProductChangeStatusUserErrorCode", str)
  8108. }
  8109. return nil
  8110. }
  8111. func (e ProductChangeStatusUserErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  8112. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  8113. }
  8114. type ProductCollectionSortKeys string
  8115. const (
  8116. ProductCollectionSortKeysTitle ProductCollectionSortKeys = "TITLE"
  8117. ProductCollectionSortKeysPrice ProductCollectionSortKeys = "PRICE"
  8118. ProductCollectionSortKeysBestSelling ProductCollectionSortKeys = "BEST_SELLING"
  8119. ProductCollectionSortKeysCreated ProductCollectionSortKeys = "CREATED"
  8120. ProductCollectionSortKeysID ProductCollectionSortKeys = "ID"
  8121. ProductCollectionSortKeysManual ProductCollectionSortKeys = "MANUAL"
  8122. ProductCollectionSortKeysCollectionDefault ProductCollectionSortKeys = "COLLECTION_DEFAULT"
  8123. ProductCollectionSortKeysRelevance ProductCollectionSortKeys = "RELEVANCE"
  8124. )
  8125. var AllProductCollectionSortKeys = []ProductCollectionSortKeys{
  8126. ProductCollectionSortKeysTitle,
  8127. ProductCollectionSortKeysPrice,
  8128. ProductCollectionSortKeysBestSelling,
  8129. ProductCollectionSortKeysCreated,
  8130. ProductCollectionSortKeysID,
  8131. ProductCollectionSortKeysManual,
  8132. ProductCollectionSortKeysCollectionDefault,
  8133. ProductCollectionSortKeysRelevance,
  8134. }
  8135. func (e ProductCollectionSortKeys) IsValid() bool {
  8136. switch e {
  8137. case ProductCollectionSortKeysTitle, ProductCollectionSortKeysPrice, ProductCollectionSortKeysBestSelling, ProductCollectionSortKeysCreated, ProductCollectionSortKeysID, ProductCollectionSortKeysManual, ProductCollectionSortKeysCollectionDefault, ProductCollectionSortKeysRelevance:
  8138. return true
  8139. }
  8140. return false
  8141. }
  8142. func (e ProductCollectionSortKeys) String() string {
  8143. return string(e)
  8144. }
  8145. func (e *ProductCollectionSortKeys) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  8146. str, ok := v.(string)
  8147. if !ok {
  8148. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  8149. }
  8150. *e = ProductCollectionSortKeys(str)
  8151. if !e.IsValid() {
  8152. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid ProductCollectionSortKeys", str)
  8153. }
  8154. return nil
  8155. }
  8156. func (e ProductCollectionSortKeys) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  8157. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  8158. }
  8159. type ProductImageSortKeys string
  8160. const (
  8161. ProductImageSortKeysCreatedAt ProductImageSortKeys = "CREATED_AT"
  8162. ProductImageSortKeysPosition ProductImageSortKeys = "POSITION"
  8163. ProductImageSortKeysID ProductImageSortKeys = "ID"
  8164. ProductImageSortKeysRelevance ProductImageSortKeys = "RELEVANCE"
  8165. )
  8166. var AllProductImageSortKeys = []ProductImageSortKeys{
  8167. ProductImageSortKeysCreatedAt,
  8168. ProductImageSortKeysPosition,
  8169. ProductImageSortKeysID,
  8170. ProductImageSortKeysRelevance,
  8171. }
  8172. func (e ProductImageSortKeys) IsValid() bool {
  8173. switch e {
  8174. case ProductImageSortKeysCreatedAt, ProductImageSortKeysPosition, ProductImageSortKeysID, ProductImageSortKeysRelevance:
  8175. return true
  8176. }
  8177. return false
  8178. }
  8179. func (e ProductImageSortKeys) String() string {
  8180. return string(e)
  8181. }
  8182. func (e *ProductImageSortKeys) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  8183. str, ok := v.(string)
  8184. if !ok {
  8185. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  8186. }
  8187. *e = ProductImageSortKeys(str)
  8188. if !e.IsValid() {
  8189. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid ProductImageSortKeys", str)
  8190. }
  8191. return nil
  8192. }
  8193. func (e ProductImageSortKeys) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  8194. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  8195. }
  8196. type ProductMediaSortKeys string
  8197. const (
  8198. ProductMediaSortKeysPosition ProductMediaSortKeys = "POSITION"
  8199. ProductMediaSortKeysID ProductMediaSortKeys = "ID"
  8200. ProductMediaSortKeysRelevance ProductMediaSortKeys = "RELEVANCE"
  8201. )
  8202. var AllProductMediaSortKeys = []ProductMediaSortKeys{
  8203. ProductMediaSortKeysPosition,
  8204. ProductMediaSortKeysID,
  8205. ProductMediaSortKeysRelevance,
  8206. }
  8207. func (e ProductMediaSortKeys) IsValid() bool {
  8208. switch e {
  8209. case ProductMediaSortKeysPosition, ProductMediaSortKeysID, ProductMediaSortKeysRelevance:
  8210. return true
  8211. }
  8212. return false
  8213. }
  8214. func (e ProductMediaSortKeys) String() string {
  8215. return string(e)
  8216. }
  8217. func (e *ProductMediaSortKeys) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  8218. str, ok := v.(string)
  8219. if !ok {
  8220. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  8221. }
  8222. *e = ProductMediaSortKeys(str)
  8223. if !e.IsValid() {
  8224. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid ProductMediaSortKeys", str)
  8225. }
  8226. return nil
  8227. }
  8228. func (e ProductMediaSortKeys) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  8229. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  8230. }
  8231. type ProductSortKeys string
  8232. const (
  8233. ProductSortKeysTitle ProductSortKeys = "TITLE"
  8234. ProductSortKeysProductType ProductSortKeys = "PRODUCT_TYPE"
  8235. ProductSortKeysVendor ProductSortKeys = "VENDOR"
  8236. ProductSortKeysInventoryTotal ProductSortKeys = "INVENTORY_TOTAL"
  8237. ProductSortKeysUpdatedAt ProductSortKeys = "UPDATED_AT"
  8238. ProductSortKeysCreatedAt ProductSortKeys = "CREATED_AT"
  8239. ProductSortKeysPublishedAt ProductSortKeys = "PUBLISHED_AT"
  8240. ProductSortKeysID ProductSortKeys = "ID"
  8241. ProductSortKeysRelevance ProductSortKeys = "RELEVANCE"
  8242. )
  8243. var AllProductSortKeys = []ProductSortKeys{
  8244. ProductSortKeysTitle,
  8245. ProductSortKeysProductType,
  8246. ProductSortKeysVendor,
  8247. ProductSortKeysInventoryTotal,
  8248. ProductSortKeysUpdatedAt,
  8249. ProductSortKeysCreatedAt,
  8250. ProductSortKeysPublishedAt,
  8251. ProductSortKeysID,
  8252. ProductSortKeysRelevance,
  8253. }
  8254. func (e ProductSortKeys) IsValid() bool {
  8255. switch e {
  8256. case ProductSortKeysTitle, ProductSortKeysProductType, ProductSortKeysVendor, ProductSortKeysInventoryTotal, ProductSortKeysUpdatedAt, ProductSortKeysCreatedAt, ProductSortKeysPublishedAt, ProductSortKeysID, ProductSortKeysRelevance:
  8257. return true
  8258. }
  8259. return false
  8260. }
  8261. func (e ProductSortKeys) String() string {
  8262. return string(e)
  8263. }
  8264. func (e *ProductSortKeys) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  8265. str, ok := v.(string)
  8266. if !ok {
  8267. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  8268. }
  8269. *e = ProductSortKeys(str)
  8270. if !e.IsValid() {
  8271. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid ProductSortKeys", str)
  8272. }
  8273. return nil
  8274. }
  8275. func (e ProductSortKeys) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  8276. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  8277. }
  8278. type ProductStatus string
  8279. const (
  8280. ProductStatusActive ProductStatus = "ACTIVE"
  8281. ProductStatusArchived ProductStatus = "ARCHIVED"
  8282. ProductStatusDraft ProductStatus = "DRAFT"
  8283. )
  8284. var AllProductStatus = []ProductStatus{
  8285. ProductStatusActive,
  8286. ProductStatusArchived,
  8287. ProductStatusDraft,
  8288. }
  8289. func (e ProductStatus) IsValid() bool {
  8290. switch e {
  8291. case ProductStatusActive, ProductStatusArchived, ProductStatusDraft:
  8292. return true
  8293. }
  8294. return false
  8295. }
  8296. func (e ProductStatus) String() string {
  8297. return string(e)
  8298. }
  8299. func (e *ProductStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  8300. str, ok := v.(string)
  8301. if !ok {
  8302. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  8303. }
  8304. *e = ProductStatus(str)
  8305. if !e.IsValid() {
  8306. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid ProductStatus", str)
  8307. }
  8308. return nil
  8309. }
  8310. func (e ProductStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  8311. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  8312. }
  8313. type ProductVariantInventoryPolicy string
  8314. const (
  8315. ProductVariantInventoryPolicyDeny ProductVariantInventoryPolicy = "DENY"
  8316. ProductVariantInventoryPolicyContinue ProductVariantInventoryPolicy = "CONTINUE"
  8317. )
  8318. var AllProductVariantInventoryPolicy = []ProductVariantInventoryPolicy{
  8319. ProductVariantInventoryPolicyDeny,
  8320. ProductVariantInventoryPolicyContinue,
  8321. }
  8322. func (e ProductVariantInventoryPolicy) IsValid() bool {
  8323. switch e {
  8324. case ProductVariantInventoryPolicyDeny, ProductVariantInventoryPolicyContinue:
  8325. return true
  8326. }
  8327. return false
  8328. }
  8329. func (e ProductVariantInventoryPolicy) String() string {
  8330. return string(e)
  8331. }
  8332. func (e *ProductVariantInventoryPolicy) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  8333. str, ok := v.(string)
  8334. if !ok {
  8335. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  8336. }
  8337. *e = ProductVariantInventoryPolicy(str)
  8338. if !e.IsValid() {
  8339. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid ProductVariantInventoryPolicy", str)
  8340. }
  8341. return nil
  8342. }
  8343. func (e ProductVariantInventoryPolicy) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  8344. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  8345. }
  8346. type ProductVariantSortKeys string
  8347. const (
  8348. ProductVariantSortKeysTitle ProductVariantSortKeys = "TITLE"
  8349. ProductVariantSortKeysName ProductVariantSortKeys = "NAME"
  8350. ProductVariantSortKeysSku ProductVariantSortKeys = "SKU"
  8351. ProductVariantSortKeysInventoryQuantity ProductVariantSortKeys = "INVENTORY_QUANTITY"
  8352. ProductVariantSortKeysInventoryManagement ProductVariantSortKeys = "INVENTORY_MANAGEMENT"
  8353. ProductVariantSortKeysInventoryLevelsAvailable ProductVariantSortKeys = "INVENTORY_LEVELS_AVAILABLE"
  8354. ProductVariantSortKeysInventoryPolicy ProductVariantSortKeys = "INVENTORY_POLICY"
  8355. ProductVariantSortKeysFullTitle ProductVariantSortKeys = "FULL_TITLE"
  8356. ProductVariantSortKeysPopular ProductVariantSortKeys = "POPULAR"
  8357. ProductVariantSortKeysPosition ProductVariantSortKeys = "POSITION"
  8358. ProductVariantSortKeysID ProductVariantSortKeys = "ID"
  8359. ProductVariantSortKeysRelevance ProductVariantSortKeys = "RELEVANCE"
  8360. )
  8361. var AllProductVariantSortKeys = []ProductVariantSortKeys{
  8362. ProductVariantSortKeysTitle,
  8363. ProductVariantSortKeysName,
  8364. ProductVariantSortKeysSku,
  8365. ProductVariantSortKeysInventoryQuantity,
  8366. ProductVariantSortKeysInventoryManagement,
  8367. ProductVariantSortKeysInventoryLevelsAvailable,
  8368. ProductVariantSortKeysInventoryPolicy,
  8369. ProductVariantSortKeysFullTitle,
  8370. ProductVariantSortKeysPopular,
  8371. ProductVariantSortKeysPosition,
  8372. ProductVariantSortKeysID,
  8373. ProductVariantSortKeysRelevance,
  8374. }
  8375. func (e ProductVariantSortKeys) IsValid() bool {
  8376. switch e {
  8377. case ProductVariantSortKeysTitle, ProductVariantSortKeysName, ProductVariantSortKeysSku, ProductVariantSortKeysInventoryQuantity, ProductVariantSortKeysInventoryManagement, ProductVariantSortKeysInventoryLevelsAvailable, ProductVariantSortKeysInventoryPolicy, ProductVariantSortKeysFullTitle, ProductVariantSortKeysPopular, ProductVariantSortKeysPosition, ProductVariantSortKeysID, ProductVariantSortKeysRelevance:
  8378. return true
  8379. }
  8380. return false
  8381. }
  8382. func (e ProductVariantSortKeys) String() string {
  8383. return string(e)
  8384. }
  8385. func (e *ProductVariantSortKeys) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  8386. str, ok := v.(string)
  8387. if !ok {
  8388. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  8389. }
  8390. *e = ProductVariantSortKeys(str)
  8391. if !e.IsValid() {
  8392. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid ProductVariantSortKeys", str)
  8393. }
  8394. return nil
  8395. }
  8396. func (e ProductVariantSortKeys) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  8397. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  8398. }
  8399. type ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCode string
  8400. const (
  8401. ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeProductDoesNotExist ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCode = "PRODUCT_DOES_NOT_EXIST"
  8402. ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeNoKeyOnCreate ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCode = "NO_KEY_ON_CREATE"
  8403. ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeVariantAlreadyExists ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCode = "VARIANT_ALREADY_EXISTS"
  8404. ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeGreaterThanOrEqualTo ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCode = "GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO"
  8405. ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeNeedToAddOptionValues ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCode = "NEED_TO_ADD_OPTION_VALUES"
  8406. ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeOptionValuesForNumberOfUnknownOptions ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCode = "OPTION_VALUES_FOR_NUMBER_OF_UNKNOWN_OPTIONS"
  8407. ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeTooManyInventoryLocations ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCode = "TOO_MANY_INVENTORY_LOCATIONS"
  8408. ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeSubscriptionViolation ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCode = "SUBSCRIPTION_VIOLATION"
  8409. ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeVariantAlreadyExistsChangeOptionValue ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCode = "VARIANT_ALREADY_EXISTS_CHANGE_OPTION_VALUE"
  8410. ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeTrackedVariantLocationNotFound ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCode = "TRACKED_VARIANT_LOCATION_NOT_FOUND"
  8411. ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeMustBeForThisProduct ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCode = "MUST_BE_FOR_THIS_PRODUCT"
  8412. ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeNotDefinedForShop ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCode = "NOT_DEFINED_FOR_SHOP"
  8413. ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeInvalid ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCode = "INVALID"
  8414. ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeNegativePriceValue ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCode = "NEGATIVE_PRICE_VALUE"
  8415. )
  8416. var AllProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCode = []ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCode{
  8417. ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeProductDoesNotExist,
  8418. ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeNoKeyOnCreate,
  8419. ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeVariantAlreadyExists,
  8420. ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeGreaterThanOrEqualTo,
  8421. ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeNeedToAddOptionValues,
  8422. ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeOptionValuesForNumberOfUnknownOptions,
  8423. ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeTooManyInventoryLocations,
  8424. ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeSubscriptionViolation,
  8425. ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeVariantAlreadyExistsChangeOptionValue,
  8426. ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeTrackedVariantLocationNotFound,
  8427. ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeMustBeForThisProduct,
  8428. ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeNotDefinedForShop,
  8429. ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeInvalid,
  8430. ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeNegativePriceValue,
  8431. }
  8432. func (e ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCode) IsValid() bool {
  8433. switch e {
  8434. case ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeProductDoesNotExist, ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeNoKeyOnCreate, ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeVariantAlreadyExists, ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeGreaterThanOrEqualTo, ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeNeedToAddOptionValues, ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeOptionValuesForNumberOfUnknownOptions, ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeTooManyInventoryLocations, ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeSubscriptionViolation, ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeVariantAlreadyExistsChangeOptionValue, ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeTrackedVariantLocationNotFound, ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeMustBeForThisProduct, ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeNotDefinedForShop, ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeInvalid, ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCodeNegativePriceValue:
  8435. return true
  8436. }
  8437. return false
  8438. }
  8439. func (e ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCode) String() string {
  8440. return string(e)
  8441. }
  8442. func (e *ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  8443. str, ok := v.(string)
  8444. if !ok {
  8445. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  8446. }
  8447. *e = ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCode(str)
  8448. if !e.IsValid() {
  8449. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCode", str)
  8450. }
  8451. return nil
  8452. }
  8453. func (e ProductVariantsBulkCreateUserErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  8454. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  8455. }
  8456. type ProductVariantsBulkDeleteUserErrorCode string
  8457. const (
  8458. ProductVariantsBulkDeleteUserErrorCodeProductDoesNotExist ProductVariantsBulkDeleteUserErrorCode = "PRODUCT_DOES_NOT_EXIST"
  8459. ProductVariantsBulkDeleteUserErrorCodeCannotDeleteLastVariant ProductVariantsBulkDeleteUserErrorCode = "CANNOT_DELETE_LAST_VARIANT"
  8460. ProductVariantsBulkDeleteUserErrorCodeAtLeastOneVariantDoesNotBelongToTheProduct ProductVariantsBulkDeleteUserErrorCode = "AT_LEAST_ONE_VARIANT_DOES_NOT_BELONG_TO_THE_PRODUCT"
  8461. )
  8462. var AllProductVariantsBulkDeleteUserErrorCode = []ProductVariantsBulkDeleteUserErrorCode{
  8463. ProductVariantsBulkDeleteUserErrorCodeProductDoesNotExist,
  8464. ProductVariantsBulkDeleteUserErrorCodeCannotDeleteLastVariant,
  8465. ProductVariantsBulkDeleteUserErrorCodeAtLeastOneVariantDoesNotBelongToTheProduct,
  8466. }
  8467. func (e ProductVariantsBulkDeleteUserErrorCode) IsValid() bool {
  8468. switch e {
  8469. case ProductVariantsBulkDeleteUserErrorCodeProductDoesNotExist, ProductVariantsBulkDeleteUserErrorCodeCannotDeleteLastVariant, ProductVariantsBulkDeleteUserErrorCodeAtLeastOneVariantDoesNotBelongToTheProduct:
  8470. return true
  8471. }
  8472. return false
  8473. }
  8474. func (e ProductVariantsBulkDeleteUserErrorCode) String() string {
  8475. return string(e)
  8476. }
  8477. func (e *ProductVariantsBulkDeleteUserErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  8478. str, ok := v.(string)
  8479. if !ok {
  8480. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  8481. }
  8482. *e = ProductVariantsBulkDeleteUserErrorCode(str)
  8483. if !e.IsValid() {
  8484. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid ProductVariantsBulkDeleteUserErrorCode", str)
  8485. }
  8486. return nil
  8487. }
  8488. func (e ProductVariantsBulkDeleteUserErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  8489. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  8490. }
  8491. type ProductVariantsBulkReorderUserErrorCode string
  8492. const (
  8493. ProductVariantsBulkReorderUserErrorCodeProductDoesNotExist ProductVariantsBulkReorderUserErrorCode = "PRODUCT_DOES_NOT_EXIST"
  8494. ProductVariantsBulkReorderUserErrorCodeMissingVariant ProductVariantsBulkReorderUserErrorCode = "MISSING_VARIANT"
  8495. ProductVariantsBulkReorderUserErrorCodeInvalidPosition ProductVariantsBulkReorderUserErrorCode = "INVALID_POSITION"
  8496. ProductVariantsBulkReorderUserErrorCodeDuplicatedVariantID ProductVariantsBulkReorderUserErrorCode = "DUPLICATED_VARIANT_ID"
  8497. )
  8498. var AllProductVariantsBulkReorderUserErrorCode = []ProductVariantsBulkReorderUserErrorCode{
  8499. ProductVariantsBulkReorderUserErrorCodeProductDoesNotExist,
  8500. ProductVariantsBulkReorderUserErrorCodeMissingVariant,
  8501. ProductVariantsBulkReorderUserErrorCodeInvalidPosition,
  8502. ProductVariantsBulkReorderUserErrorCodeDuplicatedVariantID,
  8503. }
  8504. func (e ProductVariantsBulkReorderUserErrorCode) IsValid() bool {
  8505. switch e {
  8506. case ProductVariantsBulkReorderUserErrorCodeProductDoesNotExist, ProductVariantsBulkReorderUserErrorCodeMissingVariant, ProductVariantsBulkReorderUserErrorCodeInvalidPosition, ProductVariantsBulkReorderUserErrorCodeDuplicatedVariantID:
  8507. return true
  8508. }
  8509. return false
  8510. }
  8511. func (e ProductVariantsBulkReorderUserErrorCode) String() string {
  8512. return string(e)
  8513. }
  8514. func (e *ProductVariantsBulkReorderUserErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  8515. str, ok := v.(string)
  8516. if !ok {
  8517. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  8518. }
  8519. *e = ProductVariantsBulkReorderUserErrorCode(str)
  8520. if !e.IsValid() {
  8521. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid ProductVariantsBulkReorderUserErrorCode", str)
  8522. }
  8523. return nil
  8524. }
  8525. func (e ProductVariantsBulkReorderUserErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  8526. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  8527. }
  8528. type ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCode string
  8529. const (
  8530. ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCodeProductDoesNotExist ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCode = "PRODUCT_DOES_NOT_EXIST"
  8531. ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCodeProductVariantIDMissing ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCode = "PRODUCT_VARIANT_ID_MISSING"
  8532. ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCodeProductVariantDoesNotExist ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCode = "PRODUCT_VARIANT_DOES_NOT_EXIST"
  8533. ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCodeNoInventoryQuantitiesOnVariantsUpdate ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCode = "NO_INVENTORY_QUANTITIES_ON_VARIANTS_UPDATE"
  8534. ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCodeVariantAlreadyExists ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCode = "VARIANT_ALREADY_EXISTS"
  8535. ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCodeGreaterThanOrEqualTo ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCode = "GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO"
  8536. ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCodeNeedToAddOptionValues ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCode = "NEED_TO_ADD_OPTION_VALUES"
  8537. ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCodeOptionValuesForNumberOfUnknownOptions ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCode = "OPTION_VALUES_FOR_NUMBER_OF_UNKNOWN_OPTIONS"
  8538. ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCodeSubscriptionViolation ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCode = "SUBSCRIPTION_VIOLATION"
  8539. ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCodeNoInventoryQuantitesDuringUpdate ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCode = "NO_INVENTORY_QUANTITES_DURING_UPDATE"
  8540. ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCodeNegativePriceValue ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCode = "NEGATIVE_PRICE_VALUE"
  8541. )
  8542. var AllProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCode = []ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCode{
  8543. ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCodeProductDoesNotExist,
  8544. ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCodeProductVariantIDMissing,
  8545. ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCodeProductVariantDoesNotExist,
  8546. ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCodeNoInventoryQuantitiesOnVariantsUpdate,
  8547. ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCodeVariantAlreadyExists,
  8548. ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCodeGreaterThanOrEqualTo,
  8549. ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCodeNeedToAddOptionValues,
  8550. ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCodeOptionValuesForNumberOfUnknownOptions,
  8551. ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCodeSubscriptionViolation,
  8552. ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCodeNoInventoryQuantitesDuringUpdate,
  8553. ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCodeNegativePriceValue,
  8554. }
  8555. func (e ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCode) IsValid() bool {
  8556. switch e {
  8557. case ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCodeProductDoesNotExist, ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCodeProductVariantIDMissing, ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCodeProductVariantDoesNotExist, ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCodeNoInventoryQuantitiesOnVariantsUpdate, ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCodeVariantAlreadyExists, ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCodeGreaterThanOrEqualTo, ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCodeNeedToAddOptionValues, ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCodeOptionValuesForNumberOfUnknownOptions, ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCodeSubscriptionViolation, ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCodeNoInventoryQuantitesDuringUpdate, ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCodeNegativePriceValue:
  8558. return true
  8559. }
  8560. return false
  8561. }
  8562. func (e ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCode) String() string {
  8563. return string(e)
  8564. }
  8565. func (e *ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  8566. str, ok := v.(string)
  8567. if !ok {
  8568. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  8569. }
  8570. *e = ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCode(str)
  8571. if !e.IsValid() {
  8572. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCode", str)
  8573. }
  8574. return nil
  8575. }
  8576. func (e ProductVariantsBulkUpdateUserErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  8577. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  8578. }
  8579. type RefundDutyRefundType string
  8580. const (
  8581. RefundDutyRefundTypeProportional RefundDutyRefundType = "PROPORTIONAL"
  8582. RefundDutyRefundTypeFull RefundDutyRefundType = "FULL"
  8583. )
  8584. var AllRefundDutyRefundType = []RefundDutyRefundType{
  8585. RefundDutyRefundTypeProportional,
  8586. RefundDutyRefundTypeFull,
  8587. }
  8588. func (e RefundDutyRefundType) IsValid() bool {
  8589. switch e {
  8590. case RefundDutyRefundTypeProportional, RefundDutyRefundTypeFull:
  8591. return true
  8592. }
  8593. return false
  8594. }
  8595. func (e RefundDutyRefundType) String() string {
  8596. return string(e)
  8597. }
  8598. func (e *RefundDutyRefundType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  8599. str, ok := v.(string)
  8600. if !ok {
  8601. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  8602. }
  8603. *e = RefundDutyRefundType(str)
  8604. if !e.IsValid() {
  8605. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid RefundDutyRefundType", str)
  8606. }
  8607. return nil
  8608. }
  8609. func (e RefundDutyRefundType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  8610. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  8611. }
  8612. type RefundLineItemRestockType string
  8613. const (
  8614. RefundLineItemRestockTypeReturn RefundLineItemRestockType = "RETURN"
  8615. RefundLineItemRestockTypeCancel RefundLineItemRestockType = "CANCEL"
  8616. RefundLineItemRestockTypeLegacyRestock RefundLineItemRestockType = "LEGACY_RESTOCK"
  8617. RefundLineItemRestockTypeNoRestock RefundLineItemRestockType = "NO_RESTOCK"
  8618. )
  8619. var AllRefundLineItemRestockType = []RefundLineItemRestockType{
  8620. RefundLineItemRestockTypeReturn,
  8621. RefundLineItemRestockTypeCancel,
  8622. RefundLineItemRestockTypeLegacyRestock,
  8623. RefundLineItemRestockTypeNoRestock,
  8624. }
  8625. func (e RefundLineItemRestockType) IsValid() bool {
  8626. switch e {
  8627. case RefundLineItemRestockTypeReturn, RefundLineItemRestockTypeCancel, RefundLineItemRestockTypeLegacyRestock, RefundLineItemRestockTypeNoRestock:
  8628. return true
  8629. }
  8630. return false
  8631. }
  8632. func (e RefundLineItemRestockType) String() string {
  8633. return string(e)
  8634. }
  8635. func (e *RefundLineItemRestockType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  8636. str, ok := v.(string)
  8637. if !ok {
  8638. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  8639. }
  8640. *e = RefundLineItemRestockType(str)
  8641. if !e.IsValid() {
  8642. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid RefundLineItemRestockType", str)
  8643. }
  8644. return nil
  8645. }
  8646. func (e RefundLineItemRestockType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  8647. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  8648. }
  8649. type ResourceAlertIcon string
  8650. const (
  8651. ResourceAlertIconCheckmarkCircle ResourceAlertIcon = "CHECKMARK_CIRCLE"
  8652. ResourceAlertIconInformationCircle ResourceAlertIcon = "INFORMATION_CIRCLE"
  8653. )
  8654. var AllResourceAlertIcon = []ResourceAlertIcon{
  8655. ResourceAlertIconCheckmarkCircle,
  8656. ResourceAlertIconInformationCircle,
  8657. }
  8658. func (e ResourceAlertIcon) IsValid() bool {
  8659. switch e {
  8660. case ResourceAlertIconCheckmarkCircle, ResourceAlertIconInformationCircle:
  8661. return true
  8662. }
  8663. return false
  8664. }
  8665. func (e ResourceAlertIcon) String() string {
  8666. return string(e)
  8667. }
  8668. func (e *ResourceAlertIcon) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  8669. str, ok := v.(string)
  8670. if !ok {
  8671. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  8672. }
  8673. *e = ResourceAlertIcon(str)
  8674. if !e.IsValid() {
  8675. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid ResourceAlertIcon", str)
  8676. }
  8677. return nil
  8678. }
  8679. func (e ResourceAlertIcon) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  8680. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  8681. }
  8682. type ResourceAlertSeverity string
  8683. const (
  8684. ResourceAlertSeverityDefault ResourceAlertSeverity = "DEFAULT"
  8685. ResourceAlertSeverityInfo ResourceAlertSeverity = "INFO"
  8686. ResourceAlertSeverityWarning ResourceAlertSeverity = "WARNING"
  8687. ResourceAlertSeveritySuccess ResourceAlertSeverity = "SUCCESS"
  8688. ResourceAlertSeverityCritical ResourceAlertSeverity = "CRITICAL"
  8689. )
  8690. var AllResourceAlertSeverity = []ResourceAlertSeverity{
  8691. ResourceAlertSeverityDefault,
  8692. ResourceAlertSeverityInfo,
  8693. ResourceAlertSeverityWarning,
  8694. ResourceAlertSeveritySuccess,
  8695. ResourceAlertSeverityCritical,
  8696. }
  8697. func (e ResourceAlertSeverity) IsValid() bool {
  8698. switch e {
  8699. case ResourceAlertSeverityDefault, ResourceAlertSeverityInfo, ResourceAlertSeverityWarning, ResourceAlertSeveritySuccess, ResourceAlertSeverityCritical:
  8700. return true
  8701. }
  8702. return false
  8703. }
  8704. func (e ResourceAlertSeverity) String() string {
  8705. return string(e)
  8706. }
  8707. func (e *ResourceAlertSeverity) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  8708. str, ok := v.(string)
  8709. if !ok {
  8710. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  8711. }
  8712. *e = ResourceAlertSeverity(str)
  8713. if !e.IsValid() {
  8714. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid ResourceAlertSeverity", str)
  8715. }
  8716. return nil
  8717. }
  8718. func (e ResourceAlertSeverity) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  8719. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  8720. }
  8721. type ResourceFeedbackState string
  8722. const (
  8723. ResourceFeedbackStateAccepted ResourceFeedbackState = "ACCEPTED"
  8724. ResourceFeedbackStateRequiresAction ResourceFeedbackState = "REQUIRES_ACTION"
  8725. )
  8726. var AllResourceFeedbackState = []ResourceFeedbackState{
  8727. ResourceFeedbackStateAccepted,
  8728. ResourceFeedbackStateRequiresAction,
  8729. }
  8730. func (e ResourceFeedbackState) IsValid() bool {
  8731. switch e {
  8732. case ResourceFeedbackStateAccepted, ResourceFeedbackStateRequiresAction:
  8733. return true
  8734. }
  8735. return false
  8736. }
  8737. func (e ResourceFeedbackState) String() string {
  8738. return string(e)
  8739. }
  8740. func (e *ResourceFeedbackState) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  8741. str, ok := v.(string)
  8742. if !ok {
  8743. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  8744. }
  8745. *e = ResourceFeedbackState(str)
  8746. if !e.IsValid() {
  8747. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid ResourceFeedbackState", str)
  8748. }
  8749. return nil
  8750. }
  8751. func (e ResourceFeedbackState) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  8752. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  8753. }
  8754. type SaleActionType string
  8755. const (
  8756. SaleActionTypeOrder SaleActionType = "ORDER"
  8757. SaleActionTypeReturn SaleActionType = "RETURN"
  8758. SaleActionTypeUpdate SaleActionType = "UPDATE"
  8759. SaleActionTypeUnknown SaleActionType = "UNKNOWN"
  8760. )
  8761. var AllSaleActionType = []SaleActionType{
  8762. SaleActionTypeOrder,
  8763. SaleActionTypeReturn,
  8764. SaleActionTypeUpdate,
  8765. SaleActionTypeUnknown,
  8766. }
  8767. func (e SaleActionType) IsValid() bool {
  8768. switch e {
  8769. case SaleActionTypeOrder, SaleActionTypeReturn, SaleActionTypeUpdate, SaleActionTypeUnknown:
  8770. return true
  8771. }
  8772. return false
  8773. }
  8774. func (e SaleActionType) String() string {
  8775. return string(e)
  8776. }
  8777. func (e *SaleActionType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  8778. str, ok := v.(string)
  8779. if !ok {
  8780. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  8781. }
  8782. *e = SaleActionType(str)
  8783. if !e.IsValid() {
  8784. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid SaleActionType", str)
  8785. }
  8786. return nil
  8787. }
  8788. func (e SaleActionType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  8789. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  8790. }
  8791. type SaleLineType string
  8792. const (
  8793. SaleLineTypeProduct SaleLineType = "PRODUCT"
  8794. SaleLineTypeTip SaleLineType = "TIP"
  8795. SaleLineTypeGiftCard SaleLineType = "GIFT_CARD"
  8796. SaleLineTypeShipping SaleLineType = "SHIPPING"
  8797. SaleLineTypeDuty SaleLineType = "DUTY"
  8798. SaleLineTypeUnknown SaleLineType = "UNKNOWN"
  8799. SaleLineTypeAdjustment SaleLineType = "ADJUSTMENT"
  8800. )
  8801. var AllSaleLineType = []SaleLineType{
  8802. SaleLineTypeProduct,
  8803. SaleLineTypeTip,
  8804. SaleLineTypeGiftCard,
  8805. SaleLineTypeShipping,
  8806. SaleLineTypeDuty,
  8807. SaleLineTypeUnknown,
  8808. SaleLineTypeAdjustment,
  8809. }
  8810. func (e SaleLineType) IsValid() bool {
  8811. switch e {
  8812. case SaleLineTypeProduct, SaleLineTypeTip, SaleLineTypeGiftCard, SaleLineTypeShipping, SaleLineTypeDuty, SaleLineTypeUnknown, SaleLineTypeAdjustment:
  8813. return true
  8814. }
  8815. return false
  8816. }
  8817. func (e SaleLineType) String() string {
  8818. return string(e)
  8819. }
  8820. func (e *SaleLineType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  8821. str, ok := v.(string)
  8822. if !ok {
  8823. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  8824. }
  8825. *e = SaleLineType(str)
  8826. if !e.IsValid() {
  8827. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid SaleLineType", str)
  8828. }
  8829. return nil
  8830. }
  8831. func (e SaleLineType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  8832. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  8833. }
  8834. type SearchResultType string
  8835. const (
  8836. SearchResultTypeCustomer SearchResultType = "CUSTOMER"
  8837. SearchResultTypeDraftOrder SearchResultType = "DRAFT_ORDER"
  8838. SearchResultTypeProduct SearchResultType = "PRODUCT"
  8839. SearchResultTypeCollection SearchResultType = "COLLECTION"
  8840. SearchResultTypeFile SearchResultType = "FILE"
  8841. SearchResultTypeOnlineStorePage SearchResultType = "ONLINE_STORE_PAGE"
  8842. SearchResultTypeOnlineStoreBlog SearchResultType = "ONLINE_STORE_BLOG"
  8843. SearchResultTypeOnlineStoreArticle SearchResultType = "ONLINE_STORE_ARTICLE"
  8844. SearchResultTypeURLRedirect SearchResultType = "URL_REDIRECT"
  8845. SearchResultTypePriceRule SearchResultType = "PRICE_RULE"
  8846. SearchResultTypeDiscountRedeemCode SearchResultType = "DISCOUNT_REDEEM_CODE"
  8847. SearchResultTypeOrder SearchResultType = "ORDER"
  8848. )
  8849. var AllSearchResultType = []SearchResultType{
  8850. SearchResultTypeCustomer,
  8851. SearchResultTypeDraftOrder,
  8852. SearchResultTypeProduct,
  8853. SearchResultTypeCollection,
  8854. SearchResultTypeFile,
  8855. SearchResultTypeOnlineStorePage,
  8856. SearchResultTypeOnlineStoreBlog,
  8857. SearchResultTypeOnlineStoreArticle,
  8858. SearchResultTypeURLRedirect,
  8859. SearchResultTypePriceRule,
  8860. SearchResultTypeDiscountRedeemCode,
  8861. SearchResultTypeOrder,
  8862. }
  8863. func (e SearchResultType) IsValid() bool {
  8864. switch e {
  8865. case SearchResultTypeCustomer, SearchResultTypeDraftOrder, SearchResultTypeProduct, SearchResultTypeCollection, SearchResultTypeFile, SearchResultTypeOnlineStorePage, SearchResultTypeOnlineStoreBlog, SearchResultTypeOnlineStoreArticle, SearchResultTypeURLRedirect, SearchResultTypePriceRule, SearchResultTypeDiscountRedeemCode, SearchResultTypeOrder:
  8866. return true
  8867. }
  8868. return false
  8869. }
  8870. func (e SearchResultType) String() string {
  8871. return string(e)
  8872. }
  8873. func (e *SearchResultType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  8874. str, ok := v.(string)
  8875. if !ok {
  8876. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  8877. }
  8878. *e = SearchResultType(str)
  8879. if !e.IsValid() {
  8880. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid SearchResultType", str)
  8881. }
  8882. return nil
  8883. }
  8884. func (e SearchResultType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  8885. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  8886. }
  8887. type SellingPlanAnchorType string
  8888. const (
  8889. SellingPlanAnchorTypeWeekday SellingPlanAnchorType = "WEEKDAY"
  8890. SellingPlanAnchorTypeMonthday SellingPlanAnchorType = "MONTHDAY"
  8891. SellingPlanAnchorTypeYearday SellingPlanAnchorType = "YEARDAY"
  8892. )
  8893. var AllSellingPlanAnchorType = []SellingPlanAnchorType{
  8894. SellingPlanAnchorTypeWeekday,
  8895. SellingPlanAnchorTypeMonthday,
  8896. SellingPlanAnchorTypeYearday,
  8897. }
  8898. func (e SellingPlanAnchorType) IsValid() bool {
  8899. switch e {
  8900. case SellingPlanAnchorTypeWeekday, SellingPlanAnchorTypeMonthday, SellingPlanAnchorTypeYearday:
  8901. return true
  8902. }
  8903. return false
  8904. }
  8905. func (e SellingPlanAnchorType) String() string {
  8906. return string(e)
  8907. }
  8908. func (e *SellingPlanAnchorType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  8909. str, ok := v.(string)
  8910. if !ok {
  8911. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  8912. }
  8913. *e = SellingPlanAnchorType(str)
  8914. if !e.IsValid() {
  8915. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid SellingPlanAnchorType", str)
  8916. }
  8917. return nil
  8918. }
  8919. func (e SellingPlanAnchorType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  8920. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  8921. }
  8922. type SellingPlanCategory string
  8923. const (
  8924. SellingPlanCategoryOther SellingPlanCategory = "OTHER"
  8925. SellingPlanCategoryPreOrder SellingPlanCategory = "PRE_ORDER"
  8926. SellingPlanCategorySubscription SellingPlanCategory = "SUBSCRIPTION"
  8927. SellingPlanCategoryTryBeforeYouBuy SellingPlanCategory = "TRY_BEFORE_YOU_BUY"
  8928. )
  8929. var AllSellingPlanCategory = []SellingPlanCategory{
  8930. SellingPlanCategoryOther,
  8931. SellingPlanCategoryPreOrder,
  8932. SellingPlanCategorySubscription,
  8933. SellingPlanCategoryTryBeforeYouBuy,
  8934. }
  8935. func (e SellingPlanCategory) IsValid() bool {
  8936. switch e {
  8937. case SellingPlanCategoryOther, SellingPlanCategoryPreOrder, SellingPlanCategorySubscription, SellingPlanCategoryTryBeforeYouBuy:
  8938. return true
  8939. }
  8940. return false
  8941. }
  8942. func (e SellingPlanCategory) String() string {
  8943. return string(e)
  8944. }
  8945. func (e *SellingPlanCategory) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  8946. str, ok := v.(string)
  8947. if !ok {
  8948. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  8949. }
  8950. *e = SellingPlanCategory(str)
  8951. if !e.IsValid() {
  8952. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid SellingPlanCategory", str)
  8953. }
  8954. return nil
  8955. }
  8956. func (e SellingPlanCategory) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  8957. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  8958. }
  8959. type SellingPlanCheckoutChargeType string
  8960. const (
  8961. SellingPlanCheckoutChargeTypePercentage SellingPlanCheckoutChargeType = "PERCENTAGE"
  8962. SellingPlanCheckoutChargeTypePrice SellingPlanCheckoutChargeType = "PRICE"
  8963. )
  8964. var AllSellingPlanCheckoutChargeType = []SellingPlanCheckoutChargeType{
  8965. SellingPlanCheckoutChargeTypePercentage,
  8966. SellingPlanCheckoutChargeTypePrice,
  8967. }
  8968. func (e SellingPlanCheckoutChargeType) IsValid() bool {
  8969. switch e {
  8970. case SellingPlanCheckoutChargeTypePercentage, SellingPlanCheckoutChargeTypePrice:
  8971. return true
  8972. }
  8973. return false
  8974. }
  8975. func (e SellingPlanCheckoutChargeType) String() string {
  8976. return string(e)
  8977. }
  8978. func (e *SellingPlanCheckoutChargeType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  8979. str, ok := v.(string)
  8980. if !ok {
  8981. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  8982. }
  8983. *e = SellingPlanCheckoutChargeType(str)
  8984. if !e.IsValid() {
  8985. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid SellingPlanCheckoutChargeType", str)
  8986. }
  8987. return nil
  8988. }
  8989. func (e SellingPlanCheckoutChargeType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  8990. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  8991. }
  8992. type SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicyIntent string
  8993. const (
  8994. SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicyIntentFulfillmentBegin SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicyIntent = "FULFILLMENT_BEGIN"
  8995. )
  8996. var AllSellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicyIntent = []SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicyIntent{
  8997. SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicyIntentFulfillmentBegin,
  8998. }
  8999. func (e SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicyIntent) IsValid() bool {
  9000. switch e {
  9001. case SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicyIntentFulfillmentBegin:
  9002. return true
  9003. }
  9004. return false
  9005. }
  9006. func (e SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicyIntent) String() string {
  9007. return string(e)
  9008. }
  9009. func (e *SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicyIntent) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  9010. str, ok := v.(string)
  9011. if !ok {
  9012. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  9013. }
  9014. *e = SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicyIntent(str)
  9015. if !e.IsValid() {
  9016. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicyIntent", str)
  9017. }
  9018. return nil
  9019. }
  9020. func (e SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicyIntent) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  9021. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  9022. }
  9023. type SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehavior string
  9024. const (
  9025. SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehaviorAsap SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehavior = "ASAP"
  9026. SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehaviorNext SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehavior = "NEXT"
  9027. )
  9028. var AllSellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehavior = []SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehavior{
  9029. SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehaviorAsap,
  9030. SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehaviorNext,
  9031. }
  9032. func (e SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehavior) IsValid() bool {
  9033. switch e {
  9034. case SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehaviorAsap, SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehaviorNext:
  9035. return true
  9036. }
  9037. return false
  9038. }
  9039. func (e SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehavior) String() string {
  9040. return string(e)
  9041. }
  9042. func (e *SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehavior) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  9043. str, ok := v.(string)
  9044. if !ok {
  9045. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  9046. }
  9047. *e = SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehavior(str)
  9048. if !e.IsValid() {
  9049. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehavior", str)
  9050. }
  9051. return nil
  9052. }
  9053. func (e SellingPlanFixedDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehavior) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  9054. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  9055. }
  9056. type SellingPlanFulfillmentTrigger string
  9057. const (
  9058. SellingPlanFulfillmentTriggerAnchor SellingPlanFulfillmentTrigger = "ANCHOR"
  9059. SellingPlanFulfillmentTriggerAsap SellingPlanFulfillmentTrigger = "ASAP"
  9060. SellingPlanFulfillmentTriggerExactTime SellingPlanFulfillmentTrigger = "EXACT_TIME"
  9061. SellingPlanFulfillmentTriggerUnknown SellingPlanFulfillmentTrigger = "UNKNOWN"
  9062. )
  9063. var AllSellingPlanFulfillmentTrigger = []SellingPlanFulfillmentTrigger{
  9064. SellingPlanFulfillmentTriggerAnchor,
  9065. SellingPlanFulfillmentTriggerAsap,
  9066. SellingPlanFulfillmentTriggerExactTime,
  9067. SellingPlanFulfillmentTriggerUnknown,
  9068. }
  9069. func (e SellingPlanFulfillmentTrigger) IsValid() bool {
  9070. switch e {
  9071. case SellingPlanFulfillmentTriggerAnchor, SellingPlanFulfillmentTriggerAsap, SellingPlanFulfillmentTriggerExactTime, SellingPlanFulfillmentTriggerUnknown:
  9072. return true
  9073. }
  9074. return false
  9075. }
  9076. func (e SellingPlanFulfillmentTrigger) String() string {
  9077. return string(e)
  9078. }
  9079. func (e *SellingPlanFulfillmentTrigger) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  9080. str, ok := v.(string)
  9081. if !ok {
  9082. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  9083. }
  9084. *e = SellingPlanFulfillmentTrigger(str)
  9085. if !e.IsValid() {
  9086. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid SellingPlanFulfillmentTrigger", str)
  9087. }
  9088. return nil
  9089. }
  9090. func (e SellingPlanFulfillmentTrigger) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  9091. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  9092. }
  9093. type SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode string
  9094. const (
  9095. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeBlank SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "BLANK"
  9096. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeEqualTo SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "EQUAL_TO"
  9097. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeGreaterThan SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "GREATER_THAN"
  9098. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeGreaterThanOrEqualTo SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO"
  9099. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeInclusion SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "INCLUSION"
  9100. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeInvalid SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "INVALID"
  9101. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeLessThan SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "LESS_THAN"
  9102. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeLessThanOrEqualTo SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO"
  9103. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeNotANumber SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "NOT_A_NUMBER"
  9104. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeNotFound SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "NOT_FOUND"
  9105. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodePresent SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "PRESENT"
  9106. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeTaken SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "TAKEN"
  9107. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeTooBig SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "TOO_BIG"
  9108. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeTooLong SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "TOO_LONG"
  9109. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeTooShort SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "TOO_SHORT"
  9110. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeWrongLength SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "WRONG_LENGTH"
  9111. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanCountUpperBound SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "SELLING_PLAN_COUNT_UPPER_BOUND"
  9112. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanCountLowerBound SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "SELLING_PLAN_COUNT_LOWER_BOUND"
  9113. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanMaxCyclesMustBeGreaterThanMinCycles SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "SELLING_PLAN_MAX_CYCLES_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_MIN_CYCLES"
  9114. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanBillingAndDeliveryPolicyAnchorsMustBeEqual SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "SELLING_PLAN_BILLING_AND_DELIVERY_POLICY_ANCHORS_MUST_BE_EQUAL"
  9115. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanBillingCycleMustBeAMultipleOfDeliveryCycle SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "SELLING_PLAN_BILLING_CYCLE_MUST_BE_A_MULTIPLE_OF_DELIVERY_CYCLE"
  9116. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanPricingPoliciesMustContainAFixedPricingPolicy SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "SELLING_PLAN_PRICING_POLICIES_MUST_CONTAIN_A_FIXED_PRICING_POLICY"
  9117. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanMissingOption2LabelOnParentGroup SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "SELLING_PLAN_MISSING_OPTION2_LABEL_ON_PARENT_GROUP"
  9118. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanMissingOption3LabelOnParentGroup SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "SELLING_PLAN_MISSING_OPTION3_LABEL_ON_PARENT_GROUP"
  9119. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanOption2RequiredAsDefinedOnParentGroup SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "SELLING_PLAN_OPTION2_REQUIRED_AS_DEFINED_ON_PARENT_GROUP"
  9120. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanOption3RequiredAsDefinedOnParentGroup SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "SELLING_PLAN_OPTION3_REQUIRED_AS_DEFINED_ON_PARENT_GROUP"
  9121. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanPricingPoliciesLimit SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "SELLING_PLAN_PRICING_POLICIES_LIMIT"
  9122. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeResourceListContainsInvalidIDS SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "RESOURCE_LIST_CONTAINS_INVALID_IDS"
  9123. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeProductVariantDoesNotExist SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "PRODUCT_VARIANT_DOES_NOT_EXIST"
  9124. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeProductDoesNotExist SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "PRODUCT_DOES_NOT_EXIST"
  9125. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeGroupDoesNotExist SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "GROUP_DOES_NOT_EXIST"
  9126. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeGroupCouldNotBeDeleted SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "GROUP_COULD_NOT_BE_DELETED"
  9127. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeErrorAddingResourceToGroup SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "ERROR_ADDING_RESOURCE_TO_GROUP"
  9128. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanDeliveryPolicyMissing SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "SELLING_PLAN_DELIVERY_POLICY_MISSING"
  9129. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanBillingPolicyMissing SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "SELLING_PLAN_BILLING_POLICY_MISSING"
  9130. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodePlanDoesNotExist SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "PLAN_DOES_NOT_EXIST"
  9131. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodePlanIDMustBeSpecifiedToUpdate SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "PLAN_ID_MUST_BE_SPECIFIED_TO_UPDATE"
  9132. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeOnlyNeedOneBillingPolicyType SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "ONLY_NEED_ONE_BILLING_POLICY_TYPE"
  9133. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeOnlyNeedOneDeliveryPolicyType SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "ONLY_NEED_ONE_DELIVERY_POLICY_TYPE"
  9134. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeOnlyNeedOnePricingPolicyType SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "ONLY_NEED_ONE_PRICING_POLICY_TYPE"
  9135. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeBillingAndDeliveryPolicyTypesMustBeTheSame SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "BILLING_AND_DELIVERY_POLICY_TYPES_MUST_BE_THE_SAME"
  9136. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeOnlyNeedOnePricingPolicyValue SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "ONLY_NEED_ONE_PRICING_POLICY_VALUE"
  9137. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodePricingPolicyAdjustmentValueAndTypeMustMatch SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "PRICING_POLICY_ADJUSTMENT_VALUE_AND_TYPE_MUST_MATCH"
  9138. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanDuplicateName SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "SELLING_PLAN_DUPLICATE_NAME"
  9139. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanDuplicateOptions SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "SELLING_PLAN_DUPLICATE_OPTIONS"
  9140. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanFixedPricingPoliciesLimit SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "SELLING_PLAN_FIXED_PRICING_POLICIES_LIMIT"
  9141. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeRemainingBalanceChargeExactTimeRequired SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "REMAINING_BALANCE_CHARGE_EXACT_TIME_REQUIRED"
  9142. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeCheckoutChargeValueAndTypeMustMatch SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "CHECKOUT_CHARGE_VALUE_AND_TYPE_MUST_MATCH"
  9143. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeOnlyNeedOneCheckoutChargeValue SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "ONLY_NEED_ONE_CHECKOUT_CHARGE_VALUE"
  9144. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeRemainingBalanceChargeExactTimeNotAllowed SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "REMAINING_BALANCE_CHARGE_EXACT_TIME_NOT_ALLOWED"
  9145. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeRemainingBalanceChargeTimeAfterCheckoutMustBeGreaterThanZero SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "REMAINING_BALANCE_CHARGE_TIME_AFTER_CHECKOUT_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_ZERO"
  9146. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeRemainingBalanceChargeTriggerOnFullCheckout SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "REMAINING_BALANCE_CHARGE_TRIGGER_ON_FULL_CHECKOUT"
  9147. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeRemainingBalanceChargeTriggerNoRemainingBalanceOnPartialPercentageCheckoutCharge SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "REMAINING_BALANCE_CHARGE_TRIGGER_NO_REMAINING_BALANCE_ON_PARTIAL_PERCENTAGE_CHECKOUT_CHARGE"
  9148. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeRemainingBalanceChargeTriggerNoRemainingBalanceOnPriceCheckoutCharge SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "REMAINING_BALANCE_CHARGE_TRIGGER_NO_REMAINING_BALANCE_ON_PRICE_CHECKOUT_CHARGE"
  9149. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeFulfillmentExactTimeRequired SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "FULFILLMENT_EXACT_TIME_REQUIRED"
  9150. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeFulfillmentExactTimeNotAllowed SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "FULFILLMENT_EXACT_TIME_NOT_ALLOWED"
  9151. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanAnchorsNotAllowed SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "SELLING_PLAN_ANCHORS_NOT_ALLOWED"
  9152. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanAnchorsRequired SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "SELLING_PLAN_ANCHORS_REQUIRED"
  9153. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeOnlyOneOfFixedOrRecurringBilling SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "ONLY_ONE_OF_FIXED_OR_RECURRING_BILLING"
  9154. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeOnlyOneOfFixedOrRecurringDelivery SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = "ONLY_ONE_OF_FIXED_OR_RECURRING_DELIVERY"
  9155. )
  9156. var AllSellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode = []SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode{
  9157. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeBlank,
  9158. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeEqualTo,
  9159. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeGreaterThan,
  9160. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeGreaterThanOrEqualTo,
  9161. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeInclusion,
  9162. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeInvalid,
  9163. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeLessThan,
  9164. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeLessThanOrEqualTo,
  9165. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeNotANumber,
  9166. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeNotFound,
  9167. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodePresent,
  9168. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeTaken,
  9169. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeTooBig,
  9170. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeTooLong,
  9171. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeTooShort,
  9172. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeWrongLength,
  9173. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanCountUpperBound,
  9174. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanCountLowerBound,
  9175. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanMaxCyclesMustBeGreaterThanMinCycles,
  9176. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanBillingAndDeliveryPolicyAnchorsMustBeEqual,
  9177. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanBillingCycleMustBeAMultipleOfDeliveryCycle,
  9178. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanPricingPoliciesMustContainAFixedPricingPolicy,
  9179. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanMissingOption2LabelOnParentGroup,
  9180. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanMissingOption3LabelOnParentGroup,
  9181. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanOption2RequiredAsDefinedOnParentGroup,
  9182. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanOption3RequiredAsDefinedOnParentGroup,
  9183. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanPricingPoliciesLimit,
  9184. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeResourceListContainsInvalidIDS,
  9185. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeProductVariantDoesNotExist,
  9186. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeProductDoesNotExist,
  9187. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeGroupDoesNotExist,
  9188. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeGroupCouldNotBeDeleted,
  9189. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeErrorAddingResourceToGroup,
  9190. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanDeliveryPolicyMissing,
  9191. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanBillingPolicyMissing,
  9192. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodePlanDoesNotExist,
  9193. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodePlanIDMustBeSpecifiedToUpdate,
  9194. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeOnlyNeedOneBillingPolicyType,
  9195. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeOnlyNeedOneDeliveryPolicyType,
  9196. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeOnlyNeedOnePricingPolicyType,
  9197. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeBillingAndDeliveryPolicyTypesMustBeTheSame,
  9198. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeOnlyNeedOnePricingPolicyValue,
  9199. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodePricingPolicyAdjustmentValueAndTypeMustMatch,
  9200. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanDuplicateName,
  9201. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanDuplicateOptions,
  9202. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanFixedPricingPoliciesLimit,
  9203. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeRemainingBalanceChargeExactTimeRequired,
  9204. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeCheckoutChargeValueAndTypeMustMatch,
  9205. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeOnlyNeedOneCheckoutChargeValue,
  9206. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeRemainingBalanceChargeExactTimeNotAllowed,
  9207. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeRemainingBalanceChargeTimeAfterCheckoutMustBeGreaterThanZero,
  9208. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeRemainingBalanceChargeTriggerOnFullCheckout,
  9209. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeRemainingBalanceChargeTriggerNoRemainingBalanceOnPartialPercentageCheckoutCharge,
  9210. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeRemainingBalanceChargeTriggerNoRemainingBalanceOnPriceCheckoutCharge,
  9211. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeFulfillmentExactTimeRequired,
  9212. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeFulfillmentExactTimeNotAllowed,
  9213. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanAnchorsNotAllowed,
  9214. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanAnchorsRequired,
  9215. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeOnlyOneOfFixedOrRecurringBilling,
  9216. SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeOnlyOneOfFixedOrRecurringDelivery,
  9217. }
  9218. func (e SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode) IsValid() bool {
  9219. switch e {
  9220. case SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeBlank, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeEqualTo, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeGreaterThan, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeGreaterThanOrEqualTo, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeInclusion, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeInvalid, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeLessThan, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeLessThanOrEqualTo, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeNotANumber, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeNotFound, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodePresent, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeTaken, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeTooBig, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeTooLong, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeTooShort, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeWrongLength, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanCountUpperBound, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanCountLowerBound, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanMaxCyclesMustBeGreaterThanMinCycles, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanBillingAndDeliveryPolicyAnchorsMustBeEqual, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanBillingCycleMustBeAMultipleOfDeliveryCycle, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanPricingPoliciesMustContainAFixedPricingPolicy, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanMissingOption2LabelOnParentGroup, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanMissingOption3LabelOnParentGroup, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanOption2RequiredAsDefinedOnParentGroup, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanOption3RequiredAsDefinedOnParentGroup, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanPricingPoliciesLimit, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeResourceListContainsInvalidIDS, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeProductVariantDoesNotExist, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeProductDoesNotExist, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeGroupDoesNotExist, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeGroupCouldNotBeDeleted, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeErrorAddingResourceToGroup, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanDeliveryPolicyMissing, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanBillingPolicyMissing, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodePlanDoesNotExist, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodePlanIDMustBeSpecifiedToUpdate, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeOnlyNeedOneBillingPolicyType, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeOnlyNeedOneDeliveryPolicyType, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeOnlyNeedOnePricingPolicyType, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeBillingAndDeliveryPolicyTypesMustBeTheSame, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeOnlyNeedOnePricingPolicyValue, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodePricingPolicyAdjustmentValueAndTypeMustMatch, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanDuplicateName, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanDuplicateOptions, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanFixedPricingPoliciesLimit, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeRemainingBalanceChargeExactTimeRequired, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeCheckoutChargeValueAndTypeMustMatch, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeOnlyNeedOneCheckoutChargeValue, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeRemainingBalanceChargeExactTimeNotAllowed, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeRemainingBalanceChargeTimeAfterCheckoutMustBeGreaterThanZero, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeRemainingBalanceChargeTriggerOnFullCheckout, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeRemainingBalanceChargeTriggerNoRemainingBalanceOnPartialPercentageCheckoutCharge, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeRemainingBalanceChargeTriggerNoRemainingBalanceOnPriceCheckoutCharge, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeFulfillmentExactTimeRequired, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeFulfillmentExactTimeNotAllowed, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanAnchorsNotAllowed, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeSellingPlanAnchorsRequired, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeOnlyOneOfFixedOrRecurringBilling, SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCodeOnlyOneOfFixedOrRecurringDelivery:
  9221. return true
  9222. }
  9223. return false
  9224. }
  9225. func (e SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode) String() string {
  9226. return string(e)
  9227. }
  9228. func (e *SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  9229. str, ok := v.(string)
  9230. if !ok {
  9231. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  9232. }
  9233. *e = SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode(str)
  9234. if !e.IsValid() {
  9235. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode", str)
  9236. }
  9237. return nil
  9238. }
  9239. func (e SellingPlanGroupUserErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  9240. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  9241. }
  9242. type SellingPlanInterval string
  9243. const (
  9244. SellingPlanIntervalDay SellingPlanInterval = "DAY"
  9245. SellingPlanIntervalWeek SellingPlanInterval = "WEEK"
  9246. SellingPlanIntervalMonth SellingPlanInterval = "MONTH"
  9247. SellingPlanIntervalYear SellingPlanInterval = "YEAR"
  9248. )
  9249. var AllSellingPlanInterval = []SellingPlanInterval{
  9250. SellingPlanIntervalDay,
  9251. SellingPlanIntervalWeek,
  9252. SellingPlanIntervalMonth,
  9253. SellingPlanIntervalYear,
  9254. }
  9255. func (e SellingPlanInterval) IsValid() bool {
  9256. switch e {
  9257. case SellingPlanIntervalDay, SellingPlanIntervalWeek, SellingPlanIntervalMonth, SellingPlanIntervalYear:
  9258. return true
  9259. }
  9260. return false
  9261. }
  9262. func (e SellingPlanInterval) String() string {
  9263. return string(e)
  9264. }
  9265. func (e *SellingPlanInterval) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  9266. str, ok := v.(string)
  9267. if !ok {
  9268. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  9269. }
  9270. *e = SellingPlanInterval(str)
  9271. if !e.IsValid() {
  9272. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid SellingPlanInterval", str)
  9273. }
  9274. return nil
  9275. }
  9276. func (e SellingPlanInterval) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  9277. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  9278. }
  9279. type SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentType string
  9280. const (
  9281. SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentTypePercentage SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentType = "PERCENTAGE"
  9282. SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentTypeFixedAmount SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentType = "FIXED_AMOUNT"
  9283. SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentTypePrice SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentType = "PRICE"
  9284. )
  9285. var AllSellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentType = []SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentType{
  9286. SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentTypePercentage,
  9287. SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentTypeFixedAmount,
  9288. SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentTypePrice,
  9289. }
  9290. func (e SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentType) IsValid() bool {
  9291. switch e {
  9292. case SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentTypePercentage, SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentTypeFixedAmount, SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentTypePrice:
  9293. return true
  9294. }
  9295. return false
  9296. }
  9297. func (e SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentType) String() string {
  9298. return string(e)
  9299. }
  9300. func (e *SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  9301. str, ok := v.(string)
  9302. if !ok {
  9303. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  9304. }
  9305. *e = SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentType(str)
  9306. if !e.IsValid() {
  9307. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentType", str)
  9308. }
  9309. return nil
  9310. }
  9311. func (e SellingPlanPricingPolicyAdjustmentType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  9312. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  9313. }
  9314. type SellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicyIntent string
  9315. const (
  9316. SellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicyIntentFulfillmentBegin SellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicyIntent = "FULFILLMENT_BEGIN"
  9317. )
  9318. var AllSellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicyIntent = []SellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicyIntent{
  9319. SellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicyIntentFulfillmentBegin,
  9320. }
  9321. func (e SellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicyIntent) IsValid() bool {
  9322. switch e {
  9323. case SellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicyIntentFulfillmentBegin:
  9324. return true
  9325. }
  9326. return false
  9327. }
  9328. func (e SellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicyIntent) String() string {
  9329. return string(e)
  9330. }
  9331. func (e *SellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicyIntent) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  9332. str, ok := v.(string)
  9333. if !ok {
  9334. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  9335. }
  9336. *e = SellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicyIntent(str)
  9337. if !e.IsValid() {
  9338. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid SellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicyIntent", str)
  9339. }
  9340. return nil
  9341. }
  9342. func (e SellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicyIntent) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  9343. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  9344. }
  9345. type SellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehavior string
  9346. const (
  9347. SellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehaviorAsap SellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehavior = "ASAP"
  9348. SellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehaviorNext SellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehavior = "NEXT"
  9349. )
  9350. var AllSellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehavior = []SellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehavior{
  9351. SellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehaviorAsap,
  9352. SellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehaviorNext,
  9353. }
  9354. func (e SellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehavior) IsValid() bool {
  9355. switch e {
  9356. case SellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehaviorAsap, SellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehaviorNext:
  9357. return true
  9358. }
  9359. return false
  9360. }
  9361. func (e SellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehavior) String() string {
  9362. return string(e)
  9363. }
  9364. func (e *SellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehavior) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  9365. str, ok := v.(string)
  9366. if !ok {
  9367. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  9368. }
  9369. *e = SellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehavior(str)
  9370. if !e.IsValid() {
  9371. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid SellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehavior", str)
  9372. }
  9373. return nil
  9374. }
  9375. func (e SellingPlanRecurringDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehavior) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  9376. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  9377. }
  9378. type SellingPlanRemainingBalanceChargeTrigger string
  9379. const (
  9380. SellingPlanRemainingBalanceChargeTriggerNoRemainingBalance SellingPlanRemainingBalanceChargeTrigger = "NO_REMAINING_BALANCE"
  9381. SellingPlanRemainingBalanceChargeTriggerExactTime SellingPlanRemainingBalanceChargeTrigger = "EXACT_TIME"
  9382. SellingPlanRemainingBalanceChargeTriggerTimeAfterCheckout SellingPlanRemainingBalanceChargeTrigger = "TIME_AFTER_CHECKOUT"
  9383. )
  9384. var AllSellingPlanRemainingBalanceChargeTrigger = []SellingPlanRemainingBalanceChargeTrigger{
  9385. SellingPlanRemainingBalanceChargeTriggerNoRemainingBalance,
  9386. SellingPlanRemainingBalanceChargeTriggerExactTime,
  9387. SellingPlanRemainingBalanceChargeTriggerTimeAfterCheckout,
  9388. }
  9389. func (e SellingPlanRemainingBalanceChargeTrigger) IsValid() bool {
  9390. switch e {
  9391. case SellingPlanRemainingBalanceChargeTriggerNoRemainingBalance, SellingPlanRemainingBalanceChargeTriggerExactTime, SellingPlanRemainingBalanceChargeTriggerTimeAfterCheckout:
  9392. return true
  9393. }
  9394. return false
  9395. }
  9396. func (e SellingPlanRemainingBalanceChargeTrigger) String() string {
  9397. return string(e)
  9398. }
  9399. func (e *SellingPlanRemainingBalanceChargeTrigger) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  9400. str, ok := v.(string)
  9401. if !ok {
  9402. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  9403. }
  9404. *e = SellingPlanRemainingBalanceChargeTrigger(str)
  9405. if !e.IsValid() {
  9406. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid SellingPlanRemainingBalanceChargeTrigger", str)
  9407. }
  9408. return nil
  9409. }
  9410. func (e SellingPlanRemainingBalanceChargeTrigger) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  9411. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  9412. }
  9413. type SellingPlanReserve string
  9414. const (
  9415. SellingPlanReserveOnFulfillment SellingPlanReserve = "ON_FULFILLMENT"
  9416. SellingPlanReserveOnSale SellingPlanReserve = "ON_SALE"
  9417. )
  9418. var AllSellingPlanReserve = []SellingPlanReserve{
  9419. SellingPlanReserveOnFulfillment,
  9420. SellingPlanReserveOnSale,
  9421. }
  9422. func (e SellingPlanReserve) IsValid() bool {
  9423. switch e {
  9424. case SellingPlanReserveOnFulfillment, SellingPlanReserveOnSale:
  9425. return true
  9426. }
  9427. return false
  9428. }
  9429. func (e SellingPlanReserve) String() string {
  9430. return string(e)
  9431. }
  9432. func (e *SellingPlanReserve) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  9433. str, ok := v.(string)
  9434. if !ok {
  9435. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  9436. }
  9437. *e = SellingPlanReserve(str)
  9438. if !e.IsValid() {
  9439. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid SellingPlanReserve", str)
  9440. }
  9441. return nil
  9442. }
  9443. func (e SellingPlanReserve) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  9444. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  9445. }
  9446. type ShopBranding string
  9447. const (
  9448. ShopBrandingShopifyGold ShopBranding = "SHOPIFY_GOLD"
  9449. ShopBrandingShopifyPlus ShopBranding = "SHOPIFY_PLUS"
  9450. ShopBrandingRogers ShopBranding = "ROGERS"
  9451. ShopBrandingShopify ShopBranding = "SHOPIFY"
  9452. )
  9453. var AllShopBranding = []ShopBranding{
  9454. ShopBrandingShopifyGold,
  9455. ShopBrandingShopifyPlus,
  9456. ShopBrandingRogers,
  9457. ShopBrandingShopify,
  9458. }
  9459. func (e ShopBranding) IsValid() bool {
  9460. switch e {
  9461. case ShopBrandingShopifyGold, ShopBrandingShopifyPlus, ShopBrandingRogers, ShopBrandingShopify:
  9462. return true
  9463. }
  9464. return false
  9465. }
  9466. func (e ShopBranding) String() string {
  9467. return string(e)
  9468. }
  9469. func (e *ShopBranding) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  9470. str, ok := v.(string)
  9471. if !ok {
  9472. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  9473. }
  9474. *e = ShopBranding(str)
  9475. if !e.IsValid() {
  9476. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid ShopBranding", str)
  9477. }
  9478. return nil
  9479. }
  9480. func (e ShopBranding) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  9481. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  9482. }
  9483. type ShopCustomerAccountsSetting string
  9484. const (
  9485. ShopCustomerAccountsSettingRequired ShopCustomerAccountsSetting = "REQUIRED"
  9486. ShopCustomerAccountsSettingOptional ShopCustomerAccountsSetting = "OPTIONAL"
  9487. ShopCustomerAccountsSettingDisabled ShopCustomerAccountsSetting = "DISABLED"
  9488. )
  9489. var AllShopCustomerAccountsSetting = []ShopCustomerAccountsSetting{
  9490. ShopCustomerAccountsSettingRequired,
  9491. ShopCustomerAccountsSettingOptional,
  9492. ShopCustomerAccountsSettingDisabled,
  9493. }
  9494. func (e ShopCustomerAccountsSetting) IsValid() bool {
  9495. switch e {
  9496. case ShopCustomerAccountsSettingRequired, ShopCustomerAccountsSettingOptional, ShopCustomerAccountsSettingDisabled:
  9497. return true
  9498. }
  9499. return false
  9500. }
  9501. func (e ShopCustomerAccountsSetting) String() string {
  9502. return string(e)
  9503. }
  9504. func (e *ShopCustomerAccountsSetting) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  9505. str, ok := v.(string)
  9506. if !ok {
  9507. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  9508. }
  9509. *e = ShopCustomerAccountsSetting(str)
  9510. if !e.IsValid() {
  9511. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid ShopCustomerAccountsSetting", str)
  9512. }
  9513. return nil
  9514. }
  9515. func (e ShopCustomerAccountsSetting) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  9516. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  9517. }
  9518. type ShopPolicyType string
  9519. const (
  9520. ShopPolicyTypeRefundPolicy ShopPolicyType = "REFUND_POLICY"
  9521. ShopPolicyTypeShippingPolicy ShopPolicyType = "SHIPPING_POLICY"
  9522. ShopPolicyTypePrivacyPolicy ShopPolicyType = "PRIVACY_POLICY"
  9523. ShopPolicyTypeTermsOfService ShopPolicyType = "TERMS_OF_SERVICE"
  9524. ShopPolicyTypeTermsOfSale ShopPolicyType = "TERMS_OF_SALE"
  9525. ShopPolicyTypeLegalNotice ShopPolicyType = "LEGAL_NOTICE"
  9526. ShopPolicyTypeSubscriptionPolicy ShopPolicyType = "SUBSCRIPTION_POLICY"
  9527. )
  9528. var AllShopPolicyType = []ShopPolicyType{
  9529. ShopPolicyTypeRefundPolicy,
  9530. ShopPolicyTypeShippingPolicy,
  9531. ShopPolicyTypePrivacyPolicy,
  9532. ShopPolicyTypeTermsOfService,
  9533. ShopPolicyTypeTermsOfSale,
  9534. ShopPolicyTypeLegalNotice,
  9535. ShopPolicyTypeSubscriptionPolicy,
  9536. }
  9537. func (e ShopPolicyType) IsValid() bool {
  9538. switch e {
  9539. case ShopPolicyTypeRefundPolicy, ShopPolicyTypeShippingPolicy, ShopPolicyTypePrivacyPolicy, ShopPolicyTypeTermsOfService, ShopPolicyTypeTermsOfSale, ShopPolicyTypeLegalNotice, ShopPolicyTypeSubscriptionPolicy:
  9540. return true
  9541. }
  9542. return false
  9543. }
  9544. func (e ShopPolicyType) String() string {
  9545. return string(e)
  9546. }
  9547. func (e *ShopPolicyType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  9548. str, ok := v.(string)
  9549. if !ok {
  9550. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  9551. }
  9552. *e = ShopPolicyType(str)
  9553. if !e.IsValid() {
  9554. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid ShopPolicyType", str)
  9555. }
  9556. return nil
  9557. }
  9558. func (e ShopPolicyType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  9559. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  9560. }
  9561. type ShopTagSort string
  9562. const (
  9563. ShopTagSortAlphabetical ShopTagSort = "ALPHABETICAL"
  9564. ShopTagSortPopular ShopTagSort = "POPULAR"
  9565. )
  9566. var AllShopTagSort = []ShopTagSort{
  9567. ShopTagSortAlphabetical,
  9568. ShopTagSortPopular,
  9569. }
  9570. func (e ShopTagSort) IsValid() bool {
  9571. switch e {
  9572. case ShopTagSortAlphabetical, ShopTagSortPopular:
  9573. return true
  9574. }
  9575. return false
  9576. }
  9577. func (e ShopTagSort) String() string {
  9578. return string(e)
  9579. }
  9580. func (e *ShopTagSort) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  9581. str, ok := v.(string)
  9582. if !ok {
  9583. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  9584. }
  9585. *e = ShopTagSort(str)
  9586. if !e.IsValid() {
  9587. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid ShopTagSort", str)
  9588. }
  9589. return nil
  9590. }
  9591. func (e ShopTagSort) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  9592. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  9593. }
  9594. type StaffMemberDefaultImage string
  9595. const (
  9596. StaffMemberDefaultImageDefault StaffMemberDefaultImage = "DEFAULT"
  9597. StaffMemberDefaultImageTransparent StaffMemberDefaultImage = "TRANSPARENT"
  9598. StaffMemberDefaultImageNotFound StaffMemberDefaultImage = "NOT_FOUND"
  9599. )
  9600. var AllStaffMemberDefaultImage = []StaffMemberDefaultImage{
  9601. StaffMemberDefaultImageDefault,
  9602. StaffMemberDefaultImageTransparent,
  9603. StaffMemberDefaultImageNotFound,
  9604. }
  9605. func (e StaffMemberDefaultImage) IsValid() bool {
  9606. switch e {
  9607. case StaffMemberDefaultImageDefault, StaffMemberDefaultImageTransparent, StaffMemberDefaultImageNotFound:
  9608. return true
  9609. }
  9610. return false
  9611. }
  9612. func (e StaffMemberDefaultImage) String() string {
  9613. return string(e)
  9614. }
  9615. func (e *StaffMemberDefaultImage) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  9616. str, ok := v.(string)
  9617. if !ok {
  9618. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  9619. }
  9620. *e = StaffMemberDefaultImage(str)
  9621. if !e.IsValid() {
  9622. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid StaffMemberDefaultImage", str)
  9623. }
  9624. return nil
  9625. }
  9626. func (e StaffMemberDefaultImage) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  9627. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  9628. }
  9629. type SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCode string
  9630. const (
  9631. SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodePaymentMethodNotFound SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCode = "PAYMENT_METHOD_NOT_FOUND"
  9632. SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodePaymentProviderIsNotEnabled SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCode = "PAYMENT_PROVIDER_IS_NOT_ENABLED"
  9633. SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodeInvalidPaymentMethod SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCode = "INVALID_PAYMENT_METHOD"
  9634. SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodeUnexpectedError SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCode = "UNEXPECTED_ERROR"
  9635. SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodeExpiredPaymentMethod SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCode = "EXPIRED_PAYMENT_METHOD"
  9636. SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodePaymentMethodDeclined SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCode = "PAYMENT_METHOD_DECLINED"
  9637. SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodeAuthenticationError SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCode = "AUTHENTICATION_ERROR"
  9638. SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodeTestMode SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCode = "TEST_MODE"
  9639. SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodeBuyerCanceledPaymentMethod SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCode = "BUYER_CANCELED_PAYMENT_METHOD"
  9640. SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodeCustomerNotFound SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCode = "CUSTOMER_NOT_FOUND"
  9641. SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodeCustomerInvalid SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCode = "CUSTOMER_INVALID"
  9642. SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodeInvalidShippingAddress SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCode = "INVALID_SHIPPING_ADDRESS"
  9643. SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodeInvalidCustomerBillingAgreement SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCode = "INVALID_CUSTOMER_BILLING_AGREEMENT"
  9644. SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodeInvoiceAlreadyPaid SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCode = "INVOICE_ALREADY_PAID"
  9645. SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodePaymentMethodIncompatibleWithGatewayConfig SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCode = "PAYMENT_METHOD_INCOMPATIBLE_WITH_GATEWAY_CONFIG"
  9646. SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodeAmountTooSmall SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCode = "AMOUNT_TOO_SMALL"
  9647. )
  9648. var AllSubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCode = []SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCode{
  9649. SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodePaymentMethodNotFound,
  9650. SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodePaymentProviderIsNotEnabled,
  9651. SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodeInvalidPaymentMethod,
  9652. SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodeUnexpectedError,
  9653. SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodeExpiredPaymentMethod,
  9654. SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodePaymentMethodDeclined,
  9655. SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodeAuthenticationError,
  9656. SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodeTestMode,
  9657. SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodeBuyerCanceledPaymentMethod,
  9658. SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodeCustomerNotFound,
  9659. SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodeCustomerInvalid,
  9660. SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodeInvalidShippingAddress,
  9661. SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodeInvalidCustomerBillingAgreement,
  9662. SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodeInvoiceAlreadyPaid,
  9663. SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodePaymentMethodIncompatibleWithGatewayConfig,
  9664. SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodeAmountTooSmall,
  9665. }
  9666. func (e SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCode) IsValid() bool {
  9667. switch e {
  9668. case SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodePaymentMethodNotFound, SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodePaymentProviderIsNotEnabled, SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodeInvalidPaymentMethod, SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodeUnexpectedError, SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodeExpiredPaymentMethod, SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodePaymentMethodDeclined, SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodeAuthenticationError, SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodeTestMode, SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodeBuyerCanceledPaymentMethod, SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodeCustomerNotFound, SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodeCustomerInvalid, SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodeInvalidShippingAddress, SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodeInvalidCustomerBillingAgreement, SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodeInvoiceAlreadyPaid, SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodePaymentMethodIncompatibleWithGatewayConfig, SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCodeAmountTooSmall:
  9669. return true
  9670. }
  9671. return false
  9672. }
  9673. func (e SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCode) String() string {
  9674. return string(e)
  9675. }
  9676. func (e *SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  9677. str, ok := v.(string)
  9678. if !ok {
  9679. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  9680. }
  9681. *e = SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCode(str)
  9682. if !e.IsValid() {
  9683. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCode", str)
  9684. }
  9685. return nil
  9686. }
  9687. func (e SubscriptionBillingAttemptErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  9688. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  9689. }
  9690. type SubscriptionContractLastPaymentStatus string
  9691. const (
  9692. SubscriptionContractLastPaymentStatusSucceeded SubscriptionContractLastPaymentStatus = "SUCCEEDED"
  9693. SubscriptionContractLastPaymentStatusFailed SubscriptionContractLastPaymentStatus = "FAILED"
  9694. )
  9695. var AllSubscriptionContractLastPaymentStatus = []SubscriptionContractLastPaymentStatus{
  9696. SubscriptionContractLastPaymentStatusSucceeded,
  9697. SubscriptionContractLastPaymentStatusFailed,
  9698. }
  9699. func (e SubscriptionContractLastPaymentStatus) IsValid() bool {
  9700. switch e {
  9701. case SubscriptionContractLastPaymentStatusSucceeded, SubscriptionContractLastPaymentStatusFailed:
  9702. return true
  9703. }
  9704. return false
  9705. }
  9706. func (e SubscriptionContractLastPaymentStatus) String() string {
  9707. return string(e)
  9708. }
  9709. func (e *SubscriptionContractLastPaymentStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  9710. str, ok := v.(string)
  9711. if !ok {
  9712. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  9713. }
  9714. *e = SubscriptionContractLastPaymentStatus(str)
  9715. if !e.IsValid() {
  9716. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid SubscriptionContractLastPaymentStatus", str)
  9717. }
  9718. return nil
  9719. }
  9720. func (e SubscriptionContractLastPaymentStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  9721. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  9722. }
  9723. type SubscriptionContractSubscriptionStatus string
  9724. const (
  9725. SubscriptionContractSubscriptionStatusActive SubscriptionContractSubscriptionStatus = "ACTIVE"
  9726. SubscriptionContractSubscriptionStatusPaused SubscriptionContractSubscriptionStatus = "PAUSED"
  9727. SubscriptionContractSubscriptionStatusCancelled SubscriptionContractSubscriptionStatus = "CANCELLED"
  9728. SubscriptionContractSubscriptionStatusExpired SubscriptionContractSubscriptionStatus = "EXPIRED"
  9729. SubscriptionContractSubscriptionStatusFailed SubscriptionContractSubscriptionStatus = "FAILED"
  9730. )
  9731. var AllSubscriptionContractSubscriptionStatus = []SubscriptionContractSubscriptionStatus{
  9732. SubscriptionContractSubscriptionStatusActive,
  9733. SubscriptionContractSubscriptionStatusPaused,
  9734. SubscriptionContractSubscriptionStatusCancelled,
  9735. SubscriptionContractSubscriptionStatusExpired,
  9736. SubscriptionContractSubscriptionStatusFailed,
  9737. }
  9738. func (e SubscriptionContractSubscriptionStatus) IsValid() bool {
  9739. switch e {
  9740. case SubscriptionContractSubscriptionStatusActive, SubscriptionContractSubscriptionStatusPaused, SubscriptionContractSubscriptionStatusCancelled, SubscriptionContractSubscriptionStatusExpired, SubscriptionContractSubscriptionStatusFailed:
  9741. return true
  9742. }
  9743. return false
  9744. }
  9745. func (e SubscriptionContractSubscriptionStatus) String() string {
  9746. return string(e)
  9747. }
  9748. func (e *SubscriptionContractSubscriptionStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  9749. str, ok := v.(string)
  9750. if !ok {
  9751. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  9752. }
  9753. *e = SubscriptionContractSubscriptionStatus(str)
  9754. if !e.IsValid() {
  9755. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid SubscriptionContractSubscriptionStatus", str)
  9756. }
  9757. return nil
  9758. }
  9759. func (e SubscriptionContractSubscriptionStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  9760. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  9761. }
  9762. type SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReason string
  9763. const (
  9764. SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReasonNotFound SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReason = "NOT_FOUND"
  9765. SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReasonNoEntitledLineItems SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReason = "NO_ENTITLED_LINE_ITEMS"
  9766. SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReasonQuantityNotInRange SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReason = "QUANTITY_NOT_IN_RANGE"
  9767. SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReasonPurchaseNotInRange SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReason = "PURCHASE_NOT_IN_RANGE"
  9768. SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReasonCustomerNotEligible SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReason = "CUSTOMER_NOT_ELIGIBLE"
  9769. SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReasonUsageLimitReached SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReason = "USAGE_LIMIT_REACHED"
  9770. SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReasonCustomerUsageLimitReached SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReason = "CUSTOMER_USAGE_LIMIT_REACHED"
  9771. SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReasonCurrentlyInactive SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReason = "CURRENTLY_INACTIVE"
  9772. SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReasonNoEntitledShippingLines SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReason = "NO_ENTITLED_SHIPPING_LINES"
  9773. SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReasonIncompatiblePurchaseType SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReason = "INCOMPATIBLE_PURCHASE_TYPE"
  9774. SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReasonInternalError SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReason = "INTERNAL_ERROR"
  9775. )
  9776. var AllSubscriptionDiscountRejectionReason = []SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReason{
  9777. SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReasonNotFound,
  9778. SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReasonNoEntitledLineItems,
  9779. SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReasonQuantityNotInRange,
  9780. SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReasonPurchaseNotInRange,
  9781. SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReasonCustomerNotEligible,
  9782. SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReasonUsageLimitReached,
  9783. SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReasonCustomerUsageLimitReached,
  9784. SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReasonCurrentlyInactive,
  9785. SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReasonNoEntitledShippingLines,
  9786. SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReasonIncompatiblePurchaseType,
  9787. SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReasonInternalError,
  9788. }
  9789. func (e SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReason) IsValid() bool {
  9790. switch e {
  9791. case SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReasonNotFound, SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReasonNoEntitledLineItems, SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReasonQuantityNotInRange, SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReasonPurchaseNotInRange, SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReasonCustomerNotEligible, SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReasonUsageLimitReached, SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReasonCustomerUsageLimitReached, SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReasonCurrentlyInactive, SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReasonNoEntitledShippingLines, SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReasonIncompatiblePurchaseType, SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReasonInternalError:
  9792. return true
  9793. }
  9794. return false
  9795. }
  9796. func (e SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReason) String() string {
  9797. return string(e)
  9798. }
  9799. func (e *SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReason) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  9800. str, ok := v.(string)
  9801. if !ok {
  9802. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  9803. }
  9804. *e = SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReason(str)
  9805. if !e.IsValid() {
  9806. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReason", str)
  9807. }
  9808. return nil
  9809. }
  9810. func (e SubscriptionDiscountRejectionReason) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  9811. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  9812. }
  9813. type SuggestedOrderTransactionKind string
  9814. const (
  9815. SuggestedOrderTransactionKindSuggestedRefund SuggestedOrderTransactionKind = "SUGGESTED_REFUND"
  9816. )
  9817. var AllSuggestedOrderTransactionKind = []SuggestedOrderTransactionKind{
  9818. SuggestedOrderTransactionKindSuggestedRefund,
  9819. }
  9820. func (e SuggestedOrderTransactionKind) IsValid() bool {
  9821. switch e {
  9822. case SuggestedOrderTransactionKindSuggestedRefund:
  9823. return true
  9824. }
  9825. return false
  9826. }
  9827. func (e SuggestedOrderTransactionKind) String() string {
  9828. return string(e)
  9829. }
  9830. func (e *SuggestedOrderTransactionKind) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  9831. str, ok := v.(string)
  9832. if !ok {
  9833. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  9834. }
  9835. *e = SuggestedOrderTransactionKind(str)
  9836. if !e.IsValid() {
  9837. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid SuggestedOrderTransactionKind", str)
  9838. }
  9839. return nil
  9840. }
  9841. func (e SuggestedOrderTransactionKind) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  9842. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  9843. }
  9844. type TaxExemption string
  9845. const (
  9846. TaxExemptionCaStatusCardExemption TaxExemption = "CA_STATUS_CARD_EXEMPTION"
  9847. TaxExemptionCaBcResellerExemption TaxExemption = "CA_BC_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9848. TaxExemptionCaMbResellerExemption TaxExemption = "CA_MB_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9849. TaxExemptionCaSkResellerExemption TaxExemption = "CA_SK_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9850. TaxExemptionCaDiplomatExemption TaxExemption = "CA_DIPLOMAT_EXEMPTION"
  9851. TaxExemptionCaBcCommercialFisheryExemption TaxExemption = "CA_BC_COMMERCIAL_FISHERY_EXEMPTION"
  9852. TaxExemptionCaMbCommercialFisheryExemption TaxExemption = "CA_MB_COMMERCIAL_FISHERY_EXEMPTION"
  9853. TaxExemptionCaNsCommercialFisheryExemption TaxExemption = "CA_NS_COMMERCIAL_FISHERY_EXEMPTION"
  9854. TaxExemptionCaPeCommercialFisheryExemption TaxExemption = "CA_PE_COMMERCIAL_FISHERY_EXEMPTION"
  9855. TaxExemptionCaSkCommercialFisheryExemption TaxExemption = "CA_SK_COMMERCIAL_FISHERY_EXEMPTION"
  9856. TaxExemptionCaBcProductionAndMachineryExemption TaxExemption = "CA_BC_PRODUCTION_AND_MACHINERY_EXEMPTION"
  9857. TaxExemptionCaSkProductionAndMachineryExemption TaxExemption = "CA_SK_PRODUCTION_AND_MACHINERY_EXEMPTION"
  9858. TaxExemptionCaBcSubContractorExemption TaxExemption = "CA_BC_SUB_CONTRACTOR_EXEMPTION"
  9859. TaxExemptionCaSkSubContractorExemption TaxExemption = "CA_SK_SUB_CONTRACTOR_EXEMPTION"
  9860. TaxExemptionCaBcContractorExemption TaxExemption = "CA_BC_CONTRACTOR_EXEMPTION"
  9861. TaxExemptionCaSkContractorExemption TaxExemption = "CA_SK_CONTRACTOR_EXEMPTION"
  9862. TaxExemptionCaOnPurchaseExemption TaxExemption = "CA_ON_PURCHASE_EXEMPTION"
  9863. TaxExemptionCaMbFarmerExemption TaxExemption = "CA_MB_FARMER_EXEMPTION"
  9864. TaxExemptionCaNsFarmerExemption TaxExemption = "CA_NS_FARMER_EXEMPTION"
  9865. TaxExemptionCaSkFarmerExemption TaxExemption = "CA_SK_FARMER_EXEMPTION"
  9866. TaxExemptionEuReverseChargeExemptionRule TaxExemption = "EU_REVERSE_CHARGE_EXEMPTION_RULE"
  9867. TaxExemptionUsAlResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_AL_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9868. TaxExemptionUsAkResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_AK_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9869. TaxExemptionUsAzResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_AZ_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9870. TaxExemptionUsArResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_AR_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9871. TaxExemptionUsCaResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_CA_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9872. TaxExemptionUsCoResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_CO_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9873. TaxExemptionUsCtResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_CT_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9874. TaxExemptionUsDeResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_DE_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9875. TaxExemptionUsFlResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_FL_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9876. TaxExemptionUsGaResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_GA_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9877. TaxExemptionUsHiResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_HI_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9878. TaxExemptionUsIDResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_ID_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9879. TaxExemptionUsIlResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_IL_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9880. TaxExemptionUsInResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_IN_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9881. TaxExemptionUsIaResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_IA_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9882. TaxExemptionUsKsResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_KS_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9883. TaxExemptionUsKyResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_KY_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9884. TaxExemptionUsLaResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_LA_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9885. TaxExemptionUsMeResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_ME_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9886. TaxExemptionUsMdResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_MD_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9887. TaxExemptionUsMaResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_MA_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9888. TaxExemptionUsMiResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_MI_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9889. TaxExemptionUsMnResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_MN_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9890. TaxExemptionUsMsResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_MS_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9891. TaxExemptionUsMoResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_MO_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9892. TaxExemptionUsMtResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_MT_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9893. TaxExemptionUsNeResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_NE_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9894. TaxExemptionUsNvResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_NV_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9895. TaxExemptionUsNhResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_NH_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9896. TaxExemptionUsNjResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_NJ_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9897. TaxExemptionUsNmResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_NM_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9898. TaxExemptionUsNyResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_NY_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9899. TaxExemptionUsNcResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_NC_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9900. TaxExemptionUsNdResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_ND_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9901. TaxExemptionUsOhResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_OH_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9902. TaxExemptionUsOkResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_OK_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9903. TaxExemptionUsOrResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_OR_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9904. TaxExemptionUsPaResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_PA_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9905. TaxExemptionUsRiResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_RI_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9906. TaxExemptionUsScResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_SC_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9907. TaxExemptionUsSdResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_SD_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9908. TaxExemptionUsTnResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_TN_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9909. TaxExemptionUsTxResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_TX_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9910. TaxExemptionUsUtResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_UT_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9911. TaxExemptionUsVtResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_VT_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9912. TaxExemptionUsVaResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_VA_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9913. TaxExemptionUsWaResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_WA_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9914. TaxExemptionUsWvResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_WV_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9915. TaxExemptionUsWiResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_WI_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9916. TaxExemptionUsWyResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_WY_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9917. TaxExemptionUsDcResellerExemption TaxExemption = "US_DC_RESELLER_EXEMPTION"
  9918. )
  9919. var AllTaxExemption = []TaxExemption{
  9920. TaxExemptionCaStatusCardExemption,
  9921. TaxExemptionCaBcResellerExemption,
  9922. TaxExemptionCaMbResellerExemption,
  9923. TaxExemptionCaSkResellerExemption,
  9924. TaxExemptionCaDiplomatExemption,
  9925. TaxExemptionCaBcCommercialFisheryExemption,
  9926. TaxExemptionCaMbCommercialFisheryExemption,
  9927. TaxExemptionCaNsCommercialFisheryExemption,
  9928. TaxExemptionCaPeCommercialFisheryExemption,
  9929. TaxExemptionCaSkCommercialFisheryExemption,
  9930. TaxExemptionCaBcProductionAndMachineryExemption,
  9931. TaxExemptionCaSkProductionAndMachineryExemption,
  9932. TaxExemptionCaBcSubContractorExemption,
  9933. TaxExemptionCaSkSubContractorExemption,
  9934. TaxExemptionCaBcContractorExemption,
  9935. TaxExemptionCaSkContractorExemption,
  9936. TaxExemptionCaOnPurchaseExemption,
  9937. TaxExemptionCaMbFarmerExemption,
  9938. TaxExemptionCaNsFarmerExemption,
  9939. TaxExemptionCaSkFarmerExemption,
  9940. TaxExemptionEuReverseChargeExemptionRule,
  9941. TaxExemptionUsAlResellerExemption,
  9942. TaxExemptionUsAkResellerExemption,
  9943. TaxExemptionUsAzResellerExemption,
  9944. TaxExemptionUsArResellerExemption,
  9945. TaxExemptionUsCaResellerExemption,
  9946. TaxExemptionUsCoResellerExemption,
  9947. TaxExemptionUsCtResellerExemption,
  9948. TaxExemptionUsDeResellerExemption,
  9949. TaxExemptionUsFlResellerExemption,
  9950. TaxExemptionUsGaResellerExemption,
  9951. TaxExemptionUsHiResellerExemption,
  9952. TaxExemptionUsIDResellerExemption,
  9953. TaxExemptionUsIlResellerExemption,
  9954. TaxExemptionUsInResellerExemption,
  9955. TaxExemptionUsIaResellerExemption,
  9956. TaxExemptionUsKsResellerExemption,
  9957. TaxExemptionUsKyResellerExemption,
  9958. TaxExemptionUsLaResellerExemption,
  9959. TaxExemptionUsMeResellerExemption,
  9960. TaxExemptionUsMdResellerExemption,
  9961. TaxExemptionUsMaResellerExemption,
  9962. TaxExemptionUsMiResellerExemption,
  9963. TaxExemptionUsMnResellerExemption,
  9964. TaxExemptionUsMsResellerExemption,
  9965. TaxExemptionUsMoResellerExemption,
  9966. TaxExemptionUsMtResellerExemption,
  9967. TaxExemptionUsNeResellerExemption,
  9968. TaxExemptionUsNvResellerExemption,
  9969. TaxExemptionUsNhResellerExemption,
  9970. TaxExemptionUsNjResellerExemption,
  9971. TaxExemptionUsNmResellerExemption,
  9972. TaxExemptionUsNyResellerExemption,
  9973. TaxExemptionUsNcResellerExemption,
  9974. TaxExemptionUsNdResellerExemption,
  9975. TaxExemptionUsOhResellerExemption,
  9976. TaxExemptionUsOkResellerExemption,
  9977. TaxExemptionUsOrResellerExemption,
  9978. TaxExemptionUsPaResellerExemption,
  9979. TaxExemptionUsRiResellerExemption,
  9980. TaxExemptionUsScResellerExemption,
  9981. TaxExemptionUsSdResellerExemption,
  9982. TaxExemptionUsTnResellerExemption,
  9983. TaxExemptionUsTxResellerExemption,
  9984. TaxExemptionUsUtResellerExemption,
  9985. TaxExemptionUsVtResellerExemption,
  9986. TaxExemptionUsVaResellerExemption,
  9987. TaxExemptionUsWaResellerExemption,
  9988. TaxExemptionUsWvResellerExemption,
  9989. TaxExemptionUsWiResellerExemption,
  9990. TaxExemptionUsWyResellerExemption,
  9991. TaxExemptionUsDcResellerExemption,
  9992. }
  9993. func (e TaxExemption) IsValid() bool {
  9994. switch e {
  9995. case TaxExemptionCaStatusCardExemption, TaxExemptionCaBcResellerExemption, TaxExemptionCaMbResellerExemption, TaxExemptionCaSkResellerExemption, TaxExemptionCaDiplomatExemption, TaxExemptionCaBcCommercialFisheryExemption, TaxExemptionCaMbCommercialFisheryExemption, TaxExemptionCaNsCommercialFisheryExemption, TaxExemptionCaPeCommercialFisheryExemption, TaxExemptionCaSkCommercialFisheryExemption, TaxExemptionCaBcProductionAndMachineryExemption, TaxExemptionCaSkProductionAndMachineryExemption, TaxExemptionCaBcSubContractorExemption, TaxExemptionCaSkSubContractorExemption, TaxExemptionCaBcContractorExemption, TaxExemptionCaSkContractorExemption, TaxExemptionCaOnPurchaseExemption, TaxExemptionCaMbFarmerExemption, TaxExemptionCaNsFarmerExemption, TaxExemptionCaSkFarmerExemption, TaxExemptionEuReverseChargeExemptionRule, TaxExemptionUsAlResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsAkResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsAzResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsArResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsCaResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsCoResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsCtResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsDeResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsFlResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsGaResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsHiResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsIDResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsIlResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsInResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsIaResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsKsResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsKyResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsLaResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsMeResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsMdResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsMaResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsMiResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsMnResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsMsResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsMoResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsMtResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsNeResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsNvResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsNhResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsNjResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsNmResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsNyResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsNcResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsNdResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsOhResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsOkResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsOrResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsPaResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsRiResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsScResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsSdResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsTnResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsTxResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsUtResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsVtResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsVaResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsWaResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsWvResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsWiResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsWyResellerExemption, TaxExemptionUsDcResellerExemption:
  9996. return true
  9997. }
  9998. return false
  9999. }
  10000. func (e TaxExemption) String() string {
  10001. return string(e)
  10002. }
  10003. func (e *TaxExemption) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  10004. str, ok := v.(string)
  10005. if !ok {
  10006. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  10007. }
  10008. *e = TaxExemption(str)
  10009. if !e.IsValid() {
  10010. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid TaxExemption", str)
  10011. }
  10012. return nil
  10013. }
  10014. func (e TaxExemption) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  10015. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  10016. }
  10017. type UnitSystem string
  10018. const (
  10019. UnitSystemImperialSystem UnitSystem = "IMPERIAL_SYSTEM"
  10020. UnitSystemMetricSystem UnitSystem = "METRIC_SYSTEM"
  10021. )
  10022. var AllUnitSystem = []UnitSystem{
  10023. UnitSystemImperialSystem,
  10024. UnitSystemMetricSystem,
  10025. }
  10026. func (e UnitSystem) IsValid() bool {
  10027. switch e {
  10028. case UnitSystemImperialSystem, UnitSystemMetricSystem:
  10029. return true
  10030. }
  10031. return false
  10032. }
  10033. func (e UnitSystem) String() string {
  10034. return string(e)
  10035. }
  10036. func (e *UnitSystem) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  10037. str, ok := v.(string)
  10038. if !ok {
  10039. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  10040. }
  10041. *e = UnitSystem(str)
  10042. if !e.IsValid() {
  10043. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid UnitSystem", str)
  10044. }
  10045. return nil
  10046. }
  10047. func (e UnitSystem) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  10048. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  10049. }
  10050. type WeightUnit string
  10051. const (
  10052. WeightUnitKilograms WeightUnit = "KILOGRAMS"
  10053. WeightUnitGrams WeightUnit = "GRAMS"
  10054. WeightUnitPounds WeightUnit = "POUNDS"
  10055. WeightUnitOunces WeightUnit = "OUNCES"
  10056. )
  10057. var AllWeightUnit = []WeightUnit{
  10058. WeightUnitKilograms,
  10059. WeightUnitGrams,
  10060. WeightUnitPounds,
  10061. WeightUnitOunces,
  10062. }
  10063. func (e WeightUnit) IsValid() bool {
  10064. switch e {
  10065. case WeightUnitKilograms, WeightUnitGrams, WeightUnitPounds, WeightUnitOunces:
  10066. return true
  10067. }
  10068. return false
  10069. }
  10070. func (e WeightUnit) String() string {
  10071. return string(e)
  10072. }
  10073. func (e *WeightUnit) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error {
  10074. str, ok := v.(string)
  10075. if !ok {
  10076. return fmt.Errorf("enums must be strings")
  10077. }
  10078. *e = WeightUnit(str)
  10079. if !e.IsValid() {
  10080. return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid WeightUnit", str)
  10081. }
  10082. return nil
  10083. }
  10084. func (e WeightUnit) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer) {
  10085. fmt.Fprint(w, strconv.Quote(e.String()))
  10086. }